Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / Hamtaro Fan Fiction ❯ Duel Hams: Duelists of the Clubhouse ❯ unexpected events ( Chapter 44 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Last time, Jam ran into two female hamsters, one of them was named Mariko. Mariko claims to be Hitomi's (and fact brought up by Jam, Hiei's) mother who warned him of a disturbance that will challenge him. Soon after this warning, Jam met Tokimi, Mariko's assistant and the first to challenge Jam's skill. During his duel with Tokimi, Jam experienced first-hand the power of a series of monsters called the Lightlords. It started out well, but turned out to be unbeatable for Jam as he fell to the powers of the Lightlord dragons Dragonis and the seemingly powerful Judgement Dragon. Despite his loss to Tokimi, Mariko still wanted to see if Jam was worthy of this challenge. "Jam, get ready to face me. I want to see first-hand what your real strength can give me."
"You want my real strength? Well, I guess I can oblige to that." and it was with these words that began Jam's duel with Mariko. Now, Mariko is about to challenge Jam and she just might find out if the Dragonlord of Jam is capable of the challenge that is yet to come. Let's hope he isn't a disappointment. Well Mariko, you're about to find out if Jam is truly worthy enough for you. It's time to duel!
Tokimi simply watches as Mariko and Jam begin to draw their hands, still unimpressed by Jam. If I were to have faced that Blue-Eyes white dragon last duel, it would've been mine. she thought. Miss Mariko must see something in this unworthy duelist that I don't, because it doesn't make sense why she would want to duel him after his loss towards me.
Tokimi, watch and understand what the real definition of Jam's mettle is. thought Mariko.
Well, I better make this duel count. thought Jam.
"Now, since I have first honors, I will give you the first move." said Mariko. "Make it a good one, or it'll cost you."
"I have to know something," said Jam, "why is it that you of all to warn me was chosen to do just that?"
"It is the will of the Gods."
"The will of the Gods...."
"Now do you want a lecture, or a duel?"
"A duel of course, but I think both will end up being given to me." and Jam makes the opening draw. "Man, what a bad hand to start with. The good news is that I can play with something. I summon Masked Dragon and end my turn (1400/1100)."
Mariko draws. "Well, this will be fun to play." she then laughs. "First, I play Second Coin Toss, then summon Gambler of Legend (500/1400)."
Gambler of Legend, this is a first for my eyes to see in Miss Mariko's deck. thought Tokimi.
Mariko continued. "Now it's time for my Gambler to use his effect." and a coin fell from the sky, landing next to the Gambler of Legend which was picked up by Mariko. "This is my Amulet of Fate, a simple coin to your eyes but-"
"Use the effect already!" Jam cut Mariko off.
"Well, aren't you impatient..."
"Monologue later, it's only the first turn."
"Fine, now to flip my amulet." Mariko flipped her amulet three times and got the following results: heads; tails; tails.
"All that talking for one head, you can thank me later." said Jam.
"Not really, I'm using my Second Coin Toss now to replace my last flip." Mariko flips again, changing the result of the last flip to heads. "With two heads, I get to discard one random card in your hand. Actually, the middle card should go."
Man, two for two on losing an important card. Jam's discarded middle card was Tyrant Dragon.
"Two cards face down and end my turn."
Jam draws. "Time to get rid of your Gambler, Mariko. I attack with Masked Dragon." Jam dragon prepares to attack.
"I play Wall of Revealing Light." Mairko activates her trap.
"Now only the monsters you own with 2000 attack points and higher may do battle against me <6000>.
Masked Dragon cancels its attack. "Hmm... One card face down and that ends my turn."
Mariko draws. "I will use my Gambler's effect again." and Mariko gains the following results: tails; heads; tails. "Oh well, one heads means I lose a card of mine, so I will now lose my Gambler of Legend." and Mariko destroys her monster. "Now I play Cup of Ace, flipping time." Mariko flips the coin and gets tails. "Okay, I'll use Second Coin Toss now." A second flip happens, but no change. "Oh well, it stays tails."
"So you draw two cards."
Jam draws his two cards. Interesting, a gambler deck. he thought. "Before you continue your move, I just want to say that your deck isn't impressing me yet."
"Everyone says that, but I guess I will change things up. I summon Arcana Force VII - The Chariot."
Wait a minute, these are those tarot card monsters.... now the gambling makes sense.
Mariko's monster appeared on the field (1700/1700). "The sad thing is that I've already used my Second Coin Toss, but let's see what fate has decided this time." Mariko flips the coin. "So tell me, do you know the power of these monsters?"
"I know that they were based off of the actual tarot cards and revolve around coin flips."
Mariko caught the coin in her paw. "Yes, you are right. Depending on the result of the flip they get an effect. Luckily for me, I got heads, now I will attack with my Chariot"
Jam saw his dragon destroyed <7700>. "Now I will activate my Masked Dragon's effect. This allows me to special summon a dragon-type from my deck with 1500 ATK or less to my side of the field."
"So, it can't attack me anyway thanks to my Wall of Revealing Light. You need a monster with at least 2000 attack points, remember?"
"No biggy, I'll summon The Dragon Dwelling in the Cave in defense mode (1300/2000)." and Jam suffles his deck.
"Now its The Chariot's turn. When The Chariot destroys a monster in battle, I can summon it to my side of the field." and Jam saw his Masked Dragon on Mariko's side of the field in attack mode."
"I will now reveal my Tour of Doom trap card and end my turn."
Jam smirked. "So what does that trap do?"
Mariko giggles. "It activates on your standby phase, so go ahead and draw."
Jam draws. "Go on."
"Now I flip a coin." and Mariko does that, resulting in tails. "Hmm, I'll use Second Coin Toss."
"You can use that outside of your turn?"
"Second Coin toss allows me to negate my effect that requires a coin toss and flip again. Besides, this is the appropriate spell speed anyway."
"Well, you have a point on the spell speed part."
Mariko flips again. "No change, the result is still tails. As a result, Tour of Doom keeps takes away your summoning priveledges next turn. Which is lucky since heads would have taken it this turn."
"I guess I'll make this count then. Two cards face down and a monster in defense mode to end my turn."
Mariko draws. "Time for some more Arcana Force, this time is IV- The Emperor (1400/1400). And it's time to flip." Mariko flips again, resulting in tails. "Okay, Second Coin Toss." ahd she flips again, but no change.
"You mustn't be a good gambler to have to rely on that second toss so much." Jam joked. "So what happens with your Emperor's effect now?"
"Since I got Tails, the ATK of my Arcana Force monster are weakened by 500 points (1200 ATK, 900 ATK). My turn is over."
"What a horrible deck." and Jam draws. "So, taking a gamble with your Tour of Doom?"
"No need, you can't summon this turn."
"No matter, because I can still play cards, like Future Fusion. Now I'll send fusion materials from my deck to the graveyard." and Jam discards three cards. "Think of this as your wake-up slap, because in two turns, you're going to see something very nasty come out and play. My turn ends now."
"Miss Mariko, don't give up." cheered Tokimi.
Mariko draws. "I sacrifice my Emperor and Summon Arcana Force XIV - Temperance (2400/2400)."
"Not this time, I activate Forced Back. Now Temperance returns to your hand." said Jam.
Mariko's monster is returned to her. "I end my turn."
"Now I'm free to summon again." and Jam draws.
"Not while I still have my Tour of Doom." reminded Mariko and she flips the coin and catches it.
"Now before you decide on how you want your Tour of Doom to work, let me fill you in on Future Fusion. One turn has already passed, and on my next turn, I can pull that monster and summon it. Which leaves you with the question... Should Jam be able to summon this turn, or next turn?"
"Well... I got a heads this time, but..."
"Now remind me again. Doesn't heads keep my from summoning this turn?"
"It does."
"So, you are guaranteed stopping my summon this turn. You're free to use your Second Coin Toss to negate this guaranteed summon, but you have a 50-50 shot of either having no change at all, or taking away my summoning ability next turn. And granted, you have no idea on what I am about to play..."
Mariko was in a tight spot. Jam is right, Miss Mariko doesn't know what he's going to play. Tokimi thought. With the heads that was just flipped, she can keep Jam from summoning this turn. But this runs the risk of Jam pulling out the summon of his Future Fusion next turn... I would be in so much trouble if it were me, but I hope Miss Mariko makes the right decision.
"This is quite the spot you've put me in, but it favors me." said Mariko. "And this is why. I will use Second Coin Toss this turn against you, and on your next turn, I can still use the effects of Tour of Doom to stop the summoning that turn."
"True, but there's an old saying, 'One should never tempt fate.' Mariko."
"I duel on behalf of the Gods, for they are with me." and Mariko flips the coin.
Let's see if you made the right choice.
As the coin lands in her Paw, Mariko's result changes. "Miss Mariko..." said Tokimi.
"Fate has changed to tails, keeping you from summoning next turn." said Mariko. "As a result, the effects of your Future Fusion is null and void. What a waste of space."
Jam smiled. "So be it." he said. "First, I play Double Summon. Now I sacrifice my Dragon Dwelling in the cave and summon Chthonian Emperor Dragon." and Jam's most interesting monster appeared (2400/1500). "But I'm not done, I'll power up this dragon with my second summon. Too bad your Chariot was weakened by your Emperor, because it's going to the graveyard."
"No, my Chariot!" cried Mariko and saw her monster destroyed <4800>.
"But there's more, because Chthonian Emperor Dragon gets two shots per battle phase."
"Not pleasant." and the Masked Dragon is destroyed <3800>.
"And since the Masked Dragon goes to my graveyard, I get to activate its effect a second time. Come on out, Spirit Ryu." and Jam's dragon appeared in attack mode (1000/1000).
"A Spirit Ryu?" asked Tokimi.
"Well Mariko, I suggest you try and make a good use of your turn, because I'm taking back what was taken from me last duel, my dignity." said Jam.
Mariko draws, then places her paw over her deck. "Well done, you are quite skilled." she said happily.
"Nooo!" Tokimi wasn't happy. "Why did you give up in the duel, Miss Mariko?"
"It was my choice, Tokimi."
"Let me see that card." and Tokimi takes it. "Swords of Revealing Light, you could've used this."
"Jam, would you be so kind and tell me the next card of your deck?" asked Mariko.
Jam draws the card. "It's Stamping Destruction." he answered.
"Do you understand now, Tokimi? Even if I would've played my Swords, Jam's Stamping Destruction would've destroyed them and his Chthonian Emperor Dragon would've been free to claim the rest of my life points."
"But... that..." Tokimi was at a loss for words.
Mariko laughed. "Forgive my assistant on behalf of her stubborn thinking, Jam. There is still much for her to learn."
"No problem." said Jam.
"You seem worthy to take this task, but you still need more preperation. Do what you can, Jam."
"I always do."
"And one last thing... let my boy know that his mother is well and happy."
"Will do."
And with this, the three duelists went their seperate ways. One was confident, one was happy and the last was confused. However, all of them knew the merit of one duelist that day.
Back in the medical center, Cappy sat up in bed and looked at Petal. She was still asleep from their mating and Cappy decided to stretch. Man, doing it can really wear you out. he thought. But then he realized something. Holy crap.... that's the second time I didn't have a rubber. Man, if Petal gets knocked up... then he began to relax a bit. Wait a minute, Petal's too young to get knocked up. I really need to chill... but what was that thing in Petal's forehead? I mean it looked like an eye, but eyes open up and down, not left and right.
Petal sits up and yawns. "Hey Cappy, do you feel better?" she asked.
"Actually, I need to talk to you about something."
"Sure, go right ahead."
"When we, you know did it, an eye on your forehead opened up. Or something along the lines of an eye..."
"No, that was my Jagan eye, Cappy."
"Jagan? Please explain."
Petal lifted her brown hair, revealing her forehead. "Right here, is my Jagan. Normally, it stays closed, but during certain circumstances this eye opens up. But it usually leads to a possessed state."
"I... don't follow you."
"It's like this. My Jagan is still free, so it hasn't been possessed by one of the four Jagan enigmas."
"Just listen. When a Jagan eye opens, it is said that four Jagan enigmas will race to it in order to possess that eye from the Jagan dimension. There are four types of Jagan: peaceful; playful; morbid; and chaotic. Any of these four enigmas can take control over a free Jagan. And no, there is no choice on which one takes the eye. It depends on whichever enigma can get to it first."
"I see. I guess I must've really gave it to you good to open up something of such importance."
"Hey, admit it. I rocked your world, didn't I?"
"Yes, you have more down there than I thought you did." and Petal was blushing.
"Well, let's get going. There are many other things to do at the fun park today."
"No, we have to wait until the nurse gets back."
"Oh yeah..."
Boss was busy being a gentleham with Kylia and their coupling got a lot of attention. "Wow, we sure are turning a lot of heads." said Kylia.
"Yeah." said Boss.
"I wonder if they think we make a good couple..."
Something tells me that isn't the case. thought Boss. It is true that we are turning heads, but only the male heads are turning.
Boss walked along with Kylia and out of the corner of his eye, noticed a male hamster watching them walk by. But unlike the other males, this one was licking his lips. Wait a minute... that's not right.
"I wonder if we should take pictures together..." said Kylia.
"Come with me, I have somewhere to go." and Boss drags Kylia by her paw. As he ran off the beaten path and into the brush, Boss took Kylia to the area where the finals were held last tournament. "So what are we doing here, Boss?" asked Kylia.
"I figured that we would get a bit closer." Boss answered.
"Uh, closer... This is a bit awkward for a first date."
"How about a hug then?"
"Well, I can give a hug."
So the two hug each other, but Boss' nose began to pick up on Kylia's scent. Hmm... wait a minute, this isn't a good sign. he thought and continued to catch her scent.
"Hey, Boss, can you let go of me now?" asked Kylia.
Boss didn't answer, but continued to smell Kylia. Hmm....
"Boss, you're scaring me..."
Boss regained his senses. "You did happen to notice that only the guys were looking at you and not the girls, right?"
"I guess they're jealous of my good looks and the guys know that I'm cute."
"They weren't looking at you because you're cute, Kylia."
Kylia took offense to this. "I'll pretend like you didn't say that. I know that I'm cute and that I look good."
"You don't understand why-"
"No, you don't understand. And to think that I asked to go out with you."
"Kylia, you're in heat!"
Kylia stepped away from Boss. "Wait, you mean heat as in compliment heat or..."
"Heat, as in 'guys wanna ride your hindquarters' heat."
Kylia blushed. "I... this is a first for me."
"And that's the reason why the guys were looking at you. One of them was even licking his lips like you were dinner."
"I... Oh my... But if that's the case, how come you're able to control yourself around me?"
"You said no sex."
Kai rushes from the bushes. "Kylia, there you are." he said. "We have to leave. I already heard six guys talking about how a blue hamster girl smelled like she was 'ready for a ride' and I'm not having any of that."
"I'm glad someone else knows you're in heat." said Boss.
"And why did you bring my sister here anyway?"
"To keep her from the prying, carnal eyes of the other males." Boss answered. "That way, I'm being a good date by-"
"Good date, huh? Some date you are."
"Brother, he just told me about my heat." Kylia said in Boss' defense.
"And to probably have your body all to himself."
"Pump your brakes, pal. I don't fuck on the first date, that's class." said Boss.
"I got your class right here." and Kai activates his duel disk.
"Look, you can thank me for keeping the other guys off of your sister later."
"Shut up and duel!"
"Boss, bro, please don't fight." plead Kylia. "This isn't good, I mean I asked Boss out on a date."
"It's okay, Kylia." said Boss. "If your brother wants a duel, then he's got one."
"Good, now let's get started." and Kai draws his hand.
"Go ahead and grab a seat, but stay nearby." said Boss.
"Right." agreed Kylia and went twenty feet from the boys.
Boss then suffled his deck and drew his hand. To think that this duel is the result of a misunderstanding... not like it's new to Boss. This is how he encourages the dorm to solve their problems anyway. "I didn't expect an impromptu duel on this date, but I'm not complaining." said Boss.
"You're not going first, either." said Kai as he drew. "I summon Newdoria (1200/800). Well, show me what you're made of."
"What a bad opening move." said Boss, then he drew.
"Shut up, I'm not Hiei's right hand duelist for nothing."
"I'll be the judge of that, pal."
"Then judge me."
"With pleasure, I summon Magician's Valkyria (1600/1800). Attack Newdoria with Mystic Scepter Blast."
Kai's monster was destroyed <7600>. "When Newdoria falls in battle, I can destroy one monster on the field. Newdoria, take his mage to the grave with you."
And Boss saw his monster destroyed. "Interesting... Two cards face down and I end my turn."
I wish I knew who to route for, Boss or Kai... wondered Kylia.
Kai draws. "I summon Goblin Elite Attack Force to the field (2200/1500) and place one card face down to end my turn.
Boss draws. "One monster in defense mode and that's all for me."
Kai draws. "Perfect, Now I cal upon the Goblin King."
"Great, not that thing..." and Kai's monster appears on the field (0/0). "The fiend that gains power for every other fiend on the field."
"That's right, and 1000 points for the Goblin King to manage (1000 ATK). Elite Goblins, attack his face down monster."
Boss' monster was destroyed. "So much for my defenses."
"Goblin King, attack directly."
"Ouch." Boss took the attack <7000>.
"My Elite Goblins switch to defense mode now since the battle phase is over." and Kai moves accordingly. "Your turn."
Boss draws. "Okay, let's do it like this. Now I summon White Magician Pikeru (1200/0)."
"That little brat, what's she gonna do?"
"Some damage, but first I activate Trial of the Princesses. Now Pikeru gains a power boost (2000 ATK). Okay Pikeru, take out those Elite Goblins."
"Not this time, pal. I activate Bark of Dark Ruler and pay 500 life points <7100>. This also weakens your little brat by 500 ATK points."
The attack of White Magician Pikeru lands, but the Goblin Elite Attack Force still stands.
(1500 ATK) "Sorry Pikeru, we got outsmarted that time." said Boss.
"Are you done yet?" asked Kai.
"I have one more card to play, my face down Pikeru's Second Sight."
"So what does that do?"
"It allows me to see every card you draw for the next two turns, starting right now."
"Fine, take a look." and Kai draws the card, showing it to Boss. Then the card is added to his hand "This is a nice card, so let me show you how it works. First I play from my hand the ritual spell Contract with the Abyss."
"Wait, doesn't that let you ritual summon a dark ritual monster?"
"Yes it does, granted I have the requirements to do so, but that's where my drawn card comes in. This is Ritual Raven, and when I ritual summon a dark ritual monster, ritual Raven can be offered up. And despite the fact that this little bird is only one star, it counts as the full requirement of a dark ritual monster."
"No way...."
"So I offer my Ritual Raven into the abyss and ritual summon Dark Master - Zorc!"
With this, Kai's ritual monster appeared on the field (2700/1500). "Lovely, real lovely." said Boss.
"You are so right, pal." said Kai. "And since this monster is a fiend, Goblin King gains another boost up (2000 ATK). Goblin King..."
"Hold on, how many stars is your Dark Master - Zorc?"
"Eight, why?"
"Becuase I can activate my trap card, A Rival Appears! This trap let's me special summon a monster from my hand equal to the same level as a monster on my opponent's side of the field. I call out Cosmo Queen in attack mode." and Boss counters the appearance of Zorc (2900/2450). "Now control of this duel is mine."
"Think again, becuase I'm activating Zorc's Gamble."
"Zorc's Gamble?"
"That's right." and a six-sided die appears before Kai. "Now depending on what I roll, something's about to be destroyed. Time to roll the die." Kai rolls and ends up getting a five. "A five, that means I can destroy one monster your control. Zorc, destroy his Cosmo Queen."
"Crap." and Boss saw his newly summoned monster destroyed.
Kai laughed. "What a short reign, dethroned before she could actually put up a fight. Goblin King, destroy that little brat."
And Boss lost White Magician Pikeru <6500>. Forgive me for being careless, Pikeru. thought Boss.
"Zorc, attack him di-"
Before Kai could finish giving his attack order, both duelist heard Kylia's scream. "Kylia!" he shouted.
"Unbelieveable, she left duelside anyway." said Boss.
"I have to find my sister."
"Agreed, we can finish our duel later."
"I don't need your help."
"You aren't getting it either, I'm just being a good date." and both guys go off in pursuit of Kylia.
Meanwhile, Maxwell went and sat in on a duel. "Well, let's see who's getting it on." he said to himself.
Maxwell was lucky, he ended up getting a seat for a duel that's just starting. On one side of the field was Rei, and the other side of the field was another female hamster. She was bubble gum in color and wore an interesting hat. "Wow, she looks kinda cute." he admitted to himself.
"So, you honestly think that you can handle me?" asked Rei.
"Maybe." answered the ham. "Ve shall see."
"So who might you be, I didn't quite catch your name?"
"I am Quatre." the hamster introduced herself. "No offense, but my fleet is about to have a field day."
"We'll see about that, Quatre." said Rei, then she draws. "I will begin with Ancient Gear Castle, then I summon Red Gadget to the field (1300/1500). When Red Gadget is summoned, I can add a Yellow Gadget from my deck to my hand." and Rei does this, showing Yellow Gadget to Quatre. Her deck is shuffled afterwards. "One counter is placed on my Ancient Gear Castle since I summoned a monster, then I place a card face down to end my turn."
"Interesting." said Quatre.
"Let's see what you have in store, Quatre."
"Agreed." and Quatre draws. "I begin vith Blue Thunder T-45 (1700/1000)."
"And another counter goes on my Ancient Gear Castle." Rei explains.
"But it's my turn..."
"It doesen't matter. Ancient Gear Castle gets a counter every time a monster is normal summoned or set."
"Vell let's see you save your Gadget. I attack with Blue Thunder T-45!"
"I activate my face down Limiter Removal, doubling the attack of my Red Gadget (2600 ATK)."
"Nice move, but I can also play zat game with my own Limiter Removal." and Quatre played the same quick-play spell from her hand (3400 ATK).
Despite it all, Rei's Gadget was destroyed <7200>. "Clever." she said.
"Since my monster destroyed one of yours in battle, I can summon a Thunder Option Token in attack mode (1500/1500)."
"Tokens are monsters too, so I get another counter on my Castle."
"One card face down und since I used Limiter Removal, my Blue Thunder is destroyed." and Quatre's monster explodes.
Rei draws. "I will now offer up my Ancient Gear Castle and the counters are considered as tributes, which will now allow me to summon my Ancient Gear Golem (3000/3000). Now to take away your option, attack!"
Quatre loses her token and some life points <6500>. "Already? I can't believe you have a powerful monster out und it's only your second move."
"Believe it. I will now set one card down and end my turn."
Quatre draws. "I play Swords of revealing Light." Swords fall from the sky and land on Rei's side of the field.
"Trying to buy time, are we?"
"Daa, It's not like I have much of a choice."
"That accent, are you German?"
"Nyet, I am Russian. However, I also speak German. I vill play Heavy Mech Support Platform (500/500) und ze spell card Machine Duplication."
"How does that work?"
"Machine Duplication works vith machine monsters of 500 ATK or less und lets me special summon monsters of ze same name from my deck to my field. So I will pull two more out from my deck." Quatre does this and shuffles her deck after placing one in attack mode and one in defense mode. "Next, I will equip zis Platform to the one I just summoned, increasing its stats und ending my turn (1000/1000)."
Rei draws. "I summon Yellow Gadget (1200/1200), which allows me to add a Green Gadget from my deck to my hand." and Rei resolves this effect, showing the Green Gadget to Quatre and shuffling afterward. "One card face down and that ends my turn."
Quatre draws. "First, I will unequip my Heavy Mech Support Platform und special summon it in attack mode to the field. Then I vill sacrifice it vith a second platform und summon B.E.S. Covered Core."
Suddenly, a spaceship that looks like a disk appeared on Quatre's sie of the field (2500/800). That looks pretty cool. thought Maxwell.
Quatre continued. "Now my remaining Heavy Mech Support Platform vill equip itself to my Covered Core." The Heavy Mech Support Platform attaches itself to the bottom of B.E.S. Covered Core (3000/1300). "Covered Core, attack ze Ancient Gear Golem."
Clever move. thought Rei and she saw her monster destroyed. "Pretty smart for a suicide move, Quatre." she said.
"Nyet, my attack vasn't a suicide. B.E.S. Covered Core isn't destroyed in battle, but I do have a secondary effect to do." and a coin appears on Quatre's side of the field. "Zis is the B.E.S. coin, now I have to flip in order to see if my monster takes damage."
"B.E.S. Covered core has two counters on it vhen it's summoned. After each battle, I must flip und call it in order to determine if my ship takes damage or not after each damage step." and Quatre flips the coin. "Tails!"
"Coin flipping effects, sheesh..." and Rei rubs her forehead.
As the coin hits the ground, it lands on tails. "A correct call und my ship stays in tact. My turn's over."
Rei draws. "I'll switch Yellow Gadget to defense mode and summon Green Gadget (1400/600). Now I can add a Red Gadget from my deck to my hand." and Rei does just that, then shuffles her deck. "My turn is over."
Quatre draws. So, Rei's trying to pull all three Gadget monsters so she can pull out Stronghold. Nyet, this attempt vill not be made fruition.
"Next turn, I will no longer be affect by your swords, sister." Rei reminded.
"Covered Core, attack Green Gadget."
"I activate Negate Attack."
Quatre's monster stopp its attack. "Vell since my attack was negated, I don't have to flip. My turn sadly, has come to a close."
"And you failed to stop me."
"I am confused by your movements, Rei. If you had Negate Attack face down, vy didn't you use it to save ze Ancient Gear Golem?"
"Because I'm not predictable." and Rei draws. "It's summoning time."
"So, you are summoning commrade Red Gadget?"
"Nope, I'm pulling out Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon." and Rei's second powerhouse appears on the field (3000/2000).
"I wasn't expecting zis." said a shocked Quatre.
"Like I said, not being predictable. Now for the tributing... Yellow Gadget, Green Gadget, take your positions and activate Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon." Both of Rei's gadgets enter her newly summoned monster and begin to crank. In seconds, Rei's newly summoned monster began to function. "Now let's have a little fun with the spell card Heavy Storm, but I will chain my face down Spell Reclamation to it, by discarding this card as its cost. Now feel the power of Heavy Storm!"
As the Heavy Storm blew, everyone in the crowd felt the force of the winds. Panda's duel disk effects never cease to amaze me. thought Maxwell. When the storm cleared, only the monsters were left (2500/800). "And since I chained Spell Reclamation, Heavy Storm returns to my hand, granting me its second use later if needed." Rei continued. Now I attack with Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon."
The attack lands and Quatre loses life points <6000>. "Clever move." she said.
It's a shame that her monster isn't destroyed as a result of battle, because she would've taken more damage that way. thought Rei.
"It's time for me to flip again to see if my ship takes damage." said Quatre.
"Even on your opponent's turn, what a shame."
"Daa, after every battle. Anyway, I call heads." Quatre flips her coin, but the result is tails. "Nyet, a wrong guess. Vith a wrong call, my B.E.S. Covered Core takes damage, losing one of its counters in ze process." A piece of Quatre's monster falls off from it.
"Your turn."
Quatre draws. "One monster in defense mode and that ends my turn."
I knew she would mess up sooner or later. and Rei draws. "I set one card face down and summon Red Gadget. And as you know...." Rei pulls out another Yellow Gadget from her deck, shows it to Quatre and shuffle her deck. "I'll attack your face down monster this time."
Quatre's monster was attacked, then flipped up (500/500). "Zis is my DUCKER Mobile Cannon, which allows me to a a four star monster in my graveyard to my hand. Welcome back, Blue Thunder T-45." and quatre gets her monster.
"Now I have effects to activate."
"That's right. Ancitne Gear Gadjiltron Dragon has three effects, but these effects vary depending on the Gadgets and which Gadgets are inside of it.
"As you know, Yellow and Green Gadget are inside of my Gadjiltron Dragon, so it gets two of its three effects: Green Gadget allows my Gadjiltron Dragon to deal piercing damage..."
"Nyet! <3500>"
"And on top of that, yellow Gadget let my Gadjiltron Dragon deal 600 additional damage for destroying an opponent's monster in battle."
"More damage? Zis is unfair <2900>."
"Don't get mad, take it up with Pegasus."
"I may have to do zat."
"Well, you still have a duel to finish first, so go ahead and move.
Quatre draws. "I attack Red Gadget."
"I activate Sakuretsu Armor."
"Unreal." and B.E.S. Covered Core is destroyed. "Fine, one monster in defense mode to end my turn."
"All out of options, too bad. I do like your deck, though..." and Rei draws. "I summon Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Chimera (2300/1300). Just like my Gadjiltron Dragon, my Gadjiltron Chimera will also get a Gadget. Red Gadget, take your position in the Gadjiltron Chimera." and Red Gadget places itself in the slot above the main head of Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Chimera, then this monster brings itself to life. "Gadjiltron Dragon, attack her face down monster."
Quatre's monster, which was Blue Thunder T-45 was destroyed. "Oh vell." she said with a sigh <900>.
"Gadjiltron Chimera, attack for game."
"Vell, I lost. I am not happy vith ze outcome of my duel..." said Quatre and took the finishing blow. "However, I am glad to see zere are others who can weild monsters well."
"Quatre, I like your deck."
"Zat is good to know." and Quatre fixes her hat. "If you'll excuse me, I must be going. Nos Vidania!" and Quatre walked away. Once she was at a safe and open area, wings opened up from her back and she flew away.
"Not a bad duel, Rei." said Panda.
"Thank-q Panda." Rei said and gave Panda a peck on the cheek.
Meanwhile, Kylia was in a bad spot. "Nowhere left to run now, baby." said one of three males that had here cornered in an allyeway.
"S-stay back, I'm warning you." Kylia said.
"You say that to us, but your body tells us to come closer." says a second of the three males.
"Get away from me!"
"Aw, but we just want to play with you." said the third of the males.
"Play somewhere else." and that's where Kai comes in.
"Brother, help!" Kylia cried out.
"I'm gonna get you punks!" and Kai rushed the three males.
"Drop this asscake." said one of the three males.
Kai managed to drop one of the three males off the bat and was fending off the other two. Things went well until the numbers game caught up to Kai and one managed to pull out an equalizer. "Brother, look out!" shouted Kylia.
"What the..." Kai turned around.
Too late, the object landed against Kai's face, knocking him clean out. "So much for the brother, now let's have at the sister." said the male with the weapon.
"First dibbs on that fiery snatch of hers." said a second male.
"I'll take her rear." said the third male.
"Oooooh." Kai groaned as he tried getting up. "Must... protect... Kylia..."
Kai managed to stand and see his sister about to be taken by the three males. But before they could approach Kylia and before Kai could react, a familiar hindrance stood in the way of the three males and Kylia. That looks like a... Mystic Box. thought Kai.
"Yeah right, that hologram won't save you from us." said one of the males.
The Mystic Box opened up revealing its contents and he wasn't happy. "I'm not a hologram." he said.
"What the hell, DMoC?" asked the second male.
"Wrong mage!" and with the rising of his palm, all three males were blasted away from Kylia.
Kai managed to dodge the three males. Holy...
Kylia stood in awe at who was protecting her. It's the... Magician of Black Chaos. she thought.
"Chaos Scepter Blast!" and with a spin of the staff, the Magician of Black Chaos blew the three males away.
"Kylia, are you okay?" asked Kai as he approached his sister.
"I'm a little scared, but otherwise fine." Kylia answered. "How's your head?"
"Throbbing, but I'll manage."
"It's good to see you two are okay." and the effects began to fade away, revealing that the Magician of Black Chaos was really Boss.
Kai was stunned. "What the fuck..."
Kylia's eye were lit up. "That was so cool, Boss." she said half grateful and half amazed. "How did you change into the Magician of Black Chaos like that?"
"Honestly, I can't explain it right now." Boss answered. "I still can't believe it myself to tell you the truth."
"I thought I told you that I didn't need your help." said Kai.
"And I told you that you didn't get it. I was just being a good date, that's all. And speaking of a good date..." Boss tosses the staff to Kylia.
Kylia caught the staff, though she was a bit confused. "I don't understand, Boss." she said.
"Like we agreed, Kylia." Boss explained. "I went out with you, so you can play with my wand. Return it to me when you're no longer in heat. Well, I gotta get going, your brother does want you out of here, so that works for both of us. Catch you later, Kylia." and off Boss went.
Kai turned to his sister. "Play with his wand, huh?" he questioned her.
"You see it in my paws." Kylia said in her defense.
"And what happened to staying near the duel?"
"I had to pee and couldn't hold it."
"Piss in the bushes next time."
"Fuck that! I will go to a latrine when given the option. It's not my fault they managed to trap me after I got out..."
"Let's just get you back to the dorm."