Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Bottle of Rum, Pills and Fate ❯ Chapter 10

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Bottle of Rum, Pills and Fate
Chapter 10: Shut up slut, Shut up dog-boy!
One more fight...just one! Just like that, they were gone...so we were too...
Our Anniversaries...wooo...
~Kim's P.o.V.~
I groaned lightly and sat myself onto the trunk of mine and Seto's car, letting my legs dangle. "Alright...we can...go drive after her because she can't have gone that far yet..." Meg suggested. I shook my head,"Max runs for a reason, it's easier then looking at the bullshit in front of her..." I muttered, glaring at InuYasha. He had helped Kagome up and was wiping blood from her nose. "'Ey! I got it!" the dog-boy yelled, Joey Wheeler. "Shut up..." I muttered. "Naw, I mean how I got here!" he said,"I...got beat in a duel and this is the shadow realm!" Seto rolled his eyes and sat beside me. Meg and Sarah were sitting cross-legged on the ground playing Quarters while they were thinking. Jack and Will were pacing a bit, watching the game semi-interestedly. That punk ass dude who's name I found out to be Ethan was a jerk and I didn't even care what he was doing. "Maybe...she couldn't love InuYasha the same as he loved her..." Kagome said in a mock sweet voice. I glared at her,"Shut up slut..." I said. "So, who are ya looking for?" the dog-boy, Joey asked. "Our friend...and shut up dog-boy too..." Seto muttered. Other then Yugi and Pegasus, Seto despised Joey Wheeler with a burning passion like no other. I...agreed with him...completely. Dog-boy was annoying. We sat there for about ten minutes longer and waited to see what to do. The most interesting thing that happened was we locked the dog-boy Joey into the car and ordered food from the Olive Garden because we were all starving and we were right there. So we sat on the car trunks and ate, getting stares from people considering...well...considering the whole thing and the way we looked.
I straightened by long black skirt and pulled my boot cladden feet up on the bumper. The outfit I was wearing was very...sorta lady like even with the combat boots...other then the red and black shirt that said,'Back off BITCH!' on the back. But hell, I was original like that. Sarah and Meg were playing 'what would you do for a dollar'...so Sarah was in the middle of the parking lot with her arms and legs straight up going,"Photosynthesis...photosynthesis..." repeatedly, like a flower. I chuckled, thinking to myself,'Sarah Ashley Turner, pretty pink pastel...petunia...' Pink pastel was her choice of color. She looked the most normal out of all of us, other then the whole flower thing in the parking lot, just because she was wearing light blue jeans and a light pink blouse. Will was smiling a bit, I didn't know if he was surprised or just wanted to laugh, but when Meg decided she had earned her dollar; Will picked her up and kissed her gently. Me and Meg smirked at each other and said, just loudly enough for more stares,"Awwwwwww..." Sarah and Will turned red as a couple passed and laughed softly at them. The jerk punk ass guy Ethan rolled his eyes and muttered,"Fucking idiots..." I perked a brow and turned to him,"Then...why are you still here, huh?" I asked. "Because...Kagome's my..." he mumbled. "Your what, your...slut? Hooker? Whore?" Meg said, just a wee bit rudely,"Do you want to fuck your whore now too?" He glared at her. "No swearing! And...where are Kagome and InuYasha?" Sarah said. I looked around, they..."Are no where to be seen, Sarah..." I muttered, shrugging. Then reality hit,"FUCK! What if Max comes back, what the hell do we tell her?!" I yelled, standing up quickly, slipping off of the car's bumper. Seto caught me easily,"Calm down, Kim..." he said, smirking. "Hah...yea...sure..." I mumbled. "We're right here anyway..." InuYasha said, taking Kagome's hand as she stepped out of Max's and his car. All eyes turned to them. "You...you...you..." I was at a loss of words, then I saw Max on the sidewalk, watching them step out of the car together. Eyeliner and mascara smeared down her face and she was crying again. "Fuck..." I muttered softly. I...wanted to punch the living shit out of InuYasha and the slut now. So...I did.
~Meg's P.o.V.~
Kagome screamed and so did Sarah, Sarah out of shock I think. Kagome...screaming out of pain, considering Kim was beating the fucking snot out of her. Kim pulled her up off the ground and held her by her hair, turning her head towards to where Max was standing, crying. "LOOK AT HER YOU LITTLE SLUT, LOOK AT HER!" she screamed, she was crying too, out of anger. "Kim..." I whispered. "What?!" she snapped. "Kim...calm down...let...let her go, she's not worth it..." I said. "Please Kim..." Sarah said. "And...what about him?!" Kim asked, releasing Kagome. She fell to the ground, sobbing and that weird Ethan guy helped her up and he glared at us, walking off around the corner. Just like that, they were gone...so we were going to too?
InuYasha looked at Max. Max took her keys out and took off in their car. Jack looked at me,"C'mon love..." he whispered and we left too, Sarah and Will going in the backseat with us. Kim and Kaiba took off behind us and turned at the light towards their apartment. We didn't even think about InuYasha, but none of us gave a fuck about the mutt.
A bit later we arrived at our apartment alone, we had dropped off Sarah and Will. Jack collapsed in a chair,"Well then love...what's for dinner?" he asked, pulling me down into his lap. I laughed softly,"You just ate..." I whispered, kissing him. He kissed back,"Of course...then...you're my dessert eh love?" he whispered. I chuckled lightly and got off of him, pulling him to the bed room. Hell, it was our anniversary, right...
I yawned and pulled the blanket from Jack a bit later. The phone rang and I threw a pillow at it, making it go on speaker phone. "Hello?" Max asked. "Hey Max, what's up...it's...9 PM..." I said into the speaker phone. "Yup, what's up?" she asked. "Anniversary..." I said. "Oh...want me to let you go?" she asked. She laughed a bit, that was a good sign. "Ha, tis okay, we're um...done?" I replied. She chuckled,"Alright...um, have you seen InuYasha?" she asked. "He hasn't come home?" I asked, stretching and picking up the reciever. "No..." she muttered softly. "Called Sarah and Kim?" I asked, wrapping the blanket around me. "Sarah's not picking up and the babysitter says Kim isn't home..." she replied. "Sarah's having an anniversary I guess, haha..." I said. She laughed softly again,"Duh, sorry I called Meg...I'm just...worried..." she said. "No, tis okay, want me to come over...Jack's asleep now so I can help you look for him..." I suggested. "If you want..." she replied. "Alright, be over in...half hour..." I said, hanging up and throwing the blanket on my sleeping husband and showering and changing into jeans and a black t-shirt. Our anniversaries...wooo...and Max got herself heartbroken again it seemed. Yea, our anniversaries, wooo...
~Our anniversaries...woo indeed...where is InuYasha now too? Damn him and damn Kagome! That slut bitch! She must die...but no...she got the pulp beaten out of her so...it's all good...heh til' next time...~