Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ what is real future past colide ❯ the new girl friend or foe ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer I don't own Danny Phantom or Yugioh, but I do own any original characters mentioned.


A/N: ok so my chapters aren't always the best and they will be like this for a while on and off. I know in the first two chapters I made it seem like Danny/Jessa, but its really going to be Danny/Ann Marie. You will see how it turns out in time.


Chapter 4


The streets were covered in more traffic then normal as news crews stormed the streets on their way to find out about the mysterious crash. Yuugi was pushing Jessamine along the sidewalk trying to make it to school which was proving to be a very difficult task. Danny who lived next door also joined them as they made their way through the people rushing about. "Wow the whole town must be out today." Danny commented as the outline of the school finally came into view.

"Yeah it sure doesn't take long for news to travel around hear." Yuugi commented as the stopped before crossing over to the school. Normally Jessamine could use her hands and get to school with little to no problems, but since almost every person who walked was taking up every inch of the sidewalk, Yuugi offered to push her. Hearing the racket outside her did not argue like she often did when he would offer his services.

Unlike the outside the school was quite empty. Normally the halls would be over filled with students and staff, but the halls were unusually clear. Jessamine and Yuugi stopped off at their lockers to gather their things for class not sure what to expect. Not many people were in class except for Bakura and Kaiba along with a couple of other students. Aside for Jessamine, tea was the only other member in the little band of friends that was in school and even she was running late.

The teacher entered the room and the students stood and said their good mornings to him before returning to their seats. The teacher then turned on the news which was already reporting the crash and talking about the strange events that happened the night before. "What are they saying?" Danny whispered when an add came on.

"Last night a ship of some sort crashed outside of town about a mile from here. Although they didn't find anyone on board, they found what looked like a helmet of some kind and the remains of what appeared to be a space suit. It is not known at this time who was flying the aircraft or if there was anyone else on board the aircraft. In related news, the hospital has become over run with injuries from broken glass or lose eleticeral equipment." Jessa translated glad she could not see the details.

"Well that should explain where most of the school is then." Tea piped up not liking to be kept out of any conversation

"All students or staff please return to your homes school will be closed until feather notice." Came an announcement over the loud speakers about an hour and a half into the school day.

"so what do we do now?" Yuugi asked gathering his things as everyone in the classroom filed out.

"the safest thing to do would to go home and stay off of the street until we have a way to pint the sorce of this trouble.

"I don't think you should be getting involved this time Yuugi. You have to think of your grandfather, he doesn't need you to be taking such risks." Tea commented as they exited the school yard.

"I think that you should stay out of my life and quit trying to be my mother." Yuugi shot back.

"Demo…Yuugi-kun I think that…." Tea continued acting like that he had not said anything.

"Just go home…" Yuugi interrupted vinium in his voice as he chose his words.

"and you need to stop pushing her around and treat her like the little princess that needs to be pampered. You have never treated me that way and I have known you since pre-school." Tea responded just as much hate and in her voice.

"I have an idea we can use to get away from her." Danny said as he told Yuugi to hold on. He then took ahold of the other side of the wheelchair and they turned invisible. The crowed on the sidewalk had not thinned out that much since they had been in school, and by doing this, they had an advantage over those on their way either to the crash site or home. Once they reached Jessamine's, Danny returned them to visible mode and she went inside.

"Do you want me to stay with you?" Yuugi asked jessa once they had reached her front door.

"Iie…I'll be alright. I think your grandpa would like to see you, don't think I didn't know you were here alnight." She smiled as she hugged her friend tight being as bold as to kiss him lightly on the lips. As soon as she felt herself doing it she tried to pull back only to feel Yuugi wrap his arms around her and return the kiss.

"Yuugi…you?" she started to ask when he planted another kiss on her lips deeper then the last one.

"I'll be back after I talk to grandpa my love." He whispered as he disspeared leaving Jessa with a content smile.

Danny on the other hand found himself glomped by his parents when they heard about what had happened on the news. After Danny had left and the news report came over the television, they had checked on his and his sisters room making sure that they had avoided any cuts. Even though they couldn't understand the news reports, they didn't have to to know something was wrong. Jack had thought it to be the work of ghosts, but then again he blamed anything that seemed odd on ghosts even though he had never seen any ghost only going on one myth that no ghost can be seen unless the ghost so wished it. Danny knew in his heart that there was more then the work of one ghost to cause such destruction, but after the day he had so far his mind wanted to go with what his father was ranting on about. "I'm just going to be in my room for a while" Danny informed his parents as he headed that way.

"alright dear, but try and keep it quiet our guest needs her rest and she is in the guest room upstairs." His mother called before Danny could get to far out of ear shot.

"right mom, I'll keep that in mind." He said as he entered his room. ::in town two days and we already have a guest how strange:: Danny thought as he placed his school books and things down and tiptoed upstairs to take a peak for himself. Stepping inside the dark room Danny remembered to remain quiet as a girl snored quietly on the guest bed. Keeping it dark, Danny couldn't make out much but that the it was a girl and she looked like a real mess. Aside from that he had nothing to go on. Her hair was tangled and a ras nest and she was dressed in his sister's cloths, which were a little big for her small frame. ::she sure looks kind of cute, and looks like a mix between Yuugi and jessa, I wonder if its some relative:: he thought as he watched the sleeping figure for a while. ::I had better finish that homework.:: he thought to himself giving him a reason to have to leave.

A few hours later the stranger in the guest room awoke and looked about her. Her head was pounding, which didn't help much with anything. Weekly she got out of the bed and opened the door the bright lights of the lit hallway making it hard see a little bit. Once her eyes had recovered from the shock though her vision started to come back into focous. Jack and mattie were downstairs working on rebuilding the fenton ghost portal or aka the ghost zone portal. Slowly she found her way to Danny's room which at the time she was unaware of where she had ended up. "come in.." he called thinking it was one of his parents being polite for once.

Taking the offered invitation, the young girl cracked the doo name?"

r open. "I'm so sorry I'm ….a little lost I think." She chocked out as she felt a wave of dizziness wash over her.

Within seconds Danny was ready and caught her before she could make contact with the carpet and pulled her into his room helping her to sit down on the bed. With the light on, he could see the extent of her injuries and felt for the poor girl. What was not covered by jazz's clothes was covered in dried blood that had leaked through the bandaging, some of the burn marks losing their dangerous red color. "here sit down you shouldn't be moving around like this." Danny said as he helped her to lie back down.

"Now I know how my mom feels." She muttered as a hand flew to her throbbing head.

"who is your mom?" Danny asked wondering if what he was thinking was right.

"Jessamine Motou or as she used to be called Jessamine Hisa." Came the reply.

Danny held back his shock and propped her head up with pillows "you should relax I'll go get you something." He told her. "so what is your name?" he asked

"Ann Marie Motou." She said.

"well Ann, I'll be right back." Danny said before going to get the girl some water.

A few weeks went by and there were no more wired disturbances. Ann also seemed to be recovering quickly but had not returned to a life of school. Durring that time, Danny became really close with her and she returned the feelings. Jessamine and Yuugi didn't know that much about her because Danny didn't know weather not to bring it up, and Ann didn't bother either. She had made friends with them but had a reason to bring up why she was there that she would save for when the time was right.

However, that time came all to soon as Ann was introduced to Domino high and had to deal with the students. It was at that time the great evil from the past decided to make its move. One afternoon while the students were in their lunch break, the sky grew dark once more like the night Ann had arrived but the divastation was much worse then when she crashed down. Where the sun should be an eye ball of sorts took its place much like the eye that each of the item holders held, but this one was a bright red and the only light in the sky.

Danny, Jessamine, Ann, Tea, Joey, Tristain, and Joey's little sister Serenity were all over in the living room of the Motou residence. Serenity had stopped into town a couple days before this one to see her brother and the gang chose to visit the game shop for lunch today instead of staying at school. As the darkness spread over the city, a bad feeling washed over the gamg one of which all of them could forget. Even Danny being new to town had a sick feeling of dread, which was a feeling that he didn't normally feel. However, when he did it meant a big fight was ahead and this time was no different.

The sounds of brick and glass hitting each other and metle and other things crashing down echoed through the streets as buildings and sidewalks started to crumble under some unknown force. Danny had flown over the city while Jessamine and Yuugi tried to harness the power of their items to protect everyone in the small living room. It seemed like the only structure that wasn't affected was the Kaiba estate which seemed to be now floating out to sea with the rush of the tides. Duel monsters as well as what looked like mummies moved about amongst the rubble the souls of the dead being sucked into the glowing mass. "It has begun the age of destruction." Ann Marie suddenly said after the shaking had ended and everyone was gathered on a patch of sidewalk

"So its your fault all of this happening." Tea was the first to accuse as the remains of a roof nearly landed on her only to have her knocked out of the way by the very person she had just accused of causing the destruction.

"as much as I dislike you tea for being a jealous bitch, I'm going to let it go and save your neck, all I can say is if you don't shape up I won't be able to save you again." Ann warned eyeing tea.

"So do you know what the cause of this is?" Danny asked as he helped ann out of the broken window that she had slipped into when she had knocked tea out of the way of the falling roof.

"well I think I'll have to get to that after we get somewhere safe to talk. If we stand around here we are going to die." Ann stated as she leaned on Danny for the support she needed her legs much like her mothers but before now much stronger then her mother's were.

"I think I know where we can hide." Danny offered as he led everyone to the basement of his house which was far enough underground that if his parents were down there would have missed getting crushed. "the prolem is just getting my parnents to want to go….with all that is happening they will want to be right in the middle of it." He commented as he reached a side entrance into the basement Yuugi helping Jessamine down and the others right on their heals. Sure enough Danny's parents were where he said they might be working on yet another ghost catching invention. Danny knew talking to his parents was pointless in getting them to agree so he would have to use some sort of force to get them interested in some place else. While their backs were turned, he transformed into his ghost form and pushed the botton to open the portal and pushed his parents inside. Sure enough the sight of all the ghosts flying around in the ghost zone was enough to distract his parents and get them to move through it so that they could get to a safe enough hiding place.

Not wanting anything else to get lose or come in, Danny used some quick flying and speed to get far enough out and in to shut the portal doors. Just ads Danny flew in and the doors slammed shut, the roof caved in blocking the exit. While in the ghost zone Danny confessed everything to his parents about who he was, and Jazz acted like it was a shock when in truth she had known for a while that he was at least fighting the ghosts but dismissed it as wired and ridiculous. After walking a bit, they found the portal to the old home and decied to hide in the old basement.