Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monster GX Fan Fiction / Mahou Sensei Negima! Fan Fiction ❯ Dueling is like Magic! ❯ Magic Practice is Harder Than I Thought! Wait! Evangeline You're Here! ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

At Night at the Obelisk Dorm:
Asuna was lying in her new room with Setsuna her roommate. They were discussing the day's events. “Setsuna do you think that it was wise to make a Pactio?” Asuna asked as she put on her nightgown. “Don't ask me, I had to make a Pactio with Hasselberry because he couldn't stop before he reached me and the circle.” Setsuna snapped back making Asuna jump. “Well at least you weren't force to make a Pactio.” Asuna replied as she went into her bed. “I think that we should train at all cost.” Asuna turned her head toward Setsuna. Setsuna looked at her in disbelief. “They are not of the magical society, but they do seen that they have traits that we can use. But one thing worries me.” Asuna sat up and looked at Setsuna who was placing her sword on the chair next to her. “Princeton. He keeps on following Nodoka and what happens when he sees us talking about magic or doing magic. And on top of that he hangs around Jaden. I can't seem to think another way than to make a Pactio with someone so he won't tell anyone if sees or hear anything about magic.” Setsuna turned away from Asuna who had thrusted the covers over her. “Talk with Negi about it tomorrow at breakfast.” And with that Asuna closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.
Next Morning:
“Finally I get to sleep in later that 5:00! I feel great!” Asuna walked next to Setsuna who had her eye's closed. Jaden was coming out of his room just putting on his shoes when he spotted them coming down the road. “Asuna! Setsuna!” He waved to them as he ran down the stairs. “Morning Jaden, is everybody in the kitchen eating?” Setsuna asked as he came running to them. “Not exactly, they went into the forest early in the morning with Syrus and Hasselberry. Negi said that I had to wait for Asuna for partner training whatever that is." Jaden said as Asuna balled her fist. “Asuna calm down. Jaden partner training is that you and Asuna have to practice together with magic and physical exercise.” Setsuna explained. “Oh that is what that is.” He gave Setsuna a smile. “I wonder why Hasselberry left if you are his partner.” Jaden said directly to Setsuna, she started to blush a dark red. “Don't ask me, now let's go find everybody.” Setsuna stormed off towards the forest. “Is she always like that?” Jaden pointed to Setsuna. “Rarely.” Asuna replied as she followed.
Deep in the Forest:
“Tel Ma Amortista!” Negi pointed his staff at Hasselberry who was trying to defend himself from the magic. The wind magic blasted at Hasselberry as he flew into the air and landed on a branch feet first. “Wow! That was nice Hasselberry!” Akira commented as she launched multiple water blast at him. He dodged them easily unknowing that Chao was right behind. “Not so fast!” Chao threw punches at him from behind. “Sam Hill how many girls are there?” Hasselberry cried as he jumped from branch to branch dodging each of Chao's punches. “My turn de gozaru!” Kaede dropped from above Hasselberry and threw kunais at him while he was trying to dodge Chao's punches and Akira's water blast. “There's only 29 of us!” Chao answered as she landed a punch on his face leaving a bruise. “Shadow Clone Jutsu!” 16 Kaede appeared out of nowhere and started to attack Hasselberry. He placed his arms in front of his face and protected himself for the attacks but none of them came. He took down his arms and a shuriken went past him and made a cut on his face. “Hasselberry never let down your guard!” Chao took advantage of this opportunity and launched multiple attacks him making serious contact.
“Everybody that's enough!” Negi yelled as the clones disappeared and everybody jumped to the ground. Hasselberry was covered in bruises from his head to his toe. “Hasselberry you are probably the longest person to survive these girl's attacks! A whole 12:00 minutes not bad!” Kotaru commented as he slapped his back causing Hasselberry to go to the ground. “Most boys that try to face us usually last about 10 seconds before they quit.” Akira said as she helped Hasselberry go over to Ako. “Ten 4, where's Syrus?” Hasselberry asked as he looked around the forest. “He's training in magic with Yue, Nodoka, Haruna, Konoka, and the twins.” Ako wrapped a cloth over his shoulder. “Hey looks its Asuna, Setsuna and Jaden.” Kotaru yelled.
Where Syrus is:
“Practi-Bigi-Naru Ardescat!” Syrus pointed his beginner wand in the air and a small flame came out of its tip. “Not bad, considering that you have been practicing since 4:00 A.M.” Haruna said as Syrus gave her a death glare. “Yeah I'm going to bed early tonight.” Syrus stated as he tried to the spell over again but with a bigger flame. Yue gave him a no nod; “Nope training for you boys is all on! So that means that you will have to keep on practicing until 12:00 tonight then we'll wake you guys up again at 5:00 A.M.” Yue gave an evil smile at Syrus who had his mouth open. “Why don't we try a harder spell such as this one, Unus Fulgor Concidens Noctem, In Mea Manu Ens Inimicum Edate!” Yue yelled as her palm fired out a lightning at Syrus making contact on him paralyzing him. “That is a spell that took me at least a month to master it.” Yue said as she walked away from Syrus. “Konoka you can heal him.” Konoka walked over to Syrus and waved her hand over him and was able to move again. “Wow Konoka you have a lot of magic in you!” Syrus said as he got up and recited the same words that Yue said. “I have more magic in me that Negi has.” Konoka gave him a smile. Syrus turned pink and uttered the words fast as he could and aimed at the sky and lightning came out of his hand full power. Lightning struck the clouds above him making thunderclouds.
Shepherd looked out his window and saw the lightning coming out from the forest. “That's strange isn't lightning supposed come from the sky not the ground?” He asked out loud to himself. Just then he saw Negi and Kotaru come out of the forest; Negi was holding his wand. “Wait isn't that 2 of our new students?” He asked himself as he looked at everybody as they came out of the forest. “Aren't most of those students the transfer students?” He took a long good look at them then turned back to his desk.
Gym Class:
“Okay students work on those laps! You still have 20 more to go! Asuna, Misora, Kaede, Ku Fei, Chao and Setsuna have already finished their 50 laps so hurry up!” Ms. Fontana yelled as Asuna dabbed herself with a towel. “This is easy comparing what we had to do back Mahora, now that was hard.” Misora said as she stretched her arms. “Ms. Fontana I'm done!” Makie yelled as she sat next to Chao. “I have a message for all the new transfer students and Jaden, Syrus and Hasselberry to meet with him right now. All new transfer students and Jaden, Syrus and Hasselberry please go Chancellor Shepherd's office. He wants to have a word with you.” Ms. Fontana yelled, everybody left leaving only a few people behind.
Shepherd's Office:
“I was looking out at the sea this morning when I saw a lightning bolt coming from the forest, and I asked myself aren't lightning bolts supposed to come from the sky no the ground. Then a couple of minutes later all of you came out of the forest.” Shepherd turned to his open mouthed students. “Then I saw Negi carrying a wooden staff in his right hand and that got me thinking maybe all of you are something more that normal.” He stared at Negi. Ayaka took a step forward. “Chancellor Shepherd, with all due respect there's nothing wrong with any of us. WE just came here to get better at dueling that is all.” She formally said making everybody shocked. “When have you ever said anything like that to us!” Asuna yelled. “Hey will you pipe down! I'm trying to do something!” She snapped back making Asuna jump. “I don't think that's Ayaka, she's being too nice if you ask me.” Konoka whispered to Syrus. “Wait I think that she sounds like Evangeline!” Negi said as everybody turned to him.
Ayaka gave him a smirk. “Very good boya it thought that you would soon catch on. Don't worry I have already informed Shepherd about everything.” Ayaka/Evangeline said. Everybody got really big open mouths. “Yes Negi for you see Evangeline and I have met before. We met right before you came to Duel Academy, we met at Mahora Academy.” He stated as he turned away from them. “Evangeline was a friend of mine when I came to meet with the headmaster. He introduced us and when I got the letter from Asuna I called Evangeline right away and she said not to worry but then you 3 found out about Negi.” He pointed to Jaden, Hasselberry and Syrus. “Yeah great job Asuna for showing to the princes here.” Ayaka/Evangeline said as Asuna advanced to her. “Now Asuna that is still Ayaka aru.” Kuu Fei held Asuna so she wouldn't hurt Ayaka. “Princes?” Jaden said as he looked to the ceiling in confusion. “You'll understand when HE comes. Chachamaru hurry turns off the power! Shoot the power just went back on will have to talk to you later!” And with that Ayaka became herself. “Was Evangeline in me?” Ayaka asked, she stared at where she was. “I hate it when she does that!” She turned red. “Isn't Evangeline a vampire in your deck?” Jaden asked. “Do you think that we should tell him, Chancellor?” Kotaru looked at Chizuru; she gave him a smile. “I think we should fill in the details that we didn't tell you guys yesterday. Well you see that our class isn't exactly normal. You see Evangeline is vampire like in Asuna's deck. She has 2 forms: a normal form and vampire form. Setsuna here is part bird, Kaede is a ninja, Kuu Fei and Chao are martial artists, Yue and Nodoka are magic users and Mana is a demon hunter.” Natsumi explained as Jaden looked at the girls. “So my partner is part bird?” Hasselberry asked as he took a long good look at Setsuna. “Evangeline already told me that, but what really amazes me is that you are a full fledge wizard Negi and such at a young age. And Kotaru I hear that you and Negi are doing really well with dueling since both of you just started recently.” Shepherd commented as both boys bowed in thanks. “Is that all you wanted to talk about?” Fuuka piped up. “No the real thing I wanted to talk about is that Evangeline warned me that a great evil that is more powerful than anything that you guys have fought.” Shepherd stated. Negi thought for a second that happened that was evil. “I can't believe that something more powerful than what we faced is actually possible.” Kotaru breathed, his stomach got butterflies. “That's all you may go back to your class.” And with that Shepherd dismissed them.
Outside of the office:
Everybody stood outside of the office; they all had shocked faces. “Jaden! Asuna!” Asakura turned her head to see Alexis and Chazz running down the hall. “Look out it's the stalker.” Haruna said as Chazz hid behind Alexis out of Yue's eyes. “Where have you guys been? Everybody is waiting for you guys! There's 2 new girls down stairs demanding for all of you!” Alexis shouted in one breath. “Girls. Waiting for us?” Jaden and Asuna said together, they both looked at each other in confusion. “Yeah one girl had long straight blonde hair and the other looks like a robot!” Chazz exclaimed. “Evangeline and Chachamaru is here!” All of Class 3-A shouted; they ran down the hall all together leaving Jaden, Alexis, Chazz, Syrus and Hasselberry behind.
Assembly Hall:
“Hoi! Wisecrack where are the rest of the students? I know there's more, because Asuna and the boya just transferred here!” Jaden and Asuna ran through the door and stood frozen well Asuna did. “E-E-Evangeline!” Asuna cried, Evangeline turned her head away from making fun of Crowler and turned her head to everybody running in. “Come on Chachamaru let's have a reunion with everybody.” She sarcastically said as Chachamaru followed after her as she went up the stairs to the front of the class. “How are you? How did you?” Asuna stammered with her sentences until Kotaru came and smacked her back making her spit out her sentences. “How are you here? And how did you get here?” Evangeline shifted her gaze onto Jaden, Syrus and Hasselberry. “All outside now!” Evangeline yelled, she pasted Jaden and pulled him by the shirt outside. All other students stood up. “The new Transfer students I mean!” Evangeline yelled. Everybody did what she said at automatically did what she said out of fear. “Come on boya's.” Evangeline walked along as Jaden staggered behind her trying to keep his balance as Evangeline grabbed his shirt.
Outside in the Courtyard:
Evangeline let go of Jaden's shirt and he finally got to be straight again. Everybody else was running behind catching up. Negi was the first to reach them. “Evangeline what are you doing here?” Negi asked, Evangeline gave him a star that gave him the creeps. “She came to train all of you. Shepherd and the Mahora School Dean asked me to.” Chachamaru bowed to Jaden, Syrus and Hasselberry. “This is Chachamaru the robot of class 3-A.” Ayaka whispered to Syrus. Syrus jumped at this comment. “She's a robot!” Syrus pointed to Chachamaru, she turned her head. Two hands landed on his shoulder. He looked up and saw Chao and Satomi over him. “We built her pulse her 2 other sisters.” Satomi gave him a smile. “Master has brought her things with her that are in her resort that is back at Asuna's room.” Chachamaru bowed again then faced to Negi and Kotaru. “The headmaster wanted me to give this to you.” She handed both boys a new deck. “Wow the headmaster really gave us new decks?” Kotaru asked, he looked at his cards and saw that it resembled all dogs and wolves, while Negi's deck resembled the wizards that he knew. “He also said that Kotaru has to move in with Jaden and Negi for more experience.” Evangeline added as she stared at the 5 boys: Syrus, Jaden, Hasselberry, Negi and Kotaru. “Everybody follow me to my reso-“ Evangeline was interrupted by Chazz and Alexis running down the road towards them. “What's with you guys Crowler is in a state with her!” Alexis pointed to Evangeline. Evangeline walked up to her and stared at her eyes. Alexis jumped a little at the sight at her staring at her.
Evangeline stared at Alexis's eyes after 10 second she looked away and went back next to Chachamaru. “Negi make a Pactio with her.” She said. Alexis stared at her with confusion. “What's a Pactio?” She thought as she looked at everybody's faces: they were all open. “M-M-M-Make a Pactio with Alexis! But I hardly know her!” Negi replied as he got dizzy. “And let's see if this boy is worth it.” Evangeline opened her eyes and stared right at Chazz then closed her eyes. “Nodoka make a Pactio with this boy.” Nodoka began to blush. “You want him to make a Pactio with him! You have got to be kidding me!” Asuna yelled. “Here I'll make the Pactio circle just for you.” Evangeline drew a Pactio circle around Negi and everybody else stepped back. Mana got behind Alexis and pushed her into the circle where Negi was standing. “Alexis-san please don't do anything until after I do this to you.” Negi stood on his tiptoes and kissed Alexis's on the lips causing her Pactio to form. “PACTIO!” Everybody yelled except for Chazz you still didn't know what was going on.