Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ A Night at Mai's ❯ Episode 2 : Post dance Jitters ( Chapter 2 )
OMG I never thought I would write more to a night at Mai's but here it is. Anyone who read the first chapter instead of skipping to the second one because they thought there would be more action in chapter 2 found out the crappy way I write stuff like this…hey I write some other stuff like this but it isn't NC17…anyway this is stuff like in chat, you know how most times there is a way to get rid of that stupid little colon that comes after your screen name. Anyway actions are the persons name then the action and everything with no colons. Dialog is anything after a colon being said by the person who did the action or just the person if there isn't an action. Ok so from now on Author's Notes will be lie "Author: Hi guys!!!" and that will be it.
***Warning!!! This is all a lemon
***Warning!!! This is all written in the past tense because I write better like that but I might fix it next chapter and if I get requests for me to fix it next chapter I will for sure
***Author winks: not getting this idea of stars before this stuff? No it isn't for every warning but scroll down and that will tell you. Okay back to the story
Everyone (even Mai) went into class.
Pegasus: Good Morning Class. I am your new Teacher. My name is Maxamillion Pegasus. You can call me Mr. Pegasus or Mr. P for short
Everyone chuckled at the pee joke that Pegasus was setting himself up for.
Pegasus: All right class, I am going to give you a fun-time-class so you can get to know each other better.
Everyone started moving and the room went into chaos
Mai used the Chaos to move herself under Yugi's Desk where she bumped heads with Tea: Hey what are you doing under here?
Joey runs around the room: Hey where did Tea go?
Mai: never mind…
Tea: actually I meant to get under Bakura's desk but it was too far away and I was gonna use Yugi's Desk as a shield till I could get there.
Mai: Oh…I kind of cut you off. Well since we are both here let's make sure Yugi never forgets this.
Mai and Tea slipped their hands into Yugi's pants
Yugi tried to hold back the moans of pleasure and started sweating.
Mai took over and started to suck Yugi off bobbing her head up and down slowly oh his cock.
Tea who was totally bored and totally turned on by what Mai was doing started looking around and saw that Mr. Pegasus was staring at the very desk they were under with his weird eye: freaky…
Mai: mumfgh
Mai takes her head out of Yugi's lap: It isn't that scary to see your past lover getting head is it?
Tea: that isn't what I mean…our new teacher guy is like staring at this desk.
Mai: but we are far enough under that he can't see us.
Tea: I didn't give us away.
Mai: don't worry about it
Mai started to suck Yugi off again
Tea slipped out from under Yugi's desk and managed to get all the way to Bakura's desk without being noticed by Mr. Pegasus
Tea slipped under Bakura's desk and started to do what Mai had been doing to Yugi
Bakura moaned a little: T-Tea?
Tea stopped and looked up at Bakura: yes my love?
Bakura: Mr. Pegasus keeps looking back and forth from my desk to Yugi's. Is something like this going on there too?
Tea: How did he know I moved??? We gotta find out his secret…but you just keep enjoying having a girl under your desk
Tea started to suck him off again.
Kaiba: So Bakura, Yugi, why was Mr. Pegasus looking at you two guys all through fun time today?
Yugi: no reason…
Bakura: He was looking at us? I was too busy thinking about how today is such a wonderful day.
Kaiba: Okay Bakura I don't care what was happening to you because you are way too lame to be doing anything that would get you in trouble.
Tea whispers something around the lines of `if only he knew'
Kaiba: And Tea, where were you during fun time, or where you over with Yugi? That's funny I didn't see anyone around Yugi…but he did look like he was having a `fun' time.
Mai: oh really? Well I was over by Yugi and you didn't notice me?
Kaiba: must have been my view that didn't let me see your beauty, Mai.
Mai: like I said Kaiba, ever since I saw your little puppy do his little tricks I haven't been into your kind of `stuff' and I am not interested in you
Kaiba: Oh Joey…
Joey runs: Shit, Shit, Shit!!!
Kaiba: ahahahahaha!!! Come here little puppy dog!!!
Kaiba chases Joey.
Mai: like I said…and he had the attention span of a peanut…
Yugi: maybe that is why Joey said he took so long…
Bakura: I wonder if Para and Dox will show up again. They would take attention off of me and Tea and a certain desk
Para: You thought that we were gone for good
Dox: and we came back, like you think we should
Para: We are the rhyming brothers
Dox: that's right we didn't have different mothers
Para: we both think that Kaiba is sick
Dox: and he has a really small-
Para and Dox go into shock poses
Mai: That is not even funny!!! How would you guys know anyway?
Para and Dox look over at Kaiba straddling Joey in a skintight dog suit
Para: it isn't really hard to notice
Dox: man this rhyming is really bogus
Para: but before either of us dies
Dox: the bad thing about Kaiba is his size
Para and Dox go into a fit of laughter
Bakura: my happy day just stopped being happy…
Tea ran her hand down Bakura's leg: did it?
The movement all stopped and went a little gray and the Author walked in: Hey sorry guys I just realized I wrote all of this story in the past tense…shit I suck man it has just been a while since I wrote this. I promise I will go with whatever I do next chapter…Anyway I don't really like Para and Dox so this is a sort of one time only thing unless I can keep getting away with size jokes and I am sorry but all of this has been a lemon and I should put a warning up at the top and everything…ok *** if you find three stars in a row like that it means I put something up earlier in the story that I only thought about putting up later. I know this is just inviting flames but hey flame me. I really think most of them are funny. No one word flames any more though. If you are gonna flame me you have to say what was wrong okay? Ok now I am gonna go do that star thing.
Para: Well I can tell already
Dox: that his size is legendary
Yugi: oh god, Shut up!
Para: I think we have made him sick
Dox: he probably has a really small-
Mai: Yugi is actually a nice size…or are you saying my first fuck was with a guy with a small cock? Do you think you can do better?
Para: Ha, ha, ha we're gonna die
Dox: but sure as hell we'd love to try!
Yugi: keep away from my girl!!!
Para: I think you live in a bus
Dox but your girl is coming on to us
Mai: I am doing no such thing!
Para: I think soon will be our demise
Dox: But I think we beat him in size
Kaiba: I'd like to see that…and I have more skintight doggy suits!!!
Para and Dox run off
Yugi: Kaiba scared them off you don't have to worry Mai.
Mai kisses Yugi hungrily
Joey had managed to escape and get back into his normal clothes and slapped Mai's ass
Mai grabbed his hand and turned around: Joseph…go slap Tea's ass, she is the player, I just want my Yugi.
Tea pulled down Bakura's pants and started to suck his cock and pulled down her own pants a little so Joey had some bare ass to slap
Bakura moaned
Joey pulled down Tea's pants all the way and started pushed into her doggy stile
Tea continued to suck Bakura
Joey thrust in and out of Tea violently
Tea moaned a little and deep throated Bakura
Mai's jaw dropped: what a sluttish whoe…Yugi I want you to go under there and get a taste of her slut cunt.
Yugi's jaw dropped: But Mai, I am faithful to you…
Mai looked into Yugi's eyes: Yugi, you are gonna pleasure her while I pleasure you…don't worry as long as you don't get any pleasure from her I am fine with it.
Yugi stared at Mai
Mai grabbed Yugi pushed him under Tea and pushed his head up into her cunt, then unzipped his pants and rode him as she kissed Bakura hard on the lips
Joey pulled out of Tea and started fucking her up the ass instead of in her cunt.
The bell rung as the all came and they got cleaned up and rushed into class.
Kimo: Hello Boys and Girls, Mr. Pegasus as been promoted to the position of principal. I am going to be your new teacher but you don't seem to keep them for very long…Anyway I know Mr. Pegasus set up a fun-time get-to-know your class mates period already but hey lets have another one so that if someone wants to they can get to know me…and that really sounds like a nice way to end the day. Oh by the way, my name is Mr. Kimo.
Everyone rushed around and Tea and Mai felt safer around this guy.
Kimo saw as the girls slipped under the guys' desks and the guys tried to hold in their moans.
The bell for home rang and it became chaotic and before Mai, Tea, Yugi, and Bakura could leave Kimo told them to go see the principal.
Author: do do do dododo dododo dodo dodo dododo dodododo, on the next exciting episode of A night at Mai's, All of the kids go to Pegasus's Office, but how will all of this go into naughty intentions after that? What could possibly happen at Pegasus's Office that would be rated lemon? The answers to these questions and more, next on Night at Mai's: Trip to The Office: episode 3