Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction ❯ Mirror ❯ Chapter 1

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

~ Mirror ~

[ Disclaimer ] I don't own YnM or the song Iris, the last two poems belong to my half-sister.
[ Warnings ] Yaoi, Angst, Lemon, Death
[ Pairing ] Muraki x Tsuzuki

~And I'd give up forever to touch you
'Cause I know that you feel me somehow
You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be
And I don't want to go home right now~

Several candles flickered as the man walked past them, his movements purposeful as he walked down the aisle towards the figure who stood, or rather floated, at the end watching a couple candles, one of which was growing dim, but kept struggling to remain lit. The mask turned slightly to the man who stopped just a couple feet from him, violet eyes falling on the struggling flame of the candle silently for a moment before speaking. "I wish to ask you for another favor, Hakushaku-sama." Tsuzuki said quietly, eyes flickering once between looking over at the mask back to the candle.

"Another, Tsuzuki? You do realize one of these days I shall call to collect payment."

The only response this received was a slight wince and a faint nod. "Hai, I realize that. I wouldn't be here to ask if I didn't feel it was important though." Tsuzuki finally turned away from the candles to face the mask and gloves. "I wish to ask for another extension on a life, only for a short while of course. You can give me that much can't you?"

"Hai, will you assent to have tea with me a week from now if I give you this extension?" Another wince, and finally a nod. "Very well, who is it?"

"Muraki Kazutaka."

Silence filled the hall for several moments before the Earl turned his attention back to the struggling flame of the candle, it had grown slightly dimmer as they had spoke. In a couple more minutes no doubt it would go out despite the flame's struggles. "Why him Tsuzuki, after all that he has done?"

"I have reasons, I need to speak with him once more before it's no longer possible. I have something I need to let him know, it's important to me to do this." Tsuzuki glanced at the dying flame back to the mask, a slight pleading coming into the violet eyes. "Please, I just need to talk to him once more, if I don't I'll never be able to finally put this to rest. It won't harm anyone to give him this extension, he hasn't killed anyone since .. then, he's no longer a danger to the people around him and it's only for a little while."

The Earl turned his gaze from Tsuzuki to stare silently at the shrinking flame of the silver white candle. A soft sigh escaped. "Very well, Tsuzuki-san. Until you speak with him." he said quietly as the dying flame suddenly seemed to find a stability and grow a little stronger until it was no longer struggling to remain lit.

"Sankyuu, Hakushaku-sama." Tsuzuki murmured softly as he turned away from the floating mask and gloves, sparing once last glance at the candles he walked back down the aisle and left the castle to return to his mission.

~And all I can taste is this moment
And all I can breathe is your life
'Cause sooner or later it's over
I just don't want to miss you tonight

And I don't want the world to see me
'Cause I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am

And you can't fight the tears that ain't coming
Or the moment of truth in your lies
When everything feels like the movies
Yeah you bleed just to know you're alive~

He had finished his mission, Hisoka had returned to Juoucho to finish the paperwork left to close the case completely. As he turned onto the road that led to the church he sighed softly, the was no real reason to expect Muraki to be there. Just because he had been there both times he had last entered the church, didn't mean he'd be there now.

He jogged up the stairs and walked inside slowly, eyes running over the empty pews and over the alter and the empty aisle in front of it. He wasn't here, he had known it was a one in fifty chance, but had hoped it would have been successful. Turning away, he walked out the doors and down the stairs slowly not paying attention to his surroundings as he finished walking down the steps, his head bowed down in thought.

Something brushed against him and he looked up to see something silver white out of the corner of his eye. Stopping, he turned around and stared at the figure a couple steps up behind him, a silver eye was staring back at him through wire-rimmed glasses. He studied the doctor silently for a moment, the skin around the eyes was paler than he remembered it, Muraki's silver blonde hair falling over the false right eye didn't seem as healthy as it had been. He realized just how close Muraki was to death and how close he'd come to not being able to have this last chance to speak with the sensei.

He returned his gaze to the silver one above him and saw something begging for attention in them, a need in them, he nodded silently and watched as Muraki stepped down the couple stairs to stand with him at the base, his head bowed slightly. "Thank you, Tsuzuki-san." Muraki said softly as they moved away from the church, walking along back towards a hotel that Muraki apparently held a room in.

~Your heart is breaking clean in two,
There is nothing anyone can do.
Your soul becomes a lake of fire,
To hurt someone is your desire.

You then look up so silently,
Into the eyes of your enemy,
Instead of ugly mocking glares,
You see your pain reflected there.~

Muraki opened the door silently, stepping inside the room leaving the door open for him to follow. He stepped into the room and slid out of the trench coat silently before looking over to see Muraki standing in front of the large window a couple feet away, sans trench coat and suit jacket. He was looking out the window, one hand resting against the glass. Tsuzuki quietly walked towards him, studying the reflection in the glass. The doctor seemed lost and alone, two feelings he was very familiar with. He stopped behind Muraki, looking out the window over the white clad shoulder to the scenery below. There wasn't much out on the streets now that it was growing dark and he wondered what Muraki was watching with such intensity.

Deciding to break the doctor out of his thoughts, he closed the distance between them and wrapped his arms around the waist in front of him, resting his head on the shoulder. He felt the slight jump of muscles underneath his chin that was the only sign given that he had surprised Muraki and looked back up at the glass to look at the reflection still in it, meeting the reflection's eyes with his own. "You were right you know, we are very much alike. I didn't realize it until recently, but you were right." he said quietly.

He watched the eyes in the reflection close, and felt the muscles under him relax slowly against him. He lifted his head off Muraki's chin and drew his arms from where he had rested them, so he could step in front of the window to stand in front of Muraki. The silver eye not obstructed by silver bangs opened to look down at him, several different emotions running across the silver iris and elliptical pupil in the center.

Lifting a slim hand, he brushed the back of his fingers against one pale white cheek, causing the eyes to close again and a tear to run out the corner of the left to fall over the pale skin and onto his fingers. he lowered his hand and leaned forwards closing his own eyes to lightly brush his lips over the ones in front of him. He felt Muraki's surprise, the slight hesitation before he returned the soft kiss.

After a moment, he felt slim hands slide underneath the dark suit jacket, sliding it off his shoulders so that he could slip his arms from it. He opened his eyes to look at Muraki, whose eyes were lowered to dress shirt as the pale white fingers slowly undid the tie laying against it and then one by one the buttons that held it closed. A slight shiver rippled through his muscles and down his spine as he felt the hands slide under the shirt to push it gently off his shoulders and down his arms, warm lips coming to lay a soft kiss along one bared shoulder.

Tsuzuki smiled faintly at Muraki as he lifted his head from his shoulder to kiss him once more on the lips as his own fingers worked at the off-white tie around the sensei's neck, undoing the knot and sliding the tie off the shirt before carefully unfastening the buttons one by one until the open parted slightly to allow him to touch the skin beneath. Another kiss was given, this time with parted lips before he managed to he managed to slide the shirt off of the broad shoulders and down the pale arms.

The decline in Muraki's health was even more obvious here, with the doctor's ribs showing against the pale skin, but he ignored it for now, instead he repeated the kiss he had been given on the shoulder to Muraki's own shoulder before lifting his head to look at Muraki and followed his gaze towards the bed off to one side. Without speaking, they made their way over to it, discarding their shoes and the rest of their clothes on the way.

He laid down on the soft blue sheets, looking up as Muraki slid onto the bed sitting astride his hips and leaning down towards him to kiss his neck softly, and slowly trail down placing almost reverential kisses against his skin.

He heard Muraki whisper his name softly, and opened his eyes, slightly surprised to realize he didn't recall closing them due to the feelings running through him. He looked up to see Muraki leaning over him, the glasses gone now off of his face. He lifted up slightly to close the distance between the two of them and kissed him briefly on the lips once before moving to do the same to the jaw and neck, finally coming to an end at the collarbone at the base of his throat.

Lifting his eyes to look up at the silver ones above him, he smiled softly at them and wrapped his arms around the broad shoulders, letting Muraki support his weight as he returned to explore the white skin of the neck in front of him, trailing soft kisses down it slowly until he heard a faint sound it took him a couple moments to recognize as a purr deep in the doctor's chest. He smiled against Muraki's shoulder and laid back, loosening his hold around Muraki's shoulders.

He heard his name murmured again in query and felt the reason for it pressing into his stomach. He nodded, releasing his hold on Muraki's shoulders and waited as Muraki shifted to pick a bottle of lotion out of the night stand drawer and apply a small amount to his fingers before lying it aside and gently brushing his fingers over him, sending shivers down his spine once again.

He relaxed himself and gasped softly as he felt the entry of one of the slick finger into him. It took all his willpower not to move against it, and he stifled a faint moan as the second slid in to join it carefully. His remaining will shattered as the third gently entered and brushed against something inside that sent a wave of pleasurable heat up his spine and through his muscles. He moved down against the hand and whispered Muraki's name as he felt the fingers leave and something larger press against him.

Relaxing further as Muraki carefully entered him, he lifted his hands to lay against Muraki's chest, running his fingers slowly over the muscles in it and around to the ones in his shoulders as the doctor leaned down towards him, keeping himself still within him as he kissed him once more deeply on the lips. Lifting his legs, he wrapped them around the waist above him, and gave a small gasp as Muraki moved inside him, withdrawing and thrusting back into him slowly.

After several minutes of the slow rhythm, the pace increased as well as the pleasure shivering up his back, causing him to arch slightly upwards towards the older man. Muraki leaned down and once more began to kiss his neck and shoulders softly, causing the dual sensations to begin to push him towards a higher peak of pleasure, an abyss suddenly opening just out of reach. He wrapped his arms once more around Muraki's shoulders, pressing himself against the other man as he tightened his legs around Muraki's waist.

Another deep kiss, tongues sparring when he finally reached the edge to the wide abyss and fell over into it with a soft cry that was muffled by the kiss. He felt the slight hitch in the rhythm of thrusts and then the sudden increase in pace until Muraki suddenly stiffened slightly in his embrace and also fell into the deep chasm and released into him with a faint whisper of sound against his skin, that he realized was his name as they laid there still for the moment within each other's embrace.

He released his hold on both Muraki's hips and shoulders allowing the doctor to move off of him and turn to lay beside him silently. He turned on his side slowly to study him, the rise and fall of the pale chest evening out into a more steady breathing pattern as Muraki recovered from the climax. He moved closer to him, laying his head against Muraki's shoulder silently and let himself relax slowly until he had fallen into a light sleep.

~The flow of crimson tears fall
as you feel the pain better left unknown.
You pray to leave this endless life,
to disappear after this one last night.
The passion of darkness surrounds you and holds you tight.~

He woke laying on his side, a warm firm body behind him, holding him close. Turning over, he studied the pale face for a moment, the way the silver-blonde hair fell over the eyes, and the relaxed look around the closed eyes. The eyes opened to look across at him and he smiled softly at Muraki, watching as Muraki moved forwards, lightly kissing him on the lips and lingering slightly before lying back down on the bed. Something inside cried suddenly, surprising him for a moment before he realized what was wrong. He studied the doctor's pale face once more and then remembered. "It's almost time, Kazutaka.." he said softly, lifting one of his hands to brush the hair out of Muraki's face gently.

Muraki seemed to understand what he meant by the phrase because he closed his eyes briefly before looking back at him and responding. "Yes.. I know, Asato..." A small shiver ran through him and he watched Muraki watching him silently for a moment before speaking again softly. "You.. complete.. me. I always knew you would, ai shiteru.. Tsuzuki.." He reached forwards then and pulled Muraki into his arms, holding him against him as if by doing do he could postpone the inevitable. He didn't realize it until several minutes afterwards, but as he felt Muraki go limp against him in his arms he had begun crying into the silver hair beneath him.

Slowly though, he was able to force himself to release Muraki and get dressed, calling the person whose number was listed on a card within Muraki's wallet. He arranged for the man, Oriya, to take care of Muraki's funeral and his estate.

He was standing in front of the window, looking out at the street below when the man arrived and he nodded once in acknowledgement as he turned to leave the hotel room and return to Meifu.

Continue to Ending A

Continue to Ending B

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