Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Long Lost Family ❯ Chapter 1

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Aaries: Ok!!! just to get some things straight I have no Idea who Solo was suposed to be in the GW series so I just made up my own version of him!!!

Chaos: its entirely posible that there wasnt a Solo in the origional series we only read about him in a few fan fics.

Angel: and those were pretty confusing. Anyways, please enjoy the next chapter. this is just an explanation on how Duo got to the colonys and his time at the maxwell church. so its skipable.

Jef: but if you skip it we'll send the WeiB to kill you. Isnt that right Omichi-chan?

Omi: Uhuh..... * cowers in fear from Jef*

PR: WE-DONT-OWN-GUNDAMWING-OR-YUGIOH-OR-EVEN-WEIB-(ASMUCHASWEWANTTO)-SO-DO-NOT- SUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BECAUSE-WE-OWN-NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


A boy not older than ten awoke on a sandy beach washed with debrie, coughing up sea water and sand. He was holding something in his hand and when he looked over he saw it was a disk of some kind in a jewl case and felt an implaceably relief. For the next several hours he dozed in the warm afternoon sun, managing to somehow ignore the pains and aches all through his body. When he began to awaken later the sun was setting and the chill wind made his cold body shiver violently as ocean waves laped at his knees and water coverd his feet. Trying to move he started coughing violently, and couldnt hardly breath because of the pain, let alone actualy move.

"OVER HERE!!!" someone nearby called out, making the boy cringe as the too loud noise penitrated his skull. "I think I found a live one!!!" The boy wanted to move and tell them he needed help, but his body was reacting to violently to his now silent coughes and dry heaves. (((ICK!!!)))

Half a moment later he was surrounded by people who were all talking to fast for him to understand, and when someone reached over to touche his shoulder the pain made him pass out almost imediatly after givning a small cry.

When he woke up there was little light to see by and he didnt hurt quite as bad as he had when he had awakend earlyer. He looked down to see that he was still clutching the disk in his hand, and sighed in releaf, though for the life of him he couldnt think what was on the thing.

"Oh, Hello." A woman said, walking up to him. The boy looked around and saw that he was in a long row of beds, most of which were full of injurd people, and the beds that were empty were rapidly filling. "Can you tell me who your mommy and daddy are?" the woman asked in a way that infuriated the boy, he wasnt a four yearold.

He opend his mouth to reply with their names.... and realized he didnt know. Eyes widening in realization, he tried to dreg some memory of his parents or his past from his mind but all he got were hazy feelings that he didnt realy understand. He didnt realize he was crying untill the woman wraped her arms around him in a comphorting hug. "I ..dd..dont r.. re..member... " he sobed, and he didnt realize she didnt understand him untill he looked at the puzzled look on her face. "I dont remember..." he repeated in somwhat odd sounding english.

"I see... " she said, her voice full of pitty. "Its alright. Are you hungry?" she asked and at the boys hesitant nod got up and returned a moment later with a bowl of soup.

For the next week he lay recovering from his various wounds, though it would take a while for his leg to heal. He mostly slept, although in his lucid hours he learned he was in the ruins of a city called SanFransisco, and that they had been bombed by a rouge colony. He was just waking up again when the nurse, miss Kaily, came to cheak on him. The makeshift hospital was large and though the woman didnt have much spare time she took care of him, and seemed to have taken a liking to him.

"Hey, how are ya doing?" She asked.

"Pretty good, I guess..." He said, "Whats going on?" he asked then. He had noticed that there was a lot more movement an fuss than normal.

"Good news actualy." Kaily said. "One of the colonys has offerd to help relieve the strain on our medical crisis, and I managed to get you a spot on one of the outgoing shuttles." Kaily said, and she looked sad and happy at the same time, though all the boy felt was ice in the pit of his stomach.

"Th... thats a good thing...?" He asked

"Yes, You'll get much better medical attention and there will be less of a strain on our suplys here." She explained.

"Thank you..." he said uncertainly, as ice gnawed at his insides.

"Im sorry, but it is for the best. You will get better medical atention than you can get here, I promise. And since no one knows who you are it will be a chance for you to have a new start." Kaily said.

"Its OK. I'll be fine." He said, looking down at his hands, one of which was bandaged. "I'll be fine..."

Solo helped usherthe injurd people onto the shuttle he would be helping to pilot. He had been blamed for loosing both the Kiba kid and the disck of information that had been so importaint. He was helping some nurses strap a younger child into his seat when he saw the younger Kiba brother. His dark dark brown hair had been braded, and his eyes wrere a little unfocused and half hidden by his bangs but it was undoubtedly Mokuba.

"Excuse me." he said to the nurse he was helping and went over to the boy. "Hello." he said, but when the boy looked up there was not recognition in his eyes.

"Uhm... Hi." he said, his Japanese acent masked by the slight slur in his voice. Looking into his eyes, Solo realized that the kid had a real bad concussion at least and probably amnesia as well.

"Are you ok? You look like your in real bad shape, come sit down." Solo said, leading the boy to an empty seat.

".... You look familar... do you know me?" The Kiba kid asked as Solo straped him in. Solo looked deep into the kids eyes before answereing, trying to decide what to tell the kid, if anything.

"No, you probably have me mistaken for somone else." Solo said, smiling brightly. It wasnt going to be the best idea to tell the kid his past just yet, and Solo had heard that it was best for amnesia patients to remember on their own. "So whats your name?" He asked, wondering how much the kid did remember.

"Don't have one..."the kid said yawning, " forgot it... Miss Kayla said I have.. am amne... "

"Amnesia." Solo suplied.

"Yea.... whats your name?" the kid murmerd, Yawning again.

"I'm Solo. You should probably rest, Its a long flight." Solo said, then he went back to his job, buckling refugees in and getting them ready for the three day flight. (1)

For the next two days, Solo helped the Kiba kid out, talked to him and befriended him. There was something about the kid that Solo had to admire, a strength that was only evident if you looked past the inocence and exuberence that seemded to bubble up endlessly.

"Solo, What does your name mean?" the kid asked on the third day of their trip, about four hours out from their destination.

"It means one, or alone." Solo said quietly. They were sitting by one of the larger windows that normaly gave earth born people the creeps but seemed to comphort the kid for some reason. The kid was straped in to keep him from floating and bumping his head in zero G.

"Why? Why is your name like that?"

"Because Im notmaly alone." Solo said, looking toward the blue planet.

"Solo, what would two be?" the kid asked a few minuts later.

"Hmm? I dunno... duo or duet I suppose. Why?" Solo answered.

"Because I want to be duo. Can I do that?" the kid asked.

"Sure, I dont see why not." Solo said smiling.

"Then Im Duo now." the kid said smiling too. "Solo and Duo, one and two." 'Duo' said, yawning as he fell asleep.

"Yea, for now..." Solo said, still smiling before he went back to his job.

They were at the colony and uloading when they were atacked by a rogue military fraction. Solo was mortaly wounded and died defending the refugees, while Duo was horrified and fell into dispair when he found out. At the waystation where the refugees were sorted and processed, a kind minister agreed to shelter all the children who had lost there families and had no where else to go. Duo was among these children taken to the church. Over the course of the next year or so most of the children where given homes by the other familys of the colony, familys who were willing to take the extra responsability of another mouth to feed and clothe. Only Duo remained at the church, unable to remember his past and none willing to give him a future. Duo was remarkably mature, often surprising Father Maxwell with his insights when they were alone in study. The child was a normal child beyond that though he had problems makng friends and was shunned by the other children in their neiborhood. They didnt seem to realize what they were doing and Duo coulnt find it in him to hold it against them, though he often cried himself to sleep at night. Over the years, he developed a mask to hide his pain and sorrow, letting his endless exuberence hide his true self from the world. Time flowed, events passed.

Duo became Duo Maxwell, sole survivore of a terrorist atack on his church, and later Shinigame, pilot of the Deathscythe Gundam. He eventualy joinded with a team of Gundam pilots to fight for peace to the torn colonies and their world.


Aaries: HFS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chaos: OMG!!! that is soo messed up....

Aaries: Yea... we have no idea if there was actualy a 'Solo' in the series but this seemed to be a cool way to introduce Mokubas new name...

Jef: .... Are they supposed to know its him yet?

Chaos: only ideots wouldnt have figured it out by now, or at least be guessing about it so ... Yea I guess so.

Angel: this is realy no secret to the readers though Noa and Seto have a hell of a time trying to figure it out later ^____________^

PR:IN-ANY-CASE-HAPPY-EASTER-AND-PLEASE-READANDREVIEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!