Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ A New Path ❯ The Duel In Luca Part 2: Blue Eyes White Dragon vs. Guardian Angel Joan ( Chapter 16 )
Thanks for the reviews:
Lady D 10290 - One of these days, Kaiba'll learn the hard way. When it'll happen is unknown…
PROTOTYPE Uber Rei Model 00 - Will Yuna win? Or will Kaiba? You'll have to find out.
Magicman/Smokegirl - Sorry, I understand how you feel but you're gonna have to wait and find out.
Bluemagiciandragon - Thank you, but on who's going to win, you're gonna have to wait and find out.
Overearth - I think you should be pleased with this chapter.
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Chapter 16: The Duel In Luca Part 2: Blue Eyes White Dragon vs. Guardian Angel Joan.
"Face it Yuna, you never had a chance! The reason why you challenged me was to what? Humble me?" Kaiba laughed. "I don't think you're in any position to do so. I actually expected better from the High Summoner who defeated Sin! But then again, you probably needed help to-"
"I did, from my friends!" Yuna cut off Kaiba, who just scoffed. "For me to defeat Sin, it took friends! Friends, Aeons, being able to rely on them all!
"Save it Yuna!" Kaiba hissed. "Friends? Ha! Friends are worthless! Nothing more than people who just get in the way of success! I never needed friends to get where I am now, and I sure as hell don't need them now!"
"I don't understand you!" She cried. "Even now, the bonds of friendship are my strength. And I will not let you call that strength worthless! So why don't you take that talk of worthlessness, and can it Kaiba!"
"Whatever! I have a duel to win and we'll see which is more superior: Your faith or my skills!"
"Remember Kaiba, it is still my turn! And now you'll see first hand of the power of faith in friends." She said as she placed a spell card down. "I now activate United We Stand and equip it to my Guardian Angel Joan!"
Kaiba blinked in shock, "What?"
"United We Stand will increase my Guardian Angel Joan's attack and defense points by 800, depending on how many monsters are on my side of the field." Yuna explained as Guardian Angel Joan's attack and defense points increased. [3600/2800] "Now my Guardian Angel destroy Kaiba's Blue Eyes!" She ordered as Guardian Angel Joan laid a devastating attack on the Blue Eyed Dragon, destroying it as Kaiba's life points dropped.
Kaiba: 6400
Yuna: 3100
What was left of the Blue Eyes was a bright ball of energy that went to Yuna as her life points began to increase…
Kaiba: 6400
Yuna: 6100
"Did I mention that Guardian Angel Joan's special ability allows me to increase my life points by the original attack points of every monster she destroys, including your Blue Eyes?" She asked with a smile. "I end my turn."
"Alright Yunie!" Rikku cheered! "That's my girl!"
"Way to own Kaiba Yuna!" Joey cheered.
Kaiba seethed, "Don't celebrate just yet! This duel's just begun!" He drew a card as he sighed.
"What's wrong, you didn't get the card you wanted?" Yuna asked.
"Silence!" Kaiba hissed as he played a card face down. "I place one card face down and summon Saggi the Dark Clown [600/1500] in defense mode!" He said as the dark Clown appeared on his side of the field. "I end my turn."
Yuna was taken a bit back from Kaiba playing a weaker monster, as she believed that he had a monster even stronger than that. But it was his loss…
"Now Yuna…" Brother said. "CRUSH HIM!"
"Why is Kaiba playing a weak monster in defense mode?" Rikku asked.
"Maybe Kaiba realized that he can't beat Yuna." Tristan shrugged.
"Yeah." Joey nodded. "Now Rich Boy'll be put in his place and end his insults once and for all."
"I doubt it." Bakura disagreed. "Kaiba may be in a tight spot now, but he still has a chance to turn the duel into his favor."
"Bakura's right you guys." Tea added. "Kaiba may have a…" She stopped. "Oh no…"
"What is it Teyi?" Rikku asked, noticing the shocked look on Tea's face.
"He isn't going to do what I think he is…"
"What do you think he's going to do?"
Kaiba, meanwhile, just watched Yuna draw a card. 'That's it Yuna…'
"I now summon Dark Blade in attack Mode [1800/1500]!" Yuna announced as the Dark Armored Clad knight appeared with two swords in his hands.
Kaiba gave a small smirk. 'Good girl…now attack Saggi…"
"And now to destroy another one of your monsters, and to get some more life points!" Yuna said as she then ordered. "Guardian Angel Joan, attack Kaiba's Dark Clown!" The angel went for the attack on Saggi, but before she could deliver the blow…
"Ha, I don't think so! I sacrifice Saggi the Dark Clown to activate my facedown card Crush Card Virus!" Kaiba announced as Saggi exploded as a purple virus began to fill up Yuna's side of the field. Much to her horror, Guardian Angel Joan and Dark Blade were infected as they were then sent to the graveyard.
"Joan, Dark Blade…" Yuna cried as she mourned their departure, placing the two cards in the graveyard.
"And that's not all! All monsters in your hand that has 1500 or more attack points are also sent to the graveyard for three whole turns!" Kaiba explained as Yuna looked in her cards. The cards in her hand were two more Dark Blades, Chaos Command Magician [2400/1900], and Chaos Sorcerer [2300/2000]. Having no other choice, Yuna placed her hand into the graveyard as well.
"I end my turn…" Yuna said, not able to do anything else.
"A weak duelist should have weak cards, Yuna." Kaiba smirked as he drew a card. "I now summon Vorse Raider [1900/1200] in attack mode!" He announced as the beast warrior was summoned to the field. "Now Vorse Raider, attack Yuna's life points!" Vorse Raider tossed his blade as it hit Yuna, causing her life points to drop…
Kaiba: 6400
Yuna: 5200
"I end my turn, and now make whatever move you can…" Kaiba said as Yuna then draw, hoping that it was something she could use. For her next three turns, she wouldn't be able to attack Kaiba's life points as the only monsters she'd be able to use would be those with an attack below 1500. So taking out his Vorse Raider was hopeless unless she could draw a useful spell or trap card.
Yuna looked at the card she drew. It wasn't a spell or trap card, but a monster card. Fortunately, its attack was below 1500 so she could use it to protect her life points at least. "I'll play one monster faced down in defense mode." She said. "I end my turn."
"A desperate move from a desperate person…" Kaiba said as it was his turn once again to draw a card. "I now summon Hitotsu-Me Giant [1200/1000] in attack mode!" The one-eyed giant was then summoned to the field. "Now Hitotsu-Me Giant, attack Yuna's face-down monster!" The giant then went for the attack and destroyed the monster which was revealed to be Cyber Jar [900/900].
"You're not going to be doing any attacking any more…" Yuna informed as Hitotsume-Giant and Vorse Raider were sent to the graveyard. "Now we all dr-"
"I know what Cyber Jar's effect is, Faith-Girl." Kaiba sneered as they now began to draw five cards as part of Cyber Jar's effect. Kaiba special summoned these cards in attack mode: X-Head Cannon [1800/1500], Y-Dragon Head [1500/1600], and Z-Metal Tank [1500/1300]. Yuna did special summoned four monsters she got out of the five cards she drew: Female Warrior from another Dimension [1500/1600], Death Gremlin [1600/1800], and two Dunames Dark Witches [1800/1050 x 2]. However, they were infected by Kaiba's Crush Card and therefore sent to the graveyard.
Kaiba laughed, "Don't you see Yuna? Thanks to my Crush Card, all of your best monsters when drawn or summoned are sent to the graveyard. X-Head Cannon, Y-Dragon Head, and Z-Metal Tank! Attack Yuna Directly!" He ordered as the machine monsters unleashed their firepower onto a defenseless Yuna, nearly destroying all of her life points.
Kaiba: 6400
Yuna: 400
"One more turn and you're finished!" Kaiba said with a smirk. "Where's your faith that you spoke so strongly about now Yuna? It just proved my point! Dueling takes skill and the right cards to win and from the looks of the life point difference, you don't appear to have ether. "Now make your last pathetic move…"
"Alright!" Mokuba cheered. "Seto's got this duel in the bag!"
"Oh man…" Joey sighed. "Yuna's down to her last life points…"
"And thanks to Kaiba's Crush Card, she can't fight back." Tristan added.
"Yunie…" Rikku said. As much as she didn't want to believe it, Kaiba was more likely to win the duel on his next turn.
Yuna sighed as she now reached to her deck. 'I hope I draw the right card…' She drew the card as she looked at it, then sighed. "I place one card facedown, and then place one monster facedown in defense mode! I end my turn."
"You only have one monster face down, and I highly doubt that Trap will help you…" Kaiba informed as he drew a card. "I summon another Vorse Raider [1900/1200] in attack mode!" Kaiba announced as his second Vorse Raider was summoned. "Now Vorse Raider, attack Yuna's face-down monster!" The Beast Warrior went for the attack as Yuna's facedown card was revealed: Mystical Elf [800/2000]. Since Mystical Elf's defense points were higher than Vorse Raider's attack points, it was Kaiba who received the attack damage.
Kaiba: 6300
Yuna: 400
"Don't count your chocobos before they hatch! That was just the beginning!" Yuna smiled. "Activate Face-Down card, Gravity Bind!" All of the monsters on the field were immobilized as Yuna continued. "That should keep your monsters at bay!"
"Not for long!" Kaiba said, "Honestly Yuna, take a look at my other monsters on the field other than Vorse Raider: X-Head Cannon? Y-Dragon Head? And Z-Metal Tank?" He said, placing much emphasis on the letters.
"Oh no…" Rikku mewed, knowing what Kaiba's talking about.
"What are you saying Rikku!?" Tea asked. "You know what Kaiba's talking about?"
"I should know! I have those same cards in my deck!" Rikku exclaimed as she then shouted to her cousin. "Be careful Yunie!"
Yugi couldn't help but agree, as Kaiba used those cards against him in the Semi Finals of Battle City, but they were mostly used to summon Obelisk The Tormentor, a God Card he once had in his possession.
"X…Y…Z-" Yuna blinked. "Are you saying that they can combine together?"
"So you're not that much of an airhead…" Kaiba said. "I now remove X-Head Cannon, Y-Dragon Head, and Z-Metal Tank from the game as I now summon XYZ Dragon Cannon!" He announced as the machines combined as they now formed the XYZ Dragon Cannon! [2800/2600] "Now I'll activate its special ability…" Kaiba stated as he then discarded one of his cards from his hand. "By discarding one card from my hand, I can have one card destroyed! Take a wild guess which card I'm going to destroy!"
"Oh no!" Yuna cried!
"Oh yes! XYZ Dragon Cannon, destroy Yuna's Gravity Bind!" Kaiba ordered as XYZ Dragon Cannon fired its missiles at the trap cards as it then destroyed Yuna's trap card. "With you Gravity Bind gone, my monsters are free to attack you next turn. My Crush Card is still in effect for one more turn, and by the time that ends, it'll be too late! Face it Yuna, whatever luck you might have had last turn to draw Mystical Elf was just a one-trick pony. It won't happen again so it's best that you save yourself the humiliation in front of these fairytale-believing idiots and just give up!"
'Maybe Kaiba's right…' Yuna thought as she placed her hand on her deck. Maybe she went over her head with this duel. After all, Kaiba was a top duelist and she, despite being a quick learner, was still a novice. Maybe she should just surrender and end this duel, seeing that any chance she had of winning were less then likely, especially with his Crush Card on the field. True, after her turn has ended, its effects would be gone and she could summon monsters with high attack points once again on her next turn. But then again, there may not be a next turn.
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Poor Yuna… Right now she only has 400 life points and Kaiba has Vorse Raider and XYZ Dragon Cannon on the field. All she has on the field is Mystical Elf in defense mode. Will Yuna continue with the duel or surrender, and if she does continue, will Yuna's next turn really be Yuna's last turn? Y'all know what to do, go and review.
On a final note, if anyone was confused about the Crush Card thing, I used the real Crush Card instead of the Anime version. Here's its effect:
Effect: Sacrifice 1 Dark Main-Type Monster with an attack strength of 1000 or less. Destroy all Monsters that have an attack strength of 1500 or more that your opponent has on the Field, in his or her hand, and all cards that he or she draws for 3 turns.
Prevew for next chapter:
"Where's your faith now, Yuna? Or have you realized that you'll never beat a duelist of my skills and instead fail. But then again Yuna, failure isn't exactly foreign to you isn't it?" Kaiba smirked cruelly. "So you defeated Sin, but you needed help to do it! But then again, you couldn't do anything on your own, can you? If you went at it alone, you'd have failed miserably!"
"KAIBA!" Yugi protested against Kaiba's insensitive behavior.
"Save it Yugi! You may be able to protect your pathetic friends, but not even you can shield Yuna from the truth! That's she's just a failure without her friends and her so-called Aeons. So how's the Sphere-Hunting business, Lady Yuna? The Gullwings doesn't seem to be cutting it, are they? Maybe they should be called 'The Dullwings,' because from what I've heard, you're Sphere hunting skills are as good as your dueling skills, and we both know how good they are! Just look at how many life points you lost so far!"
Rikku's eyes narrowed. "Like I said before, just when he shows that he's not such a heartless jerk, he messes up, big time!" I'm about to jump onto the field and-"
"Take a number…" Joey cut her off.
"The line's behind us!" Tristan added.
Chapter 17: The Duel in Luca Part 3: The Conclusion.