Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monster GX Fan Fiction ❯ Life in the Pro League, or Lack Thereof! ❯ The Documentary ( Chapter 17 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
A/N: The problem with including Hell Kaiser in this fic is...he’s just not FUNNY. I can think of maybe one good joke involving him. He’ll appear in this fic, but I’m not sure how big of a role he can play.

As for Sho...yeah, I’ll try to fit him in. But it won’t be easy.

And that’s really all I have to say now. Except...100 reviews! Yay!

If you’ll believe it, I was just spurred on to write this fic by a random dream I had. So I had no idea it would turn out to be so successful.

Disclaimer: I still don’t own GX.


They went back to Tokyo the very next day.

Monkey was torn between the thrill of getting back to civilization and disappointment that he couldn’t light any more fires.

To keep his mind from the fires, he spent several days in his office, making mysterious phone calls.

Ryo really should have worried more, but as long as Monkey was leaving him alone, he wasn’t complaining.


“Oh Kai-ser!”

Well, it couldn’t last.

It was the next week, and Ryo had actually begun to take his new freedom for granted.

Big mistake on his part.

When Monkey used that singsong voice, nothing of any good was about to happen.

Ryo rolled his eyes and said, “WHAT?”

Monkey walked into Ryo’s apartment (he had been waiting outside the door). He was holding a large stack of papers.

“You’ve won ten duels in a row, am I correct?” said Monkey in that same fake voice.

“No, it’s a very big occasion! Think of all the money that could be made!”

“I would prefer not to.”

“Since this is such a profitable occasion, I have done you a favor and arranged an exhibition match for two weeks from now!”

So far, it wasn’t so bad. Exhibition match opponents were wimps.

But Monkey was not done talking.

“Although TECHNICALLY an exhibition match, this will be the television event of the season! We will want all potential viewers to know about it well in advance. And how do we let them know?”

Oh great. Ryo knew where THIS was going.

“We ADVERTISE, of course!”

Maybe it still wouldn’t be so bad. Maybe he could just shoot one commercial andbe dome with it.

`Monkey, however, had apparently never heard of “not so bad”.

“And how do we advertise? We shoot a documentary!”

As Ryo repeatedly slammed his head against the wall, Monkey clasped his hands together in greed.


Naturally, there was nothing Ryo could do. Shooting would begin tomorrow.

Ryo tried to save some aspect of sanity by not thinking about what exactly would go on film.

At six AM the next day, Ryo was woken up by a knock on his door.

Thinking it was Monkey, Ryo stumbled out of bed and opened the door while still half-awake.

It wasn’t Monkey. It was the camera crew. And the cameras were already rolling.

Now would be a perfect time for a tsunami. Or an earthquake. Or an asteroid collision. ANYTHING but this!

Ryo was able to go to the bathroom unmolested. But that was about all the private time he had that morning.

He still didn’t know what was so fascinating about him eating breakfast, or brushing his teeth.

Not even Ryo’s most icy death glare scared the people away!


Monkey finally arrived when the crew was filming the thrill-a-moment event of Ryo tying his shoes.

“I have the schedule for filming!” he beamed (although “smirked” would be closer to what Monkey’s face actually looked like).

This schedule was so long that it took nine pages to hold it all.

Just how long did this moronic documentary have to be?

Maybe if Ryo thought about all these events one at a time, it wouldn’t be so overwhelming.

Day One-Noon

Well, here they were at the center of all of Monkey’s evil plots; otherwise known as the ubiquitous Cartoon Bowl of Noodles Restaurant.

It was definitely not acting as a sanctuary for Ryo today.

First, there was this long and boring interview. It was even worse than the one in America, because the questions were even more inane.

For example: “What is your opinion on square watermelons?”

Who would even CARE?

And then, of course, they had to get more riveting footage of Ryo eating.

Day One-2 PM

Ryo was now obligated to show the leeches-er, camera crew-his favorite places to “hang out”.

Ryo had started to say that he never hang out anywhere, but was stopped by a glare from Monkey.
So he had to show them the grocery store, the newspaper stand, and the card store.

The camera people were disappointed that there were no video arcades or anything “cool”, but they asked where Ryo liked to go, and that was about it.

It wasn’t his fault that he wasn’t a “people person”.

Day One-3 PM

Attack by fangirls. The camera people loved every minute of it.

Stupid girls were still wearing those heinous “Flying Carrots” shirts!

Day One-5 PM

Well, at least the first day was over. Only three more left to go.

Tomorrow they would pay a visit to Ryo’s family. Ryo was sure that they couldn’t wait.

Though it would be amusing to see how Tetsusaiga reacted to all these new “friends”.

Ryo went back in to his apartment, but not before checking to make sure the camera people were really gone.


A/N: As you can see, we’re GETTING to Hell Kaiser, but it may take a while.

Expect Sakura to make another appearance before this arc is complete.