Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction ❯ My Purgatory ❯ Arising Suspicion ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter Two

Arising Suspicion

Blood was assorted everywhere, but nearly as much as the boy's screams were. He was terrified, fear stricken; selfish, unworthy hands reached for him. Shivers engulfed his form for anxiousness of escape was evident. But there was no escaping this vicious fate as those cold, menacing hands...

I was startled from my sleep. The plaguing thoughts were too numerous to count. This was yet another night, I was reminded of my crime. Though I was not there, my dreams had forced me to relive Tsuzuki's memories. I had touched him plenty of times and was warped into his thoughts, but this was different. These dreams have been too realistic for just dreams. Once I had woken up, I'd feel as if I had done those horrible things. Shaking myself from these thoughts, I had realized I was engulfed in a cold sweat all over. The sheets were damp with perspiration. "Tsuzuki..." I muttered sitting up and not seeing the usually tired brunet. Suddenly a rattle of pots and pans could be heard from the kitchen. Of course, Tsuzuki would be up making delectable sweets for breakfast. I snickered at that occurrence and pushed back the constricting covers to climb out of bed. The racket had faded when I tip-toed down to the kitchen. Oddly, Tsuzuki hadn't noticed my presence and was fiddling with his neck. I snuck up closer for a better view. I suspected he had been looking for a bandage since there was a dark red circle of skin at the nape of his neck. "What's that?" I asked, startling him. He nearly jumped as his hands flew over to cover the mark.

"H-Hisoka! I didn't know you were up yet." Tsuzuki stuttered nervously. That stroked me as odd; Tsuzuki should expect me to wake up early. I leaned closer to him and inspected the neck.

"What is that?" I asked, giving a suspicious look. My curiosity was only heighten as Tsuzuki flinched when I reach for it.

"It's nothing, honest." He replied shakily. I figured something must be up since Tsuzuki would normally never hide things from me. Glaring at him sternly, I lunged forward and snatched his hand away to view the mark. I could sense his fear as my emerald eyes widened. "Hisoka, it's nothing!" He insisted trying to slip away, but I am securely held him in place.

I was familiar with this mark, but I can't recall ever leaving it. "Tsuzuki, who did this?" I asked sharply. I was sure I hadn't gave Tsuzuki a hicky. I remember clearly returning home after seeking with the council and climbing straight into bed with Tsuzuki already there. Then who had done this.

But when I had asked the question, Tsuzuki stiffened and looked at me surprisingly. His own startled purple eyes perplexing me. "What do you mean, Hisoka? You did." He informed me.

"Don't lie to me!" I demanded, steaming with hearing such a false statement. I can't dare to imagine Tsuzuki would make up a story to cover his tracks. "I would definitely remember if I did this to you." I said fiercely. There was only a brief moment of silence as Tsuzuki had returned to his thoughts. Most likely he would be thinking up another lie to tell, since this once was obviously not working. I opened my mouth to speak just when the phone hand rang. I growl viciously at stared daggers toward it. "Now why does everyone like to call in the morning." I hissed, angrily grabbing the receiver. "Yes?!" My tone was harsh and cold, causing Tsuzuki to jump at the sound of it.

"Hisoka, we need you both down here." I heard Tatsumi's brief voice say in a worry. Something was terribly wrong. First the thing with Muraki now this. Without much explaining, Tatsumi gave me directions to his location and I hung up.

"What was that about?" Tsuzuki asked, momentarily forgetting the situation we had before hand.

"There has been a murder." Bluntly I said. "Get dressed." I left the room in a souring anger, I would just have to deal with Tsuzuki later.

When we arrived at the crime scene there was an ominous crowd gathered, among them was Tatsumi and Watari. We eagerly approached them to get a better look at what had happened. A lifeless corpse laid in a mutilated position upon the sidewalk. It was a young male, probably attending high school. His limbs were every which way, twisted in places you could not imagine. His mouth agape with large auburn eyes staring toward where his killer might have been standing. It was a terrifying site, his blood splattered across the ground and staining his face and his opened chest.

"We haven't found the weapon yet." Tatsumi stated calmly as he lead us farther in. "It just happen late last night."

I stared at the bloody form and trembled in a sudden awkwardness. This scene felt somehow familiar to me, like I had been here before. I think I have been to the area only a couple times before, but never enough to describe it. I turned to Tsuzuki and he had the same sickened expression, his face pale with fear.

"Tsuzuki." Tatsumi's serious tone drew both our attentions. "May I speak with you alone?" He asked. Tsuzuki merely looked at me and followed after Tatsumi. I wondered why he would need to speak with Tsuzuki, but not in front of me. Did it involve me? I quietly followed behind them, making sure to stay out of sight so that they could not see me.

"Yes, Tatsumi." Tsuzuki said lightly, looking at the other man with curiosity.

"I was informed earlier about something involving Hisoka. I would like you to keep a closer eye on him." Tatsumi warned, remembering what was discussed in the meeting yesterday. He was sure there would be signs of Muraki where ever Hisoka was going to be.Tsuzuki nodded his head in agreement. The dark hair brunet suddenly leaned forward and turned Tsuzuki's head to the side.

I was heated with an acute anger as he was touching Tsuzuki in such a manner and getting so close to him. But I suddenly noticed he was looking at the very problem I had noticed this morning as well. "What is this?" He asked, looking at the redden mark with revenge evident in his eyes. It was clear that he knew exactly what it was, but he was interested in hearing of what Tsuzuki would make it out to be.

"Oh, I was just bit by a bug." Tsuzuki lied calmly, though his smile was a dead give away. I thought of him to be very stupid for telling such a lie. We all knew any wounds down to a Shinigami would not last very long. And something as trivial as a bug bite would never leave a mark. But I could at least be satisfied with knowing the one to leave that mark on Tsuzuki was not Tatsumi. I would hate to have to kill a co-worker.

Tatsumi chuckled softly at hearing Tsuzuki explanation. "Tell Hisoka to go easier on you." He replied friendly, though I could sense a hidden anger within him. I knew from my welcome back party that Tatsumi was over protective and affectionate of Tsuzuki. But he shouldn't feel hostile about knowing anything that goes on outside of work. Damn it, Tsuzuki was mine! So he better get to steppin.

As we got back home, Tsuzuki hadn't wasted any time to strike up another conversation, which in my opinion was not a great topic. "Hisoka, where did you go last night?" He asked softly, as if he were afraid that I would lash out at him again. "After we went to bed." He added, making sure I wouldn't mention going out by Watari's call.

"I didn't leave last night. I came straight home and went to bed. I never woke up after that." I answer truthfully, as far as I knew Tsuzuki was making everything up.

His amythesist eyes winced in thought as if what I had said hurt him. His head lowered, his gaze no longer meeting me. "But Hisoka...when I woke up in the middle of the night you were gone." He muttered sorrowfully.

He no longer spoke of it the rest of that night. We had spent the entire day in silence, contemplating what was seriously wrong with the other. Tsuzuki suspected me of leaving late last night, and I suspected him of being with another man or woman. And neither of us seemed to be interested in clearing this stuff up.

So when it was near time for both of us both to seek rest, we had trouble discussing anything at all. I lingered in my thoughts before I could even close my eyes. but that didn't seem to be a problem for Tsuzuki. Only fifteen minutes after his head touched the pillow was he consumed in a deep trance-like sleep. With someone this vulnerable it seemed nearly impossible to take him seriously. It could just as easily been said that Tsuzuki had been dreaming up the whole thing. Because I am very sure I did not leave in the middle of the night.


There was a breif shifting of weight along the bed, as Tsuzuki stirred in his sleep. For the second time, Tsuzuki was awakened by the odd silence that came when you were alone. Blindly looking through the darkness, Tsuzuki turned to where Hisoka would normally be seeping. But when he felt for the other, there was no longer anyone beside him. "Hisoka?" He sat up and hysterically tried to see through the pitch black. How could such a thing happen for the second time. Tsuzuki pulled back the covers and roamed through the empty room, flipping on the lights. The room lite up in an offense brightness that first blinded him.

"Looking for me?" I chuckled amusingly from behind Tsuzuki. And as suspected the other jumped with a gasp.

"Hisoka, don't scare me like that!" He yelled, beginning to whine. I hadn't thought I was that scarey.

"I merely wanted to teach you a lesson." I said, walking back to the bed. "You are paranoid." I mentioned, slipping back beneath the covers. But my words hadn't calmed Tsuzuki he still looked fearful as ever. He still crawled back into bed, but seeming to be unsure of what to say on my behalf.

"Please, don't do that." He begged.

"Why because you are suppose to be keeping an eye on me?!" I snapped back. Shock was lucid on Tsuzuki's face, as he finally figured I had been listening in on his talk with Tatsumi. "Well you don't have to worry. I didn't leave last night and I am not leaving tonight." Grumpily, I pulled the covers over my head and waited for sleep to come.

"Alright..."Tsuzuki murmured sheepishly as he also slipped beneath the covers and tried to rest again. He was probably hoping that he could find truth in my words. But what was there to doubt, I was going nowhere.


And Tsuzuki had a right to but cautious, for the second time he awoke at the sound of movement, he found Hisoka gone once more. "Hisoka stop playing!" He yelled, sitting back up. "I get it, I will stop worrying." He whined, to deaf ears. There was no response in the darkness as he sat there waiting. He figured Hisoka must be taking it to the next level, but he would no longer fall for his tricks. Tsuzuki upsettingly laid back down and pretended to sleep until Hisoka would return to bed, angry that his trick did not work. Unfortunately Tsuzuki laid there pretending for over an hour now, and yet Hisoka had still not returned to bed. "You lied." He whispered timidly to himself, desperately wishing the other was still at his side.

A/N:Yay, I finally got this chapter done, and I've very anxious to starting on the next. But I am really sorry for the long wait, I guess this goes in world record for longest writer's block ever,lol. But no more, I'll update soon. I'm looking forward to reviews, so please do. And just to point out, all of you should be very very suspicious of Hisoka, the little devil,lol. I feel so sorry for Tsuzuki they haven't even told him about Muraki yet.