You're Under Arrest Fan Fiction ❯ With every thorn... ❯ With Every thorn... ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

With every thorn… (Kurama)
By: realityfades
AN: As I've said oh so many times, I do not own anything! If I can not afford Tripp pants I can not afford to by Yuu Yuu Hakusho
I have my thorns.
These thorns of which I've become adorn.
My faults, my displeasures looking back in a mirror
of lies of which my life is becoming infected.
With a fox-like swiftness, my face becomes a tale of betrayal.
Only lies seem to comfort a past that needst be forgotten,
like a plague. I see what my past reign had made.
Death, destruction, failure to succeed in the one thing that mattered most…
yet nothing. A shallow pool of blood tainted my soul,
the soul that I have still yet to find,
`What's in a name? That which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet.”
And so it shall be.
The name of thine fair rose shall be Shuuichi Minamino.
The new name of thine foul thorn shall be Shuuihi Minamino.
With every thorn comes it's rose.
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