Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ The Story of Yugi Motoh and Davis Motomaiya... More or Less ❯ Different Dimension Exhibition ( Chapter 1 )
Yu-Gi-Oh! and Digimon: Season 2 Crossover
Different Dimension Exhibition
Chapter 1
It had been a while since the King of Games had dueled. He was now 24 years old, and without the Millennium Puzzle, he’s lost his dueling mojo. Then all of that changed with just 1 card.
His wife, Téa Motoh, had just come back from her dance instruction studio.
"You have a package, Yugi," she said.
"Great, just set it on the table," the King of Games replied.
"Don’t you wanna open it?
"Come on, Yugi, you haven’t dueled in years. Mabye a quick duel will help you out.
"Huh? Sure, I’ll duel you, Téa," decided Yugi.
"Good’" said Téa, pulling out her duel disc and snapping it on. She slapped in her deck and her Life Point Count lit up, reading 4000. "But first, you have to open the package."
"Oh, alright," said the King of Games, reluctantly.
Yugi grabbed the box and opened it up. "It’s from Pegasus! I know we haven’t spoken in a while, but as a gift for the 8th anniversary of becoming the King of Games, you can have this special card – Different Dimension Exhibition." * * * * * * * * * *
Davis Motomaiya, now 21 years old was sitting on the couch.
"Oh Davis!" shouted his newlywed wife, Kari, "There’s a package here for you. It’s from a company called… Industrial Illusions?"
Davis was intrigued. "I’ve never heard of them. Gimme that box!"
"Yaaah!" exclaimed Kari, as Davis snatched the box.
"Cool, a new Digimon Card. It’s a Power Option Card. Hmmm… Different Dimension Exhibition? Why would a company I’ve never heard of send me a card to increase a Digimon’s Battle Power by 200?" asked Davis.
"I don’t know," said Kari, "but why don’t we play a game of Digimon."
"Fine," said Davis, "My first Rookie will be Veemon (RED)."
"I choose Salamon (GREEN)." * * * * * * * * * *
Yugi pulled out his duel disc and slapped Different Dimension Exhibition into his deck. He slapped his deck into his duel disc and his Life Point counter lit up, showing 4000.
"I’ll move first," he said. "I summon Obnoxious Celtic Guard (4/1400/1200) in attack mode and set 2 cards. Go, Téa."
"Fine," she said, "I summon Shining Friendship (3/1300/1000) and empower it with Silver Bow and Arrow (1600/1200). Attack!"
* * * * * * * * * *
"I’ll start the duel," said Davis. The Digimon Power stood at Veemon – 250 and Salamon – 300. "I’ll set a card in my Digivolve Zone."
"So will I," said Kari.
"Veemon digivolve to ExVeemon (RED) (Power: 300)." Davis offlined 1 card from his online stack.
"Salamon digivolve to Gatomon (GREEN) (Power: 370)," said Kari as she offlined 2 cards.
Davis wouldn’t take this. "I play Different Dimension Exhibiton (ExVeemon – 500 DP) * * * * * * * * * *
Yugi’s Life Points dropped to 3800. Then he drew.
"I draw. Now I play a Field Card: Different Dimension Exhibition," he said. "This removes all monsters in the graveyards from the game as long as it’s in play. Then I can Normal Summon monsters from my Removed from Play Pile. I bring back Obnoxious Celtic Guard (4/1400/1200 --> 1900/1700)."
Suddenly, the doorway hologram made by the card started to glow. Then it seemed as if a wormhole opened. And Yugi passed out. * * * * * * * * * *
Davis’ Different Dimension Exhibition card started to glow, and suddenly a wormhole opened up, then Davis passed out. * * * * * * * * * *
Davis got up and took in his surroundings. He saw an elf holding a sword, a green pixie with a bow and arrow, and a gateway door, then 2 big objects right in front of him. Then he noticed he was holding 3… some sort of cards. He looked at the pictures and saw a creampuff, a weird green jar, and some guy in a purple robe with a staff in his hand. "What’s goin’ on," he asked. * * * * * * * * * *
Yugi did the same thing as Davis. But when he looked around all he saw were some cards lying on the floor. He studied the pictures and on one was a big blue… something, on another was a cat, then next to the blue one, he noticed The Card. "I’ve seen that card before," he said.
"Davis, are you okay?" asked Kari.
"Davis?" asked the King of Games, "Who’s Davis?" * * * * * * * * * *
"WAAH! WHO ARE ALL YOU PEOPLE, uh, or, uh, THINGS?" screamed Davis.
"Yugi, what’s going on?"
"Who’s Yugi. And more importantly, who are you?" asked Davis.
Well, that’s Chapter 1. Please Review.