Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monster GX Fan Fiction ❯ Chaotic Outbreak Endless Ilumination ❯ Light Chapter 14 Time and Space ( Chapter 15 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 14 Time and Space
Nearly a full day had passed since Brett and Blair had returned to find a small party for them. Blair sat beside Brett who had finally fallen asleep; they were together near their dorm beside the small lake. It was a calming peaceful scene were the water rippled only slightly, and the noise was minimal except for what nature provided. Brett had been awake since yesterday; his mind was absolutely active with his power trying to restore him to normal as well as two other minds fighting to survive.
Blair fell asleep lying beside Brett; she found the same safety and joy in lying beside again. This time it felt some how different, but in a better way. Brett lay beside her and was happy to be back beside her. He wanted to stay beside her forever, especially after what had happened before and Blair promising to help him. Blair's hand rubbed against his chest, and she gave happy sounding moans from her deep sleep. Brett was just happy to see her happy; he remembered his promise one that he still would keep.
The following morning; Blair had decided to take the day off school. Brett needed her more; she asked him if he wanted to spend the day with her out of class, and Brett said yes almost immediately. Despite Blair's best efforts she could not get him to fall asleep and eventually she took Brett outside to try and help ease his mind. They sat beside the lake; Blair slowly calmed his nerves and soon he finally drifted off asleep.
Blair knew that he needed four very important things that were time, sleep, protection, and support. All of these things were easy for Blair to do, and she knew that she could help Brett get back to normal in no time. Brett had been running on pure steam up till now he needed the rest, so seeing him asleep was a huge relief. His powers had reverted back to their first level, and he needed time to recover his strength before he could even begin to get his powers back.
Thoughts passed through her mind about the party; Brett was very silent during a lot from the start to finish but he had a lot on his mind. Everyone offered their support and protection, and Brett graciously accepted. Blair had showed her new wings to everyone; they all thought it was amazing and a good sign for both Brett and Blair. The party had boosted Brett's spirits, and now he was finally sleeping peacefully even though he still had a long way to go.
It was nearly 4:30 in the afternoon; Blair was starting to relax when she heard something that made her panic. “HEY BLAIR!”
In an instant Blair's nerves were shot, and quickly she rose upwards and turned to see Axel running towards her. She waved at him to stop yelling; Axel was confused till he saw Brett sleeping and clued in. Axel stopped making noise and came up to Blair and apologized through whispers. “Sorry Blair, but is it really that big of a deal?”
Axel asked and Blair grabbed his ear; she pulled him down and whispered with an angry tone. “Stop yelling; I finally got him asleep. He has not slept since everything that happened yesterday, and he really, really needs this rest.” Axel was quick to apologize; he had no clue, but now he knew why it was so important.
The two went back and sat beside Brett while a gentle breeze blew over the lake. It was slightly cold and Blair was worried about Brett catching a cold, but if he could fall asleep out here then that was what really was important. Rest would help Brett gain his strength back and ease his mind from all the stress. Blair's hand gently traversed through Brett's hair; she stared at him with a slight smile admiring him for everything he had done. Brett was sound asleep, and the sun continually shined down making it a warm perfect day with nothing troubling it.
“You know… Brett had me really worried yesterday. For a second I thought he might leave me, but he chose to stay with me… I cannot believe I still doubt him sometimes, guess I still have a lot to learn huh?” Axel leaned backwards and let gravity carry him to the ground; “you know Blair… I do not think that you have to worry about Brett leaving you. You both make each other very happy when you are together… now if only we could get things to be peaceful for a while. I'm sure Brett could use some peace; the poor guy disserves it…”
The expression across Blair's face changed rapidly to a large smile. “I'm going to take great care of him, I will show him how glad I am to have him back. I'll cook and do what ever it takes for him to be fully healed… and I'm sure he never had to lift a finger. Then he will be all better and we can live the perfect life together.” Axel laughed and turned his head so he was looking to Blair; “I thought you said we were to be quiet. But you are probably what Brett needs right now… once this year is over… he will probably go home with you.”
“You really think so…! I cannot believe that I was so lucky to have him as my boyfriend; you know I actually had a small crush on him after I met him… and to think he had the same on me. I was so surprised when I found out, but I just could not let it go to his head that I had a crush on him.” The instant she finished; Blair felt something warm on her leg. Her gaze focused on Brett's hand which rested on her bare leg just below the bottom of her shorts. Brett was still asleep, but Blair could not help but get excited and embarrassed.
“That Brett sure is good with the ladies; even if he is with you… to think he was never suppose to exist and yet you two are soul mates. So what are you going to do with him after this duel year?” Blair snapped out of her excitement and took Brett's hand into hers and cupped it with both hands. “Well I was hoping he would come home with me, and then we can live a quieter life. I want the world to know he is mine, and I want to do so many things with him…”
The two conscious duelists had not noticed that five more of their friends had joined them, and were now seated beside them. Alexis, Britney, Jaden, Hasleberry, and Britney had were now all seated on the hill by the lake; Jaden seamed slightly quieter then normal. Britney was already giggling; “so Blair; think Brett is thinking about you in his sleep…? I'm sure when you get him off this island you have lots planned for his future with you right?”
The giggling continued from all the girls except for Blair; whose face was now the same color as her vest. The whispering continued amongst everyone, but the feeling between Blair, Britney, and Hasleberry were awkward at best. The knowledge of feelings in the triangle made it hard to even talk about the simplest of things. Blair still felt bad about forgetting Brett so easily, and knowing that Hasleberry had some level of feelings for her made her uneasy. She had no wish to return those feelings, and she was almost ignoring him to block those thoughts out.
Suddenly Jaden turned his head to Blair; “listen Blair… I talked to the Chancellor and he is not going to hold any of the events against Brett…” Alexis grinned and laughed; “nice of you to say something Jaden… You think Brett will be okay; he seems to be much weaker then he use to, I just don't want him to think that he has to rush his recovery. I can only imagine how much of a tough time he has dealing with everything.”
Everyone was quick to agree; Blair looked down on him with a possessive stare. No one was going to take him from her no matter who they were; “I will protect him no matter what… Brett…” Brett moaned in his sleep almost as if he appreciated her words, and slowly Brett started to curl up into a ball, and Britney could not resist commenting. “Oh how cute…! Even in his sleep he absolutely adorable; I cannot believe just how many enemies he has.”
A full hour passed; Blair said little else to the group because she was just content to sit there with Brett. Her hands continued to gently caress and move through his hair; she thought about how shaggy he was getting, and wondered if he would get it cut for her. Thoughts continued through her mind about what she was going to do after this year. The thoughts about the uncertain future till the sky erupted with a loud explosion.
Instantly Brett woke and jumped to his feet and Blair rose with him trying to get him to stop. He got to a standing position just when his weakness caught up with him. His legs trembled and gave way in time for Blair to catch him. “I got you… You should not push yourself because you still need sleep and rest alright?” Brett turned to look at Blair with a smile; “sorry Blair… I guess I'm no where near ready yet to be any help.”
Never before had Brett shown any weakness to her, but to her this was a welcome change. His eyes were having trouble staying awake; his bloodshot eyes pained him for every second they were open, and that is when Axel jumped up and got in front of the couple. “You two just take it easy… I can handle what ever comes this way; just take care of Brett.”
Axel finished at summoned his chakrams to his hands and got ready. “Thank you Blair for taking care of me…” Blair turned and smiled, but quickly turned her attention to the fiery objects that had now pierced the atmosphere. The meteors emitted a green glow from their fiery exterior, and soon they cooled while descending. The green aura faded, and soon Brett noticed what exactly they looked like.
The two objects slowed while approaching the earth, and soon they stopped and hovered high above Duel Academy. One had an orange shield and both had primarily white and black armor, but one had an orange scheme that made it far more predominate. They focused in on Brett and Blair before continuing their decent, and soon they touched down. The green glow dissipated, but small green dots came from behind the two making the machines more supernatural then could be believed.
One had orange armor pieces, and the other had blue; both were completely unique, and Brett already knew what they were. “Gundams, but how…?” Brett's focused eyes could just not believe that he was indeed seeing what was their; neither of the two new machines had any thrusters, and they were human size. It then snapped that these two were actually not machines, and Brett was becoming very nervous since his tech form was no where near this advanced.
The two mysterious beings started to walk forwards towards the group; Axel readied his weapons even though they were well over ten meters away. The metal armor melted away into two cloaked individuals into human forms, but they were shielded by white cloaks before Brett could see who they were, and each cloak had light blue lines with no pattern in mind. The two continued forward and nothing could be seen about who they were for the most part, but Brett already knew what these two were. The only thing that was truly troublesome was if they were friend or foe.
The cloaks did not obscure their faces; one was female and had a pair of violet eyes. Her expression showed no signs that she was friendly, but then when her eyes met with Brett's she immediately started to smile. The other had a young man's face; his brown eyes and expression looking like he was starring at a superior when he gazed at Brett. Axel was ready to attack at a moments notice; suddenly the girl started to cry and she ran forward towards the group with no more then a happy though guiding her.
Confusion gripped Axel; he was so unsure of why this girl was smiling and crying, but he could not take the chance. Axel snapped from the confusion and gritted his teeth; no one would get by him, and the female was showing no signs of stopping. The young man started to shake his head in disbelief; the young girl leapt at Axel, and her eyes were not even focused. Axel yelled and used his weapons at this girl with no more patience for the situation but sliced through empty air.
Chakrams sliced through the empty air; causing Axel to blink in disbelief. Axel heard Blair scream before a loud crashing sound; he turned to see the girl behind him with Brett knocked to the ground in her arms. Brett had been knocked out of Blair's arms, and even more surprising the girl was completely unharmed. Her hood had fallen off her head revealing her blue hair that flowed down to her deck and was fairly stylish.
“Get off my boyfriend…!” Blair's voice was full of rage that this young female had her Exia under this new girl. Jaden and the others stood nearby; Alexis looked down on the confusing situation and wondered who they were. The short blue haired girl continued to cry and started to shout into Brett's chest; “Oh…! I just cannot believe you are alive again! I have missed you so much, and it is so, so amazing to see you…!”
No matter how much anyone demanded an explanation, but this new girl continued to exclaim her happiness for Brett being alive. Everyone one was confused, but then the mysterious male's voice could be heard coming from behind them. “That is great Alexia… I thought we agreed that we were not going to do this till later. We agreed on a more dignified entrance…”
Suddenly Alexia stopped and got up off the ground; she helped Brett up and back to his feet with no trouble. The girl then turned and hugged Blair; much to Blair's surprise who was caught off guard. Alexia started to tell Blair how happy she was to see her again like they knew Blair so well, but Blair was speechless. Brett stood there barely able to stand, but waiting for answers. He was sure he had figured out the answer, but was still unsure jus t enough so he would not dare venture a guess.
Axel turned away from Blair to see the young mysterious man was nearly upon him. “Stop right there and tell me who the hell you two are right now before I really get angry!” Axel finished shouting in time for the young man to raise his hand to Axel. The Fiery attitude yelled at the unknown enemy; Axel readied his weapon, but then suddenly stopped in mid attack.
Seconds passed before Brett decided to inquire about what had transpired; “how did you do that?” The young man walked over behind Axel till he was a few feet away from Brett. “Well you see I have power over time; and my sister over there has the power to manipulate space. Basically she can create wormholes with her power… and I think you already know what we are. Now Alexia… please restrain your self around you know who; we are trying not to overwhelm them like we already discussed.”
Almost instantly Alexia stopped talking; she was now very aggravated with her brother. “Judai… I cannot help that I'm excited to see them; did you forget how they died in front of us. So you know what…? You should just stop trying to act so cool for dad; you are always trying to impress… him…” Alexia just realized what she had said, and her heart skipped a beat.
Not a word was spoken after that; everyone had frozen still with shock from the implication. Judai and Alexia were terrified of how their parents would react to the news. Blair face was trembling; her mind was split into two trains of thought; while she was so nervous about how well Brett would take the news. For one thing she was also so happy of what this news meant; it meant that their relationship was going to last till she would finally be able to marry him, and that was a dream come true. The thought of her having Brett's children was a little overwhelming, but still it was exciting to have a guaranteed future with him.
Judai ran over and was furious with his sister; “Alexia you idiot…! This is what we were trying to prevent, and now they are going to be worried. I'm so sorry for her mom and dad…” Blair turned to Brett; slowly Judai removed his hood so that Brett could see the same color and hairstyle as him. There was no doubt in Brett's mind that these were his and Blair's kids; the thoughts over whelmed him, and then all the stress made him pass out and fall to the earth and hit his head and lost consciousness.
Slowly Brett came to; Blair was lying right beside him; she immediately turned her attention to Brett waking up. “Brett you are awake…! We brought you back to my room after you hit your head on the ground, but you are okay. How do you feel…?” Brett tried to move, but he was still so weak and tired, but Blair eased him back into a lying down position. “My head still hurts pretty badly; thanks for taking care of me Blair… it wasn't a dream… it really did happen right?”
A nod was all Blair could give Brett at first but soon she realized she had to speak; “could you tell what they were?” Brett paused for a moment considering how he should react; “not at first, but then it became clear that they were Exia. There is no mistaking it though; Judai looks like me, and has your gorgeous eyes. Alexia has your hair color, and I have no clue where she got it, but it is probably somehow from me with her purple eyes. They are our kids, and they are both are fully developed Exia, and I'm not sure how to feel about this…”
Blair knew that Brett wanted to be alone since he usually would like peace to think. “I'll leave you alone so you can think about us…” Blair started to get up; her mind was saddened; she thought that she was right for Brett, but she would honor what he chose to do. Brett's hand grabbed Blair's bare arm and pulled her back towards him. “Blair that is not what I meant…”
“I'm not sure about our kids and what happens to cause the need for this Blair… but I'm sure about us. I use to think that because originally that I never existed; that I was not right for you. I have always loved you for who you are; your attitude, your hair, your eyes… you are so beautiful to me, but I was never originally suppose to exist… I always thought that I never earned the right to mess up your fate or your destiny because no one should mess with you Blair.”
“Blair I love everything about you, and I only want you to have the best that you ever could. I still cannot believe Jaden felt nothing for you, but the fact that we stayed together is a happy thought that makes me think I'm right for you. I'm so happy that I will get to experience so much at your side… that is if you will have me there…” Blair immediately smacked his stomach with just enough force for Brett to know what he had said; “Of course you are going to be there.”
Gentle knocking came to the door before the door creaked open; Blair invited who ever was out there inside, but she was saddened since this had interrupted her moment with Brett. In came Britney, Alexis, Alexia, Judai, Jaden, and Hasleberry who all sat in different positions around the room. Brett and Blair sat up; he looked at her wondering if it was ok to ask, and Blair nodded to him. “I think it is time you told us about why you are here?”
Their children looked to one another; trying to figure out who should be the one to speak, but Alexia had something else to ask first. “So does that mean that you believe that we are your kids…?” Brett and Blair nodded in unison; they both sat on the bed together, and Blair started to rest her head on Brett's shoulder just the way she had become comfortable with. Judai stood up to address the group believing that he could do a better job then his sister; “well I think it would be best if I told you why we came back through time...”
“Alexia and I have come back to change what has happened in the future…” Alexia watched her future mother and father together, and she suddenly felt the urge to speak up. “But first it would be good if you knew your kids… Just so you know we are twins… and I'm Alexia the cute one. This is my brother… and I guess your son Judai. Don't mind Judai; he really does have a personality, but he is always trying to put on this big act to impress dad.”
Blood was starting to boil in Judai's veins over his sister's comment about him, and the urge to play dirty was now all he could think of. “Alexia shut up… Besides you are daddies little princess who can do no wrong… so do not try and rub my face in the dirt.” The tongue of Alexia stuck out at her brother displaying her discontent even when she tried to talk with her tongue out. “You shut up Judai… just because dad and mom loved me the most does not mean you are completely worthless! Your sword skills never impressed dad anyways… so the only person you should be mad at is yourself!”
The two were ready to start attacking each other till Brett spoke up, and the fighting stopped between his future siblings. Judai regained his composure before continuing while his sister pouted in the corner. “We are both fifteen years old, and we had an amazing time growing up with both of you as our parents. You see in the future we know all about the Exia and their abilities, and have found a peaceful place to live.”
“When an Exia is born; they gain abilities for each of their forms, but the interesting thing is that each generation of Exia is more advanced. Since both you and mom were Exia; we are considered the first real born pure Exia naturally. Our powers range over time and space… and we have a great understanding of our own respective powers. You however in the future are the only Exia to ever know the true extent of you powers, but we are limited as to what we can tell you.”
“My powers make me immune to any changes in the time stream, but Alexia is was not immune. Recently I found out how to make someone immune, and that is how Alexia is now protected from any changes. We both can change the future and not worry about any effects on us.” Blair was starting to wonder if her children even loved her, but Brett had a question; “how many Exia are there from the time you come from.”
“Well dad… oh sorry Judai did you want to tell this part…?” Judai said nothing in return to his sister, and the young girl flipped her short hair around with a twist of her head trying to act even cuter for her friends. “Guess he is still mad at me… but sadly the time we left; Judai and I were the only Exia left alive. Everything else was hunted down and murdered ruthlessly; including you and mom…”
Silence filled the room; hearing about this future and their own deaths caused Blair and Brett to be speechless, and Jaden decided to ask a question. “Who would do such a thing…?” Alexia's mouth was ready to speak till Judai answered first. “We are not sure who was behind the extermination of the Exia… but we know it was done by a single demon. It hunted down the Exia, and none were a match for it… the black night killed almost all the Exia single handily.”
The expression across Blair and Brett's face was becoming depressed; they both still were lying down in each others arms, but neither was happy. Blair was starting to think that her children did not even love her, and she was so uneasy about how committed she now was. Brett was still trying to deal with his own issues, but he decided to voice his feelings. “Judai! I want to know right now why I was not able to protect Blair, and enough of this protecting us crap because you don't want me to know!”
The tone of voice stunned Judai beyond belief, but he realized that he really did love Blair. “Well dad… fine I will tell you. When you got married to mom, and decided you two would have kids…” Brett was starting to become impatient and yelled at the top of his lungs at his son; “god damn it! I want to know why the hell I could not protect the most important thing in my life!”
Both of twins had known their father truly loved their mother, but never this much. Blair was embarrassed by the fact that he cared this much for her, and Brett waited impatiently for an answer. “Fine… the reason was because when you and mom decided to have kids; you tore apart your hands so you would never would ever hurt us… You made the choice to never let you power grow, but you were still the most amazing warrior even with your power being so limited. You learned what no Exia ever could, you learned how to seal away all of your forms, that is why.”
Brett slowly closed his eyes to try and slow his mind down; so many thoughts were flooding and overwhelming his mind, but Blair was beside herself. “Brett did that for me… but I never would have asked him to do that.” Alexia shook her head while standing up; she looked at her mother and immediately protested it being her fault. “It was not you at all mom; dad made the hard choice so no one else would have to later…”
“Dad fought for all of us when the black night finally came… dad fought valiantly and lasted so long, and it crushed Judai. Dad you really fought to your last breath and beyond to keep us and especially mom safe… but that monster claimed both of you. It was at that point in my life just how amazing your love was for one another.”
Alexia started to cry and jumped onto her parents laps; Brett and Blair had no choice other then to comfort their child. Blair was still worried about the effect this was having on Brett; Judai waited for a moment before continuing. “It was really hard for us to watch; mom then fought to protect us, but like she said… the hell spawn won. I'm sorry that you had to find out this way, we barely saw it ourselves before mom pushed us into our guardians' possession.”
Judai's eyes looked over at Jaden and Alexis who were sitting close to one another, and Alexis looked at Jaden before coming to the obvious conclusion. “Wait a second… you mean you two were named after us, and that we are your guardians?” Alexis looked back at Jaden who was looking at her stunned, but then they both turned back to Judai when he started to speak again. “I'm sorry but I'm just telling you that you are our guardians in the future…”
“Before you told us to go back in time; you made us swear we would not tell you what happens to both of you. Then you shoved us into the shuttle and told us to go prevent this future… and that is the last we saw of both of you as well. The Exia were hunted down and exterminated by one single invincible knight, but that is why we are here!”
Everyone's ears perked and were now listening even more intently then before. “We know were the black knight came from, and I'm going after him! Meanwhile; Alexia will stay here and protect the both of you! We are going to change this future ourselves… but dad, I really want to talk to you about something…”
Sitting there on the bed with Blair and his future daughter still in tears in his lap; Brett already knew what his son wanted to say. “Judai I already know what you wanted to talk to me about, but I have already made up my mind!” No one could believe Brett's tone, and Blair was so worried about this news; she already knew what he was going to do. “Brett…”
“Judai…! Thank you for telling me this, but did I ever come close to hurting any of you?” Judai was quick to shake his head; “absolutely not dad! Never once did you ever lose your cool… not even when I finally beat you in a swordfight.” Alexia sat up on the bed and looked straight at her brother with discontent; “what! You never beat dad Judai, stop lying!”
The two continue to squabble amongst them selves, but Blair was still worried about Brett. She turned her head to look directly at Brett's eyes, but suddenly he turned and starred into hers. “I have made up my mind… Blair if it alright with you; I want to become strong enough to protect all of you from this fate.” Blair smiled and hugged him; “Brett I want you to teach me how to fight too so that I'm not just on the sidelines any more!”
The request caught Brett off guard; Blair looked so intent on her goal to learn how to fight, but Brett was hesitant. “Come on Brett please… you are the best swordsman by far!” Brett rubbed the back of his head, and Blair's face kept inching closer and closer waiting for an answer. “Blair… I'm really not that good…” Brett was embarrassed, but Blair knew she was right; “excuse me but you fought 2 for me in the other dimension… I was watching every move and you are the only person I would let teach me anything!”
With no prompting at all; Alexis decided to aid Blair in her plea. “Well actually Brett if you remember you have done some amazing things for Blair… like the duel at the cliff were you saved both of us, and the desert was pretty impressive to. I would not mind joining a class you were going to be teaching, it would be fun to learn how to sword fight.”
Never had Brett chose to divulge the story of a desert battle with him, but Judai would not miss this chance. “I would like to train with you again father…” Alexia laughed at her brother; “why…? So you can `beat' him again… but I would like to show dad my moves too.”
The twins were pretty anxious sounding, and both were excited to have a young version of their parents at their sides. Both could not resist challenging a young version of their father; no matter what it would be interesting to challenge him. Soon though Hasleberry offered to join along with Axel in and even Britney who was going to enjoy being taught by Brett who had been her former obsession.
To all of them; Brett was the best swordsmen they would ever meet. Brett wondered if he could live up to this rep, but he could not refuse Blair, and soon he agreed. The group was excited about this event that would take place tomorrow. Jaden rose up and opted out before leaving; he was feeling rather depressed for his own reasons, and he continually felt more and more isolated from his friends. Alexis tried to stop him, but Jaden ignored her, and Alexis was very concerned with Jaden's state of mind.
Britney glanced over to see how late it was; she figured that Blair and Brett needed to be alone to digest the situation, and she knew how to get everyone out. A large stretch and a playful yawn drew everyone's attention to Britney hint to leave. “Well it is getting late and Brett has been needs sleep. Blair you make sure he gets lots of sleep; other wise he will not be much of a challenge tomorrow…”
With a single wink to Blair; Britney started clearing the room of everyone; Judai was protesting, but Britney was not letting him stay. Britney shut the door behind her and bowed her head to everyone in an apologetic fashion. “I'm sorry everyone for doing that, but Brett needs time so his mind is not to overwhelm him more then he is already. He needs time right now since this was another huge shock to his system, but Blair will be good enough to help him. Right now he just needs to take it easy, still I cannot believe she is already a mom.”
This did not add up, at least not to Judai since something was different about this timeline. His father had told him a lot, but he had never heard a single mention about an epic desert battle, and neither did his mother. This was strange as to why this event was happening without his knowledge, and it was clear that something else was wrong. “Umm… Britney was it…? Could you tell me all about what has happened so far?”
The young pop star was anticipating such a request; she gladly agreed to recount the tales leading to this point in time. Britney led the group to her room; secretly though it was the perfect chance to spend some time with Hasleberry too. Britney marveled at her own genius, and continued to lead the group to her room. Judai was also anticipating this; if something had already skewed the time line; then he had to figure it out soon.
Blair and Brett sat together on the bed; Blair had one hand behind Brett's back and one hand on Brett's chest. Blair was so worried about him, and she had to ask him something that was bugging her about everything they had learned. “Brett… do you think Judai and Alexia loved me half as much as they do you…” Brett looked down into her eyes and saw she was looking for help and he happily nodded. “Of course they do Blair. They probably love you more, but maybe I never showed them enough so they are trying to impress me now…”
“No Brett… you remember our first date and our first kiss a few days ago? It's okay on second thought; I'm sorry I asked you…” Brett slowly inhaled before letting out a long sigh; “Blair I'm so sorry… Ever since I started telling you that I wanted to be with you; I have been a terrible depressing boyfriend. I'm sorry for that Blair; you do disserve better then that…”
Never once had Blair thought Brett was depressing or made her unhappy when he was with her. She always considered him to be a great boyfriend, but she stayed silent to see what he would say next. “Blair I'm going to start being a better boyfriend; I will really try my hardest to be better and do what you want to do. I want you to come and cook with you, and I want to do more with you and really start to strengthen our relationship more.”
Blair loved every word, and she was ready to tell him that she loved him, but Brett did not halt his promises. “I want to go on vacation with you, and be your prom date. The thought of us getting married was one f the happiest thoughts ever… I just hope you still want to do all this with me…” Blair was quick to jump up and head for the door; she turned and smiled at him. “I would be really upset if you were not there with me, now get ready for bed because you need your sleep.”
Blair left to get ready, and Brett got up and was quick to change into his night time apparel. He starred out the window for a moment, and starred into space. Soon he started to think to himself and get the courage to do what he had to. `I will not let Blair die, and neither will my kids. Blair I will give you everything you could ever want… I promise.”
A minute passed and Blair returned in her bright red pajamas; Blair jumped into bed and Brett soon followed. “Brett; give me you arm…” Blair took Brett's left arm and put it under her neck; then she twisted her body and grabbed his right hand over the top of her. He was nervous to move his hand anywhere, but Blair suddenly placed it on her covered stomach.
“Brett… I want you to know that you have never been depressing to me, but I'm very exited to do all those things with you… so lets get some sleep…” They both soon fell asleep with Blair's back gently pressed into Brett's front. Even Brett was quick to fall asleep, but this time the weight of the world seemed slightly lighter for some reason, and Brett was going to be the best he could be for Blair.