Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction ❯ My Sanctuary ❯ Absolutely Sinful ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I don't own Yami No Matsuei or any of its characters, but I would love to that way there would only be yaoi couples,lol. The only characters I own are Sanaka and Ketsu!
Warnings: This is a Yaoi/ Shounen ai fic. And I won't have. As much as it is concerned, most of the fic is PG-13 with occasional R. For angst, mature themes/ sexual content, language, and rape .
Note: I need a beta! So if you like the fic after just the first chapter and is online very often, then please assist!

Chapter Five
Absolutely Sinful
"This is your home?" Tsuzuki stared quizzically at the bizarre mansion. I found his sudden analytical attitude rather humorous.
"Actually this is Muraki's house."
He jumped in astonishment, "you live with your doctor 24/7."
"Doctor? He works at the school infirmary."
"Then why are you staying with him!" Tsuzuki spoke loudly and worriedly. I paused in thought. Why am I staying with Muraki? What am I to him? Now that I thought of it, I don't recall when I first started to live with him. Like I just woke up one day and was there. I remember feeling extremely cold and lonely after waking to his uncomforting, half-hearted eyes that first time. If that is true, when exactly did I stumble into this world that I had no familiarity to. There was a reason I felt so disconnected to this place. To this place, my life, these people, and my memories. I was actually beginning to believe I was living in a dream and that my dreams were the actual reality. I was living in a illusion. "Hisoka?" I jumped suddenly realizing I was standing in the doorway, about to open the door when I had blanked out in thought. Tsuzuki looked at me with that same overwhelmingly worried expression that made me blush in embarrassment. "Are you ok? You're just standing there like you just saw a ghost." I nearly died of embarrassment; my heart was pumping ten times as much blood than usual.
"Oh...I...", nothing came to mind as a good enough excuse so I just pretended it didn't happen. "Would you like to come inside, I could get you something to eat?" I smiled politely opening the door. He paused as though he was in deep thought.
"Sure. Just for a moment."
Awkwardly when I opened the door the lights were off. Muraki usually kept them on and at night as well, but why were they off. Was he out? This was certainly odd, maybe we were robbed and the thieves cut the lights to quite curiosity. I dropped my key on the nearest surface and I very cautiously went looking from room to room, and to the back door, checking every window, seeing if anything valuable was missing.
I went from room to room, but it was the same as I had left it. It was white and somewhat cold and boring and kinda messy. But there was nothing out of place, there was nothing missing. Everything was just...fine.
I lingered in the doorway to my bedroom for a moment, wondering what in the hell I was sensing, if I hadn’t been robbed or anything?
I tried to shake it away. I lingered back into the living room and turned on a lamp. Tsuzuki casually sat on the couch as I pasted by him. The next thing I did was go into the kitchen and search for food. I turned on the light over the stove and opened the fridge.
Hmm...not too many appetizing things in here, let me tell you.
I didn’t even take anything out of the fridge. I yawned and stretched my arms and closed the door to the fridge, leaning against it for a moment.
"Hmmm..." I shook my head. This night was just getting to be too weird. I should just go to bed, and not get up until Monday morning, when I’d have to go back to school. Not like that was much consolation. I didn’t even want to think about school right now.
Suddenly I heard the phone ring. I went into the living room and picked up the phone that sat by the door. I leaned against the wall with the phone to my ear, the moment still lingered in the back of my mind, but I did my very best to try and push it away. “Hello?”
“Sorry Hisoka, I got called out and had to leave before you got home. I won't be back until later, so you have to cook for yourself. I'm especially sorry we didn't have us time.”
“It's ok, I just got back anyway.” I proposed, despite the fact that I was kind of out of it. I kinda wanted Muraki to say that he was busy or something so I could stay at home and go to bed.
There was a pause on the other end of the phone. “Did you have fun with your friends?”
I rolled my eyes. He was hoping I didn't, then he could comfort me tonight. “Yeah, we stayed longer than planned." I rolled my eyes and leaned against the wall. “When will you be back?”
"About midnight."
“Okay,” I said. “I’ll see you then.”
He mumbled. “Bye, love.”
I hung up the phone, slowly, and there was that sheer passing moment where I was caught between thinking there was something wrong, and knowing that everything was going to be okay. It was a peculiar feeling.
I stood at the phone, and something nagged at my mind. Something drifted in the air. It stood out, like it did when I first came into the room. I was suddenly blinking more than I could manage. I felt my jaw tremble just slightly.
“That’s quite rude..." Tsuzuki was sitting on my sofa, right in front of me, his body laid down perfectly over the cushions, his face a confused tone, his violet eyes upon me. “Ingoring your guest...” he said in a sleek tone, while shifting his crossed legs.
“Sorry...” I whispered so meekly that I was afraid he would be offended, or scoff at me. I saw his expression darken. I knew already he was getting annoyed. I straightened up, although it took a little bit of energy. I cleared my throat and straightened out my jacket. “What's wrong?”
His expression softened. I noticed the way his white fingers gently tap- danced on his kneecap, while the other draped itself along the back of the sofa. He looked comfortable, and I couldn’t help but look over him, drinking in his appearance. He was neither smiling nor frowning, but watching me with what looked to be sheer attention.
“That was Muraki?” He said, blinking once, very slowly, maybe to show off how lovely his eyelashes looked.
"Yes. He said he would be home late." I casually walked back to the kitchen, in search of food. As if I opened the fridge again, it would magically be filled with food, unlike several minutes ago. After another frustrating search for food I returned to the living room. "I'm sorry, but there is nothing to eat."
"Then let's call out for food. You can choose." He smiled childishly as the imagine of food replayed in his mind.
“Seems fair. My choice of food?”
“Of course.” Tsuzuki, of all things, decided to order pizza. I agree to his request only because his expression was so pathentic the first time I declined his offer. "How about meat lover's."
“Several different types of meat? On a pizza?” I croaked in disbelief.
Tsuzuki smiled, the corners of his mouth turning up seductively. “Just wait, Hisoka. The taste is positively … sinful.” As he pronounced the last word, Tsuzuki patted me on the head, ruffling my hair. The contact ended, and Tsuzukihad came to a decision. We sat down, and watched TV, Tsuzuki was taping in silence until the food arrived. He tipped the deliveryman, and carried the pizza back in, deciding not to bother with plates. I watched as Tszuki took his first bite, and an expression of bliss appeared on his face. His eyes curved cutely and his cheeks turned bright red. I could tell he loved to eat, and somehow it made me laugh. Like this expression on his face was so familiar to me. I felt like I was always discouraging his huge appetite, but now it was entertaining to watch.
“You have weird tastes,” I muttered as Tsuzuki took a another bite of his piece of pizza.Then I took a bite myself. It was interesting, the spice of sausage mixing well with the tomato sauce and other meats. The taste was actually good. Tsuzuki looked over at me in surprise, to see me smiling at him with hooded eyes.
“No Hisoka, I have good tastes. I only want the best,” Tsuzuki took a large bite of the pizza as if it would prove his point. All he did, however, was smear pizza sauce on the side of his mouth.
I felt my blood boil as I stared at that stain near Tsuzuki’s lips. Tsuzuki placed his scarcely eaten sixth piece of pizza back in the box. I gave him a strange look. “You are actually full?”
"No, I’m hungry,” he said. I looked at him suprisingly and then at the six missing slice spaces from the rest of the pizza. He frowned and groaned his disappointment.
"What's wrong? Do you have a stomach ack?" I questioned saracastically.
"No. I just wanted...something more sweet." He stared down at his stomach as I started to laugh uncontroably.
"Why didn't you order cinnanon sticks or something?" I managed to get out between laughs. Somehow I knew he couldn't live without those mouth watering sweets he loved so much.
"Cause...I didn't want you to pay so much. After all it's Muraki's money, right." Somehow he couldn't believe he just said that. He would give any chance to make Muraki suffer, even if it was something so trival as money.
I paused, trying to think of a solution. But the stray glaces I made to the adorable whining Tsuzuki made it almost impossible to think. "Then we will just have to improvise."
Tsuzuki's eyes widen as I leaned over and licked the sauce off of his mouth. He stared at me in astonishment.
“Is that sweet?” I asked quietly, looking at him seriously. “Is that what you want?” I smiled and it took Tsuzuki’s breath away. He blushed dark red and traced the place where my lips had touched him. “It’s easier than ordering more sweets, right?”
"Hisoka...?" He stared down at the floor in embarrassment.
I smiled, moving forward to whisper into his ear. “You’re right, it is sinful.” Tsuzuki stared puzzled at me. "The pizza I mean."