Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Desire To Be Loved ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha or yugioh.....they are property of their respectful authors.....i do however own Yanna, Anise, and any other character that I create; Cleo belongs to evil Pomeranian, a fellow author on animespiral, who has given me permission to use one of her characters.
A/N: ~~...~~ denotes flashbacks, dreams, and nightmares; **...** denotes changes in scenery; '...' denotes thoughts; "..." denotes speaking; ~*...*~ denotes speaking ancient Egyptian; /.../ denotes hikaris mentally speaking to their yamis; //...// denotes yamis mentally speaking to their hikaris; Anise is who Yanna was in ancient Egypt
Chapter 3 ~ New School and New Friends
Yanna and the others were oblivious to the person that was following them. They all reached the school with no major incidents.
Yanna stopped dead in her tracks when they reached the school. Domino High was a lot bigger than her last school. She just stood there looking at the school until Malik lightly touched her shoulder.
~*What’s wrong Yanna?*~ Malik asked her a bit concerned.
Yanna was taken aback when she heard Malik speak to her. She looked at him awestricken. Yanna smiled when she replied back to him.
~*I should of known that you could speak Egyptian. It’s just that Domino High is bigger than my last high school in Tokyo,*~ Yanna said.
The others couldn’t believe what they were hearing. They were surprised to hear Yanna and Malik carrying on a conversation with each other.
~*Yeah, well, what do you expect since I am from Egypt. Can I ask you a question though?*~ Malik asked Yanna.
~*What’s up?*~ Yanna asked back.
~*Where did you get the ring that’s on your right middle finger?*~ Malik asked Yanna.
Yanna looked down at her right hand to see what ring he was talking about. That was when she noticed the gold ring with diamonds going all the way around the ring on her right hand.
~*My father gave me the rings when I left with my mother,*~ Yanna answered him. ~*Why do you ask?*~
Malik took a closer look at the ring on her right middle finger and then said, ~*Because that one carries my family’s crest on it.*~
Yanna just stared at Malik for a few minutes. As far as she knew, the rings had been passed down through her family for generations.
“Hey, if you two are done, we need to get to class. Ryou, why don’t you take Yanna to the office and we’ll meet you in class,” Yugi said.
“Okay, Yugi. Come on, Yanna, the office is this way,” Ryou said as him and Yanna headed down the hall.
The group had split up and Ryou and Yanna then headed towards the school office so she could get her class schedule. Yanna couldn’t help but smile at Ryou as they walked down the hallway.
“Thanks for taking me to the school office, Ryou,” Yanna said.
“It’s not a problem. So, what brings you to Domino, Yanna?” Ryou asked curiously.
Yanna looked away from Ryou. She had to think of something quick. She couldn’t tell him the truth, not yet anyways. Then she came up with something.
“My mother didn’t want me anymore so she sent me to live with my father and two brothers,” Yanna said looking back at Ryou.
“I’m sorry,” was all Ryou could say to her.
Before they knew it, they had reached the office. Ryou and Yanna walked in and went to the front desk. The person behind the desk looked up at Ryou and Yanna.
“May I help you?” the person behind the desk asked.
“Yes, I am here to get my class schedule,” Yanna said.
“May I have your name, please?”
“Oh, I’m sorry. It’s Yanna Anise Taiyoukai,” Yanna replied.
The office assistant looked through the papers on her desk until she came across a piece a paper with Yanna’s name on it.
Meanwhile, Ryou had drifted off into his own world while Yanna was talking to the office assistant.
//Ryou?// a voice inside Ryou called.
/What is it, Bakura?/ Ryou answered his other half.
//Who is that girl with you, Ryou? She looks very familiar.// Bakura said.
/Her name is Yanna and she just transferred from Tokyo./
Ryou didn’t hear anything from Bakura after that. He was wondering how Bakura knew Yanna. Just then Ryou was pulled back to reality by Yanna.
“Here you go, Ms. Taiyoukai,” the assistant said handing Yanna the piece of paper.
“Thank you,” Yanna said politely as she took the paper.
Yanna looked down at her class schedule. She could tell that her dad had his hand in picking her classes. She did notice that she had a class called “Ancient Cultures of the World.” Yanna smiled when she saw that.
Ryou saw the smile on Yanna’s face, so he asked , “What are you so happy about?”
Yanna just looked at Ryou as she continued to smile. When Yanna didn’t answer Ryou, they walked out of the office. Once they had left the office, Yanna handed her class schedule to Ryou. He looked at the schedule not really seeing what was making Yanna so happy.
“You have all the same classes as the rest of us except for the Ancient Cultures class which Malik and I have,” Ryou said as he looked back up at Yanna.
“That class is why I am so happy. Before I left my mother, I was researching Ancient Egypt because of the bracelet I am wearing,” Yanna said, showing Ryou the bracelet.
Ryou wasn’t the only one that was staring at the bracelet. Bakura was also staring at the bracelet through Ryou’s eyes.
‘I know that bracelet, but how did she get it,’ Bakura thought to himself.
Once Ryou was done looking at her schedule, he handed it back to Yanna. Then they both turned and walked off towards their first class.
**At Lunch**
Yanna was fitting in nicely. The friends that she had made so far had reminded her of her old friends back in Tokyo. Yugi looked up at Yanna as they all sat down at a table in the cafeteria.
“Whatcha thinking about Yanna?” Yugi asked her.
Yanna looked up at Yugi as he sat down across from her. Ryou and Malik sat on either side of her.
“I was just thinking about my friends back in Tokyo,” Yanna said as she looked down at the table.
Ryou, Yugi, and Malik looked at Yanna. They could tell that she missed her friends in Tokyo. Just then Tristan and Joey walked over to their table.
“Hey guys. Can we join you?” Joey asked Yanna.
Yanna looked up at Joey and Tristan. Even they could tell that something was bothering Yanna.
“Yeah sure,” Yanna said, gesturing to the empty seats at the table.
“So, Yanna, what’s bothering you?” Joey asked as him and Tristan took the empty seats on either side of Yugi.
Yanna once again looked down at the table. She wanted to tell them the true reason why she left Tokyo, but she couldn’t just yet. So, she looked back up at Joey and the others.
“I was just saying how much I missed my old friends back in Tokyo,” Yanna said smiling.
“Oh,” was all Joey and Tristan could say.
Yanna realized that she wasn’t very hungry after all. Ryou and Malik had noticed that Yanna wasn’t eating her lunch. They both made a mental note to ask her later about what was really bothering her.
Yanna needed time to herself so she could think. So, she started to get up from the table. Yugi and the others noticed the distant look on Yanna’s face as she stood up. Even though they had only known Yanna for a day, they were starting to worry about her. Once Yanna was standing, she picked up her tray from the table.
“Where are you going, Yanna?” Yugi asked.
“I’m just going to go and get some fresh air,” Yanna said as she turned and walked away from the table.
Once Yanna was out of earshot, Joey said, “There’s something bothering her and we need to find out what it is.”
The others agreed with Joey. The guys were so busy worrying about Yanna that they didn’t notice the person on the other side of the cafeteria. The mystery person followed Yanna out of the cafeteria.
Yanna walked away from the boys feeling really depressed because she couldn’t say a word about the beatings that she had received up until six months ago. She walked over to the trashcans and threw away her food and placed the tray on the counter so that it could be washed for another person to use.
When Yanna left the cafeteria, she found herself standing on the school roof. She was glad that Yugi and the others had shown her how to get up there. She was so deep in her thoughts that she didn’t see someone walk onto the roof.
The mystery person slowly made his way over to Yanna. He was pleased when she didn’t hear him move up behind her. The person slowly reached out and rested his hand on her shoulder.
Yanna practically jumped out of her skin when she felt a hand on her shoulder. Her mind went into overdrive as she remembered what had happened to her the last time someone touched her shoulder.
~~Begin Flashback~~
Yanna just snuck back into her house, through her bedroom window, after being out all night with her friends when she felt a hand grip her shoulder roughly. She was spun around so fast that her head hit the window.
Once she had regained her vision, Yanna noticed that she was looking into two red bright red eyes. She immediately knew who the eyes belonged to.
“Naraku,” Yanna seethed.
“Where have you been, you ungrateful dog?” Naraku asked Yanna menacingly.
“None of your business. You’re not my father,” Yanna yelled back at Naraku.
Yanna had wished that she hadn’t of yelled at Naraku. She didn’t have time to move before Naraku picked her up and threw her up against her bedroom wall. She hit the wall so hard that her head bounced off the wall a couple of times, giving her a concussion, before she landed on the floor at Naraku’s feet in a heap.
Yanna’s vision was going in and out so she couldn’t focus on anything. She never saw Naraku’s fist hit her in the stomach. Yanna gasped for air as she was hit. As she gasped for air, Naraku picked her up by her throat and started to squeeze, successfully cutting off her air supply. Yanna slowly lost consciousness as Naraku glared at her.
~~End Flashback~~
Yanna started shaking violently as she finished remembering the first time Naraku had beaten her when she was eleven years old. She was slowly pulled back to reality by someone speaking to her.
“Are you okay, Yanna?” the person asked with fake concern in his voice.
Yanna turned around to see who was the owner of the hand on her shoulder. When she had completely turned around, she saw two red eyes staring back at her. Yanna tried to pull away from the boy but she couldn’t.
“Yes, I am. Thank you for asking. But who are you and how do you know my name?” Yanna asked the boy in front of her.
The stranger looked at her as he smiled. He removed his hand from her shoulder as he said, “Oh, I’m sorry. My name is Haru and I’m in a few of your classes.”
Yanna couldn’t pull her eyes away from Haru’s. She knew that she had seen his eyes somewhere else but she couldn’t remember where.
“Well, thank you, Haru, but I have to get to my ‘Ancient Cultures’ class before I am late,” Yanna said as she turned towards the roof door.
Haru smiled to himself evilly as he watched Yanna disappear through the roof door. ‘This is going to be easier than I thought,’ he thought to himself as he followed Yanna through the door.
**After school**
Yanna was so glad that the day was over. She started walking out of the school when Malik and Ryou caught up to he.
“Hey Yanna,” Ryou called out to her.
Yanna didn’t hear them as she continued to walk away from them.
//Ryou. Let me handle this, please.// Bakura said.
/Are you sure?/ Ryou asked worriedly.
//Yes. And tell Malik to let Marik out. Maybe we can get her to stop and find out what is wrong with her.// Bakura answered.
Ryou looked over at Malik with a look of worry on his face as he closed the mind link with Bakura. Malik saw this and spoke.
“What’s wrong, Ryou?” Malik asked concerned.
“Bakura wants you to let Marik out,” Ryou said looking at his friend.
“Why?” Malik asked.
Ryou looked up and noticed that Yanna had stopped walking a few feet ahead of them.
“Because Bakura thinks they can help her. Not only that, Bakura thinks he may know her,” Ryou said.
Malik looked at Ryou and nodded.
“Okay, I will see if Marik is up to it,” Malik said as he reached out to his dark half.
/Marik?/ Malik called out through their link.
/Marik! Bakura needs your help with something./ Malik said, getting his yami’s attention.
//What does the tomb robber want my help with this time?// Marik asked.
/A girl that he thinks he knows is distressed over something and besides she has a ring that belongs to my family./ Malik said.
//Okay, I’ll help.// Marik finally said.
/Good, I’ll let Ryou know./ Malik said, cutting off his end of their link.
“Well?” Ryou asked with hope dripping in his voice.
“Marik said he’ll help Bakura,” Malik said to Ryou.
Just as Malik said that, the Millennium Rod and the Millennium Ring started to glow as Marik and Bakura materialized next to their hikaris. The two yamis looked at their hikaris. Bakura was the first one to break the silence.
“So, what is wrong with Yanna, Ryou?” Bakura asked his Light.
Ryou looked at his Dark as he replied, “I don’t know. She left the cafeteria at lunch and didn’t tell us where she was going. And then she ignored us in our ‘Ancient Cultures’ class as well.”
Bakura looked at Marik and then to Ryou and then right back at Marik. Both yamis smiled as Marik spoke.
“Malik, why don’t you and Ryou go home while Bakura and I find out what’s bothering your friend,” Marik said looking at his Light.
“Okay, but you two have to tell us everything that happens,” Ryou and Malik said at the same time as they walked away from their yamis.
When Ryou and Malik had disappeared from view, Marik and Bakura turned around and looked at Yanna. This was the first time that Marik had ever seen Yanna.
“Bakura, is that who I think it is?” Marik asked as he looked at Yanna closer.
“No, Marik. But she does look a lot like Anise though,” Bakura said as he started walking towards Yanna.
Marik followed his friend. They slowly approached Yanna so they didn’t scare her half to death. The closer they got to her, the more they noticed that she was crying.
~*What’s wrong, Yanna?*~ Bakura asked as they approached her.
~*Nothing, Ryou. Just please leave me alone.*~ Yanna said as she continued to cry.
Bakura and Marik looked at each other. They had to get Yanna to turn around so she was facing them. So Bakura reached out and lightly touched Yanna’s shoulder.
Yanna wasn’t expecting anyone to touch her. She felt herself being turned around to face whoever was standing behind her. When Yanna was turned completely around, she could have sworn she was looking at Ryou and Malik. Yanna started stepping backwards away from the Ryou and Malik look-alikes until she had her back pressed up against a tree.
“Who…who are you guys? Why do you two look like Ryou and Malik?” Yanna asked, scared out of her wits.
Marik and Bakura looked at each other confused. They then looked back at Yanna. Bakura noticed that Yanna was shaking violently. Marik also noticed this.
~*Please Yanna, just calm down. My name is Bakura and I am Ryou’s yami or dark half. This is Marik and he’s Malik’s yami.*~ Bakura explained as best as he could to the scared girl before him.
“Way to go, Bakura. Now she won’t even talk to us,” Marik said as he slowly approached Yanna.
Marik stopped walking when he heard Yanna growling at them. He looked up into her eyes and noticed that they were turning a blood red.
“Uhhh….Marik, what did you do to her?” Bakura asked worriedly.
“I don’t know. How do we get her back to normal?” Marik asked with a scared look on his face.
“You’re asking me,” Bakura said as he looked at Marik.
Yanna couldn’t believe that she was growling at Marik and Bakura. She had never done that before, not even when Naraku beat her repeatedly. She needed to know what was happening to her. She also felt her eyes bleed red with anger as she saw Marik stop a few feet from her. Yanna was scared with what was happening to her. She heard Bakura and Marik talking but she was having a hard time focusing on their faces. Just then, Yanna lost consciousness and hit the ground hard.
Bakura and Marik stopped arguing when they heard a loud thump. They both looked over and saw Yanna passed out on the ground. Bakura slowly walked over to Yanna and reached down to make sure that she was still breathing. When Bakura was satisfied that Yanna was still breathing, he picked her up bridal style and walked back over to Marik.
“So, what do we do now?” Marik asked the other yami.
“I guess we take her home with us and have Ryou call her house so her parents don’t worry about her,” Bakura said.
With that said, Marik and Bakura walked back to Ryou’s house with Yanna. The two yamis walked in silence until they reached Ryou’s house.
Marik opened the front door for Bakura. Ryou and Malik jumped up off of the couch and ran to the front door when they heard it open. Ryou stopped dead in his tracks when he saw Bakura holding Yanna. Malik also stopped and looked at Bakura and Marik.
Bakura walked past the two younger boys and went into the living room. Marik, Ryou, and Malik followed Bakura into the living room as they watched Bakura lay Yanna on the couch.
“What did you guys do to Yanna?” Ryou asked.
“We didn’t do anything to her. She just passed out on us,” Marik said as he approached the couch.
Bakura didn’t pay attention to what was going on around him. He was more worried about Yanna. Just then he remembered something.
“Ryou, can you please call Yanna’s house and let them know that she is going to be staying here for a few days?” Bakura asked as he looked at his Light.
Ryou nodded as he ran to the phone. He picked up the receiver and quickly dialed InuYasha’s phone number. The phone rang a few times before someone picked up.
“Hello, Taiyoukai residence,” a male voice said on the other end.
“Uhhh…Mr. Taiyoukai?” Ryou asked nervously.
“This is he,” InuTaishou said.
“This is InuYasha’s friend, Ryou Bakura. I was just wondering if it was okay for Yanna to stay the weekend so we can work on a project for our ‘Ancient Cultures of the World’ class?” Ryou asked nervously.
InuTaishou had a look of concern on his face. He could tell by the sound of Ryou’s voice that there was more to the story. But he decided to inquire more about it later.
“That is fine, Ryou. Thank you for calling,” InuTaishou said. “Goodbye, Ryou.”
“Goodbye Mr. Taiyoukai,” Ryou said into the phone.
Once they both said their goodbyes, they each hung up the phones. Ryou then returned to the living room where everyone looked at him as he entered the room.
“So, what did her father say, Ryou?” Malik asked.
“InuTaishou said that it was okay for her to stay here. As far as he knows we ate going to be working on a class project together,” Ryou said.
The others continued to look at Ryou. They all could tell that there was something bothering him.
“What’s wrong, Ryou?” Marik asked.
“Where is Yanna going to sleep? She can’t stay on the couch,” Ryou said.
Before anyone could say anything, Bakura picked Yanna up and headed upstairs to the guest bedroom. Everyone was surprised by Bakura’s actions. They tried to follow Bakura but they were cut short by the guest bedroom door being shut in their faces.
When Bakura shut the door in their faces, Marik and the two younger boys went back downstairs to the living room. Once they reached the living room, Ryou sat in the chair by the couch while Marik and Malik sat on the couch. Just then Ryou looked sternly at Marik.
“What has gotten into Bakura, Marik?” Ryou asked.
Marik didn’t know how to answer that question. It was one question that Ryou should have asked Bakura. Marik sighed as he looked Ryou dead in the eyes.
“You see, Ryou, Yanna looks exactly like someone that Bakura and I knew five thousand years ago. Her name was Anise. But if you want to know more, then you need to ask Bakura about it,” Marik said still looking at Ryou.
**Meanwhile upstairs**
Bakura had shut the bedroom door so that the others wouldn’t bug him or Yanna. He knew deep down that Yanna was Anise. There were too many similarities between the two of them.
Bakura walked over to the bed and laid Yanna down on it. He then sat on the edge of the bed and held her hand in his. He lightly squeezed her hand to let Yanna know that he was there for her. Just then he leaned down and lightly kissed Yanna’s forehead.
~*I love you, Anise.*~ Bakura said quietly as he laid down next to Yanna and drifted off to sleep.
~*I love you, too *Bakan.*~ Yanna whispered as she cuddled closer to Bakura and continued sleeping.
They both had smiles on their faces as they drifted into dreams that they both didn’t know that they shared.
*Bakan is the nickname that Anise had for Bakura back in Ancient Egypt.....well, there is chapter 3.....i hope that you enjoy it as much as i enjoyed writing it.....please read and review.....cya all soon with the next chapter......
A/N: ~~...~~ denotes flashbacks, dreams, and nightmares; **...** denotes changes in scenery; '...' denotes thoughts; "..." denotes speaking; ~*...*~ denotes speaking ancient Egyptian; /.../ denotes hikaris mentally speaking to their yamis; //...// denotes yamis mentally speaking to their hikaris; Anise is who Yanna was in ancient Egypt
Chapter 3 ~ New School and New Friends
Yanna and the others were oblivious to the person that was following them. They all reached the school with no major incidents.
Yanna stopped dead in her tracks when they reached the school. Domino High was a lot bigger than her last school. She just stood there looking at the school until Malik lightly touched her shoulder.
~*What’s wrong Yanna?*~ Malik asked her a bit concerned.
Yanna was taken aback when she heard Malik speak to her. She looked at him awestricken. Yanna smiled when she replied back to him.
~*I should of known that you could speak Egyptian. It’s just that Domino High is bigger than my last high school in Tokyo,*~ Yanna said.
The others couldn’t believe what they were hearing. They were surprised to hear Yanna and Malik carrying on a conversation with each other.
~*Yeah, well, what do you expect since I am from Egypt. Can I ask you a question though?*~ Malik asked Yanna.
~*What’s up?*~ Yanna asked back.
~*Where did you get the ring that’s on your right middle finger?*~ Malik asked Yanna.
Yanna looked down at her right hand to see what ring he was talking about. That was when she noticed the gold ring with diamonds going all the way around the ring on her right hand.
~*My father gave me the rings when I left with my mother,*~ Yanna answered him. ~*Why do you ask?*~
Malik took a closer look at the ring on her right middle finger and then said, ~*Because that one carries my family’s crest on it.*~
Yanna just stared at Malik for a few minutes. As far as she knew, the rings had been passed down through her family for generations.
“Hey, if you two are done, we need to get to class. Ryou, why don’t you take Yanna to the office and we’ll meet you in class,” Yugi said.
“Okay, Yugi. Come on, Yanna, the office is this way,” Ryou said as him and Yanna headed down the hall.
The group had split up and Ryou and Yanna then headed towards the school office so she could get her class schedule. Yanna couldn’t help but smile at Ryou as they walked down the hallway.
“Thanks for taking me to the school office, Ryou,” Yanna said.
“It’s not a problem. So, what brings you to Domino, Yanna?” Ryou asked curiously.
Yanna looked away from Ryou. She had to think of something quick. She couldn’t tell him the truth, not yet anyways. Then she came up with something.
“My mother didn’t want me anymore so she sent me to live with my father and two brothers,” Yanna said looking back at Ryou.
“I’m sorry,” was all Ryou could say to her.
Before they knew it, they had reached the office. Ryou and Yanna walked in and went to the front desk. The person behind the desk looked up at Ryou and Yanna.
“May I help you?” the person behind the desk asked.
“Yes, I am here to get my class schedule,” Yanna said.
“May I have your name, please?”
“Oh, I’m sorry. It’s Yanna Anise Taiyoukai,” Yanna replied.
The office assistant looked through the papers on her desk until she came across a piece a paper with Yanna’s name on it.
Meanwhile, Ryou had drifted off into his own world while Yanna was talking to the office assistant.
//Ryou?// a voice inside Ryou called.
/What is it, Bakura?/ Ryou answered his other half.
//Who is that girl with you, Ryou? She looks very familiar.// Bakura said.
/Her name is Yanna and she just transferred from Tokyo./
Ryou didn’t hear anything from Bakura after that. He was wondering how Bakura knew Yanna. Just then Ryou was pulled back to reality by Yanna.
“Here you go, Ms. Taiyoukai,” the assistant said handing Yanna the piece of paper.
“Thank you,” Yanna said politely as she took the paper.
Yanna looked down at her class schedule. She could tell that her dad had his hand in picking her classes. She did notice that she had a class called “Ancient Cultures of the World.” Yanna smiled when she saw that.
Ryou saw the smile on Yanna’s face, so he asked , “What are you so happy about?”
Yanna just looked at Ryou as she continued to smile. When Yanna didn’t answer Ryou, they walked out of the office. Once they had left the office, Yanna handed her class schedule to Ryou. He looked at the schedule not really seeing what was making Yanna so happy.
“You have all the same classes as the rest of us except for the Ancient Cultures class which Malik and I have,” Ryou said as he looked back up at Yanna.
“That class is why I am so happy. Before I left my mother, I was researching Ancient Egypt because of the bracelet I am wearing,” Yanna said, showing Ryou the bracelet.
Ryou wasn’t the only one that was staring at the bracelet. Bakura was also staring at the bracelet through Ryou’s eyes.
‘I know that bracelet, but how did she get it,’ Bakura thought to himself.
Once Ryou was done looking at her schedule, he handed it back to Yanna. Then they both turned and walked off towards their first class.
**At Lunch**
Yanna was fitting in nicely. The friends that she had made so far had reminded her of her old friends back in Tokyo. Yugi looked up at Yanna as they all sat down at a table in the cafeteria.
“Whatcha thinking about Yanna?” Yugi asked her.
Yanna looked up at Yugi as he sat down across from her. Ryou and Malik sat on either side of her.
“I was just thinking about my friends back in Tokyo,” Yanna said as she looked down at the table.
Ryou, Yugi, and Malik looked at Yanna. They could tell that she missed her friends in Tokyo. Just then Tristan and Joey walked over to their table.
“Hey guys. Can we join you?” Joey asked Yanna.
Yanna looked up at Joey and Tristan. Even they could tell that something was bothering Yanna.
“Yeah sure,” Yanna said, gesturing to the empty seats at the table.
“So, Yanna, what’s bothering you?” Joey asked as him and Tristan took the empty seats on either side of Yugi.
Yanna once again looked down at the table. She wanted to tell them the true reason why she left Tokyo, but she couldn’t just yet. So, she looked back up at Joey and the others.
“I was just saying how much I missed my old friends back in Tokyo,” Yanna said smiling.
“Oh,” was all Joey and Tristan could say.
Yanna realized that she wasn’t very hungry after all. Ryou and Malik had noticed that Yanna wasn’t eating her lunch. They both made a mental note to ask her later about what was really bothering her.
Yanna needed time to herself so she could think. So, she started to get up from the table. Yugi and the others noticed the distant look on Yanna’s face as she stood up. Even though they had only known Yanna for a day, they were starting to worry about her. Once Yanna was standing, she picked up her tray from the table.
“Where are you going, Yanna?” Yugi asked.
“I’m just going to go and get some fresh air,” Yanna said as she turned and walked away from the table.
Once Yanna was out of earshot, Joey said, “There’s something bothering her and we need to find out what it is.”
The others agreed with Joey. The guys were so busy worrying about Yanna that they didn’t notice the person on the other side of the cafeteria. The mystery person followed Yanna out of the cafeteria.
Yanna walked away from the boys feeling really depressed because she couldn’t say a word about the beatings that she had received up until six months ago. She walked over to the trashcans and threw away her food and placed the tray on the counter so that it could be washed for another person to use.
When Yanna left the cafeteria, she found herself standing on the school roof. She was glad that Yugi and the others had shown her how to get up there. She was so deep in her thoughts that she didn’t see someone walk onto the roof.
The mystery person slowly made his way over to Yanna. He was pleased when she didn’t hear him move up behind her. The person slowly reached out and rested his hand on her shoulder.
Yanna practically jumped out of her skin when she felt a hand on her shoulder. Her mind went into overdrive as she remembered what had happened to her the last time someone touched her shoulder.
~~Begin Flashback~~
Yanna just snuck back into her house, through her bedroom window, after being out all night with her friends when she felt a hand grip her shoulder roughly. She was spun around so fast that her head hit the window.
Once she had regained her vision, Yanna noticed that she was looking into two red bright red eyes. She immediately knew who the eyes belonged to.
“Naraku,” Yanna seethed.
“Where have you been, you ungrateful dog?” Naraku asked Yanna menacingly.
“None of your business. You’re not my father,” Yanna yelled back at Naraku.
Yanna had wished that she hadn’t of yelled at Naraku. She didn’t have time to move before Naraku picked her up and threw her up against her bedroom wall. She hit the wall so hard that her head bounced off the wall a couple of times, giving her a concussion, before she landed on the floor at Naraku’s feet in a heap.
Yanna’s vision was going in and out so she couldn’t focus on anything. She never saw Naraku’s fist hit her in the stomach. Yanna gasped for air as she was hit. As she gasped for air, Naraku picked her up by her throat and started to squeeze, successfully cutting off her air supply. Yanna slowly lost consciousness as Naraku glared at her.
~~End Flashback~~
Yanna started shaking violently as she finished remembering the first time Naraku had beaten her when she was eleven years old. She was slowly pulled back to reality by someone speaking to her.
“Are you okay, Yanna?” the person asked with fake concern in his voice.
Yanna turned around to see who was the owner of the hand on her shoulder. When she had completely turned around, she saw two red eyes staring back at her. Yanna tried to pull away from the boy but she couldn’t.
“Yes, I am. Thank you for asking. But who are you and how do you know my name?” Yanna asked the boy in front of her.
The stranger looked at her as he smiled. He removed his hand from her shoulder as he said, “Oh, I’m sorry. My name is Haru and I’m in a few of your classes.”
Yanna couldn’t pull her eyes away from Haru’s. She knew that she had seen his eyes somewhere else but she couldn’t remember where.
“Well, thank you, Haru, but I have to get to my ‘Ancient Cultures’ class before I am late,” Yanna said as she turned towards the roof door.
Haru smiled to himself evilly as he watched Yanna disappear through the roof door. ‘This is going to be easier than I thought,’ he thought to himself as he followed Yanna through the door.
**After school**
Yanna was so glad that the day was over. She started walking out of the school when Malik and Ryou caught up to he.
“Hey Yanna,” Ryou called out to her.
Yanna didn’t hear them as she continued to walk away from them.
//Ryou. Let me handle this, please.// Bakura said.
/Are you sure?/ Ryou asked worriedly.
//Yes. And tell Malik to let Marik out. Maybe we can get her to stop and find out what is wrong with her.// Bakura answered.
Ryou looked over at Malik with a look of worry on his face as he closed the mind link with Bakura. Malik saw this and spoke.
“What’s wrong, Ryou?” Malik asked concerned.
“Bakura wants you to let Marik out,” Ryou said looking at his friend.
“Why?” Malik asked.
Ryou looked up and noticed that Yanna had stopped walking a few feet ahead of them.
“Because Bakura thinks they can help her. Not only that, Bakura thinks he may know her,” Ryou said.
Malik looked at Ryou and nodded.
“Okay, I will see if Marik is up to it,” Malik said as he reached out to his dark half.
/Marik?/ Malik called out through their link.
/Marik! Bakura needs your help with something./ Malik said, getting his yami’s attention.
//What does the tomb robber want my help with this time?// Marik asked.
/A girl that he thinks he knows is distressed over something and besides she has a ring that belongs to my family./ Malik said.
//Okay, I’ll help.// Marik finally said.
/Good, I’ll let Ryou know./ Malik said, cutting off his end of their link.
“Well?” Ryou asked with hope dripping in his voice.
“Marik said he’ll help Bakura,” Malik said to Ryou.
Just as Malik said that, the Millennium Rod and the Millennium Ring started to glow as Marik and Bakura materialized next to their hikaris. The two yamis looked at their hikaris. Bakura was the first one to break the silence.
“So, what is wrong with Yanna, Ryou?” Bakura asked his Light.
Ryou looked at his Dark as he replied, “I don’t know. She left the cafeteria at lunch and didn’t tell us where she was going. And then she ignored us in our ‘Ancient Cultures’ class as well.”
Bakura looked at Marik and then to Ryou and then right back at Marik. Both yamis smiled as Marik spoke.
“Malik, why don’t you and Ryou go home while Bakura and I find out what’s bothering your friend,” Marik said looking at his Light.
“Okay, but you two have to tell us everything that happens,” Ryou and Malik said at the same time as they walked away from their yamis.
When Ryou and Malik had disappeared from view, Marik and Bakura turned around and looked at Yanna. This was the first time that Marik had ever seen Yanna.
“Bakura, is that who I think it is?” Marik asked as he looked at Yanna closer.
“No, Marik. But she does look a lot like Anise though,” Bakura said as he started walking towards Yanna.
Marik followed his friend. They slowly approached Yanna so they didn’t scare her half to death. The closer they got to her, the more they noticed that she was crying.
~*What’s wrong, Yanna?*~ Bakura asked as they approached her.
~*Nothing, Ryou. Just please leave me alone.*~ Yanna said as she continued to cry.
Bakura and Marik looked at each other. They had to get Yanna to turn around so she was facing them. So Bakura reached out and lightly touched Yanna’s shoulder.
Yanna wasn’t expecting anyone to touch her. She felt herself being turned around to face whoever was standing behind her. When Yanna was turned completely around, she could have sworn she was looking at Ryou and Malik. Yanna started stepping backwards away from the Ryou and Malik look-alikes until she had her back pressed up against a tree.
“Who…who are you guys? Why do you two look like Ryou and Malik?” Yanna asked, scared out of her wits.
Marik and Bakura looked at each other confused. They then looked back at Yanna. Bakura noticed that Yanna was shaking violently. Marik also noticed this.
~*Please Yanna, just calm down. My name is Bakura and I am Ryou’s yami or dark half. This is Marik and he’s Malik’s yami.*~ Bakura explained as best as he could to the scared girl before him.
“Way to go, Bakura. Now she won’t even talk to us,” Marik said as he slowly approached Yanna.
Marik stopped walking when he heard Yanna growling at them. He looked up into her eyes and noticed that they were turning a blood red.
“Uhhh….Marik, what did you do to her?” Bakura asked worriedly.
“I don’t know. How do we get her back to normal?” Marik asked with a scared look on his face.
“You’re asking me,” Bakura said as he looked at Marik.
Yanna couldn’t believe that she was growling at Marik and Bakura. She had never done that before, not even when Naraku beat her repeatedly. She needed to know what was happening to her. She also felt her eyes bleed red with anger as she saw Marik stop a few feet from her. Yanna was scared with what was happening to her. She heard Bakura and Marik talking but she was having a hard time focusing on their faces. Just then, Yanna lost consciousness and hit the ground hard.
Bakura and Marik stopped arguing when they heard a loud thump. They both looked over and saw Yanna passed out on the ground. Bakura slowly walked over to Yanna and reached down to make sure that she was still breathing. When Bakura was satisfied that Yanna was still breathing, he picked her up bridal style and walked back over to Marik.
“So, what do we do now?” Marik asked the other yami.
“I guess we take her home with us and have Ryou call her house so her parents don’t worry about her,” Bakura said.
With that said, Marik and Bakura walked back to Ryou’s house with Yanna. The two yamis walked in silence until they reached Ryou’s house.
Marik opened the front door for Bakura. Ryou and Malik jumped up off of the couch and ran to the front door when they heard it open. Ryou stopped dead in his tracks when he saw Bakura holding Yanna. Malik also stopped and looked at Bakura and Marik.
Bakura walked past the two younger boys and went into the living room. Marik, Ryou, and Malik followed Bakura into the living room as they watched Bakura lay Yanna on the couch.
“What did you guys do to Yanna?” Ryou asked.
“We didn’t do anything to her. She just passed out on us,” Marik said as he approached the couch.
Bakura didn’t pay attention to what was going on around him. He was more worried about Yanna. Just then he remembered something.
“Ryou, can you please call Yanna’s house and let them know that she is going to be staying here for a few days?” Bakura asked as he looked at his Light.
Ryou nodded as he ran to the phone. He picked up the receiver and quickly dialed InuYasha’s phone number. The phone rang a few times before someone picked up.
“Hello, Taiyoukai residence,” a male voice said on the other end.
“Uhhh…Mr. Taiyoukai?” Ryou asked nervously.
“This is he,” InuTaishou said.
“This is InuYasha’s friend, Ryou Bakura. I was just wondering if it was okay for Yanna to stay the weekend so we can work on a project for our ‘Ancient Cultures of the World’ class?” Ryou asked nervously.
InuTaishou had a look of concern on his face. He could tell by the sound of Ryou’s voice that there was more to the story. But he decided to inquire more about it later.
“That is fine, Ryou. Thank you for calling,” InuTaishou said. “Goodbye, Ryou.”
“Goodbye Mr. Taiyoukai,” Ryou said into the phone.
Once they both said their goodbyes, they each hung up the phones. Ryou then returned to the living room where everyone looked at him as he entered the room.
“So, what did her father say, Ryou?” Malik asked.
“InuTaishou said that it was okay for her to stay here. As far as he knows we ate going to be working on a class project together,” Ryou said.
The others continued to look at Ryou. They all could tell that there was something bothering him.
“What’s wrong, Ryou?” Marik asked.
“Where is Yanna going to sleep? She can’t stay on the couch,” Ryou said.
Before anyone could say anything, Bakura picked Yanna up and headed upstairs to the guest bedroom. Everyone was surprised by Bakura’s actions. They tried to follow Bakura but they were cut short by the guest bedroom door being shut in their faces.
When Bakura shut the door in their faces, Marik and the two younger boys went back downstairs to the living room. Once they reached the living room, Ryou sat in the chair by the couch while Marik and Malik sat on the couch. Just then Ryou looked sternly at Marik.
“What has gotten into Bakura, Marik?” Ryou asked.
Marik didn’t know how to answer that question. It was one question that Ryou should have asked Bakura. Marik sighed as he looked Ryou dead in the eyes.
“You see, Ryou, Yanna looks exactly like someone that Bakura and I knew five thousand years ago. Her name was Anise. But if you want to know more, then you need to ask Bakura about it,” Marik said still looking at Ryou.
**Meanwhile upstairs**
Bakura had shut the bedroom door so that the others wouldn’t bug him or Yanna. He knew deep down that Yanna was Anise. There were too many similarities between the two of them.
Bakura walked over to the bed and laid Yanna down on it. He then sat on the edge of the bed and held her hand in his. He lightly squeezed her hand to let Yanna know that he was there for her. Just then he leaned down and lightly kissed Yanna’s forehead.
~*I love you, Anise.*~ Bakura said quietly as he laid down next to Yanna and drifted off to sleep.
~*I love you, too *Bakan.*~ Yanna whispered as she cuddled closer to Bakura and continued sleeping.
They both had smiles on their faces as they drifted into dreams that they both didn’t know that they shared.
*Bakan is the nickname that Anise had for Bakura back in Ancient Egypt.....well, there is chapter 3.....i hope that you enjoy it as much as i enjoyed writing it.....please read and review.....cya all soon with the next chapter......