Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monster GX Fan Fiction ❯ White Seduction ❯ Chapter Ten ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: This is a parody inspired by the works of Mr. Takahashi. All characters that I have not created or borrowed from other sources are his. This is a Fan fiction and not meant to violate the rights of those who own the rights to the Yu-gi-oh GX Series.I have no money and therefore not a good suing target. Thank you very much. Thanks.

White Seduction

By HVulpes

Chapter Ten

Alexis Rhodes was in a fowl mood with the events which had just occured, she had lost a number of card games to Jaden Yuki. Her competive nature was causing her to rise in anger over the mistakes she had made with the games of war, blackjack and poker. Games she should have been able to win with her ability to predict the next cards with her mind and her faith in fate. Then there was the price she had to pay with the last game as she had played strip poker and wager all of her clothes. She was currently trying to sneak back to the red dorm so she could get some clothes on and was trying to avoid being seen by anyone.

'Tonight was not one of my most stellar nights, loosing everything to Jaden when we played. Still, I might get a win out of this if Jaden was impressed enough with my naked body. The mission was to cause him to fall in love with me... or at least fall in lust. Still, it can't get any worse now.' She thought to herself as she kept to the bushes and tried to looked for a path which would give her the most coverage. Then she heard someone else call out her name from directly behind her.

"Al...lll.lexis! Is it you?" called out a voice she recognized as Chazz, as she turned around on pure instinct. She saw her white comrade standing directly behind her with a great view of her naked body. Redness crossed her body as she could feel the flames of wraith coat her like an aura, the fire exploding in her eyes as she took on a deadly look at Chazz.

"Chazz, what are you doing here? Tell me why I shouldn't rip you apart piece by piece." She was so pisssed she didn't even cover herself, not registering she could have covered herself with her hands. While she could see the fear in Chazz, perhaps even smell the terror in him, she could also see his eyes were welling with pure lust. Which only filled her up with greater female rightous rage as she looked at him.

"I was just trying to keep an eye out for people who might have tried to interrupt your games with Jaden. I wasn't expecting to see you walking along in your birthday suit. What happened in there and why are you in the buff? " The dark haired man asked as he began to keep his eyes locked with her own, likely because he was sensing he would stay alive longer if he did that.

"I was just playing a friendly game of strip poker with Jaden if you have to know, trying to get him naked. Only I lost control of the game as we continued playing against each other. He just happened to get one of the luckest hands in the game when I thought I had him beaten, so I ended up as the one who lost all of their clothing instead of him." She told the other white duellist as she gave him a slightly edited version of events.

Her tone grew darker as she continued with her next words, "Chazz, I hope you realize something about this. If I hear anything about you seeing me naked from anyone else, anyone at all... I will make sure the last few moments of life you have before I kill will be a living hell which will haunt you for the rest of your afterlife. I will place you in an endless torture which will shatter your soul into pieces, fracture your mind into shards and remains from you physical body will be place in small parts all over the island if you make a single mention of these events to anyone else. Understand?"

As she waited for the reply from her comrade, she gave him a smile. Not a smile of warmth, but one of frigid evil made of a promise of intense pain she would being down on him if he managed to slip up in anyway about the events of tonight. A laser intense stare was digging deeper into his face as she waited for him to say anything. Waiting to see if he would say the wrong thing and bring about his death.

"Crystal, Lexi. I won't breath a word to anyone. I have to go now anyway, bye! " Chazz said as he turned tail and started to run in the direction of the former blue dorm. He seemed to gain a sudden boost of super speed as he moved through the brush around the school. Alexis then turned towards the red dorm and then started to move towards her room. The difference this time was the fact she was keeping her sense sharp for anyone who might be around her, so she could keep out of their way.

'Because it would be hard to keep threating anyone who was out here to keep them from mentioning they saw me naked through the woods. I don't want to get a rep as a slut if I can help it.' She thought as she snuck off into the night.


Jaden was still shocked at the results of the card games he had been playing with Alexis, one which ended with the beautiful woman ending up naked before the mostly undress Jaden. Jaden could feel himself getting harder as he saw her in all of her glory, which meant he had to get an image in his mind which could block out all sexual desires in him. The image which came to mind worked yet was one of the most frightening images he had ever came up with, one which almost shut down his mind completely.

'I mean who would want the image of Bonaparte and Crowler in speedos while they were making out heavily with each other. The image nearly turns my stomach right now and with all of the food in my belly it would be a big waste. I guess the best thing I can do is get dressed and back to the red dorm before one of those two show up to get me into trouble. I also having to get back to see if Alexis made if back alright. She ran out of here so fast, especially for someone who wasn't wearing any kind of clothing.' Jaden thought as he finished getting dresssed by pulling on his boots. He wrapped up Alexis' clothing into a ball and wrapped in into his red jacket to hid them. With those clothes he also hid the pack of playing cards they had used for the games.

It was a short period of time before he was out of the building and back on the island, running at top speed to catch up with Alexis before she got into trouble. He had hoped to find her shortly after leaving the building, yet it seemed like she had just disappeared into the night sky. Her began to search for her, trying to look behind the bushes and trees that covered the island. He thought he saw her a few times as he looked, yet when he came close there was nothing there. He kept up the search for what seemed to be an eternity before he finally gave up the fight at trying to find her, instead he moved to getting to the red dorm as soon as possible so he could meet up with her. With that he began to run forward to the dorm.

As he came home he moved as quietly and quickly to the section of the renovated dorm which held her personal room. When he arrived he saw the door was closed, which made him wonder if Alexis had beaten him home. He called out softly as he kocked firmly on her door, "Lexis, are you there did you make it back aright from the games? "

There was a few foot steps from behind that door before it opened up to show Alexis in a soft blue housecoat. It was not very apparent if she was wearing anything else under to soft wool outer covering. She replyed to him, "Well, there was a little mishap on the way home. I managed to take care of it before it could become any kind of major trouble. How was your trip back to the dorm?"

"I was kinda looking for you for a while before I decided to meet up with you back here. I thought I saw you a couple of times, but before I could get closer you seemed to diappeared.I guess in a way you beat me in both hide and seek as well as the race hom before anyone noticed." he told her as he noted she had managed to beat him in games he didn't even know he was playing.

A brillant smile crossed Alexis' lips as she hear him tell her she had managed to get the best of him in some way tonight. She spoke to him, "It does make loosing all of those games to you before a little more bareable, even if it's just in a little way. However, I am not going to let myself loose to you again if I can help it. The next game we play, I'm going to beat you down to the ground with my skills."

Jaden could only smile back as he saw the spark of competion in her eyes. He answered back, "I wouldn't have it any other way. Winning or losing is not the most important thing about duelling, it's playing at the top of your game and having a blast while doing it. When I play against a great duellist like you and a great friend as well, when how can I not have a great duel even if I lose? Good night Lexis and see you in the morning."

Jaden then turned away and headed to the couch where he would be sleeping tonight so Alexis could feel safe from the Soceity of Light.


Bastion was currently in the dorm room of two girls who he had recently met and was making friends with. One was the woman who he had bumped into before, Helena. The other woman who he had been making friends with at this time was a woman named Olivia. She was different from Helena in many ways.

The first difference was the eyes and hair of each woman. Helena had soft grey eyes while Olivia had bright violet eyes, the former girl had a short brunette pageboy cut while the later had a longer mane of neon pink hair. Helena was shorter and more delicate while Olivia was an athelete in build and was slightly taller then the normal woman.

The pink haired girl had a more voice which was a small bit louder then normal with a tone of toughness which could be seen as both intimidating and arousing. This countered the refined voice of the brunette which hinted at being reserved, a good girl with a good background. A Good girl who people would love to make into a naughty girl. Helena had a deck which was totally devoted to the spellcaster type of cards, while Olivia used a combination of spellcasters and warrior cards.

"The Magician's Valkryias in your deck Helena would be most helpful in preventing attacks on your most powerful spellcasting monsters. Then you can use Magician's Circle to summon a monster with 2000 attack points or less to the field if you attack with your spellcaster." He told then using the information he knew from his studies of different card strategies. He was looking over their deck construction and it was looking pretty tightly developed.

"One interesting series of cards you should be inetersted in Helena would be interested in might be the Allure Queen leveled monsters series. From level three to five to seven, they allow you to select an opponent's monsters as an equiped defense against an attack. Each level of the queen getting a higher leveled monster when it it summoned due to the effect of a lower leveled queen." He told then as he pointed out the female spellcaster with a potent effect.

"Interesting you should suggest the Allure Queen, Bastion, but I was also thinking of using the Pikeru and Curran cards as well. One properly used they can increase your attack points while draining the life points of the opponent. If protected by a Magician's Valkyra..."

"You would have a power combination move which would be hard to be, especially if you can find a card to increase the power of the Valkyria like Book of Secret Arts. a brillian idea if it is properly planned before hand." spoke the black haired man as he decided to turn to the second woman's deck.

"It is interesting that you choose to use the Charmer series of cards, Olivia. Using them you can summon most of the powerful wind, water, earth and fire monsters in your deck. Which can be handy in summoning other spellcasters like Injection Fairy Lilly or The Tricky. Still there is a majority of powerful spellcasters who are mostly Light or Darkness monsters." Bastion started as he continued with the comments.

"Still it is lucky you also use warrior monsters. If in doubt, there are the elemental heroes like Jaden uses which are all based around the fusion of the four basic elements. It can summon many other cards which can be of great use if you have them. Cards like Exiled Force or Maximum Six as major known cards. Or reinforcement cards like Command Knight, Marauding Captain or Freed the Matchless General. Also look for complimentry cards for both kinds of monsters like The A. Force or Ready for Intercepting." He continued as he told her about the best kind of cards to use for her deck structure.

"Well, I don't exactly want to duplicate the cards of the Yugi kid, even if it would help me with my duels. I'll just have to keep an eye out for powerful monsters of the earth, fire, water and wind attribute to stick in my deck for use." asked Olivia as she looked at her cards.

"It is possible for there to be such cards out there or in the works from Industrial Illusion. It might also be an idea to switch from the warrior series of cards to more of the Pyros, Rock, Aqua and perhaps some Winged Beasts. It will have to be up to you." he reminded her of the knowledge she would have to adapt her cards to match her spellcasters.

"So Bastion, what kind of deck have you decided to create to counter Jaden's Elemental Heroes and Neo Spacians cards? I can imagine the idea of neutralizing his polymerization card effects is still useful and you have been developing and idea to stop Wild heart. However, his Elemental Hero Neos has the ability to fuse without the use of a card." The pinked girl asked as she looked at him.

"Yes, I have been mostly thinking of a way to paralyse his heroes, but these new alien cards would be harder to stop given their contact fusion ability. The key would to remove either Neos or the Neo Spacians. While the Spacians have multiple useful powers, there is at least six of them you have to get rid of. Neos is a higher level monster, but he is only one card. So the best option would be to eliminate Neos." he answered as his thoughts took shape.

"A logical choice since the aliens seem unable to merge with each other, only Neos. Find a magic or monster effect card which prevents the use of monster effects and you stop the aliens and Wildheart as well." spoke the elfen girl as she added to the plan which was developing.

"A three pronged attack is what you need. The question is what cards will you need to create a deck which would bring all of those elements together. Which might mean you would have to give up the science based decks you have been using in your fights so far. We would have to build the deck from the bottom up and hope Jaden wouldn't add any other cards other then his heroes and aliens. It would take a lot of research and planning to perfect. Do you think you would like a little help with you calculations?" asked the violet eyed girl as she looked at him with interest, just like her grey eyed friend.

"Yes, let us help you do the leg work for constructing the deck which will take Mister Yugi down for the Society of Light. Then the world can see you as the true master duellist you are, rather then see you as someone in the background. It can also show that you could have taken Chazz if you really wanted to. So will you accept our help?" asked Helena, waiting for the next words he would speak with breath held.

"I would love a chance to work with the two of you on this project. I would love to start work on the cards I have now for building this deck, but I might need to expand the kinds of cards I would need to make. Something perhaps with the science of cryogenics, the art of freezing a object or person. It would be most helpful in freezing effects, trap and magic cards as well as Polymerization effects." answered Bastion as he thought about the kind of deck he would need for the defeat of his main rival.

In the same white dorm...

Sartorius was watching the scene with Bastion and the girls with his powers, seeing his plans going well with those three. The idea of a deck constructed to spot the E-heroes and those from Neo Space was something he was looking forward to. Still, there was the ability of the red student to overcome the path of destiny and the light. Lucky, there was the seduction plan which was currently going on at the same time.

"The boy has a will of iron to resist the attention of the queen of the white dorm. Main of the male students in the school would have already given up and followed her from their dorm into our hands. Of course, I know the boy had a great source of will power when he resisted my power before when I sent Aster after him. Instead of being turned to the light, he was unable to see any of his own cards. Which sent him on the path to Neos Space." Sartorius said to himself, knowing the strength of his opponent.

"There, however, has to be a limit to that willpower. Some way to break through it to the soft mind which lies beneath and change it to the will of fate. I have some time before the the light is revealed in all of it's glory, so I will continue with this plan of action. Time to continue to test his defenses and see where the cracks are. Time to see his cards in action and find away prevent them from aiding him in the battle to come." The Psychic's mind turned to the other choosen one.

"Romance would not be able to control this one. No, the only thing in his mind currently is avenging his father's diappearance and finding the last Destiny Hero card. This might be the only way which I can continue to influence him. I still have that trump card in my sleeve for when I need it most. Either way with these two, I will have to continue to watch them and the future. Looking for the chance I need to remake this world in the image of the light." Sartorious began to flip the cards on the table to view the future.

Author's notes:

Sorry for the delay between the different fics, but this story is not the easiest to get out for me. Some of the Naruto works seem to come out better for me, I have been also working on different works and even some lemons. I do have some interesting news for fans in that this story has been printed up to that last chapter on the Maximum Addventure, where anyone could write their own branches of the story. I will try to post up this chapter for the addventure. It doesn't have many Yu-gi-oh threads, with one or two lemon threads for Yu-gi-oh and a branch for giving Yugi or Jaden the Omnitrix from Ben Ten only with Duel Monsters in it. However, if you have a story which you would like other people to add to this is one of the places to put it.

I hope to bring up the Ra duel in the next chapters, only involving Alexis in the audience. It will likely not be a exactly like the Dub, as I will be using the Japanese summary for help. I hope to build with what I have here including the new characters of Helena and Olivia. I hope it wasn't too boring with the explaination of duelling strategies, I gained some help from the Yu-gi-oh Wikia which details the animes and the card games. It is a useful resource for Yu-gi-oh writers.

I hope you like this,
