Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / D. N. Angel Fan Fiction ❯ Kyu wa murasaki des. (Today is purple) ❯ Final of part one ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
~~~Chapter Eight of Kio wa murasaki des. (Today is purple).By Sweetdeily.~~~

Yugi and Yami had played Tekken Six until seven at night. Then Yami had bought the leftover pizza up and they’d eaten and talked for a while. Yugi talked mostly about the philosophies he thought were cool or interesting. There was one particular idea that the world was all a figment of one’s own imagination and that everything was, therefore, subjected to your own inner projections, that Yugi found completely enthralling.

They watched a little Dragon Ball Z after that, and Yami grit his teeth through Yugi’s exclamations at how ‘that wasn’t the full level of power’ that X character could reach. It wore on the goth’s nerves, but he left it alone.

And then it was eleven at night. They had school the next day so Yugi suggested sleep. Yami agreed and turned off the light.

They lay in silence for a while. Yami was waiting for the shrimp to relax a little before he broached the subject he wanted to broach.

“Yami?” Yugi whispered.


“Do you think…” Yugi stammered on his words and stopped speaking for so long that Yami didn’t think he was going to start again.

“Yeah?” Yami prompted.

“Nothing. Nevermind.”

Yami grinned in the darkness and slid off his bed. Yugi had a little pallet of blankets and two pillows set up on the floor where he was sleeping. There was about a foot between it and the bed. The goth landed half on top of the other boy.

Yugi grunted and shifted, Yami chuckled darkly as he lay next to the other boy. The pillows smelt like Yugi’s shampoo. Apples. Yami loved that smell.

“Yugi…” Yami whispered conspiratorially.

Yugi turned his head, so he was looking at the other teen.

Yami smiled again and kissed the other boy, thoroughly this time. He stroked Yugi’s chin and shoved his tongue inside the smaller’s mouth. Yugi’s mouth was soft and small and tasted like pepperoni pizza. The ex-gang leader was a little surprised when Yugi didn’t draw away from him. The dwarf lay there, passively allowing Yami to kiss him.

They started breathing through their noses. Yami was desperate to not end the kiss, in case he was imagining it all. And Yugi just seemed to be in a submissive mood.

The goth rolled himself on top of Yugi’s prone body and broke the kiss. “Yugi…” He murmured. What was he thinking about saying? Really! Something mushy no doubt. Yami shut himself up with another searing kiss, as though he could drink in the dwarf’s soul through his mouth.

Yugi made a small sound, somewhere between a squeak and a moan as Yami’s hungry hands pulled the covers from the smaller teen’s body.

“Mmm. Yugi…” Yami groaned again, as he slipped a hand under Yugi’s shirt, drawing his nails sharply down Yugi’s chest.

Yugi cried out. “That hurts!”

Yami smiled wickedly. “I know, but imagine what it’s going to feel like in a moment.” He pulled Yugi’s shirt over his head and used it to tie up Yugi’s hands. Yugi yelped and struggled a little.

“What are you doing?”

Yami started licking the red marks, rolling his tongue first up and then down the wounds like candy. He put a hand on Yugi’s chest to hold the other boy still while he worked his magic.

Yugi shivered and groaned. “Uh… that feels…”

“Nice?” Yami murmured, sucking some of the abused flesh into his mouth and swirling his tongue over it.

“Oh God. I must be gay.” Yugi groaned.

“So?” Yami slipped a hand under Yugi’s boxers.

Yugi mewed, trying to disentangle his hands. The goth pinned Yugi’s wrists to the floor with a groan. “No, no. Stay like that. Ya’ look fucking hot.”

Yugi tossed his head from side to side uselessly as his sex was fondled quickly and remorselessly. “Oh god! I knew you were going to do this.”

Yami grinned and kissed the pipsqueak again. “I bet you did.”

Yugi was panting now, and there was some happy action in his pants. He thrust wantonly against Yami’s quick and sure fingers. “Oh….”

Yami held off and pulled his hand back; enjoying the way Yugi squirmed now. He licked his fingers slowly, tasting the precum delicately. It was that wonderful taste of sex that did it. He was horny.

He’d been horny for weeks now and no one had been there to make it all better. But now he had a squirming little Yugi under him, a squirming little Yugi with a hard-on to make Yami proud.

The goth pulled the covers back further so he could straddle Yugi properly. “Want some more?”

Yugi nodded. “Are you going to tie me up?”

Yami nodded.

“And hurt me more?” Yugi asked softly.

Yami shrugged. “Only if ya’ want me to.”

Yugi’s face was bright red. “It was okay.”

Yami kissed the teen again and began to pull his pants down, over his thighs. “You have a dirty little mind.”

Yugi just blushed even stronger.

Yami grinned as he pulled back. He’d only worn boxers to bed, knowing what he planned on doing. He wasn’t surprised that Yugi had figured it out. Yugi was smart like that. That meant that maybe Yugi liked him. Why did that make Yami’s heart beat a little too fast in his chest?

He didn’t need to pin Yugi to the floor anymore, but he did want some handcuffs.

And that vibrator under his bed.

And some of the cherries in the fridge.

But damnit, that all involved so much effort- when it was much nicer if he just started here and now on the other teen. He could leave the heavy gear for round two.

Yami grabbed hold of Yugi’s cheeks and kissed Yugi again. Slower this time, like he would drown in the softness of those lips. Yugi’s tongue was shy and Yami could tell very inexperienced for he coaxed the organ into his own mouth gently, making sure that Yugi felt a little in control of the movement. There was nothing like a bottom who thought they were directing you. It was exuberating. The goth opened his eyes, reaching an arm over Yugi’s head to feel between the bed and its frame. There was a small packet and a bottle there and he grabbed these awkwardly in one hand.

Yami stopped kissing Yugi and pulled back, still straddling the little teen. “I want you to get on the bed. Take your shorts off, but leave your hands the way they are.”

Yugi nodded feebly in the dark and extracted himself from Yami, slowly turning to take his shorts off, like he was modest. Yami pulled hurriedly at his own boxers and looked in agony at his throbbing erection. Soon, he told it. Very soon.

The condom was a pain in the ass to get on, because his flesh twitched every time he touched it. oh, he really needed to do the cute little thing lying down comfortably on his bed. Finally, the plastic settled and Yami opened the bottle of lube, covering his aching arousal in the cold fluid. Which didn’t have as much effect on his weeping organ as it should have. He was far too excited.

“Are we rushing this?”

“No.” Yami snapped. In fact, they weren’t going fast enough.

He climbed up on the bed next to Yugi, noting that Yugi’s bright eyes darted downward. Looking at what was between Yami’s legs.

“I dunno…” the nerd stuttered.

Yami hushed him with a kiss. “It won’t hurt after the first few minutes. Promise.”

And that was about as tender as he got. He slipped his still wet hand between Yugi’s thighs, teasing Yugi’s tight entrance with the liquid. Yugi moaned softly. “That’s weird.”

Yami chuckled. “Don’t worry. I’m not freaking out.”

Yugi frowned. “You know what I mean.”

Yami chuckled again and began to finger-tip fuck the smaller man, darting just the tips of his fingers in and out of the other boy’s little opening.

Yugi mewled in frustration and started moving his hips. “Stop that!”

Yami grinned. “Want more?”

Yugi nodded.

Yami could have groaned in agony right then and there. Why did the pipsqueak have to be so goddamn sexy?

“Wrap your legs around my waist…yeah, like that.”

The goth ended up kneeling between Yugi’s thighs, cock positioned perilously close to his target. He pushed in slowly, letting Yugi adjust to the size of the limb entering him, and letting his self-control strangle itself as he tried not to just shove in as hard and fast as he could. That would injure Yugi. And he didn’t want to hurt the small teen too seriously. Love marks were fine. But nothing that might take weeks to recover from.

Yugi was tight and hot and so very responsive beneath him. Yami found himself hard pressed to slow down as he slowly took the nerd.

They rocked against each other almost clumsily. Yugi was eager and Yami was dying for a good rut.

Yami finally found a rhythm that involved him holding the smaller boy down and leisurely thrusting deeply inside of the other teen’s body.

Yugi was moaning and groaning Yami’s name in that adorable, little sexy way of his. And when Yami finally climaxed it felt so good. The tight plastic around his sex felt very thick and heavy quite suddenly, but it was the satisfaction of the act that left the ex-gang leader feeling the most satisfied.

He relaxed for a while, sighing in completion. Now that had been exactly what little Yugi had needed; for Yami to just throw him down and screw him until neither of them could see anything but white.

And what was this? Yugi was touching himself, small hands quickly bringing about his own explosions all over their chests.

Yami moaned and kissed the smaller teen again. “Oh damnit, you almost made me hard again doing that to yourself…”

Yugi blushed bright red. “Does this mean that we’re going out now?”

Yami laughed in the darkness. “Maybe.”

“Do you love me?”

Yami shut the silly questions up by kissing the pipsqueak again. The questions made him uncomfortable.


They skipped school the next day in order for Yami to thoroughly have his way with Yugi and by evening, when they were both cat-napping, Yami woke to see Dark poking his nose through the door.

The goth glanced quickly at Yugi- the pipsqueak was still sleeping- and shooed Dark away.
His foster-father just grinned and slowly raised a camera.

“Son of a-” Yami started to yell, then seeing the slight crinkle in Yugi’s brown, stopped. He disentangled himself from the nerd and dove across the bed, wearing nothing but his boxers.

Dark laughed and escaped the room.

“Get back here!” The goth hissed, dashing out the door and chasing Dark down the hall.

The goth finally caught the older man at the bottom of the steps, diving from three steps up to test the business man’s balance- which was surprisingly good- as he tackled the man.

Yami ripped the camera off Dark, only to find that the camera had its lens cap up and wasn’t on.

The business man laughed and pushed the almost naked teen off him. “Ya’ should have fuckin’ seen yer’ face! I bloody wish I had fuckin’ taken a picture! It would have been priceless!”

Yami glared. “Screw you.”

~End. Part One.

Sweet notes: YES!!! PART ONE IS COMPLETE!!! Yes! Yes! Yes! From here on, it is DNAngel orientated, with a few pop-ups from Yami and Yugi on the side- they’ll be about as major as the DNAngel characters were in this one! Tanoshimini!!!!
The story’s title will change now too. Since I give up on people reading my author notes. Let it just be a pun.