Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction ❯ My Perfect ❯ Prologue

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title // My Perfect
Author // Feros
Warning // Yaoi / Shounen-ai / Slash insinuations. Some spoilers.
Disclaimer // Sadly, I own nothing.
Rating // PG-13
Pairing // Muraki x Tsuzuki (er...kind of?)
Other Info // Muraki musing on Tsuzuki and his growing obsession with him.
POV // Muraki
Part // Part 1 of 1

My Perfect

You were beautiful when I first saw you. Like an angel come to my aid. The church's atmosphere had almost made it seem like you were an angel at the time. I was struck breathless, for once in my life, at the sight. You may not be an angel in the usual sense, but you were an answer to my prayers.

It's odd, though, that any god would grant me my prayers after the things I've done. Not that I'm complaining.

When I first saw you I didn't realize how perfectly tailored you were to my needs. I thought you were a pretty face and nothing more. A temporary feast for my eyes, beautiful face and beautiful hair. How wrong I was. In addition to having that beautiful hair and stunning eyes your body was perfect. More than simply perfect. It seemed to call to me in two ways. Your body was perfect to make me desire you, as you may have noticed. Your body was perfect to finally enact the long-delayed revenge I'd been denied.

Perfect, beautiful Tsuzuki. I call you my 'beloved', in truth that's not entirely correct. You're my 'perfect', my 'realization to a dream'--neither title makes for a good pet name, though. So I call you 'beloved' even though there is no love in what I feel for you. I desire you; I have plans for you; but I do not love you. Love is a waste. Lust is entirely different.


I rarely have an emotion that seems to build up in me, eating away at me. I'm in perfect control of myself. Everytime I see those beautiful, inhuman violet-purple eyes, though, the want grows.

How amusing. I'm used to having complete control over my body. Actually, I *am* always in control of my body. Still, though, you're the first real temptation to come along.

And I'd almost had you on that night before I was 'murdered'. How disappointing.

That boy, though, interfered. A rather sad end to our game. Did he collect on the winnings of the bet, Tsuzuki? If so, I suppose, I'm a little jealous. I'm a very possessive person, you might have guessed.

And I view you as a possession. Mine.

I would love to feel your lips beneath mine. I want to feel how you'd strain against me. Your perfect skin against my hands. Would you think about that boy even as I heated that perfect body with my kisses?

I doubt it.

Or perhaps that's my ego coming through?

It doesn't matter.

I do hope I have another chance to play with you before I realize my dream, perfect Tsuzuki. I believe I would enjoy it very much. And perhaps this time that boy won't interfere if we happen to make another bet.

That, too, is quite amusing to me. You would have given yourself over to me, Tsuzuki, because you had lost. You're the type of man who'd rather die than break his word. I knew that before I made the bet with you. I knew you would lose and I knew you would keep your end of the bargain. If not for our interruption, that is.

If luck is with me, we may find time to continue where we left off, Tsuzuki.

Until then, my perfect.

Author's Note // I guess I've always been a fan of the insane ones. I also tend to support a Tsuzuki x Muraki pairing (semi-unwilling, of course) than a Hisoka x Tsuzuki pairing (too cute, I guess). I suppose my friends are right and I am a sadist at heart.