Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction ❯ Muraki's Poker Game ❯ Muraki Wins the Night ( One-Shot )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Yami No Matsuei. If I did, I would have Muraki with Tsuzuki in a heart beat.
Warnings: Yaoi, and underage mention of sex.
Summary: AU. What happens if Muraki said 'no' to Hisoka's challenge of a game in poker? What would happen to Tsuzuki and his deal with Muraki? From the TV series, between episodes seven and eight. One-shot.
Notes: I was watching the series and I thought, "Hey, no one has every wrote a fanfiction about if Muraki said no to Hisoka." So, I got this idea and decided to write it. Please tell me what you think about it. Thanks.

Chapter One: Muraki Wins the Night

Muraki approaches Tsuzuki in slow movements as he thinks, "He will be mine tonight. I no longer can wait for my dear Mr. Tsuzuki." Muraki slowly pushes his body against the unwilling guardian of death and slowly drops down to steal a kiss, but decides to attack Tsuzuki's neck with his talented tongue. He feels the one who he has waited for tense up from the touch and thinks, "This one night, you will scream for me." He softly whispers in Tsuzuki's ear before taking the ear lobe into his mouth, "I will make you scream for more pleasure. Oh, how long I have waited for you, my dear Mr. Tsuzuki."

Tsuzuki shivers and mumbles, "I will never scream for you, Muraki." He closes eyes in defeat and hopes the night will go by quickly or that somehow someone will save him. He raises his arms to place them on Muraki's well-tone chest. Tsuzuki thinks, "Well, he isn't tormenting me right now. It feels nice." He shakes his head and thinks, "What the hell was I thinking? Muraki is the one who killed Hisoka and he is a murderer. Stop feeling like he is your date."

Hisoka's voice rings through, "How about a game of poker, Doctor? If I win, you leave the dealer off."

Muraki looks at Hisoka with disgust and looks back at his favorite doll. He stands up straight and turns to glare at Hisoka while responding, "I do not think so, boy. Mr. Tsuzuki is mine tonight and I will not let anyone in the way." Muraki knows that the boy will do anything to get his dear partner out of this situation and that Mr. Tsuzuki will not follow him to his room. He turns to Tsuzuki and smiles while stating in a low tone, "Unless you wish to trade places with Mr. Tsuzuki, I will not play along." Muraki watches Tsuzuki's face turn to fear and angry for his young partner.

Tsuzuki yells, "Leave him out of it, Muraki! I will do what I promised! Hisoka has nothing to do with our deal!" He looks at Hisoka and thinks, "Sorry, Soka, but I won't let Muraki have you." Hisoka gives him a question look and leans against the wall.

Hisoka didn't think that Muraki would say no. He was sure that Muraki would take up his challenge to a poker game. He states in a low tone, "You can't go with Muraki. You know what he will do to you."

Tsuzuki shrugs his shoulders to his partner and looks at Muraki as he resorts, "Whenever you are ready, Muraki." If looks could kill, Muraki would not be standing there grinning from ear to ear.

Muraki takes a hold of Tsuzuki's hand and whispers into his ear, "That is why I love you so much, my dear Mr. Tsuzuki." Muraki sees the fear in his favorite doll's eyes and he has to move along with a quicker pace. As he walks by Hisoka, he whispers, "Do not worry, boy. He will come to you in one piece."

Hisoka watches them walk away and thinks with dread in his heart, "I hope you will be able to come back to me the same, Tsuzuki." He soon leaves to head back to his room with anger in his eyes.

Muraki walks into his cabin with an unwilling partner while asking, "Would you like some wine, Mr. Tsuzuki?" He watches closely as Tsuzuki tenses up to see the roses on the table and his favorite china doll. Muraki is trilled to have the one he has lusted after since the time he saw him for the first time. He thinks while watching Tsuzuki's eyes wonder, "His perfect body will be mine tonight and that will end this lust I have for him."

Tsuzuki observes the room and thinks, "This is it. All I have to do is endure this one night and it will be over." He looks over at Muraki to see lust filled eyes watching his every movement and cannot stop the shivers run down his spine. In all his life and afterlife, he has never had sex alone with another man. Tsuzuki yelps when he feels Muraki pin him against the wall, "Stop! Please, Muraki." He closes his eyes and begs his enemy with a sad voice, "Please. I... I have never done this."

Muraki leans down to kiss Tsuzuki's neck once again and smiles. He whispers softly in Tsuzuki's ear, "There is a first time for everything, my dear guardian of death and I promise you that you will enjoy this." He watches as Tsuzuki's eyes widen with fear and something else he can't place his finger on. He takes Tsuzuki's hand and walks him to the bed. He slowly takes Tsuzuki's vest off and watches Tsuzuki with excitement. He has never known anyone that excites him in this manner. He slowly lies his one night lover on the bed. Muraki asks himself, "Why am I being kind to this man? I should just throw him down and take him before he can get a plan to escape me." Slowly climbing on top of his guardian of death, Muraki whispers, "I have waited so long for you, my dear Mr. Tsuzuki." Running his hand down Tsuzuki's clothed body, Muraki states, "My dear Asato, I promise to blow your mind."

Tsuzuki tenses up when he feels Muraki's hand run over his body and when the same man calls him by his first name. No one has ever touched him like Muraki has alone called him by that name. Tsuzuki turns his head with shame when Muraki's touches his bulge that has formed from the madman's touches, he whimpers, "Please, stop. Muraki, I begging you to let me go." He looks over to see Muraki's unreadable expression and all the dread is showing in his eyes.

Muraki slowly undresses his lover and stares at him hungrily while stating, "Perfect. Such beauty only belongs to you, Asato." Feeling Tsuzuki tense up once again, he leans down and whispers into Tsuzuki's ear, "Do you not like me calling you by your first name? Relax and enjoy, Asato." Unbuttoning his own shirt to show Tsuzuki his well-tone chest and stomach, Muraki rubs his clothed erection against Tsuzuki's naked one. Hearing Tsuzuki grasp and moan, Muraki leans more into Tsuzuki while whispering, "Did you enjoy that, Asato?"

Tsuzuki could not believe how one touch like that would make him crazy. Every nerve in his body was on fire by the way Muraki was touching him. He never knew what it was like to be with someone. His morals went out the door as soon as Muraki run his finger up and down his length. Tsuzuki buckles up to Muraki's touch and whimpers, "Please."

Muraki leans up and asks, "Please what?"

Tsuzuki looks up at this madman and trying to figure out what he wants. He asks himself, "What do I want? Am I asking Muraki to let me go or am I asking him to continue?" He leans up and kisses Muraki with the same force that Muraki used only minutes ago. Tsuzuki understands what it means to feel lust at this very minute. All thoughts about Hisoka are long gone and Tsuzuki only wants Muraki to fill his need.

Muraki stands up and chuckles at the protest Tsuzuki gives him. He shakes his head and states in a low tone, "Be patient, my dear Asato. You will get what you want soon enough." Taking off his pants and letting them hit the ground, he watches Tsuzuki eye him up hungrily while thinking, "Yes, that is it." He slowly climbs back on top of Tsuzuki and rubs his now unclothed erection against Tsuzuki to hear the beautiful moans coming from his mouth. Leaning down, Muraki blushes his lips against soft lips. He licks the lower lip to get excess to Tsuzuki's mouth and Tsuzuki parts his mouth slowly. Muraki drives his tongue right into Tsuzuki's mouth to taste the sweetness that only this guardian of death has. It could being addictive if he didn't stop. Muraki leans up and pants out, "Delicious."

Tsuzuki is only thinking one thing and that is how to get Muraki to take him. He doesn't understand why he wants his enemy inside him but he knows he does. Tsuzuki looks over Muraki's fine body to see the pale skin and well-built body that only a runner or a swimmer could gain. He asks in a low tone without thinking to much on the question, "Do you swim or run a lot?" Muraki leans up to give Tsuzuki a confuse look. He explains without thinking to much what he is revealing to his worst enemy, "Well, you have the body of a runner or a swimmer. So, I want to know if you do that."

Muraki chuckles at what he just heard from those beautiful lips. Tsuzuki tilts his head to the side to figure out why Muraki is laughing at him. Leaning down next to Tsuzuki's ear, Muraki blows on it and feels Tsuzuki shiver against his warm body. He is losing his control and wants to fuck the guardian senseless.

Tsuzuki shows his impatience by buckling his hips and mumbling, "Please, Muraki."

Muraki stares down at his favorite doll and wishes he can have him forever. Slowly kissing down the perfect body that Muraki has lusted after, Muraki darts his tongue out against the silt of the head of Tsuzuki's manhood. Hearing the moans coming from his lover, he continues teasing him with kissing the inside of Tsuzuki's thighs.

Tsuzuki thoughts are going into a haze while his purple eyes clouds over with lust. He can't take much more of Muraki's teasing and begs his enemy slash lover, "Please. More. Please, I can't take your teasing."

Muraki looks up to see the purple eyes he adores clouded with lust and hungry, he replies with a huskily voice, "Very well, my dear Asato." Slowly he bends his head down to take Tsuzuki's hardened cock into his mouth, he thinks while hearing his lover moan for him to continue, "He is mine. Asato is mine and mine alone. No one else will ever have him." Muraki puts his hand on top of Tsuzuki's hips to keep him from buckling up.

Tsuzuki is losing his mind to the pleasure that is inflicted on him, he yells out to his lover, "More! Deeper! Muraki!" He feels his toes curl up and he feels his almost there. He closes his eyes from the burning sensation of the pleasure that he is feeling. His eyes open up when Muraki stops from giving him a blow job.

Muraki stares at the beauty before his eyes and whispers, "Now, the real fun begins, my dear guardian of death." He grabs a small bottle from the night stand next to the bed and opens the bottle to pour a small amount onto his fingers. He spreads Tsuzuki's legs apart and slowly slides his finger inside Tsuzuki's entrance.

Tsuzuki hisses in pain and feels his muscles tighten around Muraki's finger. He cries out, "Stop, it hurts."

Muraki rubs Tsuzuki's stomach with his free hand while whispering into his ear, "Relax. It will only hurt more if you do not relax." Slowly he feels Tsuzuki relax, Muraki slowly slides in another finger and moves them in scissors motions to stretch him out to fit something much larger. When, Muraki feels that Tsuzuki is ready he removes his fingers and watches Tsuzuki moves his hips towards his fingers. He leans down and kisses the guardian of death with passion while slowly thrusting into him.

Tsuzuki feels like he is being ripped into two when Muraki thrusts into him. His hands shoots up and grabs Muraki's arms. The pain is unreal to Tsuzuki and he wonders how anyone would enjoy this. Muraki stills inside him and Tsuzuki asks, "Why did you stop?" He just want the pain to stop and feel the pleasure he was feeling a minute ago.

Muraki mumbles against his neck, "You have to get used to me, Asato. Tell me when you feel you are ready." Tsuzuki nods his head to him and Muraki pulls out to the tip of his head at the entrance and thrusts right back into Tsuzuki.

Tsuzuki moves his hips to meet Muraki's thrusts and feels like he is in heaven with all the waves of pleasure running through his body. He moans out, "Mur...aki." He feels Muraki's hands wrap around his length and throws his head back for Muraki to leave bite marks over his neck. The thrusting is faster and he can tell that Muraki is almost done. He yells out his lover's name when he cums over Muraki's stomach and his own, "Muraki!"

Muraki feels the tightened muscles around his length and cums soon after Tsuzuki calls out his name. Pulling out of Tsuzuki, Muraki collapses on top of him to catch his breath. When his heart beat slows down to a normal pace, Muraki asks, "Did I blow your mind, Mr. Tsuzuki?"

Without thinking to much of who is lying next to him, Tsuzuki answers, "Yeah." He slowly closes his eyes to dream about this mind blowing night he just had with his enemy. When his eyes open, the sun shines through the window and Muraki lying next to him. He sits straight up and hurries to get his clothes back on even though his back and rear are in pain. He runs out of the cabin without thinking to see if Muraki is still asleep. He walks into the shared cabin with Hisoka to see his partner staring at him with worry in his eyes. Tsuzuki takes a seat on the bed while stating, "Sorry."

Hisoka is surprised to see Tsuzuki in one piece and no emotion down fall. He tilts his head to the side and tries his empathy to feel Tsuzuki's emotions of what happened last night. He silently was hoping that Muraki did not take his partner, but he was wrong and Muraki did take Tsuzuki. Hisoka asks while turning his head to the side, "How are you feeling, Tsuzuki?"

Tsuzuki lies down on the bed and looks at the ceiling while replying, "Fine. To be honest, I never thought Muraki would be that kind or gentle with me." He turns to stare his partner and feels guilt for sleeping with Muraki, the man who raped and murdered his partner.

Hisoka gives him an angry look before yelling, "Stop that! I can feel your damn emotions all the way over here! You can't change what he did to me! So, stop blaming yourself for it!" He silently hated the fact that Muraki had Tsuzuki alone that Tsuzuki just hinted that he enjoyed it. Shaking his head, he reply, "Don't worry about it Tsuzuki. Muraki is just Muraki and nothing we can do about it." Watching Tsuzuki give him a small smile, he thinks, "You will pay for this, Muraki. I swear it." Two hours later both Hisoka and Tsuzuki find out that Muraki was murdered.

Tsuzuki looks down at the body and whispers, "Muraki." He has no idea what he is feeling right now. He can never say he loves this madman. It must be lust he feels for him. Tsuzuki leans down and kisses Muraki on the lips while stating, "Thank you, Muraki."