Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction ❯ Mistletoe Conspiracy Plot ❯ part 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Mistletoe Conspiracy Plot

By Mikarin

continuation... from part 1

Standard disclaimer applies.


He screamed. He actually screamed and he sounded like a girl. How embarrassing! Face red, lungs trying to capture air and Tsuzuki on the floor, face flattened. Having just barely missed him Hisoka clung to the nearest thing that he had come in contact when he jumped out of the way.

At that moment, a pair of arms embraced him and...

Hisoka couldn't believe it, he screamed again. Again, his voice broke and he sounded even girlier that before. Feet off the floor, Watari had been the thing Hisoka had crashed against. And little wonder he thought it was a wall with that white coat on him. Watari had hugged him and kissed him on the forehead.

What for? He couldn't figure it out, until he stopped shaking and trying like hell to get away, complements of Tatsumi.

Tatsumi, who had heard his scream the first time and by the second time he had swung his door opened and rushed out in a controlled panic, not wanting to look like he had been thrown off his chair and accidentally run off the page he had been working on, inking across it a diagonal pattern and etching it on his desk.

Said pen still on hand, he slightly discomfited, was standing across from all of them.

"What's the problem?" His voice sounded neutral but firm and loud enough for all parties concerned to pay attention.

"Watari? What are you doing with Kurosaki? And Tsuzuki, what are you doing kissing the floor?"

The very disheveled shinigami on the floor, looked up to Tatsumi with a slightly unfocused and funny stare, tail wagging about in different directions.

To Hisoka he had been an incoming wolf the way he launch for him, when did he turn puppy?

"Watari put Kurosaki on the floor."

Hisoka, in very shaky legs, stood his ground once he came in contact with it.

"I expect all of you to be working, not lounging around. Tsuzuki find a better place if you need to nap. Although with the amount of work you have yet to turn in, you might as well set up camp in your office and not go home at all."

"Haaaaa, Tat- suumiii." He began to wail.

Now with his hands on his hips, he turned to Watari.

"Watari return to your lab, what are you doing here distracting Tsuzuki? He has a lot of work to do. And stop hanging those things all over the office. I expect it from Wakaba, Yuma and Saya, but not you."

As Tatsumi pointed up towards the door, Hisoka had the sinking feeling why he had been so suddenly attacked. And as he began to survey the entire office surroundings he noticed the tiny branches hanging above each threshold, arch and passage way. He gulped a knot that had formed in his throat. They were everywhere.

Tatsumi hadn't missed the look of terror and disbelieve in Hisoka and understanding sank in as he began to connect the dots. And felt movement not far behind.

"Stop where you stand." He turned around. Hisoka tried to look around him.

Saya and Yuma were slithering against the wall very quietly, holding a few of those little branches that innocently enough were giving Hisoka a run for his money.

And apparently gunning for Tatsumi as well.

Tatsumi approached them, having his shadows back away from the girls, and giving them a stern look that had them crouched and froze over, still glued to the wall.

"If you have nothing else to do here, I'll give you some work, but you will not, I repeat, will not come anywhere near my office while I'm still here. Is that clear?"

The girls nodded and the shadows completely disappeared.


"Aaah." Both girls screamed finding a new target for the moment.

"Hisoka is here." Pointed Saya at Suma, completely ignoring Tatsumi who still loomed over them.

"And he's so cute." Suma clutched her branches to her chest, making eyes at him.

"He even screams like a girl." Saya pointed out, to Hisoka's distress.

Hisoka was still cornered, flustered and red. Tsuzuki guarded the entrance to their office and Watari to his left. Branches everywhere. He tensed and squirmed where he stood, not even a window had been sacred. They had anticipated that desperate enough, he would opt to jump rather than be glomped by anyone to the ground. By now, they knew him too well.

Mustering all that was left of his sanity and self-control not to run screaming,... all that screaming again, rung in his head, he couldn't stop self-consciously playing it in his head. Wondering how to stop himself next time. There was no where to hide but one place.

He looked at Tatsumi and very seriously asked. "Tatsumi-san. May I please finish my work at your office." He did his best not to sound desperate and frightened. Like some other idiot that started whimpering at him the moment the words were out of his mouth.

Hisoka chose not to look, it would weaken his reserve. He felt it. It was happening more and more lately. The hurt and the pleading coming from Tsuzuki in shovels. He no doubt was doing his best award-winning 'wounded-puppy' look. Sending his waves back and forth between Hisoka and Tatsumi. See which one fell first. Hisoka closed his eyes and refused to look at him, strengthening his mental shields.

Tatsumi, preferred to pull his signature 'hand pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose', to block sight of Tsuzuki.

"You may." He turned around then felt the trepidation, as Hisoka still didn't know how to move. He turned around and walked over to him and reached toward the top of the door's threshold and removed the little, inconspicuous branch and sent it flying into the nearest trashcan.

"Wai- Tatsumi." Complained Watari who had been helping the girls with spreading the Christmas spirit around.

"Get your work." He directed Hisoka, avoiding Tsuzuki, like Hisoka was doing. It seemed to work. But he too could feel Tsuzuki and felt himself beginning to crumble. No, if he did then they wouldn't get any work done. No, they were in the red, again, no thanks to Tsuzuki. Remove the obvious and Tsuzuki is bound to follow.

Hisoka stepped with his workload into Tatsumi's office and dragged a chair across from Tatsumi, sat with his back to the door. Tatsumi purposely left his door opened. Inch by inch, Tsuzuki peered in to check on his partner who had began to diligently ignore him. Tatsumi smirked inwardly. Tsuzuki couldn't handle being separated from his younger partner any more than his sweets. They were his addiction and he craved them both with equal relish.

But where Kurosaki-kun to ever give into Tsuzuki's sweet tooth… Tatsumi was sure apple pie would be the last thing in his mind, for now it simply occupied the purple-eyes shinigami's mouth.

"Tsuzuki, if you drag your work to the desk outside my office, I'll let you keep us company." He said, and added with malicious intent. "If otherwise, you make a peep or begin slacking off distracting your partner and me," he emphasized. "I'll close the door and lock you out."


Tsuzuki diligently left and came back minutes later and arranged the nearest desk to Tatsumi's office and moved it to have a better view of his partner and Tatsumi. He will work. As much as it pained him to do it. Having a good view of Hisoka was worth it, even if Tatsumi was keeping a very close watch on him.

He shivered from had to toe as he sat down, knowing he was not allowed to make noise. Tatsumi will close the door and lock his precious partner with him, keeping Hisoka all to himself.

No. No. Tatsumi was evil. Five minutes after he began to work, he had also begun to forget the stern and clear warning. He was about to direct a question to Hisoka about where would he like to go for lunch when he met with Tatsumi's ice blue stare. Cutting him down before he began.

Hisoka was laughing inwardly. He could feel Tsuzuki squirming in his chair. Not knowing how to even start working but making an effort nonetheless, disgusted with himself at the torture of the situation. Sending daggers across to Tatsumi and pity emissions toward him.

Hisoka managed to finish within one hour. He was amazed at the amount of writing he managed to accomplished just by sitting with Tatsumi, quietly doing his work and Tsuzuki sitting outside with his mouth shut, but screaming inside, 'I hate you Tatsumi', 'Help me Hisoka'.

TBC... part 3 next

A/N: Awww... poor Tsuzuki...