Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ A New Path ❯ To Chateau LeBlanc! Rikku Visits The Farplane ( Chapter 11 )
Thanks goes out to all who reviewed:
Magicman/Smokegirl - Yes it is shame that Kaiba wasn't beaten up, but expect Kaiba to get bashed on the head at some point. Rikku's my favorite FFX/X-2 character too! Who returns should not be a surprise.
Kry - Wow, everyone sure like to see Kaiba get some punishment. Don't worry, Kaiba'll get his.
PROTOTYPE Uber Rei Model 00 - Glad you feel that way. As for your question, just expect it. It may happen sooner than you think.
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Chapter 11: To Chateau LeBlanc! Rikku Visits The Farplane
At the bridge, Tea couldn't be even happier than she was right now. All of her friends were there with her as they began to share their adventures of the commsphere. Yuna, who they've since picked up from Besaid, was also there to hear and she was amazed of their journeys, as well as Brother, Rikku, and Buddy. This discussion soon went into their past adventures as Yugi and co shared their adventures from Duelist Kingdom ("I am not a dog!") to Battle City, to Noah and his virtual world ("THEY MADE A MONKEY OUTTA ME!"), and finally to the Battle City Finals. Yuna and Rikku soon began the tale of their adventures of Yuna's pilgrimage to rid Spira of the monster known as Sin. ("You were a High Summoner?") Up to their new tasks as sphere hunters with Brother, Buddy, Paine, and Shinra, who was currently in the engine room to decide what to do with the extra Machina parts. It was all perfect.
"Umm…Tea…?" Tristan asked. "I think we all speak for all of us when I asked why the hell did you leave in the first place?"
Tea then looked down. "Well…I…" She sighed. "I thought you guys didn't care about me!"
"You thought we didn't care about you?" Joey responded. "Where'd you get a stupid idea like that?"
"Oh come on Joey, like you don't even know what's been happening to us. How far apart we're drifting!"
"What are you talking about, Tea?" Serenity asked.
"I felt as if I was being replaced!" She snapped. "Like I was out and you were in! You seem to be more trusting to Serenity than you are to me!"
"Where'd you get an idea like that?" Yugi asked.
"Like when Kaiba insulted and tripped Joey, I was the one who always talk him out of a fight before he gets in trouble. But no, Serenity cut in before I could have a chance. Or like when Joey and Tristan get into one of their fights…again, Serenity reminds them about what we've been through. We as in you guys and me! Not just you guys! And when Serenity was becoming very friendly with Yugi, that was the last straw!"
Kaiba, meanwhile on the deck of the airship, was smirking as he watched the clouds quickly pass by him. At last, they were going to Guadosalam. He only had one thing in mind: The infiltration of Chateau LeBlanc, The headquarters of the LeBlanc Syndicate. They had stolen from him his latest invention-and the only way he could get back to Domino- His new and improved Transphere. The bad thing was that after he had regained the device, he'd have to bring the geeks home with him. Who knows, maybe he could set up a Spira branch of Kaiba Corp. After all, since they're now in the Duel Monsters craze, it was a gold mine for his technology!
"Seto?" The door opened as Mokuba walked towards his brother.
"We're almost there, Mokuba…" Kaiba said, arms crossed and all. "Soon, we're going to make those Syndicate fools pay for what they've done."
Mokuba blinked. "You mean?"
"That's right! I'll use the entire force of the Kaiba Corporation to bring them down if I have to. Nobody messes with the Kaiba family and leaves unscathed." He hissed.
"But Seto, how are you going to do that! We're dimensions away from home. There's no way you could contact anyone!"
"I'm thinking ahead of time!" Kaiba explained. "Once I get the Transphere back, I'm planning on suing for everything this "LeBlanc" person has for her goons kidnapping you, abducting us into this world!" He then said silently so Mokuba couldn't hear, "Destroying my Blue Eyes White Dragon card…" He sighs, "Sometimes I wished that I've never created the Transphere!"
"Don't say that, Seto!" Mokuba walked over. "It's a good invention that could open up new opportunities. Don't let a few jerks like the LeBlanc Syndicate spoil it."
"I know that, but…" Kaiba seethed. "How could have I been so foolish!? I should've never even considered making a deal with Logos and Ormi. I should've use all resources to take them down. And now we're stuck here…" He scolded himself.
"But what about Yugi and the others?"
"They're smart enough to find a way back on their own…well most of them." Kaiba explained. "I placed an emergency button on the bottom of that other Transphere which will take them back somewhere in Domino."
"Well that explains how Logos and Ormi got to Domino." Mokuba figured, putting two and two together."
"So…why are we going to Guadosalam?" Joey asked, annoyed as the gang was looking through the spheres the Gullwings have found.
"Kaiba said something about the LeBlanc syndicate stealing his updated Transphere." Rikku explained, "Whatever that is!"
"You mean to tell me that Kaiba made a new and improved Transphere without tellin' us!" Joey snapped as he threw his hands up in frustration, consequently tossing one of the spheres in the air.
"Hey!" Yuna jumped up and caught it before it could hit the floor. "Careful!"
Rikku asked Tea. "Does he always get this peeved?"
"When it comes to Kaiba, sadly yes." Tea said.
"Speaking of which, where is Setty Kaiby anyway?" Rikku looked around.
"Who knows…" Tristan shrugged.
"Who cares…" Joey scoffed.
"Well…somebody has to…" Yugi reminded.
"And Mokuba does!" Serenity added.
"Head's up kids! We're nearing our destination!" Buddy informed.
Brother looked toward his sister. "Rikku, go tell Kaiba that we're near Guadosalam."
"What?" Rikku protested. "Why me?"
"Because I'm the pilot, Brother's the navigator, and Yuna and Tea are teaching our friends about Spheres!"
"That's an order Rikku!"
Rikku crossed her arms as she pouted. "Oui'na sayh!" ("You're mean!") She then walked up to Serenity. "Hey Serenity, can we trade brothers?"
"Huh?" Serenity was a bit taken back. "Excuse me?"
"Joey may be a bit dense, short tempered, and a bit overprotective. But at least he isn't an insensitive jerk! Unlike some people I know." She glared at Brother.
"Rikku!" Brother warned, his patience with Rikku thinning like a middle-aged man's hair.
"Fine!" She stormed off to the lift. First, she decided to check in the cabin area to see if Kaiba or Mokuba were there.
"Hey Barkeep!" Rikku greeted the Hypello. "Have you seen Seto or Mokuba?"
"Showwy Miss Reikoo!" He replied. "I haven sheen them."
"They can't be in the engine room…" Rikku muttered as she pondered the Kaibas location. "So they must be on the deck. Thanks Barkeep!"
"Noo problem!" Barkeep replied as Rikku walked back to the lift.
A few moments later, the door opened and Rikku was taken to the top of the Celsius. She then saw the people in question.
"Are we there yet?" Kaiba asked in his usual cold tone of voice.
"Almost…" She said as she walked back inside.
"Good. The sooner we can leave this place, the better." He hissed, which Rikku happened to have heard.
"Good riddance…" She muttered as Mokuba sighed.
"As if I haven't already had enough of hearing these superstitious fairytales, Spira filled with them." Kaiba snorted. "And I thought Ishizu's and Yugi's nonsense about the so-called 'ancient past' was ridiculous."
"What are you saying?" Rikku walked back to Kaiba with a glare.
"I mean really. Aeons? High Summoners? Yeah, they've must've been really high to believe something as ridiculous as that. And 'Sin?'" Kaiba began to laugh, "Come on! A monster that killed civilizations for, what, over a hundred years? That has to be the biggest load of garbage that I have ever heard! It even puts Yugi claming that he was a Pharaoh in a more believable light."
"Seto…" Mokuba sighed. Upset by the way Kaiba's acting towards Rikku, and at the same time feeling pity towards him.
Suddenly, Kaiba felt a huge slap across his face as Rikku now glared at Kaiba, with small tears forming in her eyes.
"Oui'na sayh, lniam, yht y pydradel aqlica vun y rosyh paehk! E ruba y Shoopuf cxiycrac oui!" ("You're mean, cruel, and a pathetic excuse for a human being! I hope a Shoopuf squashes you!") She yelled as stormed back inside, on the verge of crying.
"You're very admirable to talk to me that way, especially in a language I don't understand!" Kaiba yelled towards her as she walked inside.
"SETO!" Mokuba snapped at his brother.
"Mokuba!?" Kaiba's eyes went wide. He had forgotten that Mokuba was right beside him.
"How could you be so mean to Rikku?" Mokuba glared. It's safe to say that when it comes to glares, it runs in the family as his glare even rivals his brother's.
"What do you expect me to do? Believe that…nonsense that girl just told me! You know I don't believe in-"
"-Superstitious Fairytales?" Mokuba finished for him. "You always say that! Just like with the Millennium Items! For your information, that 'Superstitious Fairytale' is the reason why Rikku doesn't have a mother!"
"So it's my fault that her mother was dumb enough to go for some aeons that DIDN'T EXIST!?"
"SIN KILLED HER MOTHER!" Mokuba screamed. (A/N: Again, I have zero idea about Rikku's mother. I'm just going to say that she's killed by Sin in this story.)
Kaiba was taken back from this realization as he now didn't know what to be shocked about more: Him finding another thing in common with her besides having a Blue Eyes, or him being yelled at by his "#1 Fan" the way he was.
'That's right Seto! Sin killed Rikku's mother! I wanted to tell you, seeing that we both could relate. But then I remembered your talks about how we should bury the past!" Mokuba walked away from Kaiba and headed back inside. "Everyone said that you were nothing but a heartless jerk, but I told them that they were wrong! It looks like I was the one who was wrong…" He said in a whisper.
"Great…" Kaiba muttered as he watched Mokuba go back inside the ship. "Damn you, Gozaburo…" He said to himself. "Damn you for making me this way…"
Rikku decided to wipe away the tears from her eyes before entering the bridge so that no one would notice. How could Kaiba be so cruel? If Kaiba really was nice, then this "Gozaburo" person Mokuba talked about really changed him. As the sliding door opened, Rikku walked in and went back to the others.
"So did you tell him?" Yuna asked.
"Yeah…but can I ask you guys something: If you decide to go back to Domino, and by certain circumstances Mokuba became an orphan would any of you adopt him?"
"Uhh…of course! Why Rikku?" Tea asked.
"Well…let's just say that it took everything inside of me to keep me from just shoving Kaiba off this ship to about a million-foot fall!" Rikku said as-a-matter-of-factly.
"Hmph, join the club…" Joey muttered, knowing all too well how much of a jerk Kaiba can be.
"Joey, that's not nice." Serenity said to her brother.
"Sorry sis, but who wouldn't want to give Moneybags exactly what he deserves."
"Joey does have a point." Tea agreed with him. "We all tried to reach out to him as friends, and he always shunned us."
"What Kaiba needs is a good 'ole fashion beat down." Joey say, pounding his fists together.
"You know that violence doesn't solve anything." Yuna reminded.
"You may be right Yunie, but it'll surely make a lot of people feel better." Rikku stated.
As if it was in perfect timing, Buddy announced. "We have now arrived in Guadosalam."
Tristan looked out from the window. "This forest is Guadosalam?"
"No, that's the entrance." Tea corrected. "We have to go through the gateway to actually get to the place itself.
After the airship has landed, everyone, aside from Mokuba, Shinra, Buddy, and Brother, got off the airship.
"Nice town…" Joey muttered. "If you're a squirrel…"
"But I thought you'd like trees, seeing that you're a dog." Kaiba retorted.
"Oh go back to the sea Kaiba…"
"Shh!" Yuna hissed. Not wanting a fight to be resulted from their argument. "So why are we here?"
"To get back my Transphere..." Kaiba simply said.
"A sphere?" Yuna asked.
"It's just like Tea's transphere, only mine's more advanced."
"So it's in there?" Tristan asked while he pointed to Chateau LeBlanc.
"Where else could it be, Monkey Boy." Kaiba rolled his eyes.
"Well excuse me if I don't actually know this place like you do, Kaiba."
"Will you guys stop?" Yugi asked. "If we're going to get the Transphere back, then we're going to have to work together.
"Together? Keep thinking your fantasies, Yugi…" Kaiba muttered as he walked off.
"Come on, Kaiba! It'll be much easier if we helped instead of-."
Kaiba cut-off Joey, "I never needed your help and I never will." He hissed.
"Fine." Joey snapped. "Get killed for all I care!"
"Joey!" Yugi protested.
"No! I'm sick of helping Kaiba's sorry ass without any 'Thank yous!' If the jerk wants to be alone, let him!"
"Come one Joey, if you were in his position, Kaiba would've-" Bakura was cut-off by Joey looking at him as if he was the biggest idiot since the Stone Age.
"A hostile group, aren't they?" Yuna said aside to Tea.
"I'm surprised that Joey hasn't even jumped Kaiba yet…" Tea replied, as she then noticed Rikku walking off. "Rikku, where are you going?"
"To the Farplane…" Rikku simply said, much to Tea's shock. The last time she said that, she just used the Transphere, which was how they found the Kaiba brothers, which was a decision Rikku was beginning to regret.
"The Farplane?" Bakura raised an eyebrow, interested.
"It's like a graveyard, but very different." Tea explained as she followed Rikku, with Yugi and Bakura following her.
"Sounds interesting." Yugi admitted.
"Graveyards creeps me out…" Serenity admitted, suddenly feeling butterflies in her stomach.
Yuna placed a hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry. It's not bad!"
"Okay…" Serenity nodded as she and Yuna followed the others. Joey and Tristan were bringing up the rear until a pair of hands pulled them back by the back loins of their shirts.
"You two are coming with me!" Kaiba hissed as he proceeded to drag the two friends back.
"For what Kaiba…" Tristan narrowed his eyes as Kaiba brought them back to three unconscious Dr. Goons.
"You're the only two idiots that could fit in those outfits." Kaiba explained as he began to swipe the taller Goon of his outfit. "We're going to infiltrate the Chateau."
"What happened to not needin' my help, Mone-"
"JUST GET INTO THE OUTFITS YOU GEEKS!" Kaiba screamed as he began to change…
"Alright alright…" Joey muttered as he and Tristan began to change into the Syndicate duds. "Sheesh…"
After changing into Syndicate duds, the three boys from Domino approached the Chateau as Kaiba then open the door.
"Don't mess up." He hissed as he walked in, followed by Joey and Tristan.
"Nice place…" Joey commented as he saw the place from the inside. It was what you'd expect in a mansion: chandeliers, royal carpeting, and numerous rooms.
"Hmph, it's okay…if you're a gnome…" Kaiba stated as he decided to walk to the big door on the bottom floor. "We should check here."
"Wouldn't it be easier if we split up?" Tristan asked.
"Knowing you two, you'd get lost. And I don't need to be saving your asses, just because you're stupid enough to get caught." Kaiba said. "Let's go!"
"Since when are you the leader, Kaiba?" Joey responded.
"I SAID LET'S GO!" Kaiba screamed as he then glared at Joey. "Look what you made me do?"
"Fine, let's check in there…" Joey muttered while muttering obscenities under his breath.
The door opened, revealing what appeared to be some type of ballroom. It was pretty huge, as there was a table in the middle which contained a mountain of fruit.
"This room's huge!" Tristan exclaimed.
"You're easily impressed." Kaiba stated. "But what would one expect from the lower class." He looked around and saw two men fast asleep. The same two men who Kaiba had an old score to settle with: Logos and Ormi.
"Eh…Kaiba?" Joey tapped Kaiba on the shoulder. "You know d'ose two or somethin'?"
"They're the ones who have the Transphere." Kaiba stated as Tristan examined the belt around Ormi's waist. It contained a number of sphere-shaped objects and they were all orange.
"That's a lot of spheres…" Tristan stated as he then saw one sphere that caught his attention. "Kaiba…"
"What now, Taylor…" Kaiba muttered as he then saw what he was talking about. "Perfect…" Kaiba walked closer as the snoring sound of Ormi became louder.
"This guy's snores even louder than you, Joey!" Tristan stated.
"And he smells worse than you, Tristan!" Joey retorted.
"Will you idiots shut up for just one second?" Kaiba hissed, but then find himself grabbed around the waists by Logos, who was still asleep. "Oh great…"
"Heheheh…looks like somebody like's you!" Joey said in teasing tone.
"Shut up, Wheeler!" Kaiba retorted as Logos began to rub his hands on Kaiba.
"Oh Lady Yuna…" He muttered in his sleep. "Your skin is so smooth to the touch. Yes…I will take you…"
Kaiba was freaked out by the Syndicate Member's actions. Was Logos trying to do what he thought he was? He then looked towards Joey and Tristan. "Wheeler, Taylor, get the sphere!" He hissed. Kaiba would've done so himself, but if he tried to move, their cover would be blown.
"Calm down 'Lady Yuna.'" Joey teased. "We wouldn't want to wake them up, would we?"
"Just get the sphere before I'm molested!" He snapped.
"Alright Kaiba, don't get your panties in a bunch." Tristan said as he reached for the Transphere, but then found himself into Ormi's grip.
"Oh Boss…give me the heel! Heel me! Heel me!" Ormi pleaded in lust, much to Tristan's dismay.
"Great, now I'm this guy's play toy." Tristan muttered.
"Now you know how I feel!" "Yuna" retorted, still being "massaged" by Logos.
"Hi mom…" Rikku said nervously towards an image of a woman with long blonde hair and green eyes, wearing goggles, and a black and purple bodysuit. "I know that it's been a long time since I came here. You must think that it's because I didn't want to see you. Well…it's true… It's not because I didn't…it just…it just hurts to know that yer gone!" She sniffled. "Mom, why did you have to go?"
Tea sighed. "It must be hard for her, isn't it?"
"I can relate to her feelings." Yuna sighed, remember that her father had sacrificed his life for the Final Summoning.
Yugi was focused with feelings of his own. Feelings for who he never thought he had for, as several images of people appeared before him. Few of the people were familiar to him, as they looked just like Kaiba, Shadi, Ishizu. And two people who, in a way, resembled Duel Monsters which he usually uses: Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl. The other two he knew, but couldn't ponder their names for the moment. Those memories and feelings must have come from the fusion he had with Yami back in Other World.
Tea noticed Yugi's expression on his face. "Hey Yugi, who are those people?" She asked.
"I'm not sure…" He admitted. "Most of them look familiar to me, while there are a few that puzzles me."
"Looks like the fusion gave you more than just shadow powers…" Tea nodded. When she first saw Yugi in his fused state, she couldn't believe it as she gave Joey and Tristan a lecture about fusing people without their permission. But lately she became to love the new Yugi. While he still contained a pure heart, he was braver and stronger than he was before.
Serenity was standing in the corner, worried about Joey and Tristan. Weren't they just behind them? If so, then where were they? They probably went with Kaiba, as everyone expected. That had to be the explanation for their absence. On the other hand, Kaiba wasn't exactly their favorite person. Maybe they were abducted. Or worse…
Bakura noticed Serenity's worried expression. "Is there something wrong, Serenity?"
"I was just thinking about Joey and Tristan…" She responded. "They didn't come into the farplane with us. I guess they'd probably went with Kaiba, but I'm not so sure."
"Well it is a bit odd for then both to be willingly with Kaiba." He explained, "But knowing what's in stake, Joey, Tristan, and Kaiba decided to put aside their differences."
"You're probably right, I guess..." Serenity nodded as she then made a run for it to the exit. "But that's my brother in there and I gotta see if he's okay!"
"Serenity, wait!" Bakura called out, but she was already gone.
Yuna, Tea, and Yugi also took noticed. "What's wrong?" Yugi asked.
"Serenity's going to find Joey, Tristan, and Kaiba!" Bakura informed them.
Tea pondered. "Joey and Tristan have been gone for a while now…and since they didn't know anything about Spira, they'd probably got lost somewhere or worse went with Kaiba."
Her and Yuna's eyes went wide. "The Chateau!" They both cried.
"The three of them are trying to get that sphere!" Yuna said.
"And knowing the three of them when it comes to being in the same room as each other, they're probably not going to need the LeBlanc Syndicate to hurt them when they'll do the job themselves." Tea added.
"Well in that case, let's go!" Yugi ran off in a full sprint. "There's no telling what kind of trouble Kaiba, Joey, and Tristan have gotten themselves into."
Tea nodded as she follow suit as Yuna walked towards her cousin. "Rikku, it's time to go!"
"I'll be right there…" She said as she then, after receiving a nod, watched Yuna follow Yugi and Tea. She looked towards the image of her mother.
"Well Mom, I have to go. I promise I'll be back soon. Well…bye Mom and…" Rikku sighed, "Again I'm sorry for not coming here…seeing you…" As the image began to disappear, she started to run off. But she turned back and saw that Bakura was still standing there, looking down.
Rikku turned back, "Hey Bakura, everyone's leaving, let's go!" Seeing no response from him, she then walked toward the bearer of the Millennium Ring. "Hello…Earth to Bakura! What's up?" She tapped him on the shoulder.
"Hands off me you pathetic mortal!" He responded, but not in the nice, sensitive tone Rikku usually heard from him, but in a more dark and vindictive tone.
Rikku was taken back by Bakura's response. "Hey Bakura, what's yer problem?"
"Bakura? Bakura!?" A familiar ring then appeared around his neck as his hair began to spike up a bit. "I am not the weak fool that is my light! I am his much stronger half."
"Say…what?" Rikku was clueless about Bakura's behavior. Either he's crazy or is trying to play a joke.
"I am not Bakura, I am a thief and stealer of-"
"You're a thief, too?" Rikku smiled as she chuckled. "Cool! We're all thieves here." She has a smug look on her face as she placed an arm around his shoulder. "So…what are yer finds?"
"HANDS OFF THE THEIF KING!" Yami Bakura roared as Rikku jumped back, startled.
"Okay…you don't like being touched." She mewed.
"As I was saying, I am a thief and stealer of souls!" The Tomb Robber snickered. "Isn't it fitting that we're at the Farplane, the place where the dead goes? Soon, you shall join your mother, as well as your new friends. As then I will become one step closer to obtaining all seven Millennium Items."
Rikku glared, now knowing what's going on. "Okay, who or whatever you are, you're not going anywhere!" She said as she took out her weapon. "Let Bakura go or else!"
"Or else what, you fool!?" Yami Bakura narrowed his eyes, not seeing Rikku as a serious threat.
"Say hello to my two friends here!" She threatened.
Yami Bakura laughed, "I like to see you try, Pathetic Mortal."
"Alright….You asked for it!" Rikku began to charge at the Spirit of the Millennium Ring, however, with the glow of the ring, she found herself frozen in mid-movement. "Hey…what's going on?" She panicked.
"I only gave you a sample of the power of my Millennium Ring. But that's only a sample of what I intend to do. Especially to Yugi…" He grinned.
"Yugi? What does Yugi have to do with this?" Rikku asked.
"Wheeler, if you don't do something, I swear to God I'm…"
"Oh pipe down, Kaiba…" Joey whispered back as he tried to, without waking up Ormi, grab a hold on the Transphere. "Got it, now to find a substitute…" Joey pondered, then dug from his pocket the orange he had managed to pick up for a snack later. "The perfect substitute."
"Okay Joey, it would be nice if you just snatch Transphere and help us before we're molested by the dream boys!" Tristan hissed silently as Ormi rubbed up his thighs, believing that he was "LeBlanc."
"Almost got it…" Joey pulled the pouch gently as he took out the Transphere then quickly placed the orange in its place. "There…Nuthin' to it, guys!"
"Get these freak off of me!" Kaiba and Tristan both hissed at Joey.
"A'right…" Joey muttered, as then the door opened. There stand three guys, only clad in there briefs and socks.
"There they are!" One of them shouted.
"They're the one who stole our uniforms!" The second informed.
"They're stealing our spheres!" The third one added as he then pressed a button, triggering an alarm.
"We're busted…" Tristan said as he decided to kick Ormi off of him.
Kaiba followed suit, seeing that there wasn't any point of keeping them asleep since the alarm would awaken them anyway.
"Huh-what?" Ormi was beginning to stir as he then noticed three guys in Syndicate duds knocking three other guys down while they run. Apparently they were in a hurry for some reason. He blinked. The three guys on the ground, who just got up and followed suit, Ormi knew as they were the ones he recruited.
Logos was getting up as well. "STOP THE INTRUDERS AT ONCE!"
"Heheheh…look at them trying to chase us!" Joey snickered as he, Tristan and Kaiba took off the masks. They were near the door which would lead them out from the hall.
"That was almost too easy! They basically gave us the sphere!" Tristan stated.
"You idiots, don't get too cocky!" Kaiba snapped.
"Oh c'mon, Rich boy…" Joey protested, "Even you have to admit that it seemed too simple. I mean, for a big organization, the security here sucks! Tristan's right. This whole infiltration thing was just too-" After the passed through the door, much to their dismay, about a group of Dr. Goons, Fem Goons and Sniper Vipers were blocking the doorway. "…Easy."
Kaiba glared at Joey. "Wheeler I'd give you a fork so you could eat your words, but we have bigger trouble on our hands."
From the hall entered Logos and Ormi. "Well Mr. Kaiba. It's a pleasure to meet you again." Logos said.
"We thought we lost you and your brother after arriving back in Spira." Ormi added, "But you're back, and you've brought a few friends."
"'Friends' wouldn't be the word to describe those two…" Kaiba muttered.
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Another Cliffhanger. Rikku's having an encounter with Yami Bakura at the Farplane. As Kaiba, Joey, and Tristan are in the Chateau, surrounded by the Syndicate while everyone else are rushing to save them. What will happen? Will Rikku be saved, or will she have a one-way ticket to the Shadow Realm. Will Kaiba, Joey, and Tristan get out with the Transphere alive, or will they be back to square one or worse? Find out in the next installment!
Preview for Next Chapter:
"You!" Yugi's eyes narrowed. "But I thought I banished you to the Shadow Realm."
"Stupid Pharaoh, when will you learn that I am the darkness and you'll never be rid of me?" Yami Bakura smirked. "And now, I shall finally obtain the Millennium Puzzle from you, Yugi…"
"Not on your life, Tomb Robber!"
Chapter 12: Enter the Shadow Realm…