Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ Lover's Phoenix ❯ Classes and After ( Chapter 9 )
*squeals in delight* I got over a 100 reviews! *glomps all reviewers and begins t hand out Chibi Yugi plushies*
Finally decided to get working on this chapter. Again sorry for such a long wait. I never knew writer's block could be such a pain. Sadly, I still have some writer's block on both my stories but I'll try to get these chapters out as soon as I can.
Almost forgot to mention to those who haven't noticed, I have rewritten the first chapter a bit so take a look. Hope you all like it better then my first version. ^_^
Review Thankies on FF.net: Youko Demon, angel de la luz, Morris, Sabby^_~, Yueh Kitsune, Dont have one, Junko the Lost, Nezumi & Lylli Riddle, Sarcastic Pessimist, Era Novem, Blood Aura, Inu-Ice-Dragon, Shayde-Sailor Phoenix, Sabby^_~, Thunder311, Yaoi-Rules, asdf, Murasaki, DemonLady, Shirley, and Mavelus
Asdf- I did mention this was a Yugi centric story in a couple earlier chapter but it is now going to be in all my warnings and in the summary. I will try to add in a but more Bakura/Ryou and Marik/Malik in, but I'm just not too used to writing those pairings. I'll try though!
Thunder311- Me story is confusing huh? Don't worry if you get lost. Yugi, Malik, and Ryou are referred to girls sometimes in my story because technically they are cross-dressing boys. Otherwise known as girls to everyone else that doesn't know they are guys. If you are really confused go back and read the first chapter again and it should be clear then. ^_^
Blood Aura- Chibi Eyes of Doom? Creative title might I add. ^_^ Go ahead and use them if you wish. Is Yu-chan just adorable?
Morris- Naughty, naughty. Now leave those reviewers alone now. Thankies for not rushing me though. ^_^ Sometimes it is hard to write with so much to do and a lot of reviewers everyone. Not that that is a bad thing…
Review Thankies on MM.org: (Please excuse me if your review is not here. MM.org isn't allowing me to view all my reviews for some reason…) joeyrules, petite_angel, Rebellious_One, daisukedudette, fireshot, Anime-fan Meepa, and sapphire
Anime-fan Meepa- I sent you a reply already but just incase you didn't get it. ^_^ 1) I know what it is like to be in a bitchy mood so no hard feelings. ^_^ 2) I know this does sound like White Angel Chan's New Students. I do have her permission to use her idea on the DADA teacher before I started this story. 3) Yes, fear little Yu-chan gets all the attention. Won't last for long I tell you though. Most of the crushes will go away and I shall leave only two of them to really want Yugi. (Poor guys. Yami will be going on a rampage soon…) 4) I know Malik isn't really too girly but oh well. Everyone has to be a tad OOC in this story I guess. ^_^ 5) I know. Poor Snuffles shouldn't have died. ;_;
Disclaimer: I don't own Yugioh! or Harry Potter. *pouts*
Warning: Yaoi, cross-dressing Hikaris, sex crazed Yamis, and Yami/Yugi Centric.. Don't like, don't read.
Pairings: Yami/Yugi (Main) Bakura/Ryou Marik/Malik (Side pairings)
/Yugi to Yami/
//Yami to Yugi//
~ Ryou to Bakura ~
~~ Bakura to Ryou ~~
: Malik to Marik :
:: Marik to Malik ::
Ron, Harry, Yugi, Malik, and Ryou all headed up to the North Tower, winding through the several staircases. They finally reached the top of the tower and to the Divination classroom after several wrong turn and such.
The room had its usual smell of strong incense along with the usual hot and stuffy air. Professor Trelawney sat at the font of the class as the students filed in.
The group seated themselves at two of the tables, Yugi, Malik, and Ryou in one; and Harry and Ron at another.
"Welcome children," she said. "Some of you may not have seen me before," she said as she looked at Yugi, Malik, and Ryou.
"We will be doing some basic review for the next few weeks so some of out new students may catch up. We shall start with crystal balls and other basic review for the 1st quarter and then move into tarot card reading in the second. Sadly, one of us shall not make it too see what we have in store for the 3rd quarter," she said eyeing Harry dramatically.
Harry and Ron rolled their eyes thinking the same thing as the professor continued to explain he rest of the year. A couple of minutes later a crystal ball were placed on each table.
Ron and Harry poked a but at it first, knowing no prediction will come. An occasional joke about Tralawney every once in awhile was said before they took their attention to watching the three hikaris in the table next to theirs.
The hikaris were also one of the many to give up on trying to make an actual prediction. After a not so subtle hint from a certain tomb robber it was extremely clear that the teacher was a complete fake and this class was a waste of time/
Bakura was currently trying to read Yugi future, which wasn't anything new. Bakura constantly was trying to find an unhappy ending to his dear friend, the pharaoh. "Damn crystal balls. Where in the underworld did she get these? Cheap imitations…"
Yugi and Malik rolled there eyes before the completely gave up. If Bakura couldn't even get something out of these then they must be either fake or extremely cheap. Bakura was a well-known seer in Ancient Egypt and could almost get a prediction out of anything. He was still best at tarot cards and was currently teaching Ryou and bit of the art.
Bakura grumbled in irritation before asking Yugi for his deck, deciding for have some fun teasing the pharaoh Yugi handed him is deck without any protests despite Yami's yelling in his head.
/Oh shush. I'll make it up to you later…/
Bakura shuffled the small hikaris deck with little effort before placing 7 cards down another three under it and seven more card down under it.* To the displeasure of all three, the professor walked over to their table, curious of what they were doing.
"Please put those away dear, we re not studying tarot cards until next quarter."
"Oh, shut up. I'll do whatever I wish to you old hag. I swear, if you actually expect those damn balls to work then perhaps you should actually get real ones." Bakura said annoyed.
Everyone (except Yugi and Malik) was shocked that sweet little `Ryou' would talk to a teacher in such a way. Bakura paid no attention and flipped the first card over.
"Kuriboh? Well that is a first I say. Well I'm sure that card is self-explanatory. Cute, small, and fluffy, one of the best ways to describe Yugi past, Kuriboh is often taken lightly due to his strength and size. How appropriate. "
Bakura flipped over the second card absently, paying no attention to the small crowd that had gathered around their small group. "Happy Lovers? I didn't even know you had it in there Yugi," Bakura said with a smirk. "Happy Lovers, means you have or are experiencing the happiness of love. Self-explanatory again I seems." Yugi blushed as Yami smirked within his soul room.
Bakura placed his hand on the last card and was about to flip it over when the bell rang. Bakura shrugged and gathered up Yugi deck before handing it back to the tri-colored hair teen.
Professor Tralawney pouted slightly (Bad mental image I tell you…) as the three students left the room, quickly followed by Harry and Ron.
~* ~ Very stupid Divination class I know but writer's block. Moving on… ~*~
The rest of the day went by without any important incident. That is if you don't count Yugi having to get out of another detention in Transfiguration that was so thoughtfully earned by a certain Yami with blond hair and violet eyes. *cough*Marik.*cough* And then to prevent more points from getting deducted Ryou had to clean up after Bakura's little umm… accident in Charms where we blue up the teacher's desk for fun. After that the Yamis were officially banned form taking over their bodies for the rest the class.
Yugi, Ryou, and Malik waited patiently outside the Quidditch field, waiting for the Weasley twins to come out for their flying lessons. Ron, Harry, and Hermione stood nearby, deciding to watch.
The Weasley twins arrived soon, equipped with extra brooms for the young `girls.'
The twins quickly explained the basics of flying a broom and the three Hikaris were flying around in the air. Harry had brought his Firebolt and had decided to join them. Yugi was a fast learner and so was Yami. Both were excellent on the brooms. Ryou had been a bit scared to get on the broom so Bakura took over. Malik and Marik on the other hand were currently fighting over who got to be in control. To anyone who could notice, the blond haired-teen's hair kept changing about every 10 seconds. Finally Marik managed to talk Malik into letting him stay out after some… negotiations.
Soon everyone else was above the ground as George and Fred explained the game of Quidditch. Fred was currently explaining the Quaffle when a swish of white quickly grabbed the ball from him.
And all and behind, guess who happened to have taken the red Quaffle, none other then the dearest tomb robber Bakura. Bakura smirk, "Like this?" he said as he passes it over to Marik, purposely avoiding the twins from getting the ball.
Here started a little game of catch and steal. One would take the ball, steal it form the other, pass it, steal it, pass, steal, and so on. Of course the fact that both were experienced thieves didn't help too much.
Bakura made a pass over to Marik but was distracted Ryou made his presence very well known at that point. A few mental images gave Bakura enough of a distraction to completely miss Marik and have the ball come hurling toward Yugi.
Yugi eeped as he tried to hit the ball away. A slight turn of the broom bounced the ball straight back to Fred Weasley, who was rather shocked at the skills you three possessed in flying.
George whistled, "You three are naturals. Too bad Ryou and Malik are in Slytherin, they would make decent Chasers on the team. Hey Fred."
"Yeah?" Fred answered smiling. "You thinking what I'm thinking?"
George nodded, looking at Yugi who was currently glaring at Bakura and Marik for almost hitting `her'. "I think we found ourselves a new Keeper this year."
Oh god… *starts banging head on keyboard* And I thought Chapter 3 for TTY was bad… That has got to be the crappiest chapter ever written in history. Short and stupid. I haven't written a chapter as bad as this one in such a long time. I'd never thought I'd actually say this but flame all you want for this chapter. Gah. Sorry about it all but writer's block is still a pain; and I had promised that I would get this out by today. I promise will rewrite this as soon as possible. Sorry for any grammar and spelling mistakes also. I don't have a beta reader yet and so until I get one please bear with me.
Remind me, I am looking for a beta reader currently. It is preferred that if you wish to be my beta that you have some writing experience and is on at least every other day. Fi you wish to be my beta please leave a review with your email and such and I'll get back to you as soon as possible. (I'm sounding like an answering machine aren't I?)
Anywho, the purple-ish button calls!