Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction ❯ Mistletoe Conspiracy Plot ❯ part 15 ( Chapter 15 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Mistletoe Conspiracy Plot

By Mikarin

continuation... from part 14

Finally and update.
Unfortunately it’s really late. Sorry I’ve been gone for so long. Check out my LJ for my ranting, there will be more coming. I know it.


Tsuzuki groaned. He forgot. Head hanging low and summoning his perfected kicked-puppy, can’t find my owner, is raining cold outside.

(Let’s continue...)

Tatsumi headed out in search of a mop for Watari. He was going to make the blonde clean up his mess as punishment for attempting to cause quantifiable damages to the library. Konoe should technically still be in his office... technically.

As he stepped onto the office he realized with horror that in his absence many things had gone bad.

At least in his book, all that could go wrong had.

Predictably enough—brow twitching unconsciously...

His arms dropped and in his mental lapse files flooded the floor.

The office wasn’t ‘his’ office anymore.

The floor wasn’t ‘his’ floor.

Desks had been pushed aside against one wall. Chairs arranged to the sides and decorations of lights, evergreen and ribbons hanged from several places off the ceiling.

If ever anyone had been able to make Tatsumi gasp in horror, Watari was not here to see it and snap shots to later post on public bulletin board. In charge of all the commotion that was still going on were the twin devils.

He must have been frozen on the spot for over a minute before anyone noticed that he was there, glued to the floor, papers all around.

The office had been ‘defiled’.


“Gyah! Tsuzuki-san you’re not allowed here...EVER!” Gushoshin started flapping around trying to avoid him to step any further.

“But I can’t go,” he whimpered, dropping his head down and peering at one twin brother through his bangs where glimpses of pitiful gloomy eyes glisten with building tears.

“There’s no one left here,” came the other twin brother carrying his laptop around. “If you’re looking for your partner, he is no longer here.”

“But, but when— He didn’t come out.” Tsuzuki whined dropping his shoulders for further gloominess effect. “Can’t I go in and just take a quick look around?”

The older Gushoshin set his equipment down and emphatically said, “NO.” Despite the teary-eyed puppy eyes Tsuzuki displayed for emphasis.

Younger Gushoshin shook his feathers, “you know the rules Tsuzuki-san, and we will not allow you to go beyond this point. It was bad enough the last time you were allowed access. We were without a library for a year.”

“Not to mention, how hard it was to get the budget for it,” said older Gushoshin morosely. “Regardless, Tsuzuki-san, Hisoka-san is no longer here. I just came from checking around for disarray and aside from us, the library is now empty, and as of fifteen minutes ago, officially closed.” 

“Aah...eh?” Tsuzuki was about to throw himself into pleading tears when something caught his attention—officially closed?

“Gushoshin, are you closing for the holidays?” Tsuzuki asked somewhat surprised, scratching an ear in that endearing Tsuzuki fashion when he was confused or lost.

As far as he knew the library never closed unless... well, he had something to do with it. Or there was something of dire importance that required the twin set to work together in a case, although that too involved him. Tsuzuki frowned, his sector must have a hellmount or something, he and Hisoka attracted all the perverted weirdoes along with their bastardized plans for taking over their bodies and anything else they can try.

“We have to close,” said younger Gushoshin.

“That’s right; we’re very behind in our work.”

“No thanks to certain lazy people who can’t turn in their work on time.” Both Gushoshin were giving Tsuzuki evil glares.

“Ah, look at the time.” Tsuzuki checked his watch stepping back towards the entrance doors, “so I’ll see you at the party. I have to go find my partner now—ha-ha,” he stepped through the entrance and walked fast, just as the Gushoshin were about to launch into a list of complains regarding his increasing pile of late paper work from four to six months behind. Tsuzuki realized as he walked that if it weren’t for his angel of a partner, those months could easily be years. They had been years, actually. Even if Hisoka did use excessive methods—in occasion cruel and unusual—but sometimes Hisoka also took pity and took some of the workload for himself, inconspicuously of course.

“Ah-ha!” Tsuzuki stopped suddenly, a knowing smile finally brightening his eyes. The only place, other than the library Hisoka likes to hide from him is that rackety place he likes to call home. “Well Soka-chan, that’s not much of a hiding place,” Tsuzuki giggled like a fangirl with backstage passes to her favorite boyband, “not if you want to be found.”

Tsuzuki was nearly skipping and bouncing with happiness on his way to Hisoka’s home-sweet-home... and only Tsuzuki knew where Hisoka liked to hide his extra key, although only Tatsumi had been entrusted with such a secret, Hisoka had yet to know he knew. The precious times Tsuzuki had invited himself into Hisoka’s home, he’d crack a window open to convince his little partner into believing he’d accidentally left it open like it happened in the rare occasion. But what Hisoka doesn’t know (or suspect) won’t hurt him (unless he has proof), then it will hurt, a lot.

Tatsumi’s vein was popping out. Grinding his teeth together, he untwined the cord that hooked to the speakers on the karaoke machine. The Chief had long since stopped listening to Tatsumi and moved their conversation from work to songs. While behind him, arrivals from other departments were beginning to worm their way into their floor and one bottle of wine lay empty by a desk.

Someone started early.

Tsuzuki was missing, though. He had seen him and in fact reprimanded him for running in the halls, risking bodily injury to unsuspecting passers-by.

Fortunately, Watari was busy and away from the scene or else, accidents may have already tolled a few victims. This was such occasion that the unsuspecting victims from other departments made for fine test subjects, unsuspecting and able, unspoiled from consecutive try-outs at the hands of the local mad scientist. Who dose some drinks with his special recipe—like last’s end-of-the-week Golden Week where he introduced Sangria as a party starter. Five people changed to various shades of beet before the catalyst agent was found.

This time, Watari hadn’t had time to meddle in the food or drink. Attempting to break into the library had served to distract said blonde, who better be cleaning his mess if he wants to have a tenth of his share on the budget for his lab.

Tatsumi was still vague on why ‘they’—meaning his department—had to have a Christmas party when the end of the year party was the important one to celebrate the New Year, and that was usually an affair the Count at the Castle of Candles usually splurged on in order to grope as many tipsy pretty people he could in one night—much like his Sakura tea parties.

Fusing over fake garland greens and tripping over them, Tatsumi also came to the startling realization that not only had he been suckered into hooking up the karaoke system—found in a bargain sale and later refurbished by certain blonde—but that he hadn’t been the only one. Other—considerably tall men—had been ‘talked’ into hanging arrangements. He recognized a couple of men from the Health department. Watari’s talking, no doubt, laden with a heavy dose of Yuma and Saya’s flirting to secure willing cooperation.

Speaking of the twin devils... Had he not specifically said no cross-department parties? They were expensive. And on that matter, where were they? The noise, he noticed, seemed low-key. As opposed to their normally high voltage peeps and squeaks of energy spikes at random intervals.

He closed his eyes rubbing at the ping of pain right between his eyes as he thought of the mischief all his co-workers could so very easily slip into, willing or not...Yes, including Kurosaki, for he was at the barrel’s end of quite a few in his department alone.


Tsuzuki frown. It was far too quiet, even for his partner.

The interior of Hisoka’s bedroom felt cold and lonely. Tsuzuki even checked the bathroom. Right now a chill crept up his spine standing in such a cold floor.

It felt like such a ghost town... Did any one live here?

Tsuzuki swallowed a large block of ice and began to panic...

“Hisoka,” he called out.

Looking around Tsuzuki wondered if Hisoka wasn’t playing hide-and-seek...after all, he could be really antisocial. Partly, he could understand, partly, Tsuzuki also wanted Hisoka having a good time alongside him. There wasn’t anyone he’d rather share than with Hisoka, his favorite dessert—hot, cold, rich and sweet.

Tsuzuki was feeling seriously dejected.

Nothing under the bed, the closet, the cupboards were near empty and the fridge, not even a pudding cup.

He dropped to his knees wailing through walls and scrapping the tips of his toes against the floor.

“Hi-so-ka-chaaan, how meeean! Cooome baack!”

He ran a hand through his hair pushing his bangs out of his eyes. Just where had Hisoka chosen to hide?

“Where are you Soka-chaaan?!”

Tsuzuki’s plea went unanswered with his voice echoing through the small home.

Hisoka hated any kind of social gatherings, it made him feel overwhelmed and tired, all those emotions although happy were often amplified by alcohol, and while he could tolerate the happy emotions now after being partnered with Tsuzuki for a while, they could still tax him, especially where a drunken Tsuzuki and Watari in karaoke night could be found.

Tsuzuki sat on the middle of Hisoka’s kitchen... prying his head open for a clue to where the next best hiding place for Hisoka could be...

TBC... part 16 next

A/N: A warning--I personally am not happy with this chapter. But this is just me. I have stared at it enough and still don’t know how else to put it out. I’m going to chuck it up to necessary evil and learn to live with it.
I’ve been having a very interesting year, too much work.
I have no clue when I’ll actually finish this story. I have a number of others I’ve been simultaneously working on, and I’m just hoping I’ll finish this one so I can post the others.
Unless I finish one of the others before this one. Which I have, just check out my LJ, my site or AFF.net, can’t post it here at MM.org due to it’s lemonny goodness.

Chapter 16 coming next...also another miracle.