Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction ❯ My Purgatory ❯ The Struggle To Compete ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter Six
The Struggle To Compete

I had literally gone out of my mine with dread. After finding Tsuzuki missing, I had started my search in the only places I thought he would be. Whenever Tsuzuki was depressed or needed some sort of comfort, his only friend was the sweets he loved so much. But every bakery and restaurant I went to said they hadn't seen my brunet friend. That alone was pretty hard to believe when he was known for visiting at least one store before the day was through.

So I ventured out to all the parks, maybe he would be sulking among the benches and pigeons or even talking with some children. All my hopes were dashed down as each and every park was void of my amethyst eyed lover. I had long ago knew I was a pretty bad searcher, if not for Watari and Tatsumi's help I wouldn't have been able to find anything related to our investigations.

That's it!

Watari, Gushoushin or Tatsumi had to have seen Tsuzuki somewhere. Though Watari was accustomed to staying in his office and laboratory, while Tatsumi was just plain dull and content with doing paper work. Though both didn't sound like liable candidates in helping me, it was the best I could do in such short time. Kami knows Tsuzuki could get into loads of trouble in such a short amount of time. The male was practically walking with a kick me sign on his forehead every morning.

With full intentions of getting help from the others, my first person to visit was Tatsumi. He was more likely to have seen Tsuzuki since he leaves the office on more occasions than the others. I race over to his house, ignoring all of the surprised faces I run past. I could hardly care that they thought I was rude, I only had one reason for being out here and if I didn't know where he was, then I might as well be crazy.

I was suddenly stopped at an intersection as cars passed by. I anxious stared across the road. If Tatsumi left home before I got there, it would be unfortunate, but not a complete lost if he hadn't seen Tsuzuki. Without warning I was sure that he knew Tsuzuki, for the very next moment I saw him walking down the other sidewalk.

I instinctively smiled. Tatsumi had a greater chance of having seen Tsuzuki when he was out at the same time. "Tatsumi!" I called out. But my voice was muffled by the hustle and bustle of midday traffic. Though that no longer mattered when I saw him pulling behind him the very brunet I had spent all day looking for. Why the hell was he with Tatsumi?! Alone?! I tried my best to stay calm, there had to be a responsible explanation for why they were together...behind my back. It wasn't like Tsuzuki was known for cheating or Tatsumi known for stealing.

Once the cars cleared away, I rushed across the street. "Tsuzuki! Tatsumi!" I called out again, this time not nearly as relieved or excited for having found them. My presence must have caught them off guard, for I saw Tatsumi visibly shiver as he came to a halt. He turned slowly around to me, his hand clenching tighter to Tsuzuki.

"Hisoka, what are you doing here?" Tatsumi asked me. There had been hidden anger there I hadn't noticed until recently. Why was he so mad, I was the only one who had a right to be angry here? But he still glowered at me with seriously cold blue eyes as if cursing me for something I had done. But in my knowledge, I had done nothing.

"What do you mean? I was looking for Tsuzuki, he wasn't at home this morning." I explained myself with unusual urgency. I couldn't help but notice the terrified look in Tsuzuki's violet eyes, almost like he had foreseen an awful occurrence this very moment. I stepped forward, grabbing Tsuzuki's free hand and tugging him toward me. The brunet softly stumbled to the side, his movements unsure and fearful. "Come on Tsuzuki. Let's get back home." I suggested.

But almost immediately my statement was countered. "Tsuzuki isn't going back with you Hisoka," came Tatsumi's stern and definite announcement. "He is going to stay over at my place for the time being, until we clear everything up."

"Clear what up? What's going on?" My voice was frail and high pitched with panic. Was Tatsumi actually trying to take Tsuzuki away from me? I quickly turned and faced my beloved, but he too had taken no words on my defense. Instead his amethyst eyes fell shamefully to the ground. I knew right then that Tsuzuki had in fact came to Tsuzuki about last night.

"Hisoka your a threat to yourself and Tsuzuki. Until we know what's going on, it's best you two keep away." Tatsumi tried to explain again. But at this point I was beyond convincing or calming.

"Who are you to say I can't be with Tsuzuki?!" I screamed at Tatsumi. Before I had realized it, I had quickly punched the smug looking man right in the jaw, causing him to step back and release Tsuzuki's hand. I pulled Tsuzuki closer to me, and held his waist possessively. "I'll be damned before I let anyone take Tsuzuki from me again!"

Those words seemed to hurt Tsuzuki for he tugged back against me. "Hisoka...please...stop this." He whispered timidly. "It's alright. I'm not leaving you forever." He tried to say, but even that seemed too hard for me to believe.

"Tsuzuki, don't let this bastard brainwash you!" I commanded, pointing at Tatsumi with my other hand.

"Hisoka, let Tsuzuki go!" Tatsumi yelled out at me. I hadn't the time to object before a pool of shadows gathered at my feet. Instantly I snarled at Tatsumi, but only in time for a hand to emerge from the darkness and engulf me in its tight grip.

Once let go, Tsuzuki hesitantly stepped back, taking his spot beside Tatsumi. "Tsuzuki, what are you doing?! Don't go with him!"

Such pleas were denied once Tatsumi commanded Tsuzuki to head home while he finished me off. I watched painfully as Tsuzuki dashed off down the sidewalk. His betrayal...it hurt so much. My head fell and I stopped my struggling. For the moment I truly believed everything I had done, was all in vain...even killing Muraki. I gave in to the constricting shadows around me, finding it pointless to fight them, when I had already given in to them so long ago.


The soft knock on the door from a concerned friend was all Tsuzuki was able to hear over the sounds of his own sobbing. He laid cuddled on the bed in Tatsumi's guest room, pathetically clinging to the biggest pillow he could find. He never knew of so much suffering, that he himself could have from something so trivial. The look in Hisoka's eyes as he left him...was that of a true farewell. Surely Hisoka hadn't given up then, right?

Tsuzuki could only cry over his stupidity. If only he had paid closer attention to Hisoka's behavior, he would have prevented all of this. He even cursed himself for complaining when Hisoka made love to him the other night. If he hadn't been so spineless, he would have been able to suck it all up.

"Tsuzuki?" Watari pushed open the door slowly after Tsuzuki had yet to approve of his entrance when he knocked. Tatsumi had told him to come over and watch Tsuzuki while he took care of Hisoka, but Tatsumi wasn't expecting this when he got here. The scientist's eyes lowered as he saw the weeping Shinigami. He could only imagine this was how it looked after Muraki had harmed him. "Cheer up, Tsuzuki." He tried to comfort the male.

Sitting down on the bed beside the other, Watari soothingly brushed back Tsuzuki's hair. "This is nothing to cry over, you must be strong. Hisoka needs you right now Tsuzuki. You know very well he hadn't been the one killing all those people and doing those things to you." Tsuzuki's sobbing softened as he listened more carefully to Watari. "Just think of all the things Hisoka did for you. He gave his entire being to Muraki to save you. He killed him to protect you. But Tsuzuki...Hisoka can't save you any more. It's your turn to save him. Whether mentally or physically, Hisoka is trapped. And I have a pretty good feeling Muraki is behind it."

Wiping away the few straggling tears and runny nose, Tsuzuki sat up and looked at Watari. "But Watari...I'm not as helpful as Hisoka. I won't be able to save him." His eyes and head fell. "Whenever Muraki's involved...I end up the victim, plain and simple. Even with the powers of a Shinigami, I'm worthless."

"Trust me Tsuzuki, you're Muraki's one and only weakness. Hisoka can't defeat him without you." Watari smiled as he saw Tsuzuki nod in acceptance. He only wish he, himself was more helpful in this situation. But no one had figured out how to kill Muraki. And the only one who ever did it was Hisoka, though unsuccessfully as they were finding out now.

"Thanks Watari..." Tsuzuki sniffled. He stood up off the bed. "I'm just going to take a walk to clear my head." He explained. Watari seemed to allow this since he didn't stop the male as he headed out the door.

Tsuzuki had been walking for an hour now, and yet his mind wasn't any more spacious than it was before he left. He was getting no where, and he didn't really recognize the area he had walked off into. The sun had gone done and the street lights were flickering eerily. Tsuzuki wondered why he hadn't ran into Tatsumi yet. Maybe he had taken Hisoka straight back to head quarters.

As Tsuzuki passed an alleyway, he had nearly lost his footing on something slippery. With ungraceful reflexes, Tsuzuki kept his balance, but looked quickly at the ground. Just beneath his feet as a thick puddle of dark liquid. This liquid seemed oddly familiar to him, but in the dark it was heard to definite. It wasn't until he heard loud, clumsy rattling from the ally, that he decided to follow the long river like trail.

"Anyone there?" He questioned. He approached slowly into the darkened corner. But he stopped suddenly when he heard a noisy thump as if something heavily had just been dropped. "Who's there?" He asked worriedly. Tsuzuki instinctively froze as a single red eye shown through the darkness. It couldn't be!

"Why, my love, you couldn't have forgotten me already, now could you?" A familiarly scary voice cooed form the darkness. "Then it looks like I will have to fresh your mind."

To Be Continued...

A/N: As much as I love my Yami no Matsuei fics, I've very sad that I haven't gotten much reviews for this one. I don't feel as eager to type unless I know people actually like them. So please review! And I'll update as soon as I can.

Also, for those who don't know yet. I've come up with two knew Yaoi fics. One's called 'Just My Luck' and its a SetoxJou fic and the other is 'Brother's can't be Trusted' a SasuxNaru/Itaxnaru fic. Please check them out if you like either or both of those animes.