Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction ❯ Puppies and Owls! ❯ RUN FOR IT! ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Gomen!!!! I have been without my computer for a while and I just quit my job!


Nancy: Eh… I don't get it….

Ethereal-tenshi: Isn't it? I liked the idea to!

Eh, I forgot: Don't worry about it! You reviewed now didn't you?

DarkSapphireDragon: Well I saw the food-chain thing like this: Watari is smaller then Hisoka so therefore Watari is lower in the food-chain then Hisoka in this case. And for Kurosaki… you'll see what happened to him. Tatsumi will come soon promise!

Aisha Felina: Don't worry about not reviewing! I'll forgive you. About transforming ether Muraki or Tatsumi… well…

Redrose Moon: He he he…

Krymson Tyde: Isn't he? I have drawn a pic of them all and will post it on my website when I get that thing working if you want so see how I picture him.


Puppies and Owls!

Chapter Seven: RUN FOR IT!


"Muraki is coming?! How do you know that?" Tsuzuki panicked.

Watari looked back. "I can see him down the hall. I don't think he has spotted us but we got to move it if we want to remain unseen"

Hisoka looked back and saw Muraki. "He is right, Tsuzuki! What will we do?"

The pup looked around them and saw a door. Noticing that it was a swing door, he walked over to it and pushed it open with a paw. "In here quick!" he told Hisoka. After the blond bunny had passed the open door, Tsuzuki followed and let the door close behind them. "Where are we?" he asked his friends when he finally looked around the new space.

Watari flapped his way up to a table to get a better view of their new surroundings. "Hush you two! We are in a patient's room!"

Hisoka wrinkled his nose. "That is just great! We are in the same room with a sick guy! I bet that we'll catch some thing!"

"I m not sure if we can catch anything in these forms… Oh no! Muraki is heading this way!" Watari piped up.

Tsuzuki ran over to the patient's bed and looked for a place to hide. The bed had a long white cloth hanging over the edges and hid the underside of the bed. Using his nose, Tsuzuki lifted the cloth and saw that the bed had a shelf under it. "Perfect! Get over here you two!" He called for the two blonds.

"How do you know that Muraki won't look for us here?" Hisoka asked as Tsuzuki helped him up on the shelf.

"Even I believe that Muraki wouldn't disturb a patient that is sleeping. If he enters this room, he'll check on the patient before leaving. We'll get out of here after he is gone" he told the bunny and hopped up on the shelf after Watari had landed beside Hisoka. The cloth slid into place just as the door opened.

Muraki walked into the room and looked around. "I could have sworn that I just saw the three around here…oh well, the nurses promised me to keep an eye on them. So, mr Hanaski, how do you feel today?" he asked the patient.

Tsuzuki could see Muraki's shoes under the cloth. Gulping he huddled closer to the other two.

Muraki looked at some papers before smiling. "Today is the day you go into surgery. As soon as the nurses comes, we'll go down to the operating room"

"Operating room?! Tsuzuki, we have to get out of here!!" Hisoka whispered to his canine friend.

Tsuzuki shook his head. "We can't as long as Muraki is there! We have to wait"

The door swung open again. "We are here, Muraki-sensei" a female voice said.

"Good. Let's roll mr Hanaski down to operating room two. I'll get ready for the surgery and I want him ready when I m done" he told the girls before leaving.

The girls blushed after he had left. "Muraki-sensei is so hot!"

"What I wouldn't give to have a date with him!"

"I would like to know if he is as good in bed as he his handsome…"

Tsuzuki, Hisoka and Watari blushed when they heard this. "Blech…" Watari said and shook himself. "I rather be killed by him then go to bed with him"

Hisoka nodded. "I agree"

Tsuzuki looked at the blond bunny. "But you have already been killed by him and…"

"Don't you dare to go any further!" Hisoka growled (as good as a bunny can growl).

They all yelped when the bed started to rock. "Were moving!" Tsuzuki yelped.

The three could only stay where they were as they were rolled down the hall way. An opportunity to escape never came.

People ran around the room and got things ready. The trio poked their heads out to see if they could run but there were to many nurses around the room. They sat back when Muraki came into the room. "We are trapped" Tsuzuki sighed.

Watari pushed his glasses back high on his beak. "Depending on what they are going to operate, we might have to stay here a long time"

"What do you mean?" the pup asked.

"Some operations can take up to twelve hours and we can't escape unnoticed until this guy is in the recovery room. Make yourselves comfortable, we are in for a long wait…"


Three hour later…


"Hand me a sponge" Muraki told a nurse.

The nurse blushed hard as he fumbled for the sponge. She shook so much that she accordantly knocked the used sponge tray over. "Oops…" she blushed and handed Muraki the clean sponge.

"Clean that up" Muraki told here, never letting his gaze leave the delicate cut he was making.

Hisoka looked at the red sponge that had rolled under the cloth they were hiding behind. "B-blood? BLOOD!?" He shrieked. His instincts told him to run for it and that was exactly what he did.

"Hisoka!" Tsuzuki yelled after his friend as Hisoka dashed out from their hiding place. Sighing he went after him. "Hold on, Watari!"

Muraki heard the nurse on the floor shriek and looked over his shoulder. He growled when he saw the three animals run forwards the door. "Damn!" he swore and started to follow them.

"Sensei his pulse is getting weaker! You got to finish this!" the nurse that checked the man's hart/pulse/breathing rate called.

Muraki was torn. He wanted to go after them but he needed to finish this operation. "Capture those animals and lock them up in my office! Hurry up!"


"Hisoka, wait up!" Tsuzuki called for his friend. He called and yelled for Hisoka to stop, but the blond didn't seem to listen.

Hisoka continued to fun blindly through the halls. When he came to the part where the hall split in two, he tried to run left but since he didn't have any pads* under his paws he continued to slide forwards. "AHH!"

Tsuzuki finally reached Hisoka and still running he grabbed him with his teeth and turned left in the cross way. Using all his strength he rand down the hall in search for the exit.

"There! To the right!" Watari shouted as he spotted the exist.

Tsuzuki could hear the nurses and doctor that tried to run after them as he dashed through the big doors just as a woman opened them.


I promise to update sooner but it really depends on how often I get the chance to have the computer. The think about bunnies not having pads under their paws is partly true. They have pads but they never touch the ground since they have to much hair on them and while bunnies run, they run on their claws and not on their pads… gomen if I confuse you…..