Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ You and I collide ❯ 2 worlds collide ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
I don't own these characters,,,so don't sue me."Hey Sakura are you done yet" Sakura's friend Tomoyo whispered silently across to her ,as they were in a library. "No. sorry Tomoyo not done yet, you can go on without me" Sakura had volunteered to stack up all the books in their correct order. "Ok then I really hate to go but." "It's Okay" Sakura cut her off. Tomoyo left her there to finish stacking up the books. An hour later, Sakura was on the last shelf when she noticed the place had become very quiet. No sound was to be heard. "Hmm.. That's weird" Sakura gently placed the books down on the floor and looked around. No one was there. "Hello? Mrs. Kaoru?" No one. She circled the place twice and noticed no one was there. She called out again still no reply. She started to panic. No one was around. She gently walked on over to the door.(CLICK,CLICK) The door wouldn't open. "EEEKKKK! I'm trapped in" She ran around the library trying to open the windows but they wouldn't budge. "arrgg She sat down on the floor and groaned in frustration. She glanced at the clock on the wall. 4:30. 'O My Gosh that is late.' "Hey wait a minute I can use the Clow Cards to get out of here" Sakura dug down in her blouse and searched for the key. She couldn't find it. "EEKkkKkk!!!" She screeched. "Where is the key?" She searched and searched but couldn't find the key anywhere. She walked around the library in frustration. "It's ok They'll realize I'm not at home and come for me" Sakura breathed a sign of relief and hope. She sat down and waited.and waited. It soon turn to five o'clock. The AC was getting the placed colder and colder. Sakura rubbed her arms trying to keep warm. Then 6:00 came and it was growing dark. She was starting to get worried. There was no phone, because it was going to get repaired next week. She couldn't turn on the lights because it operated from outside. "Ooo.. I'm scared." She mumbled. Then she heard clicking noises. As if someone was coming. She was scared frozen stiff. She tucked her head in her knees and made herself as small as possible. Tears flowing down her eyes. "Hey you there" She heard a voice call out to her. "Huhh.. wh..who are you have you come to get me out.?" She stuttered.She wasn't really paying attention to face she was checking out the funky tri- colored hair he had. "Um.. I don't know one minute I was playing duel monsters next minute I was here" He looked around the surroundings, she could tell he was really and truly lost. "Um. What's your name?" Sakura said, still scrunched up in the corner. "Um.. Yugi yours?" "It's Um.. Sakura, Sakura Avilon" She went over his weird clothes,up and down. "Do you know how to play duel monsters?" Yugi asked Sakura. "Um.. What??" "These" Yugi sat down infront of Sakura and pulled out his dueling cards "You have CLOW CARDS?" Sakura exclaimed. "Clow wha.??" Yugi was confused. "Um.. These" Sakur pulled out her Clow Cards, she found how stupid she was having clow cards ready but no key to open them."Whoa what are those" Yugi exclaimed. They both exchanged their cards and studied them, squinting in the dim light. Then they exchanged them back. "Mine are Clow Cards each card possess a magical power for example Big" she held up the big card. She began reviewing and explaining to little Yugi what Kero-Chan had told her and he explained to her about monster dueling. Sakura let out a huge sigh. "So how did you get locked in here?" Yugi asked keeping is eyes locked on her emerald green eyes."I volunteered to sack up the books and I guess they forgot me in her" she mumbled."Oh?""But it's okay I'll just wait here and they'll come for me" she lifted her head and smiled at Yugi."Oh" he repeated again. They were silent for awhile when both of them noticed the room temperature was dropping."Here take my jacket" Yugi said handing her his jacket. Sakura looked a bi hesistant for awhile. "Are you sure it's okay?""Of course it's ok"
"Thanks" Sakura said. Wrapping the jacket around her, still trembling."What about you?""O I'm fine" Yugi smiled.They remained silent for awhile. The room was dark now. Sakura was getting tired and kept on bobbing her head. She gave up eventually and leaned her head on the stranger."I hope you don't mind I'm tired," Sakura whispered."Um. No.." Yugi felt his face grow warm. They both leaned their heads together on each other's and fell asleep."Sakura! Sakura!" she heard her name being called. She groaned, being awakened up by her good sleep, even if it was on the hard wooden floor."Hey Sakura!" She saw her brother coming towards her."Toya" she mumbled still half asleep."If you were planning on spending the night in the library you could have told us first" Toya poked her sleepy brother. He examined the blue jacket which she wore but couldn't be bothered. He picked up his half asleep sister and carried her out.She woke up around 3:00amSakura stretched and yawned. "Yugi" She whispered. She looked around she was in her own bedroom. She rubbed her eyes. Then she fell back on her bed and fell back asleep."TOYA!!!" Sakura yelled at the top of her lungs."What" he replied coolly stirring what he was cooking."Where is the blue jacket??!""What blue jacket?" Toya replied."Don't play dumb dummy""O I threw that old thing out""TOYA!" she screeched."Gee It's there in the closet". Toya found it better not to ask any questions.'I guess he just disappeared' Sakura thought sadly."Thanks Yugi" She smiled and held the blue jacket close to her.(I haven't watched Yu-gi-Oh often so I don't know what it is like when he is traveling so I'll only write Sakura's scenes)"Hey Sakura!" Tomoyo greeted her infront of her house."Looking for this" Tomoyo handed out her key."You found it thanks Tomoyo" Sakura hugged her friend."Be more careful ok""Yea I will" She said placing it around her neck where is belonged."hey Sakura what's that" Tomoyo pointed to the Jacket Sakura was clinging to as if it was her most prized possession. Sakura explained over the whole incident to her best friend."Ohh sounds like you got a new lover" Tomoyo teased."Yea but I'm not sure If I'll see him again, I think he went back to his own world" She stared blankly at the jacket.'I hope he comes back'
"You have a high fever" Toya said looking at the thermometer."No kidding" Sakura mumbled. 'What a time to be sick,"You get some rest, Oh and Tomoyo sent these over" He placed a bag of chocolates on the table and left.(But not without giving kero that glare)"Hey there Sakura you okay" Kero floated over her after he left.She breathed heavily and her face was pink. Everything seemed so hot and uncomfortably sticky."Yea" She shifted in the bed. 'I wish Yugi was here'Kero floated away downstairs as soon as Toya left the house to leave Sakura to rest. Sakura wanted to sleep but couldn't it was too hot though the windows were open. She felt awful. "I wish Yugi was here" she repeated again. As the time between them grew the more in love she became with him.She closed her eyes and thought over the short moment they had together, when she was trapped all alone in the library."Sakura" She thought she heard a voice."When she blinked open her eyes everything was fuzzy but the image became clear. He was standing right over to her, with his eyes full of worry."Yugi is that you" she could barely hear her own voice."Are you okay? are you sick?" Yugi placed a hand over her hot sweaty forehead. She wish it could stay there forever."Why did you leave?" She struggled to sit up. She was so weak."I don't know I fell asleep then I ended up in my world again." He gazed about at all of Sakura's stuff in her room."Can you get the bag of chocolate for me I'm to tired to get it" Yugi obediently brought the chocolate for Sakura."Here" He took a small piece of chocolate and popped it in Sakura's mouth."Your jacket it over there" Sakura pointed out, mumbling through a mouthful of chocolate"HEY WHO ARE YOU!!" Kero came bursting n the room."Um..um.."Yugi stuttered. Kero circled around him curiously for awhile. "This is Yugi. Kero. the guy I was talking about" Sakura said weakly collapsing back on the bed."Oh" Kero said. "I feel a strange power and magic coming from him""Uh.. what's this Sakura" Yugi pointed at the little teddybear looking thing."That's Kero-chan---- he is the guardian of the Clow Cards-----, he--- helps and gives---- me advice-------- when------- I'm capturing---- the----- - cards" Sakura paused each time to take a breath."Oh I remember""Hi Kero-chan"Yugi smiled."Hi Yugi. Hey Sakura I'm going downstairs to get a wet clothe for you. be right back" Kero floated downstairs."I'm sorry your sick Sakura" he didn't know what else to say."It's ok I'm glad your back. Don't leave me again okay?" Sakura looked up. Her eyelids were heavy."I don't know, it just happens," Yugi knelt next to her."I---don't---want---you---to-leave----" Sakura breathed heavily."O.." he blushed slightly"Yugi----""Don't talk. you need to rest now" he placed a finger on her lips to hush her.That was all she remembered then things just seemed to fade away. 'No. Yugi don't leave me' she cried out in her thoughts as the image of him faded away. 'am I dreaming' She kept running. Running. Running. Chasing after the fading picture of Yugi. Tears rolled down her warm cheeks as the image disappeared into the darkness. She was there alone. All alone. She weakly collapsed crying. Her arm still outstretched. "Don't leave me.. Please don't leave me Yugi" she whispered weakly.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Sakura woke up feeling surprisingly refreshed. Her headache was gone and she wasn't feeling hazy anymore, but she was feeling sad and heartbroken because Yugi had mysteriously disappeared again. "I HATE YOU BAKA WHY do you keep on leaving "Sakura yelled aloud. She jumped out of bed. It was late afternoon now. She looked out her window to see Tomoyo walking up the sidewalk towards her house. Tomoyo spotted her and they both exchanged smiles."So Sakura are you feeling any better" Tomoyo said nibbling on a biscuit."Yea couldn't be better" She stretched."did you like the chocolate I sent" Tomoyo asked."yea it tasted great. Hey you won't believe it I saw him again!""Who?""Yugi the boy I was telling you about.""Sakura maybe you were just hallucinating""No really kero saw him. Andigavehimbackhisjacket and hegavemeapieceofyourchocolate and hetouched my lips" Sakura touched her lips gently, still feeling his finger on them."Slow down Sakura ok I believe you I guess you are in love with him then am I right" Tomoyo placed her hand over Sakura's forehead (just checking if she was still sick)Sakura turned a crimson red. "Maybe, I think I miss him so much the baka just keeps on disappearing" Sakura was becoming mad at Yugi now for not staying longer."Maybe you guys were brought together by destiny,imagine that too young lovers from separate worlds brought together by fate" Tomoyo had that sparkle in her eyes imagining it up."ok whatever Tomoyo" Sakura blushed a bit.'Maybe I am still sick'4 weeks wafterwards.Tomoyo and Sakura were having a sleepover at Sakura's home."This is going to be so great" Sakura squealed."Yea totally."They were interrupted by a bright light, shining from the center of her room. They both gazed as the white light cleared and a short boy, about their age, tri-colored hair appeared in the room."YUGI!" Sakura jumped up and hugged him."Hey Sakura.. Wow it really is you" he said hugging back. Then (SMACK!)"Ow why did you hit me for" Yugi said rubbing his burning cheek."You baka you left without saying good bye" Sakura yelled at him."Is this Yugi" Tomoyo interrupted pointing at Yugi."yup" Sakura's smile returned."Hi I'm Yugi" Yugi said shaking her hand."And I'm the person who just caught this totally awesome outtake on my video-camera." She grinned as she lifted up her video camera to show him proof."UH.. wha?""otherly known as Tomoyo, I love my video camera""Okk.. Nice to meet you Tomoyo" Yugi gazed at the crazy purple haired girl.Sakura jumped up and hugged Yugi."I'm not letting go this time" She tightened her grip making him cough."Gee Sakura do ya gotta be that desperate." (Tomoyo sweatdrops)Then the light beam glowed around Yugi again."It's happening again, this always happened before I go back to my world" Yugi cried."I'm not letting go never" Sakura held on tight."Sakura" Tomoyo jumped in and with that they were gone.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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