Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ BLOOPERS FOR EVERYONE!!! (Back in action) ❯ YUGI'S DESTRUCTION!! *hears a crash* YUGI DON'T! ( Chapter 5 )

[ A - All Readers ]

Yugi: NEVER! ^__^ *keeps on blasting*
Kagome: Shouldn't you just threat him about getting tortured in the dungeons
Riz: -_- I can't…Yugi must have figured out that I have a contract with the YGO and INU producers
Yami: What was it about?
Riz: The contract says that if I do anything to you guys that does includes death. They are gonna sue my butt and get me to jail for a whole year and maybe even forever!
YGO/INU: WO-HOOO! *figures out how to kill themselves*
Riz: -___-++ you know if you kill yourself; your careers are over…at least I get to live
YGO/INU: *quickly forgets about dying*
Riz: *sighed* WE NEED TO STOP YUGI!
~~Breaking News~~
Prompe: Hi, I'm Prompe Doherty and my partner Billy Ice!
Billy: sup!
Prompe: Our news for today is The Bloopers for Everyone: Back in Action studio have problems!
Billy: Wahoo! Go Yugi! Shows that authoress
Riz: *out of nowhere* oh yeah!? I'LL SHOW YOU MY ESKRIMA AND KICK YOUR -*QUACK**ROAR**NEIGH**BAA**BARK-BARK**MEOW**glass broke**CHRIP-CHRIP**HONK-HONK*- !!!
Billy: O_O
Prompe: O_o
Riz: *tackles Billy*
Prompe/Audience: *CHEERS*
5 body guards: *tries to get Riz off of Billy*
6 seconds later…
5 body guards/Billy: *tied up* @.@
Prompe: So Riz, how are you gonna stop Yugi without getting him hurt?
Riz: I'm thinking…
Prompe: Wait, weren't you supposed to be at the Studio?
Riz: oh right! *leaves*
Prompe: *looks at the TV behind her and saw Riz enter the studio*
~Back at the Studio~
YGO/INU: *still trying to stop Yugi*
Yami: Yugi!
Yugi: *beams at the refrigerator*
Refrigerator: *exploded in pan cakes!*
YGO/INU: o_O;; wha?
YGO/INU: We repeat. Wha?
Riz: Oh shut your trap! HELP ME STOP YUGI!!
Riz: Wait! Hold on! *turns on a record player*
Record player: *plays a “One Way or Another”*
Riz: ^_^ *sees the YGO/INU crew staring at her strangely* what?
YGO/INU: *shook their head*
One way or another I'm gonna find ya
Yugi: *runs everywhere with the weapon* ^_^

I'm gonna getcha, getcha, getcha, getcha
Riz: GET `EM!
~Scene changes~
One way or another I'm gonna win ya
I'm gonna getcha, getcha, getcha, getcha
Yugi was in the kitchen and then spotted a sink
Yugi: ^__^ HEHE!
Yami/Inuyasha/Miyoga/Riz: *came running in*
Yugi: *blows up the sink*
Water: *blast out of the sink and splashes at Riz, Yami, Inuyasha, & Miyoga*

One way or another I'm gonna see ya
I'm gonna meetcha, meetcha, meetcha, meetcha
Yugi: *runs away happily*
Yami: *spits out water*
Inuyasha: *fish in his mouth*
Riz/Miyoga: o.O
~Scene changes~
One day, maybe next week
I'm gonna meetcha, I'm gonna meetcha, I'll meetcha
Yugi was outside and spotted a car
Yugi: Ooh! Car! *about to blast it*
Tea/Joey/Naraku/Shippou: *came running* YUGI NOO!
Yugi: *blast it*

I will drive past your house
And if the lights are all down
Car: *explodes*
Tea/Joey/Naraku/Shippou: O_O uh-oh…
Yugi: *skips away*

I'll see who's around
Riz: *sees the car destroyed* (O__O) I'm dead…
~~Scene changes~~
One way or another I'm gonna find ya
I'm gonna getcha, getcha, getcha, getcha
Yugi: *is still at the back yard and saw a lot of shiny cars and 1 ray motorcycle* :) *destroys the motorcycle*
Riz/Bankotsu/Mokuba/Seto/Solomon: *spotted Yugi and saw him destroy the bike*
Riz: ;O; OH! MY BIKE!

One way or another I'm gonna win ya
I'll getcha, I'll getcha
Yugi: ^^ OOPS! *runs away, giggling like a girl*
Riz: O___O
~~Scene changes~~
One way or another I'm gonna see ya
I'm gonna meetcha, meetcha, meetcha, meetcha
Yugi: *still in the back yard and saw a limousine* X)
Duke/Ginkotsu/Jakotsu/Rin/Jaken: *goes after Yugi but stops*
Yugi: XD *destroyed the limousine*

One day, maybe next week
I'm gonna meetcha, I'll meetcha
Limousine: *turned into cake*
Riz: *comes running in* ;O; NOOO!!! MY CAKE MAKING LIMOUSINE!
Yugi: MWUHAHAHA! *gallops away*
~Scene changes~
And if the lights are all out
I'll follow your bus downtown
See who's hanging out
Yugi: *inside the girls restroom* ooh...*sniffs* MMM! Lavender…. *points his weapon to the toilets*
Sango/Kagome/Kilala/Ishizu/Mai/Kikyo/Rebecca/Vivian/Kagura/Kanna/ Serenity/Riz: *found Yugi* YUGI!

One way or another I'm gonna lose ya
I'm gonna give you the slip, a slip of the lip or another
I'm gonna lose ya, I'm gonna trick ya
Yugi: *destroys the entire toilets*
Girls' restroom: *flooded up to their ankles*
Girls: O_O *twitch*
Yugi: ^______^ *jumps out of the window*
~~Scene changes~~
One way or another I'm gonna lose ya
I'm gonna trick ya trick ya trick ya trick ya
Yugi: *at the boy's restroom* *spots the toilets and aims his weapon on it*
Tristan/Ryou/Pegasus/Malik/Marik/Odion/Weevil/Shadi/Rex/Hawkins/J inkotsu/Kyokotsu: YUGI! NOOOOO!!

One way or another I'm gonna lose ya
I'm gonna give you the slip
Boy's restroom: *flooded up their ankles*
Yugi: XD *jumps out of the window*
~~Scene changes~~
I'll walk down the mall
Stand over by the wall
Where I can see it all
Find out who ya call
Yugi: *on Riz's room* ^_^ *getting out all the bras and panties*
Riz/Bakura/Sesshoumaru: *enters* o.O
Riz: >__< YUGI!
Yugi: ^_^ *panty in his head*
Lead you to the supermarket checkout
Some specials and rat food, get lost in the crowd
Bakura: *looks at the lingerie all over the floor* wow, cute panties and bras
Riz: *is now red* >____<+
Yugi: *runs away and still ahs the panty on his head*
~~~Scene changes~~
One way or another I'm gonna getcha, I'll getcha, I'll getcha, getcha,
getcha, getcha
(Where I can see it all, find out who ya call)
One way or another I'm gonna getcha, I'll get-ZZZZIIP!!
Seto: *destroys it* that was so -*QUACK*- annoying!
Yugi: *on the roof* XD VICTORY!
Yugi: *starts to feel sleepy so he falls asleep*
Girls: *scream* AAAAHHH!
Boys: *terrified* AH!
Yugi: Zzzzz…
Bakura/Riz: *drags out a trampoline*
Yugi: *falls on the trampoline but bounce back*
Yami: *gets tackled by the little Yugi* ow…
Yugi: Zzzz…
Yami: He's okay; he's sleeping
All the rest: Phew…
Yami: *puts Yugi on a couch*
Riz: *grabs her panty from Yugi's head and puts it away*
Everyone: *sweat dropped*
~~Breaking news~~
Prompe: Well, it seems Yugi's accidental on destroying the stadium from eating Riz's secret candy stash is now over!
~~end news~~
Riz: Well, be happy you all that there were no bloopers but we have enough time…for a humiliation
YGO/INU: okay…
Riz: *surprised that they didn't complain and cry in agony* okay…Everyone voted for Bakura…^^ yeah! My hunk! Ahem, anyways….Yami transfers Yugi to my bed. I don't want him to wake up
Yami: *does as he was told and comes back 3 minutes later* done
Riz: okay! *puts in a blue and yellow swirling color tape*
Mikey: Hi Riz! I'm here in another dimension that has al the anime characters and I'm here exploring while getting it all on tape! *walks in a dark room* hello *on the switch* O_O my eyes
Seto: *dressed as girl in a chair* *spotted Mikey* YOU!
Mokuba: *still giving his brother make up but then saw Mikey* Hey! This is a private room and I'm here practicing as a fashion stylist! Seto's my model! SO LEAVE BEFORE I GET MY DOG!
Mikey: O___O okay…*leaves*
~~end tape~~
Seto/Mokuba: >_<++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
All: *shuts up*
Riz: o.O ….mine was better in the news. ANYWAYS! Please review and tell me what ya think! And see us for another time of-
Riz: ^^ see ya!
Hey you all, here's what I've been told
That the voting thing was getting old
I found a way to get it done
And it's really so fun
Bakura: Just tell them already!
Okay, okay…*takes a deep breath* Ahem, you can now send me a humiliation tape or 2!
You can send it to me on a review or an email! Why am I asking for humiliations?
I'm running out of imaginations so I was thinking you all must have more imagination not only that but a sense of humor!
Send in your humiliation about the YGO/INU characters
And you can also put yourself in it, if you like or want
Anyways, PLEASE REVIEW! Tell me what ya think!
(Wow…I'm working fast)
Credits goes to Sami_Otaku