Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction / Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Meta-braineater ❯ Super Subchapter II ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
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:Super Subchapter II

Wufei, Heero and Chuck Norris were huddled together on the first floor of a hospital, pinned down by gunfire from Launcher Spiders, which had packed into Macross City and were demolishing civilian establishments. The spiders spat brass bullets through the windows, sending glass and shrapnel towards the three humans.
"They've got us surrounded!" Wufei yelled.
"Not quite," Chuck said, "But they've sure got us pinned down. We've got to do something soon, 'cause these walls won't last long..."
"I'll use my smokebombs!" Wufei cried out, and started to rise when Chuck grabbed his shoulder.
"Let's not jump the gun here," He said, trying to think rationally in the chaos. "We don't even know if smoke will effect these crazy robot spiders!"
"Sorry, but I take offence at your putting your hand on my shoulder!" Wufei spun around, "We've got to try something! Everyone's counting on us!"
"Even your Anzu?" Chuck sniffed.
"Calm down, the situation is under control." Barked Heero, calmly rising to his feet.
"How do you figure that?" Chuck asked.
"My Gundam Wing Zero Custom should be arriving shortly." Hiro said firmly.
"But how?" Wufei asked. "You'd need blue skittles to even attempt a drop in such a heavily enemy-controlled place as this is!" Wufei asked.
"Don't worry about that. It'll get here." Heero said firmly. "Wufei, I'll need your smokebombs."
"You got it!" Wufei yelled.
The smokebombs were spherical, and made of a metal that is transparent and extremely shiny. They were each embellished with a carving of four dragons on both sides in a white stone, each with different color jewels in their eyes. One has red, one has blue, one has green, and one has silver. The plugs for the bombs were exquisitely articulated with another carving of just one dragon who's tails sweep around the entire bottom of the bomb. This dragon had gold for eyes and was also carved in white stone. Hiro yanked out the plugs and tossed the bombs out at their enemies. They activated, and white smoke poured out from the mouths of the dragons, engulfing the Launcher Spiders in an impenetrable curtain.
Heero dashed out of the hospital, drawing his dual Flintlock pistols from his waist, and firing them both at the spiders looming in the white darkness of the smoke. He then withdrew the spent flintlocks and drew his dual machinepistols from his back, and fired several volleys to cover himself as he ran for the blue-point.
"There's got to be something we can do to help!" Wu yelled at Chuck. "He's putting his life on the line here..." reaching for his sword, his fingers met air when they tried to wrap around the hilt of his trusted weapon. Wufei's eyes widened and he looked down. "That's right!" He realized. "I left my sword with Anzu! Those smokebombs were my only armament..." He turned to Chuck Norris, who roundhouse kicked him in the head and knocked him out. "Slow down there, tiger." Chuck said. "It's not like this is the first time Heero's been in a jam. I trust him to reach his Gundam and after that, he'll eradicate these pesky cybernetic arachnids!"
Heero dashed up the top of the street, where a faint blue arc had begun to glow in the middle of the concrete. Dodging hot brass as he ran, he rapidly approached the arc, which gradually became more pronounced until it shone with such a blue light it was nearly blinding. The Wing Zero Custom materialized in the center of the street, and the arc levitated Hiro's body up into the pilot's seat of the Gundam. He closed his eyes, held out his fingers, and began typing like a man possessed as he powered up the Zero's system.
By now, the smoke has cleared around the Launcher Spiders. In fact, there hadn't been that much smoke to begin with. It was actually more of a mist that waded around the legs of a few of the spiders. With the smoked cleared, they were fully operational, but they soon registered a new target, one with a threat level of over 4,000,000,152,000,777,000%. That target was the Wing Zero Custom, which raised it's twin buster rifles, and fired twin streams of death towards the Launcher Spiders. They exploded, and papery pieces of them rained down like a snowstorm.
"Well played..." Chuck Norris said, placing his Launcher Spiders in his Graveyard zone. "I guess I have no choice. I'll quite for now..."

Auther's notes: Well, After being bombarded with heartfelt requests from my fans and supporters, I have become coaxed into continuing MBE. Look for the chapter you just read, plus more chapters, to appear on the internet soon. THNX for the support, everyone!

*This chapter dedicated to the memory of Eduardo "Eddie" Guerrero, 1967-2005, VIVA LA RAZA!*