Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ BLOOPERS FOR EVERYONE!!! (Back in action) ❯ (And we're back!) EPISODE 4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ( Chapter 7 )
[ A - All Readers ]
Riz: Finally! Long months! And It's finally re-build! X) MWUAHAHAHAHAHA!!
YGO/INU: *cowers away*
Riz: ^_^ and for a special celebration, we are gonna add another anime into this show
Yami: *whispers to everyone except Riz* I feel sorry
Everyone: *nods*
Riz: X) and here's…..NARUTO!
Naruto characters: *appeared* …o.O?
Sasuke: WHERE THE -hee-haw- ARE WE?! O.o?
~~5 minutes later~~
Riz: And that's everything to say
Naruto: cool! ^_^ I'm a star!
Sasuke: …why? Why did they pick him?
Naruto: X) jealous?
Yugi: If I were you Naruto, I wouldn't be happy
Naruto: Hmmm? Why?
Riz: X) because at the end of every blooper, there's a humiliation show and be careful, it has everyone in it…in here
NAR: O_O *gulp*
Riz: ^_^ anyways, time to start!
Episode 201 Opening the Gate of Memory
Yami: *falling to the sky* AAAAHHH!
Riz: …Bakura?
Bakura: Yeah?
Riz: did you give Yami a parachute?
Bakura: … what parachute?
Riz: o.O uh-oh…
Tea: ^_^ I'll save you my Yami! *goes on the middle and gets into position* come here my Yami!
Yami: O_O;; NOOOOOOO!!
Tea: *looks down* ^_^ Ooh! A penny *bent down to pick it up*
Yami: *crashes*
A big dust smoke was made but when it faded away…
Yami: *opens his eyes and checks if his okay* …^^ I'm alive! Hey thanks Tea! *looks down* ….oops…*is sitting on Tea's back*
Tea: @.@ my b-back…
Riz: o.O uhhh…cut. Bakura, call the ambulance
Episode 133
Kagome: *goes over to the stick and pick it up* Hey Inuyasha! *throws the stick* fetch!
Riz: ^_^ Stick!
Inuyasha: Mine!
Riz/Inuyasha: *goes and get the stick and has both hold of the stick* …>_<
Inuyasha: It's mine!
Riz: no! Mine!
Inuyasha: >__<*growls*
Riz: >___<++ *growls louder*
Inuyasha: o.O;; *hides behind Kagome*
Riz: ^____^ HA-HA! *starts chewing the stick*
Naruto: Uhhh, we should get the heck out of here
Naruto Episode 3
Naruto: *on top of the desk and glares on Sasuke* >.<
Sasuke: *glares at Naruto* >_<
Naruto: `Sasuke! Sasuke! What so great about him anyway?'
The kid behind Naruto: *accidentally hits Naruto* ^^ oh sorry!
Naruto: *falls about to kiss Sasuke* `I hate this episode!'
Fan old man: *quickly ran up and puts her face between Sasuke and Naruto* Yay! *got kissed by Naruto*
Naruto: `an old man?! OH -roar-! THIS IS WORSE THAN KISSING SASUKE' *breaks away* *starts spitting* EUH!!! GROSS
Everyone except Riz: *cracking up*
Fan old man: ^_^ YAY! I kissed Naruto!
Riz: >.< Hey! Scram! Get Outta here or I'll cal security!
Fan old man: :P *goes running off*
Riz: grrr…….o.O hold on! Was that an old man?
Naruto: >_< Oh! Kiss my -AWK-!
Everyone: EW! No!
Fan old man: ^_^ I will!
Riz: >_< I SAID GET OUT YOU DIRTY OLD MAN! *kicks him*
Fan old man: *flying up the sky* I'LL! BE! BACK!
~~Humiliations Time~
Naruto: *shaking of fear*
Sakura: Uhhh, is Naruto going to be okay?
Riz: For getting kissed by an old man?! How would you feel by getting kissed from an old lady?
Sakura: I don't know but I don't want to find out
Riz: Exactly…anyways, HUMILIATION TIME!
Riz: ^_^ YEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!! *pant* *pant* now shut up!
INU/YGO: *pouts*
Riz: o.O okay…anyways here's a video by my friend, Yamifanner!
Yamifanner: *appears* ^^ Hi!
Background sound: *clapping*
Everyone: o.O?
Riz: okay, let's just start!
~~Yamifanner's tape~~
It was at a bar place and Ryou was dancing. He was on stage wearing 1950s clothing with sunglasses. He was dared by doing this.
Yamifanner: ^_^ oh my god! This is so cool! *kept on video-taping*
Bass: XD yeah! Who would know Ryou can dance like that!
Zero: WHOA! Look at what those guys are doing!
15 or more Guys: *flirting with Ryou*
Guy#4: Hey baby!
Guy#3: *whistles*
Guy#10: Looking good!
Ryou: >///< this is so embarrassing
~~~~~End tape~~~~
Everyone: *looks at Ryou*
Ryou: >_< don't-
Everyone: *starts laughing* XD
Ryou: >//////< SHUT THE -BEEP- UP!
All: …..no! *keeps laughing*
Ryou: >_< does anyone respect me anymore?!
Ryou-fan girls: WE DO!! WE LOVE YOU RYOU!
Ryou: >_> uhhh, never mind…
Riz: Anyways, let's continue! *grabs a tape* Hm? I have never seen this before…*shrugs and puts it on*
Riz/Sami/Bakura/Ryou: *watching a horror movie*
Sami/Riz: *getting scared* O_O
Ryou: *holding Sami's hand* (O_O)
Riz: No! No! Don't turn around! Run! Run!
Bakura: … X)
Jane: *turning around*
Riz: *widens her eyes as the girl slowly turning around*
Bakura: BOOOO!
Riz: AAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!! *jumps and holds on to Sami and kept on screaming* *slowly stops screaming and starts panting* oh my god!
Sami: ^^ Welcome back!
Riz: sorry *gets off of Sami and turns to Bakura, glaring at him* >_< KURA!
Bakura: ^^;; Now, don't take this seriously!
Riz: >_< ggrrr… *grabs the coffee table and lifts it up*
Ryou/Sami: o.O Riz?
Bakura: O_O OH BOY! *tries to run*
Riz: *smashes Bakura with the coffee table*
Bakura: Xx;; o-ow…
Ryou: …now that, he had coming….
~~~~~End tape~~~~~
Everyone except Bakura/Riz: …XD AHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHA!
Yami: XD Nice one Riz!
Riz: ^_^
Kiba: Whoa Bakura! That hurts a lot!
Bakura: …I was knocked out for 3 days…
Everyone: …*laughs even harder*
Bakura: Aw! Shut your traps you -HORN—RIBBIT-RIBBIT-ROAR-HAWK-HAWK- RIGHT NOW!
All: *shuts up*
Riz: humph, it was your fault for scaring me!
Bakura: That was the lamest horror movie I've seen!
Riz: >_< I'll deal with you later…anyways readers, hope you like this and I hope you forgive me for the very long, long, long, long, long, long delay! So see us for the next time on!
Riz: *winks* Please review and tell me what ya think!
Sorry for the long delay! Anyways, thank you all for the reviews!