Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Dark Wave ❯ A Revenge Plan ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: If you think I own Digimon or Yu-Gi-Oh (or both), I know a good head doctor for you.

Yes, I am Red Dragon if you recognize this fic in Fanfiction.net. ^^;

Name Translations (left side is the dubbed, right side is the original):

Yugi Moto: Yugi Mutou (both last names are pronounced the same)

Tea: Anzu

Tristan: Honda

Joey: Jounouchi

Davis: Daisuke

Yolei: Miyako

Cody: Iori

T.K.: Takeru

Kari: Hikari

Ken Ichijouji: same

Enjoy now!

Chapter 1

A Revenge Plan

A Void. That was one way to describe the place the former Digimon Kaiser was in. For four years, he lived in this void. They'll pay for defying me! I'll kill them all! Constantly, thoughts of revenge and destruction ran through his mind. The hikari shall especially pay! Over and over again, he thought of plans on how to escape and kill the Digidestined.

"You're going to lose your sanity soon." A blue eyed brunette boy around his age said one day after seeing the Digimon Kaiser going over another plan. "Besides, all your ideas won't work and you know it."

"And I suppose you have the perfect scheme for getting out of here?" The Digimon Kaiser snarled.

The blue-eyed boy's lips curled into a smirk.

"Actually…I do. But I need your cooperation if we both want our revenge."


"Ken! Hurry up! You don't want to be late for school!" Mrs. Ichijouji said.

"I'm coming!" Ken said.

He came out of his room wearing his new blue high school uniform. A small worm like creature was beside him.

"Are sure it's a good idea to sneak Wormmon to school?" Mr. Ichijouji asked.

"Don't worry. Wormmon will behave." Ken answered. "Besides, I promised everybody I would meet them in the Digiworld after school."

It's been four years since Malomyotismon's defeat. The Digidestined's families have gotten rather used to the digimon and actually enjoyed their company. Ken's family moved to Domino City since Mr. Ichijouji found a new job. It wasn't really much of a problem for Ken when it came to seeing his friends. After all, they were still able to open the Digiport and go to the Digiworld.

"Wormmon, in the bag now." Ken said.

Wormmon jumped into Ken's backpack.

"Now don't try and do anything that'll attract you." He said.

"I'll be as quiet as a mouse! Even though I'm not really a mouse." Wormmon said cheerfully.

Ken laughed and head towards the door with Wormmon hiding in his backpack.

"Bye! I'll come back before dinner!"

Out the door he went.


"I had a strange dream last night." Yugi said.

"What was it about?" Anzu asked.

"Well there was a forest. Outside of it were a beach and a ocean." Yugi explained. "What's strange is that the forest and the ocean looked like it came out one of those old fashion TV sets."

"You mean no color? Just black and white?" Honda said.

"Yeah. The place had a strange feeling to it. It felt like being in the Shadow Realm."

"Whoa. Does Yami know anything about it?" Jounouchi asked.

"He's not so sure about it." Yugi answered.

The teacher came in and everybody quickly took his or her seats.

"We have a new student who will be joining us for the rest of the school year." The teacher announced.

The door slid open. A boy with dark blue hair and light purple eyes wearing a uniform walked into the classroom.

"Is that-?"

"No way!"

"Do you think he could be a genius again?"

Ken smiled nervously as the class looked and whispered in amazement. Obviously, his former reputation was not completely forgotten. He bowed politely.

"Boku wa Ichijouji, Ken."

What's so special about him aibou? Yami asked curiously.

A few years ago, he was this big child genius. He disappeared for a few months and then came back as a normal kid. Nobody knows what happened when he disappeared. Yugi explained.

Ken sat down and looked around. He then looked at a spiky haired boy wearing an upside down pyramid around his neck. The Millennium Puzzle! A voice hissed in Ken's head. That voice! He thought. Where did it come from?! Nobody in the room was talking. I better tell the others later. He decided.


School was over and Yugi and his friends were walking out of the classroom. They passed by one of the computer labs and saw Ken.

"What's he doing here?" Honda asked.

"Don't know. Maybe he's planning to do some extra credit?" Jounouchi asked.

They continue to walk until they heard something.

"Digiport open!"

They quickly turned around and ran to the computer labs. Ken was gone.

"How did he…?" Yugi started to say.

Maybe there's more to him then meets the eye. Yami said.


Ken and Wormmon found themselves in a field.

"Hey Ken!" Davis greeted.

Daisuke and the others were there.

"How was your first day of school?" Hikari asked.

"Fine." Ken answered. "Something-"

"Did you meet Yugi Mutou?!" Daisuke interrupted.

"Huh?" Ken said.

"The famous duelist who beat Kaiba! He goes to the same high school as you!" Davis said.

"Oh, him. Yeah. We're in the same class." Ken answered.

"Cool! Can you ask him tomorrow if he could give me some tips or strategies?" Daisuke asked eagerly.

"Sounds like you're really into Duel Monsters." Takeru said.

"Of course I am!"

"What's Duel Monsters?" The digimon asked.

"It's a card game." Takeru explained. "There's cards with made up creatures with attack and defense points. You can use a type of card called magic cards to give it more power. Trap cards also help you win the game or duel as it's called."

"Would be interesting if our battles were like duels." Miyako joked.

Suddenly the ground shook and an explosion was heard in the distance.

"What was that?!" They all yelled.

"We better check it out." Iori said.

The digivices beeped.

"Veemon digivolve to…X-Veemon!"

"Wormmon digivolve to…Stingmon!"

"Hawkmon digivolve to…Aquilamon!"

"Armadillomon digivolve to…Ankylomon!"

"Patamon digivolve to…Angemon!"

They all headed to where the explosion was.


"I can assure you council, that it will work." The Digimon Kaiser said.

He was in front a large podium where five people were sitting whose faces were covered in shadows.

"It better be." One of them hissed.

"Don't worry." The Digimon Kaiser said. "It will work. In fact, the Digidestined are walking into my trap right now."

Random Yugi/Digimon Fact: The series director of Yu-Gi-Oh (series one) and Digimon is Hiroyuki Kakudoh.

Review and be honest, please. ^^ *points to the little ratings for grammar and such*