Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ what is real future past colide ❯ The calm before the storm ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer I don't own Danny Phantom or Yugioh. The people in this fiction you don't recognize kind of go without saying mine unless stated otherwise.


A/n: can't promise much for this chapter maybe a bit of romance…We'll have to see so be on the look out for it.



Chapter 5


Once everyone was in the old basement Jessamine and Yuugi used the power of their items to hide everyone from any human sight or sound. The power usage was a strain but they were the only ones that could do much good. "Ok start explaining." Tea hissed as soon as everyone was protected.

"Now young lady that's no way to treat one of your friends." Mattie said getting onto tea as if she was her own daughter.

Yuugi Jessa, and Danny all had to cringe when tea spoke again. "You are not my mother and have no right to tell me what to do." She said fire seemingly flashing through her eyes and venom in her voice.

Mattie did not break down at her words used to back talk first with Jazz and every once and a while Danny. "When you are in my preance you will not speak like that to me or my children!" Mattie yelled and was about to continue on with her rant until Jack, her husband, cut her off.

"Now Ann….you were going to say?" Jack asked after he had managed to calm his wife down a bit and Joey and Tristan found some way to restrain Tea and keep her from interrupting.

"Well you see I come to you from the future. I am a year older then Danny, and my parents are Jessamine Hisa, and Yuugi Motou. About a year ago my time, our planet had gone under attack. Many of our people had fled to Eygept where King Yami had once again taken his place. However, it wasn't going to be that easy." She started to explain as tears stung at the back of her eyes. Danny held her close to him and rubbed small circles ion her back.

"Its going to be ok…" he said soothingly to her.

She took yet another deep breath and continued. "Soon after we had fled, our home and the entire island that was once home to Japan, fell like a tone of bricks. Many lives were lost not all of them able to escape in time. The danger sweapt over the planet leaving every place it visited like the one before it a pile of rubble where homes and streets and forests once lived. King Yami, Queen Cynthia, Mom and Dad as well as Joey Tristan and others fought as one teem fending off the threat, but all our power was worthless. It was then, it decided that it was going to make sure the future never happened." She continued her voice shaking with every word. "This evil is from acent times, he was known as the god of death or something like that, I believe you fought him before." She said as she looked to Yuugi and Jessa.

"That's right I think you mean Anubis. He had gotten lose due to some old prophecy and caused a lot of trouble." Yuugi confirmed.

"Well He will return again. He had warned when he discovered that our power was too strong that he would return. Mom and dad sent me back here to warn you before he had returned, but I couldn't stop him, he had fallowed me and has already flattened most of the planet depending on where he landed in search of Yuugi Yami and Cynthia and Jessa." She explained. "The reason I didn't say anything until now was due to the fact the crash hurt me to bad and damaged my memory. But, we have a bigger problem too." She said.

Danny looked over at the closed doors that entered into the ghost zone. She didn't have to say anything as he exchanged looks with his parents who gave each other a quick glance then looked back at their son. "He plans on using the host zone and the ghosts within as his armey right?" he stated more then asked.

"Yeah I think so. In my time the ghost hunting tech has improved since ghosts have made it a point to try and live among us. Some are good and assist in the reterval of those that are not, but then …that was the least of our problems. The engery in that ghost portal was what powered the time grid allowing me to come through it.

"So how do we fight this kind of thing?" Tristain asked.

"What ever we can do we are not afraid to do." Joey added. "We are friends first and that in the end is what will most likely save us." He added with his normally goffy grin.

"That I do not know, but for now I think we need to find some place to stay and return to Domino and see if there is anything left." Mattie said as she stood. Yuugi went with her while Jessamine held the others under the protective cover. Mattie looked about the house and noticed it had not been sold yet, but was a little unnerved about staying there. She knew that the strange boy and the young girl couldn't hold them under their protection forever, but what else could she do. She felt torn and lost still trying to take in everything she had been said. She motioned to Yuugi and they returned to the basement. "I really hate doing this, but we may have to get your friend Sam involved Danny." Mattie sighed looking at her son.

"Well she does have a big enough place for the all of us to use I guess." He said as he slowly took the cell out of his pocket. Ann was sleeping now after Danny had managed to relax her enough to do so. The girl had been through enough and he didn't want to put her through more then need be so soon.

"We shouldn't involve anyone else if we don't have too, so many lives in danger already." Yuugi started when Jessamine put a Reassuring hand on his shoulder…which in seconds was looping its way around his waist.

"I don't like it any more then you do love, but our powers won't protect us and the others to allow us to hide in this empty house. We also can't go home since our homes pretty much caved in around us…." She explained as she pulled herself closer to Yuugi.

"I know your right…" Yuugi commented as he kissed her softly holding her close to him. The kiss didn't last long enough for Jessamine's taste but she had to remember that others were watching her even if she herself couldn't see it. Smiling she pulled back.

"We can go over there now… Sam is home alone and she called Tucker for company so he should be there. He might as well find out too, considering if we didn't tell him he would find himself in the line of fire and we would have to tell him later anyway." Danny started and explained as he hit the off switch on his hands free phone like device that Tucker had given him before he had moved.

Once Danny hung up with his friend, he smiled and led the way to Sam's place. Jessamine and Yuugi released the power of their items after everyone was outside and far enough away from the house so not to attract any attention that was unneeded. The power drained them both to the point that Joey ended up pushing the wheelchair while Jessa held Yuugi on her lap allowing them both to rest. Tea lagged behind the rest of them growling at the turn of events despite everything that had happened so far. It wasn't long before everyone reached Sam's place and Joey and Tristan's jaws dropped at the sight of it. "This is even bigger then Kaiba's place." Joey exclaimed once his voice returned to him.

"Wow…..rich chick huh I hope she is not a snob like Kaiba tends to be." Tristan commented.

"She isn't a snob like some people like to think." Danny reassured them as he knocked on the door and a young girl stood in the open doorway. Her skin for the most part was quite pail and black hair framed her face. On her wrists she had black wrist bands, and her outfit was Goth like in itself mostly black with a hint of green and purple. When she saw Danny, she wrapped her arms around him with a death grip, before she showed everyone else in. Tucker was already in one of the many rooms in front of a video game system, his eyes so fixed on the screen in front of him he didn't notice Sam enter the room and turn it off. "Hey why did you do that Sam?!" Tucker complained as he looked down at the now off television.

"The others are here and you and I have to listen since they need our help." Sam stated as tucker listened fallowing her into the living room.

After everyone was seated, Ann repeated her story for tucker and Sam. Both of the friends sat there in shock for several minutes upon hearing the strange story. Ann was excusted and was once again asleep against Danny's lap. "This can't be real and seems so wrong." Tucker said after a long and unnerving silence.

"I know tuck, but they need our help even if all we can do is support Danny and his new found friends." Sam stated as she looked over the group half of them appeared to be sleeping while the other half appeared to be struggling to stay awake. "But first, I think everyone here just needs to rest."

With a smile, she helped get everyone placed in a room. Danny shared a room with Ann while his parents did the same. Joey, Tristan, and Tea, each got their own room and Yuugi insisted on sharing a room with Jessa saying he wanted to help her if need be. Tea was angry to have to be with Yuugi when she loved him and would not deal with the fact someone else loved him as well, and happy that she could have her own bed and personal space. She made it a point to herself to stay out of it and stay to herself until they returned home. Joey didn't go to bed right away, instead he ran around checking out the place Sam chacing him to keep him from breaking anything. She sighed when he finally calmed himself down enough and with two armloads of snacks he went to Tristan's room to share them with him before retiring for the evening.

Jessamine flopped down on her bed and sighed as she lay along side Yuugi. He had pulled her close and started to massage the tender flesh of her muscles which in turn earned a moan from the girl after a while. Yuugi then kissed her again licking at her lips his hand sliding down to twick the nipple of her exposed breast. Jessamine had to suppress a gasp of pleasure at the contact while her hand reached down stroking Yuugi's member lightly. Moments later she yawned and turned her back to him falling asleep on her side. Removing his boxers, Yuugi wrapped his arms around from behind making sure their skin was touching his member in the grove of her ass and his face berried in the small of her back. Upon feeling this, Jessamine started to dream some rather wet dreams.

Meanwhile in Danny's room he was helping Ann into bed making sure she was not in any pain and alright before slipping into the bathroom to change into his night cloths. He made himself a bed on the nearby couch that was in the spaceish room. About halfway into the night Ann started crying and tossing and turning in her sleep. beads of sweat ran over her skin and her entire body was shivering. Her cries and occasional screams woke Danny who in turn tried to wake her, but had to hold and confert her. "Its going to be alright." He said in a soft soothing tone of voice as he kissed her hair which was sticking to her face from her cold sweat as he rocked her back and forth in his arms fear starting to creep through him when what he was doing seemed to be taking to long for his liking.

In her dream filled mind, Ann could feel a safe warm feeling holding her and a soft relaxing voice that seemed to call out to her through the fear of the war. In her mind she thought she felt strong arms holding her tight protecting her from the evil that had intrapped her. "come on wake up… please…" she heard a fibular voice calling to her through the fog of her mind, it was the same voice in her dreams but seemed more real. "we need you…I need you.." it said sounding more urgent as she felt soft lips touching her own.

Opening her eyes she blinked as Danny's face came into view. "Danny…?" she asked once he removed his lips from hers touching them not sure if she felt right meaning if what she felt was even real.

"I'm sorry….I…" Danny started as he hugged her and she placed a finger over his lips before kissing him again. When she pulled back he smiled tears spilling from his eyes of happiness this rather then pain or fear. He knew then by that simple kiss that she felt for him the way he had felt for her.

"Stay with me…" came her simple request as she looked into eyes blue des. Danny simply nodded and lay down with her wrapping the covers over them both. The two shared another heart pounding kiss before the evil world of sleep claimed them.

The sky of Domino started to light up once again but not with the healthy blue, but a sick read color. Mummies of all kinds and shapes including old cats started digging through the rubble in search of something. A few people clung to life, but not many and others managed to trap themselves in underground basements to escape the destruction above. "Revenge will be mine." A voice echoed through the streets which were mostly empty save for the few places still standing.