Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Mysterious Times ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh or Final Fantasy 8…big, rich people with lawyers do.

Sharem: This is an idea I have had for quite some time…and since I have been hit with a major dose of writer's block for my other stories, ACIDFLOWER gave me the push to write this one down to help me out of the block…^_^ It is a crossover between Yu-Gi-Oh and the game Final Fantasy 8.

Warning: This story will be shonen-ai/yaoi…don't like? Then don't read. AND it is going to be Joey based…who he is going to be paired up with is unknown at this time…who knows who it will be…^_^

Mysterious Times


Slender pale fingers twirled some cards that had just been newly created. Where he had gotten the idea to create these new Duel Monster cards, the creator had no clue. Yet he had felt as if another power was guiding him in their creation. It was as if they were meant to be created. This designer had already created and hidden three cards that he felt were even too powerful for him to control. Three cards that he knew could decide the fate of the world because of their terrible power. They were the Egyptian God cards…Obelisk the Tormentor, Slifer the Sky Dragon, and The Winged Dragon of Ra. This man had thought that creating powerful cards such as the God cards were behind him. Unfortunately, that was not the case.

His strange glittering golden eye that rested in his left eye socket had seen something…something more powerful than he had ever imagined. He set about in the creation of these new cards…these cards that he felt needed to be called something other than God cards for that was not what they were. He decided to call them the Guardian Forces cards because he felt that was they were meant to be called. It was almost as if they were not from his world, but another where strange creatures and magic reigned.

He put the cards down and ran his pale hand through his long, silvery hair. He stood up from where he was positioned and walked over to a painting of a woman with golden blonde hair and amazingly clear blue eyes. He caressed the image for a moment and then went back to the cards. They called out to him, to his very soul, but he knew that he was not meant for these cards. They were meant for another…

"Croquet!" the creator of these new cards called out. He gathered all of these monster cards and one magic card in his hands, feeling a strange burning sensation they were bringing to his pale flesh. "I have need of you!"

A few moments later, another man entered the room with the pale one. "Yes, Master Pegasus, what is it that you wish of me?" Croquet asked with his head bowed before his employer.

The silver haired man, now known as Pegasus, gazed as his servant for a little while before sighing. "I need you to find my son. But if and when you do, do NOT let him know of me. He is not meant to be a part of my life as I am not truly meant to be a part of his." Pegasus gingerly handed the cards over to the servant, knowing full well what may happen in the future. "I have my own goals in mind and I cannot allow such distraction that the boy could bring if he were in my life. However, when he is found, give him these cards ONLY on the day he turns eighteen."

Croquet accepted the cards reverently and gazed upon his master. "But sir, why give these powerful cards to a boy who will never know his father? What if he turns out to be a punk, a vagabond?"

Pegasus whirled around to glare at the man with his one brown eye, the other golden eye twinkling menacingly. "It is because those damned cards wish it, Croquet!" he exclaimed loudly, somehow causing his employee to stand still as if he was in a tight grip. "They somehow know that my son is special…that he is meant for greater things than what was already laid down before him by us mere mortal men. By the gods, Croquet, these damned cards made me give up my only child…the child for whom Cecelia gave birth for me. By being the son of the woman I loved more than life itself, he WAS special. Without the boy or my wife, I have no reason in being kind…I will become the cold-hearted bastard people tell me that I am…"

And thusly, things and events were set in motion that will involve the hearts, emotions and lives of people that will come into contact with these cards…These cards of the Guardian Forces…


Sharem: I know…I still have other stories to update…but like I said, I have been in a major dose of writer's block. And with the advise of ACIDFLOWER *hugs* I wrote up the prologue to this story that had been on my mind for quite a few months. I'll update this story as often as I am able to…but I'll try to finish Under the Mistletoe soon…^_^