Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction ❯ What Looks Like Crazy On An Ordinary Day ❯ What Looks Like Crazy On An Ordinary Day ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

What Looks Like Crazy On An Ordinary Day
After going two steps into the house Tatsumi almost turned back around and left again. He pinched the bridge of his nose above his glasses and sighed heavily. What had he ever done to deserve this? He thought.
“Honey, you can't wear that to dinner,” came his wife's voice from the bedroom.
“Why not? It fits,” the other voice belonged to his husband but it was slightly altered and much higher pitched than usual.
He rolled his eyes. He knew what he was going to find once he mustered up the courage to go into the bedroom. Ever since Watari had perfected that damn potion Tatsumi was never sure whether he was going to have a husband and wife of two wives when he got home. Normally he considered himself a patient man but this was getting absolutely ridiculous.
“That does not fit you. It's too short for one thing considering it's nearly too short for me and you're much taller than I am. Not to mention your boobs are too big! I'm afraid you're going to pop out of the damn dress if you take a deep breath. Remember what happened last time you wore one of my dresses in public? I had to slap that idiot because he wouldn't take no for an answer from you.”
“You gave him a concussion and knocked him out for three days. I hardly call that a “slap”, Blaze.”
“That was mild compared to what Chiro would have done if he'd seen the guy put his hands on your ass repeatedly,” Blaze said.
Oh gods! Tatsumi thought. He had to go put a stop to this nonsense now. He walked through the living room and opened the bedroom door, intent on telling both of them off. First, for not telling him why Blaze had put one of the patrons of the upscale restaurant they had been in through the bar. Second, for the fact that Watari drove him even more crazy as a female. Third, at this rate they were never going to make it to the restaurant. He froze just inside the doorway.
His husband and wife, or wives rather, considering that at the moment they were both female, were both on their bed. Blaze was straddling Watari's hips and glaring down at him/her. Watari was indeed wearing one of Blaze's more interesting dresses. The dress was black, low cut, short and flirty on Blaze's petite frame. On Watari it was positively indecent. The short skirt barely skimmed upper thigh on impossibly long legs and the low neckline was barely holding the impressively large chest at bay. Tatsumi thought Blaze had a point in saying if Watari took a deep breath s/he would pop out of the dress.
Neither of them had noticed him come in and he stood watching the whole scene, now more than mildly amused.
Blaze switched tactics.
“Honey, isn't there any way I can get you out of my dress?” she purred, tracing one finger along the neckline of the dress. Then leaning forward to nibble along his/her earlobe. “Those are my earrings too,” she said, giving one a light tug with her teeth. “Thank the gods you can't wear my shoes.”
Watari slid both hands up Blaze's thighs and grinned evilly. “What do I get for taking off your dress?”
Blaze returned the leer. “Hmmm. I'm sure I can think of something,” she said.
“You know,” Tatsumi said, making them both jump. “That this is every even semi-straight man's fantasy.”
Blaze tilted her head backward so she could look at him then reached up and grabbed him by the tie. “It's a good thing you're a semi straight man then.”
*****************************Author's Notes******************************************
Sorry, couldn't resist.