Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction / Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ MST of...To Tell Of Your Love ❯ Chapter Two - Dirty Minded Fools ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

*The digimon 02 chibi choir (owned by BOF) pop out and run around searching for a place to stand, in the mean time bumping into anyone and everyone that pops up in front of them. They then elect 3 spokes people: Chibi Yamato, Chibi Tai, and Chibi Mimi to come out and talk to the readers. C-Tai walks out calmly and looks curiously out at the readers before jumping up and waving frantically at everyone. C-Mimi is sitting on the floor crying about how she got knocked down, how tired she is, and anything else that comes up. C-Yamato on the other hand has to be dragged kicking and screaming out of the crowd. He quiets as he sees all the readers and blushes.*

C-Yamato: Ahem. We ain't in 'is fic but since BOF is bissy we havta do the stupeed discwamah.
C-Mimi: *crying* I wanna be in this stowy t-t-toooooooooo!
C-Tai: *looks at Chibi Mimi sympathetically before getting annoyed at her bawling* Ah shaddap Meems! *fwaps her round the head*
C-Mimi: Oooh pwetty staws! I want one fo my heyad! *passes out*
C-Yamato: Tanky Tai! Anyway, BOF don't own Daisuke and Ken's owiginal chawactahs, but she own the muse twisty vewsions. But she does own herself and Wo...Wrrwwwoo....Rochi. Yay! I said the "r" lettah! Aw dawn it.
C-Tai: *giggles at C-Yamato* Also, BOF doesn't own the stowy "To Tell of Your Love" by dawkdwagonmistwess. But she is tawking about it.
C-Yamato: And the wating stays because of the bad potty mouths and ecchis! *glares at Daisuke and Ken*
C-Tai: Ok we all done! Let's go Yama!
C-Yamato: Ok! *shoots a glare at the rest of chibi choir who all flee* Let's go! *walks out of the room with Chibi Tai*


Ken: *runs into the room, slightly out of breath* Hi everyone! We're back!
*Dai runs into the room*
Dai: Where'd she go?!
BOF: (in next room) I'M GOING TO GET YOU DAISUKE!!!
Dai: o.O;;;; *tries to run away*
Ken: *grabs Dai's shirt to prevent him from fleeing* We have another chapter to MST.
Dai: *perks up* Really?
Ken: Yep, DDM gave us her permission to go on ahead with another one. ^_^
Dai: KEWL! But what..about...uhhhhhhh
BOF: *comes into the room glaring at Dai* Why you little...*lunges*
Ken: *stops lunge with other arm* We. Have. Another. Chapter. To. MST.
BOF: *blinks* Oh! Seriously?
Ken: Yeah, she gave you permission right?
BOF: Oh that's right! Duh! Special thanks to DarkDragonMistress for letting us continue! ^_^ I won't let ya down! Hope you enjoy the rest. And to all the readers, go read her fic! Instead of just reading it here, go read hers and review it! It's a good fic so far! And it's been updated!! ^___^ A good update too, so kawaii. Ok let's go!
Dai: Um, where's Rochi?
*muffled shouts and banging erupt in the background.*
BOF: *innocently* I don't know.
Ken and Dai: Riiiiiight.

DDM: Hi people! I saw some reviewers on FanFiction.Net AND Mediaminer.org telling me to get my ass in gear and update so here I am.

Dai: Damn people, always rushing authors...if it were up to me I'd stab the whole--
Ken and BOF: *jump on Dai effectively shutting him up* DAISUKE!
Dai: *muffled* What???
BOF: If you haven't forgotten, the reviewers are the ones who actually READ fics. Don't want to kill them or piss them off too badly do you? Then what fictions would you star in besides ones stabbing your eyes out?
Dai: O.O; Good point...

Also, THERE WILL BE A YUUGI/YAMI LEMON! i got e-mails and reviews saying they wanted one so yeah. it will not be in this chapter though.

Ken: And I STILL don't see HOW that could be possible.
BOF: Well Ken, as I explained it, this is Yu-Gi-Oh. Spirits living in other humans and coming out every so often is fairly common. Authors just like to create separate bodies for the counterparts. Pretty novel idea I'd say. If only Digimon were that creative...
Dai: *miffed* Hey! What other show can you say where a group of kids talk to their monster partners on a daily basis and go on adventures?
BOF: Umm.... Pokemon?
Ken: .......point taken.
Dai: *still miffed*

"..."=speech '...'=thoughts /.../=yugi to yami
//...//=yami to yugi (AN:...)=my notes.

Ken: Thanks for clearing that up again...!

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~*~*~

Dai: @_@ Ooooooh!
BOF: Well, at least you're not hyper again.

"YUUGI!" Yami yells. Yuugi looks up, eyes wide with horror, just as the car is about to hit him...

Ken: ...and is effectively run down after being distracted by Yami...

The next few seconds feel like an eternity.

Ken: Since he is airborne after impact...

All Yugi feels is something hard ramming into him and hitting hard ground

Ken: Breaking his skull open and dying. The end.

with someone or something on top of him.

Yugi opens his eyes and notices that he is on the sidewalk, with Yami on top of him.

Dai: Damn! That was quick! Yami's gonna get some. Yami's gonna get some!
BOF: Daisuke! You perv!
Dai: Why is it everytime you say my name you're yelling it at me?
BOF: Because you deserve it.

The driver of the car stops driving, and opens his door and walks out to the two boys with tri-coloured hair.

"Oh my god! are you guys okay? I'm so sorry, I didn't see where I was going!" The guy says.

Ken: And he was then driving because....?
BOF: Didn't see...what were your eyes glued to your bunny calendar or something? I knew those fluffers were evil.
Dai: Of course they're not okay! You just ran one down with your junkheap of a car!

"Obviously. Where you too blind to see that someone was trying to cross the street?" Yami spat, getting off of Yugi. The guy just stood there.

Ken: (imitating guy) Oh is that what he was doing?
Dai: (imitating Yami) More or less...
BOF: ...until he flew the rest of the way.

"Are you alright, Yugi?" Yami asks.

BOF: (as Yugi) Oh peachy Yami, I was just run over and crushed under you. I'm all sugar and lollipops! *promptly passes out.*
Dai: (as Yami) *pokes with shoe* Umm...is that a yes then?

'He saved me. Why would he save me if he thinks i'm nothing but a burden?' Yugi thinks to himself.

"Yugi? Are you alright? Please, Yugi, speak to me. At least look at me, aibou." Yami pleaded.

BOF: (as Yugi) Are you my daddy?

/I'm sorry./ Yugi said through mind-link. Yami looked confused.

//For what, little one?//

/For being such a burden./ At this time, the tears from before were threatening to spill down Yugi's face.

Ken: (as tears) If you don't let me spill right now dammit there will be hell and the almighty Ra to pay!
Dai: Wow, Ken's egyptian now!

//Who told you that you were a burden to me?!// Yami asked, anger evident in his voice.

BOF: Santa's elves?
Ken: Underpants gnomes?
Dai: Bed bugs?

//NEVER would I think of you as a burden, aibou. Never. Who told you that?// Yami was pissed. Whoever hurt his aibou would pay. Yugi just stayed silent.

BOF: *knocks on Yugi's head* Hello? Anybody in there??

//Alright little one. Lets go home, and you can tell me there, okay? But first, let me know if you are okay.// Yami said soothingly.

Ken: How does he go from pissed to soothing in like 2 seconds?
Dai: Prozac?

/I'm fine, Yami. Lets go home./ Yugi said, lifting his face to look at Yami. Yugi watched as Yami's face changed from a look of worry, to a look of relief, back to a look of worry. Yami's eyes narrowed as he spotted the bruise on Yugi's cheek.

Dai: Soon Yami's face will tell time, schedule appointments, and control the weather!

//What happened to your face, aibou?// He asked.

Dai: Your face is doing all these weird expressions and you want to know what's wrong with HIS? Well if that isn't the pot calling the kettle black.
BOF: *still fuming about Anzu* That WITCH!
Ken: Don't start that again.
BOF: But...but...BUT...
Dai: *ties BOF to the chair* There. That should hold her!

/Please, Yami. Can we just talk about it when we get home? I really don't want to say anything right here./ Yugi replied.

Dai: Why not? It's not like the driver can hear you.
Ken: Speaking of...what the hell happened to the driver anyway?
*everyone looks around*
Dai: Holy shit, he disappeared!
Ken: Hit and Run!
BOF: Yami probably sent him to the shadow realm. *evil grin*
Ken: *shivers* I'm kinda glad she's tied to the chair...

//Very well, aibou. Lets go.//

Yami helped Yugi to his feet, and started to slowly walk home.

Dai: I still want to know what the hell happened to that driver...

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~*~*~

Dai: Oooooh...the....ah. It's starting to loose it's greatness.
BOF: *blinks*
Ken: *blinks*

Yugi, and Yami made it home safely, but Yami had to help Yugi walk a little. Grandpa, spotting this, ran over to them right away.

Ken: Still rather spry for a grandpa. Yugi sounds like the old one in this fic.
Dai: Could he maybe be experimenting on Yugi? Subliminally draining him of his energy? Hmmm....

"What happened?!" Grandpa exclaimed.

All: *back away slowly from Yugi's grandpa, BOF leans back away in her chair*
Ken: You ain't comin' near me old man.

"Car accident. Yugi was nearly hit by a car. I had to tackle him out of the way to save him." Yami replied. Grandpa looked extremely worried.

Dai: (as Yugi's grandpa thinking) Oh God, if Yami hadn't saved him I would have dried up and died by nightfall. *wipes brow* Whew!

"Are you going to tell us what happened at Anzu's now, little one?" Yami asked. Yugi nodded.

Ken: Wait wait wait just a gosh darn minute!
Dai: What is it Ken?
Ken: *points* Them! They're acting like the car thing was just some everyday thing for Yugi. You'd think they'd be a little bit more concerned about it...
Dai: Maybe Yugi's a blonde ditz and it IS a daily occurrence.
Ken: >.< Go lay down Dai, before you hurt yourself.
BOF: *glares at Dai* If you haven't forgotten, I AM a blonde...
Dai: *looks at BOF's reddish hair with red and blonde streaks* How can you tell?
BOF: *tries to smack head, but is hindered by the chair* -_-;;;

"She broke up with me. The 'surprise was that she was cheating on me with Honda while we were together. She told me that nobody liked me and that they thought I was nothing but a burden. When I didn't move, or say anything, Honda punched me." Yugi said, tears now streaming down his face.

BOF: *STILL fuming, and still tied to the chair, but wiggling it around to escape* When I get through with Anzu they'll need more than dental impressions to identify her body!
Everyone else: *backs away further from BOF*
Ken: *whispers to Dai* Do we have any tranquilizers?

"Calm down now, my boy. It'll be okay. You do know that what Anzu said wasn't true, right?" Grandpa asked. Yugi nodded a little hesitantly at first.

Yami, on the other hand, was beyond pissed. His hands were clenched and his eyes narrowed and changed from a calm, deep violet, to bright, ruby red.

Dai: O.O
Ken: What's wrong?
Dai: *points to BOF*
Ken: *looks at BOF's expression which strangely resembles Yami's* O.O;;;

'How could they do this to such a sweet angel like him?! They were supposed to be his friends! And to do such a thing to one so pure and innocent, is HIGHLY punishable in my eyes...' Yami thought.


Yami's eyes got a sort of demonic glint in them, as he stood up, and started walking towards the door.

"Yami? What are you doing? Where are you going?" Grandpa asked.

Dai: (as grandpa) Yeah! If soul-sucking gets boring with Yugi you're my second choice! Don't harm that great body of energy!
Ken: (as Yami) What! Only second choice?? Screw you old man!

"To teach those bastards not to fuck with my aibou!" Yami shouted.

BOF: *cheers* HELL YEAH Yami! Come untie me so I can help! I wanna try out my new carving set!
*Yami pops out of fiction and unties BOF. The 2 of them run towards the door cackling evilly*
Dai and Ken: -_-;;;; greeeeeat...

(AN: i'm sure most of you know that I meant like, making him upset, but just incase ^.^)

All (including BOF and Yami, who have paused at the door): EW! PERV!
Ken: Fuck is such a versatile word isn't it?

/No, Yami! Please!/ Yugi pleaded.

*BOF and Yami stop running*
BOF: Awww come on Yugi! Let him have some fun!

//Aibou, they had no right to do that to you!//

/Still, two wrongs don't make a right./

Dai: Oye Captain, the cliche'-dar! It's reached it's maximum!

//Who says sending those two assholes to the Shadow Realm is a wrong-doing?//

/I do. Please Yami, just don't. I need you to stay here with me! Please!/ Yugi pleaded, yet again, only this time bringing out the deadliest weapon a hikari has...the chibi eyes.

Ken: Hey! Where did BOF and Yami go?
Dai: *sniggers and points to 2 puddles with eyes on the floor*
First puddle: *thinks to second puddle* Damn your hikari! Why oh why did he have to learn a cute trick with his already adorable eyes??
Second puddle: *thinks to first puddle* You're telling me...you're not the one who has to LIVE with **IT**.
*puddles reform*
BOF: Ok Yami, thanks anyway, but you have to go back in the fic now. *boots Yami back into fic*

//Dammit, Yugi! You and your eyes...// Yami said. Yugi mentally grinned.

//Alright, alright. I won't go. But if they EVER do something to you again, I will send them to the Shadow Realm, allow the Dark Magician and the Celtic Gaurdian to have fun torturing them almost to death, then I will retrieve them, and personally escort them to hell. Is that clear?// Yugi grinned again, at the lengths Yami would go just to torture somebody who wronged him, then nodded.

Ken: That's it? Personally I would of also borrowed Kaiba's blue eyes white dragons and let them use Anzu and Honda as chew toys for a while. THEN I would have brought them to hell.


"Well, judging by Yami's outburst, I don't think he sees you as a burden, Yugi." Grandpa said. He could tell by the blank looks on Yugi and Yami's faces that they were conversing mentally.

Dai: (as Yami) uh....Oh! What? Sorry grandpa, I kinda zoned out for a while. Darn it Yugi quit it with the hypnotizing eyes!

Yugi nodded, and Yami calmed down, his eyes returning to a deep violet colour.

Dai: I want my eyes to change colours! *thinks really hard*
Ken: Umm...Dai?
BOF: O.O Daisuke??
Dai: *still thinking, but all that's changing is his face. From tan, to red, to blue, to purple...*
Ken: Daisuke breathe!!
Dai: *passes out*
BOF: -_-;

"I think I shall take Yugi upstairs to check for injuries from the car accident." Yami said to Grandpa.

Ken: Bet that's not all he's gonna do..... ~_^
BOF: Ken!
Ken: What! Someone has to say it, Rochi's not here and Dai's passed out!

"Alright. Get some rest, Yugi." Grandpa said. He looked at the clock, and his eyes widened.

"Look at the time! 7:00 already! I better get dinner started!"

Yami chuckled a little bit, and took Yugi upstairs, to his bedroom.

Ken: ACK!
BOF: What?
Ken: Look!
BOF: o.O??
Ken: That!!
Ken: *points to sentence* What's with all the commas?
BOF: Oh get over it already Ken. We're not here for spelling, grammar, and punctuation lessons! Besides, you could've pointed it out in the first chapter but you didn't, so please don't do it now.
Ken: *sticks tongue out* You're mean! *pouts*
BOF: Ken, I think you've been around Daisuke too long...

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Dai: *is revived by the sparkly divider* What....Hey! I missed it!
BOF: Kewl! Those dividers ARE good for something!

When Yugi and Yami got to Yugi's room, Yugi sat down on his bed. Yami went over to Yugi and started to examine his arms and fingers for any sprains, scrapes, or bruises. Yami found none, but he remembered, when he tackled Yugi out of the way of the car, Yugi landed on his back. A small blush krept up into Yami's face as he turned to Yugi.

All: *dizzy*
BOF: Holy shit. That a helluva lot of Yamis and Yugis!
Dai: Yami Yami Yugi Yugi Yami Yugi Yami Yammy Yuggie Yappy Yuppie Yamgie Yugimmy Yamippers?
Ken: You ok Dai-kun?
Dai: I'm CONFUZZLED! *head spinny*

"Aibou, would you mind taking your shirt off? When I tackled you out of the way of that car, you landed on your back and..." Yami trailed off.

Dai: (as Yami) I screwed you senseless while you were passed out. Sorry about that.
BOF: DAISUKE! *fwaps Dai over the head 10 times*
Dai: *sees stars* No mommy, I don't want the big pink elephant to try on my clothes. Let's just fly to the moon okay?
Ken: ...Um...Bird? I think you may have hit him too hard this time....
BOF: ^^; He deserved it. That was a bit of a crude remark.

Yugi looked up at his darker half and noticed that he was...blushing? No, it can't be. Must be a trick of the light, because Yami *never* blushes.

Ken: Does now kiddo. He has blood in him right? He's a guy right? If he's not blushing then he has a boner.
BOF: *glares at Ken* You want a fwapping too?

So Yugi stood up, and took off his shirt. Yami couldn't really help but stare, as his blush deepened.

Ken: At least his--
BOF: You finish that sentence and I'll fwap you to Bermuda!
Ken: --boner didn't grow larger.
BOF: O.O What the hell, what did I just finish saying??
Ken: I hear Bermuda is nice this time of year. ^_^

"Yami, are you okay? Your all red, are you sick?" Yugi asked.

Dai: No...his face is just ready to explode. No need to worry Yugi!
Ken: Hey, as I said before, if his face isn't getting redder then his--
BOF: Will you QUIT it with the boner jokes already?

Yami snapped out of his daze, shook his head, and continued to examine for injuries.

Meanwhile, Yugi was a little bit concerned at his darker half's antics. Yugi could have sworn he saw Yami blush, but Yami never blushes. Then Yami asked him to take his shirt off, and his face got even redder.

BOF: *glares at Ken*
Ken: What, I'm done!

'Does he like me?' Yugi's thoughts were cut short, and he gasped from the pain coming from his back.

Yami frowned when he saw a good sized scrape on his aibou's back.

Dai: .....that's it?? He gets run over and knocked to the ground in Yami's flying leap, and all he has to show for it is a scrape on his back and bruises?! That is so not fair!
Ken: *looks at body from Wind's torture fic* Wish some of us got off so easy!
BOF: Aw *hugs Ken and Dai* It's ok.
Ken and Dai: O.O????!!!!!!
Ken: *whispers nervously* Um Daisuke? I think we're going to die soon.
Dai: *whispers and shakes* Me too. First she's mad at us and now she's hugging us? We're doomed.

"I think, Yugi, that a nice hot bath will do you some good. It will take awhile for Grandfather to finish making dinner, and I am willing to bet money in saying that you are pretty sore." Yami said.

Dai: *mumbles* Bet his back isn't the only thing that's sore...
BOF: >.< DAISUKE! Ok that's IT! I've had it with you 2 ecchis. *runs over and grabs Dai and Ken by their ears over to the closet door*
Dai: Ow ow ow ow ow!! BOF! That hurts!
Ken: OW! What are you going to do to us?
BOF: *tosses both into the closet and shuts the door* You guys are going to stay in there until you get those hentai ideas out of your heads and are ready to MST the fic decently!
Dai: *inside the closet* Um....Ken? She doesn't really think this'll work does she?
Ken: *inside the closet* You know...I think she does! Well at least we can keep ourselves entertained...
*various noises are muffled as BOF walks away from the closet door*

Yugi nodded, and went to the bathroom. He turned on the water in the bathtub, found the temerature that he liked, and put the plug in. Then there was a knock at the door.

BOF: Damn, always happens when you're doing something doesn't it? ...... ......... ................... Ok this is boring, wonder if they learned their lesson yet. Wait a sec....I just locked a yaoi couple inside a dark secluded closet. O.O!!!!!!!! What was I thinking!! *runs to closet door and knocks*
*muffled noises followed by a "go away" are heard*
BOF: If you guys don't stop whatever you're doing....and believe me I DON'T want to know.....and get out here right now I'm sending Miyako and Hikari in there after you!
*a couple "ows" are heard followed by crashes and bangs before Dai and Ken open the door, fully dressed, but very unkempt. Ken glares at BOF while buttoning his shirt and Dai tries to straighten his hair.*
Ken: Happy now BOF?
BOF: Very! ^_^

"Come in!" Yugi shouted. It was Yami, and he handed Yugi a fresh towel and a clean pair of pyjamas. Yugi said his thanks, and Yami walked out, closing the door behind him.

Dai: ...Not without a few good images for the mind I'd wager...
BOF: *chooses to ignore obvious hentai implications*
Ken: Wonder how long that'll last...
Dai: *evil grin*

Taking off the rest of his cloths,

Dai: Damn Yami, now would be a good time to jump back into that Millennium puzzle, wouldn't it? *waggles eyebrows*
BOF: *still ignoring*
Ken: Better be careful Dai-kun. Push her too far you may get yourself hurt...
Dai: Eh...I'm not scared...

Yugi slid into the warm water. He squeezed his eyes shut and gave a slight gasp as

Dai: ....Yami walked into the room intent on screwing his brains out.
Ken: Dai-kun!!
BOF: *with wide eyes* Good God...
Dai: ^^;;; Well at least it got everyone's attention!

the water hit the scrape. When he relaxed, he started thinking.



DOES Yami like me? If he does, then why doesn't he tell me? Fear of rejection? Yes, that's probably it.

Dai: *looks at Ken* Isn't it always, Kid?
Ken: *glares* Like you're not to blame either...at least partially...
BOF: Hehe *looks at readers who are confused* Read 'Sweet Dreams' and you'll know what we're talking about. ^_^
Ken: *whispers* Shameless plug, shameless plug!
BOF: Damn right.

But...if he likes me...the question should be...do I like him back?

Ken: Let me think about that...uh...YES?!
Dai: Bleeding obvious isn't it?
BOF: He'll get the hint sooner or later.

Ahhh! This is too confusing! When I was with Anzu, I felt like I loved her

BOF: ACK!! *blinks* No! *faints*
Ken: *pokes with shoe* um..BOF?
BOF: *still fainted*
Dai: *smacks her face* BOF?
BOF: *smacks Dai back, but is still fainted*
Dai: *rubs cheek* Well, at least that hasn't changed. >_<

...I think...but when Yami was checking me for injuries, I felt something...different.

Dai: If it was in your ass region I'd worry a bit.
BOF: *still fainted but throws a shoe at Dai*
Ken: *sniggers*
Dai: *rubs head* Kami-sama, she's not even conscious but she STILL abuses me. -_-

Like I would die if he wasn't here.

Ken: Damn right you would! You'd already be dead if he hadn't pushed you out of the way of that car!
Dai: Yugi's a bit slooooooooow.....

Do I like him?

'Just admit it! You like him!' an inner voice in my head piped up.

Dai: O.O!
Ken: O.O Yugi's schitzo now!
Dai: Holy shit!
BOF: *comes back to the world of the living* It's a conscience you idiots!

I can't like him! He's my yami! My other half!

BOF: And.....you're point is?

Even if he IS relly sexy...

BOF: *looks at Yami and swoons* You got that right...

where did that come from?

'See? You like him!'


But he's my other half!

'So? Ryou and HIS other half are together. I wouldn't be surprised if Malik and HIS other half are together.'

Dai: Wait, is this 'The Yami Dating Game' or something? So Ryou and Bakura are together along with Malik and Merik?
Ken: Whoa...
BOF: Ryou and Bakura...strange...but I like that idea. Ryou is the sweet british guy (in the dubs) while Bakura is the evil spirit right? Hmmm....*thinks yaoi thoughts* It could work!
Ken: *sees BOF's thoughts* O.O Erm...I think we should be focusing on the fic now...
Dai: *mutters darkly* and she calls ME the hentai...
BOF: @_@.......*blinks*.....o.O......^^;;;

Man, this is confusing. Mabey i'll talk to Jounouchi tomorrow at school...he might know what's wrong with me.

BOF: *bursts out laughing* Joey? Pfffftt yeah sure.

There was another knock at the door. I checked the clock in the bathroom. 8:30?! Wow, time sure flies!

Dai: *looks out the window* Sure does! Look there it goes!
Ken: Hmmm...taking into account that it was 7:00 when they went upstairs, it only should take about 15-30 minutes to check for injuries...that means he's been thinking in the bathtub about Yami for more than an HOUR!
Dai: *sarcastically* Oh sure Yugi, no way you could like Yami.
BOF: Whoa...he must be one wrinkly mess by now then...

"Yugi? Grandfather says that dinner is ready"

"Okay, Yami, i'll be out in a minute!"

BOF: Seriously! You probably shriveled down to grandpa's size! Perhaps smaller, get out while you can!
Dai: o.O
Ken: o.O

I'll deal with these feelings later.

Ken: *turns off smoke alarm* No need to have that thing buzzing incessantly while he does the so called "dealing"...

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~*~*~

*Dai grabs one end of the divider while Ken grabs the other. They twirl it in a circle between them. BOF jumps in the middle*
BOF: *singing jump rope rhyme* Cinderella, dressed in yellow, went upstairs to kiss her fellow, by mistake she kissed a snake, how many doctors did it take? 1...2...3...4...5....

DDM: Another chapter done! Aren't you glad it's not a cliffie this time? Man I thought somebody was gonna come murder me in my sleep last chapter...

BOF: *hides pick ax behind her back* Of course not!
Ken: *throws shot gun out the window* Who would even think of such a thing?
Dai: *holds up meat cleaver* I would! Why didn't I think of it earlier? *starts running* DIE!

Midnight: If anyone did that, you would not be able to continue the story.

Dai: *stops in his tracks and drops the cleaver* Oh yeah, that's why! ^^;
BOF and Ken: *shake heads*

DDM: That's true...oh and THERE WILL BE A Y/Y LEMON! not next chapter though. Mabey chapter 4 or 5...but to make up for the wait, next chapter will have a bit of Y/Y fluff!

BOF: So you've been saying anyway.... ;_; Me want lemon now...
Ken: *sniggers*
Dai: You snigger more than a school girl...
Ken: >.< You're going to regret that.
Dai: *eep* O.O




Baku ra:O.O

BOF: Look Ken, you scared all of them! hehe

Midnight: I think the muses are back from vacation.

Ken: *still complaining about not being able to go on vacation*

Yugi: a...lemon?

Yami: with...Yugi?

BOF: Hey! It's not such a bad idea. Don't know why they're freaked!
Ken: You would be too if someone were talking about putting you in a lemon with someone....no matter who it was.
BOF: Good point.

Bakura: *is busy laughing his ass off*

Marik: *is busy laughing his ass off*

Dai: *watches as Bakura's and Marik's asses go shooting out of the room* o.O Did anyone else see that??
Ken: *looks up* See what?
BOF: *looks at Dai weird* I didn't see anything...
Dai: o.O;;; Um...heh heh...nevermind. -_-


B+M: *shuts up immediately*

Ken: O.O Good move...
Dai: Yeah...she's scarier than Birdy...
BOF: *glares*
Dai: ;_; I didn't mean it!!

Midnight: Drop a review and tell us what you think of the story! PLEASE NO FLAMES!

BOF: I like it! And I FINALLY reviewed it! ^_^ I'm proud of myself. @_@
Ken: I like it too, it's well written being your first yaoi. Some places could pick up or slow down some though.
Dai: I like the hentai implications. So easy to talk about.
BOF and Ken: -_-; You would.

BOF: Anyway, sorry I wasn't able to close and thank everyone last chapter...I was kind of...busy...^_^
Dai: ....yeah...
*banging in the background followed by muffled shouting is heard again*
Ken: What the heck is that?
BOF: I'll give ya 3 guesses...
Dai: *thinks hard*
Ken: You can't be serious, you didn't really...
BOF: ^_^
Ken: Oh you ARE evil.
BOF: ^___^ I know!
Dai: *confused* huh?
Ken: Come on Dai, think about it. Rochi has been gone for basically all of this chapter. What do you think happened to him?
Dai: o_O?
*louder banging is heard followed by a crash and a muffled "ow"*
Dai: O.O No way...
BOF: ^______^ *chuckles evilly* Anyway, again, special thank you goes to DarkDragonMistress for letting me MST her fic and I will repeat: Go read and review hers! I just noticed that she has 2 others too so I am off to read those as soon as I finish here. ^_^ And thank you to the emails of encouragement. Glad to know some people think it's funny! I wish I could post this on FFnet too but they don't allow MSTs. -_- Too bad to, there's some great people there like here!

BOF: Anyway, thanks again and if you read I'd be honoured if you'd let me know how you liked it! Even if it's a word or two in a review or email. ^_^ See ya next chapter! And yay! There will be another one! ^_^ Say good bye you guys.
Ken and Dai: Good bye you guys!
BOF: *fwaps Ken and Dai over the head* Bakas....*all walk out of the room towards the banging noises in the next room*