Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / D. N. Angel Fan Fiction ❯ Kyu wa murasaki des. (Today is purple) ❯ Chapter Five ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Sweet notes: I have one or two things that I thought I should bring up before you read this chapter, thank those who read the story and then ‘commented’ on stupid things. First of all, to everyone who keeps going on and on and on and on about the swearing. I decided that in my story, they’ll swear every second word. It’s called ‘characterization’ and if you don’t like it, can’t handle it or have problems with it, don’t read it! I myself can’t stand so much swearing, I have to go back and put the fuckins’ in! And, on a dangerously personal note;

Hardy, har, har.

Dear *appalled* thank you for making me laugh. You’ve obviously learnt a different form of Japanese to me, as when writing the ROMANJI for de-su, you wrote the U, which most people don’t use because it is rarely said with proper emphasis on the su, especially when using the more well known Tokyo pronunciations, which differ from other parts of the country- either that, or you were trying to show off and be a smart ass that you know more Japanese than me… strangely enough I’m betting on the latter. Kio, which, you are quite right should be spelt something like kyou (or kyoo if you’ve seen the Slayers Series), seems to be a very stupid mistake on my part. That is assuming it wasn’t INTENTIONALLY spelt that way and I didn’t translate the joke into the English title. Kio is a joke between myself and one of my RL readers here in Australia that used to read my stuff when I didn’t take Japanese as a subject in school; it’s a poke at the fact that I couldn’t pronounce any Japanese words back then and when asked to write down the sound that With from D.N.Angel makes, wrote ki-yo instead of ki-yu (which was mostly because I got yu and yo mixed up, but anyway..). Since Purple is dedicated to one of my fans, I thought it would be AMUSING to put the joke in the title. And finally, my dear, darling *appalled*, you who couldn’t even sign your name on your ‘review’, I’m very sorry that you have no self-control. If I didn’t like the title of a story, I wouldn’t read it, and thus, I wouldn’t submit people to my high and mighty superiority complexes and obnoxious attitude, and I do have so many. If you don’t like something, DON’T READ IT. I pass off plenty of stories every day because I don’t like them; I don’t call the authors up about it and abuse them for poor romanji or spelling mistakes in names, I KNOW that everyone has to start somewhere and I don’t cry because a young author has wrongly spelt some romanji (especially since a lot of the younger anime genre’s have so few authors who know much Japanese). Don’t attack everyone else for your own insecurities.

As to everyone else, thank you for reviewing- actually reviewing and not flaming. I’m glad people do like this story, a lot of RL people don’t get my sense of humor, but obviously, there are many people online who do. It’s nice to have people who appreciate comical stories and don’t take them to their zenith.


Chapter Five of Kio wa murasaki des. (Today is purple).

By Sweetdeily.

“Another fuckin’ story, eh? Well, there’s not really all that fuckin’ much to tell, me’n the boys didn’t have many fuckin’ mishaps.” Yami munched on his burger and pondered the question some more.

“Alright, then something more recent. What happened for the judge to send you here?” Yugi took a deep slurp of his milkshake and Yami could hear the container rattle with the suction. There wasn’t much liquid left.

Yami put his burger down and shrugged. “He was a fuckin’ weirdo. That’s all I can fuckin’ think of. Instead of the fuckin’ punishment I was expecting, hell everyone was fucking expecting, he sends me out of the fuckin’ country.”

Yugi snorted with a laugh and wiped his mouth. “So you terrorize the countryside and instead of a slap on the hand you get plane tickets. Seems a good reflection of society today.”

Yami shrugged and tossed the seagulls squawking at him another chip. They fell on the chip like… well, seagulls on chips. “You want to fuckin’ go anywhere in fuckin’ particular?” Come to think of it, were seagulls even native to this area?

“Not really. School will be on for another hour still, I don’t really want to face the principal on a full stomach.”

“He’s a fuckin’ push-over, just give him the fuckin’ finger and he’ll back the fuck off.”

Yugi shook his head; sifting in his chair and putting his empty milkshake back down. “I don’t think I’ve got the nerves for a life of being bad.”

“You know, Ryou said the exact same fuckin’ thing.”

“And what happened to him?”

“He’s running the fuckin’ gang back home as far as I fuckin’ know.”

Yugi snorted, a cute little sound that made Yami grin. “Do… do you want to go to the library? I need to borrow some subject books.”

“Sure, whatever. Can I burn them when you’re fuckin’ done with them?”

Yugi stared at him for the longest time.

“Never, ever, ever joke about burning knowledge.” The small teen told him in rather scary tones.

Yami leaned back in his chair and held up his hands defensively. “Hey, down boy!”

Yugi frowned at the gang leader. “You could read some books sometime, you know.”


“To attain higher levels of psyche.”

“Why’d I wanna’ fuckin’ do that?”

Yugi paused, as if trying to figure out how he was supposed to answer a question like that. “… to smite your enemies better with.”

Yami laughed and stood, collecting his school bag. “Alright, lead on, crusader for fuckin’ knowledge.”


The Murasaki local library was an impressive building. Not an old towering momentum, but a new towering momentum.

It had that faint musk in the air that comes from hundreds of books stored in one area. It was maybe four stories high with a still shiny sheen on its walls. Either it was washed often or it was sitting on the charred remains of its predecessors. There were no stone gargoyles or dark corners, and its title of ‘library’ was displayed in huge blue neon letters across the top.

It gave Yami the creeps. “Why do I feel like its going to fuckin’ come alive and bite me?”

Yugi laughed, like the other boy was joking. He wasn’t. “I love this smell. You know what it is?”


“Hahaha, no, knowledge, my swearing friend, the great stores of knowledge.” Yugi had to take Yami’s hand and drag him into the foyer.

Inside there was a bank of computers to the right, a small front desk on the left with two big boxes near the door, one labeled book-returns and the other labeled DVD returns.

Yami whooped loudly. “You should have fuckin’ told me that they had DVD’s. How do we buy them?”

Yugi shh’d him. “If you find one you’d like to watch I’ll hire it for you. You can’t buy books or DVD’s from a library; you watch them and return them.”

“Why don’t you just fuckin’ keep them?”

“Because then you get fined. Its free until they become over-due or you don’t return them.”

“Sounds a bit too trusting for me.”

“Just shut up and have a look at some DVD’s while I get my books.” Yugi said in a mock-serious tone.

Yami gave the short teen a one-fingered salute and walked through the barcode detectors. The DVD section was clearly labeled ‘DVDs’ and the teen approached. He hadn’t seen any videos in a long time, sure, he’d seen movies, almost every night that the Darks got bored and snuck into the back of the movie theatre, but he hadn’t realized he’d been missing stuff until he saw the quaint collection laid out before him.

“Fuck! Anaconda the original? I haven’t fuckin’ seen this one!”

Someone made a shh’ing sound from the back of the library at Yami’s exclamation and the teen looked around for the culprit so he could show them his middle finger.

He searched the rest of the display, not sure what he was looking for but came out with two other action movies he hadn’t seen. Pleased with his find he went in search of Yugi. The dwarf teen was in the back of the library reading the back of a book studiously.

“What the fuck are ya’ looking at?” Yami inquired poetically.

“Nothing. Just something for my theory of unacquainted physics class.”

Yami choose not to answer that.

“Are you ready? Did you find something to watch?”

“Fuckin’ did. I should visit the fuckin’ libraries more fuckin’ often.”

Yugi hushed him briefly; Yami was speaking so loudly they were attracting attention. “Not so loud, people come here for peace and quiet.”

Yami laughed. “That’s funny.”

Yugi had a strange expression on his face like he thought there was something wrong with the other teen.


“You haven’t been in public places with many other people have you?”

Yami shrugged. “Not really.”

“Why don’t you give it a try then? Okay?”

Yami shrugged. “What could it fuckin’ kill?” as long as he could hang out with the dwarf some more.

“Alright. Let’s get back to school. I have a bus to catch.”

Yami winced. He suspected there would be a limo waiting for him back at the school buildings.


Don’t you hate it when you’re right? Yami was starting to.

Most of the school had crowded around the black limo double parked right in front of the foyer. The driver was laughing at some of the boys talking to him through the window and pointing at the bonnet. Leaning against the car was Dark, in his punk-like attire. Dark had a half smoked cigarette hanging from between his fingers.

Yami gave Yugi a little wave and watched the dwarf get on his bus, turning back with dread to the limo. Did he really want to go over there and announce himself? No, he didn’t. But it wasn’t like he had anywhere else to go. With a sigh of suffering Yami approached.

“Look what the fuckin’ cat ran over. What a fuckin’ surprise, ya’ haven’t skipped town already? I must be good at this fuckin’ thing.” Dark called out to him.

“You’re fuckin’ full of yourself. It shits me.” Yami answered him.

The other kids were noticing the gang leader’s connection to the limo now and many were shouting out questions left and right.

“I don’t think that’s what pisses you off. I think its cause everyone else is fuckin’ sucking up to me and it intimidates ya’ you little shit.” Dark grinned and took another drag of his cigarette.

Yami dumped his book bag in front of Dark and raised an eyebrow. “Fuckin’ hardly.”

The driver was opening his door and coming around the side of the car. Presumably he was going to take the book-bag. How sad.

“So, you made it through, what, ten minutes of school? Not fuckin’ bad for your first try. But no fuckin’ pizza. I said there’d be pizza if you made it through the whole day and back.” Dark took another drag of the cigarette and took a step back so the driver could grab the book-bag. “But you got yourself a fuckin’ cute little boyfriend.”

Yami rolled his eyes. “Yeah, whatever ya’ fuckin’ pervert.”

The driver popped the boot and came back around to open the doors for them. “Sirs,”

Dark gave an elaborate motion for Yami to hop in and the teen shook his head and slid into the limo. “Take us home, Henry.” Dark told the driver as he followed suit.

“His fuckin’ name is Henry. That’s fuckin’ depressing.” Yami commented.

Dark stubbed his cigarette in the ash tray provided and slipped into the seat opposite Yami. “Yeah. Blame his mother. Anyway, I was talking to some of the fuckin’ pipsqueaks, they told me that you solved the math’s teacher’s formula in under five minutes. What the fuck is up with that?”

Yami shrugged. “He was an idiot. Anyone could have fuckin’ seen the connections. He was trying to disprove one of the fundamentals in mathematics, but to disprove it you need to fuckin’ use it, so you can’t. I showed this to him.”

Dark laughed. “And you haven’t fuckin’ taken fuckin’ school since when...?”

“I dunno. I fuckin’ quit, High School is boring.”

Dark laughed again. “That’d be right. Sounds like you’re a prodigy.”

“I’m a fuckin’ what?”

“Tell me, can you fuckin’ recite the first fuckin’ book you were read in kindergarten?”

Yami cocked his head to one side, remembering. “My fuckin’ memory ain’t that good, but it was something about the morals of taking drugs. This kid went to get butter… or was it milk? Anyway, on his way down some pedophile gives him beans and the kid eats them, gets fucked up in the head.”

“I remember that, ‘once upon a time there was a young boy who lived alone with his mother, they were very poor and had little money to buy things with. One day their only cow stopped producing milk so the boy’s mother gave him two shillings to go to the market and buy some milk. The boy…”

Yami cut Dark’s recital off. “What does that have to fuckin’ do anything?”

Dark shrugged. “You’re fuckin’ smarter than you look is all.”


The car trip was quiet from the remainder of the journey.

~ To Be Continued…

Sweet notes: Ahh. Detta! What did we think of that chapter. It felt awkward to me, but hey. The lemon is drawing closer. Unlike those unfortunate enough to be reading immortals. *no sex in fourteen chapters, pity them*.

Dark: What about me?

Sweets: What about you?

Dark: Me and sex…

Sweets: ohhhh. Eventually. I’m doing it couple at a time.

Dark: Why can’t you branch the story in half?

Sweets: Because some people won’t like it.

Yami: This coming from the girl who just had a big rant that she didn’t care.

Sweets: that’s about readers choice. This is about responsibility as an author. Maybe some people want to stop after the Yami/Yugi part is done because they don’t know anything about D.N.Angel.

Yugi: She’s got a point there. If she suddenly branched off with the story some people might be after reading the YGO parts only and it’ll end up taking twice as long.

Dark: I see your point, but still… that means I have to wait for like… forever to have sex.

Sweets: Not if the crossover bonding goes as well as I plan for it to go.

Daisuke: Since when have cross-over bondings ever gone well?

Sweets: -_-;;; good point.

Reviews. Heh. I don’t bite often, and for just anything. Just idiots.