Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ chaotic halloween party! ❯ ch 1: GET THIS PARTY STARTED!! ( Chapter 1 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chaotic halloween party
me: well, i have the first few guests arrive and i still accept late comers,read ch 1 for info needed.
lets start this party!!!
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ch 1: starting the party!
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shane was at home, in his giant castle, which had fifty stories, fifty bedrooms,fifty bathrooms,ten arcades, twenty party rooms and a XBOX,gamecube, A PS2 and lots of games to go with them.
shane was currently putting up his halloween decorations for his halloween party he was holding later in the night, he had personally invited some of his friends and was expecting them to come in just a few minutes.
shane was wearing a count dracula costume and was currently on the fiftyith story of his castle,finishing putting the decorations up.
the outside of his castle didnt need decorations,because it looked like it was already decorated,tho the truth was,being lord of the northern lands and having enimies was tough, and his castle was always hurt some how.
'i must remember to hire a caprenter to fix up this old relic someday' thought shane to himself.
shane,with his special powers of darkness and over ten hours of concentrating, he was able to bring his castle from feudal era into the future in a secluded spot where it was just his house but where there also was electricity.
DING DONG!! went the doorbell that was just installed.
shane then flips a switch to speak through a hidden speaker.
"kagura, can you please go and answer the door, im on the fiftyith floor and will be down in about five minutes." asked shane.
"yes shane." obeyed kagura who went and answered the door.
kagura didnt like shane too much, but she did as told, seeing as he invited her to the party and that she was the first to arrive.
kagura was wearing a sexy devil's costume with the small devil ears and a devils tail,instead of a pitchfork, she had her fan.
as soon as kagura answered the door, a man in a grim reaper costume was standing there, he had one left metal hand which could produce electricity, a right metal arm which could stretch any length he wished,his skin was as dark as the night itself, he had bloody red eyes which went great with his costume,he looked to be 17 and he had shoulder length black hair in dreadlocks and there was a raptors tail sticking out from the bottom of his costume.
"welcome to the party." greeted kagura.
"where is the host?" asked the person in the grim reaper costume.
"right here!" yelled shane.
"well, if it isn't jidus who decided to show up first." said shane.
"hello to you as well shane."
"i see you got my invite,so, where are your brothers?"
"they should be here with jidarus in 5......4......3.......2.....1........."
after jidus stopped counting, six people, all in black clothes and cloaks fell from the air and landed on the ground with an "oof."
"jidarus you asshole! when will you learn to never and try to copy jidus!?" yelled one brother who wore a black cloak and black clothes underneath and black sneakers .
"shut it dark link!" yelled jidarus at the man now known as dark link.
"dark link is right,why try and be someone who your not?" asked a person with a mask on and a black cloak, with clothes also under neath it.
"shut up majora!" yelled a pissed off jidarus.
just then, the other three brothers, circled around jidarus and spoke.
"jidarus, next time,maybe you should travel alone." said another brother in a black leather jacket with a black shirt,pants and combat boots, also black said.
"pred,it wasnt all of jidarus's fault." replied another brother who wore the same type of clothes that jidus wore.
"dark chris, jidarus decided to mimc jidus, and apparently, jidarus knows nothing of jidus's power of shadows." replied another brother who wore a cloak made out of shadows with a ninja outfit underneath it.
"shadow, you better shut your trap!" yelled jidarus who was wearing a black cloak like everyone else, but is tattered at the bottom with a black kimono with red lining.
"i forgot, how much trouble jidarus gets himself into." said shane to jidus.
jidus just nods in agreement.
shane then walks over to the six arguing brothers.
"okay,seeing as the six of you arent in costume, you will be my six gaurds for the party, the only thing you get is a break every two hours and a bag of chips, and a six pack of soda each every two hours. the other time, you cannot come in until the party is over." explained shane.
"and why should we listen o you?" asked jidarus.
"because i beat all of you in a fair fight,dont you all remember that?" asked shane.
"fin then, but just because i feel like it." said jidarus who left for outside, followed by his five other brothers.
a few minutes later, another guest had arrived.
a girl around sixteen, who was in a fallen angel costume had arrived,she had blue eyes,chin length curly dark brown hair which was parted to one side, and she wore a weird type of necklace, which probally hid her demon features. she also stood about five foot six.
standing beside the girl was a wolf demon,named koga with her. (sorry but someone else has inuyasha and i dont know who is who from YYH)
"hello, varan, glad you could make it to the party." greeted shane.
"hi." greetd back varan.
"yes, what is it?"
"could you please take your neckalce off, i know you are trying to hide the fact that your a wolf hanyou." replied shane.
"h....how did you know?" asked varan.
"because im a wolf youkai." replied shane as he took off his count dracula medallion.
as soon as shane took off the medallion, shane had black inu type ears on his head with black streaks to match his hair and his silvery blue eyes, his wolf tail was also visible,the tail was as well black and had blue streaks in it.
varan noticed this, and decided to do as told.
when her necklace was off, varan had blue eyes with cat slitted pupils,brown wolf ears, a brown wolf tail, fangs and claws.
"varan, you may go and make yourself comfortable over there by the couch that jidus is sitting beside." explained shane.
"oh, and you can put the tv on as well if you want." added in shane.
"where is the tv.?" asked a curious varan.
shane then walks over to a blank wall and pushes a hidden stone switch and out, popped a movie theatre sized plasma tv with 2000 channels.
shan then handed the remote to varan and as soon as she turned the tv on, out popped a huge stereo system from under the floor and on the current channel was YYH. ( i have heard about the show, but have never seen it before)
not even five minutes later,jidarus's voice came from a hidden speaker.
"shane,we have two guests out here,should we let them in?" asked jidarus over the intercom.
"what are they're names?" asked shane.
there was a brief pause before jidarus spoke again.
"they are riana and creciall." replied jidarus.
"and riana has a boy named seto kaiba with her, while creciall has a hanyou named inuyasha." added in majora.
"let them in, i invited them." replied shane.
as soon as creciall and riana entered this is what they wore:
riana wore a cat girl costume, with orangey red fur,orangey red cat ears with white tips, sky blue eyes, red hair that goes down to her waist,she stood five foot four.
creciall was wearing a sexy witch costume which included the fishnet stockings for the legs, the pointy hat, a broomstick, she also had milky white skin,slim,she was about five foot six, copper red hair that stop at her calves and aqua blue eyes,she had fuzzy silver cat ears on her head, a long cat tail. beside her was inuyasha.
inuyasha wasnt dressed up and seto was dressed up as a male devil to go with riana's costume.
the next person to enter was another of shane's friends.
this girl was wearing a sexy devil costume as well,just like kaguras,but she had the pitchfork instead of her fan,the girl was about sixteen,she had blue green eyes with black hair with golden brown highlights that went to her waist,she was about five foot one,had curves and beside her was yami who was wearing a pharoah costume.
"SHANE!" yelled the girl.
shane turns around and notices his friend standing there.
"JACQUELYN! good to see you again." replied shane.
the two friends then give eachother a quick hug. (little note: me and jacquelyn are the best of friends,everyone else are good friends.)
shane then walks over to the stereo system and turns on some halloween music.
after putting the music on,shane then goes into the kitchen and asks riana and jacquelyn to come with him.
after spending five minutes in there, the three friends come out with two bowls in each hand full of chips and on their fingers was a six pack of pop.
this party had just begun and would end in three days (party starts oct 29 and ends nov 1)
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end chapter one.
note to arashi: im sorry, but i can only put you into this story if you can think of other ppl besides inuyasha and koga seeing as inuyasha and koga are taken.
note to riana: i forgive you for not letting me in your halloween party, but if you just asked, i could have thought of a different pairing besides serenity.
latecomers are accepted.
i hope i update soon ^__^
me: well, i have the first few guests arrive and i still accept late comers,read ch 1 for info needed.
lets start this party!!!
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ch 1: starting the party!
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shane was at home, in his giant castle, which had fifty stories, fifty bedrooms,fifty bathrooms,ten arcades, twenty party rooms and a XBOX,gamecube, A PS2 and lots of games to go with them.
shane was currently putting up his halloween decorations for his halloween party he was holding later in the night, he had personally invited some of his friends and was expecting them to come in just a few minutes.
shane was wearing a count dracula costume and was currently on the fiftyith story of his castle,finishing putting the decorations up.
the outside of his castle didnt need decorations,because it looked like it was already decorated,tho the truth was,being lord of the northern lands and having enimies was tough, and his castle was always hurt some how.
'i must remember to hire a caprenter to fix up this old relic someday' thought shane to himself.
shane,with his special powers of darkness and over ten hours of concentrating, he was able to bring his castle from feudal era into the future in a secluded spot where it was just his house but where there also was electricity.
DING DONG!! went the doorbell that was just installed.
shane then flips a switch to speak through a hidden speaker.
"kagura, can you please go and answer the door, im on the fiftyith floor and will be down in about five minutes." asked shane.
"yes shane." obeyed kagura who went and answered the door.
kagura didnt like shane too much, but she did as told, seeing as he invited her to the party and that she was the first to arrive.
kagura was wearing a sexy devil's costume with the small devil ears and a devils tail,instead of a pitchfork, she had her fan.
as soon as kagura answered the door, a man in a grim reaper costume was standing there, he had one left metal hand which could produce electricity, a right metal arm which could stretch any length he wished,his skin was as dark as the night itself, he had bloody red eyes which went great with his costume,he looked to be 17 and he had shoulder length black hair in dreadlocks and there was a raptors tail sticking out from the bottom of his costume.
"welcome to the party." greeted kagura.
"where is the host?" asked the person in the grim reaper costume.
"right here!" yelled shane.
"well, if it isn't jidus who decided to show up first." said shane.
"hello to you as well shane."
"i see you got my invite,so, where are your brothers?"
"they should be here with jidarus in 5......4......3.......2.....1........."
after jidus stopped counting, six people, all in black clothes and cloaks fell from the air and landed on the ground with an "oof."
"jidarus you asshole! when will you learn to never and try to copy jidus!?" yelled one brother who wore a black cloak and black clothes underneath and black sneakers .
"shut it dark link!" yelled jidarus at the man now known as dark link.
"dark link is right,why try and be someone who your not?" asked a person with a mask on and a black cloak, with clothes also under neath it.
"shut up majora!" yelled a pissed off jidarus.
just then, the other three brothers, circled around jidarus and spoke.
"jidarus, next time,maybe you should travel alone." said another brother in a black leather jacket with a black shirt,pants and combat boots, also black said.
"pred,it wasnt all of jidarus's fault." replied another brother who wore the same type of clothes that jidus wore.
"dark chris, jidarus decided to mimc jidus, and apparently, jidarus knows nothing of jidus's power of shadows." replied another brother who wore a cloak made out of shadows with a ninja outfit underneath it.
"shadow, you better shut your trap!" yelled jidarus who was wearing a black cloak like everyone else, but is tattered at the bottom with a black kimono with red lining.
"i forgot, how much trouble jidarus gets himself into." said shane to jidus.
jidus just nods in agreement.
shane then walks over to the six arguing brothers.
"okay,seeing as the six of you arent in costume, you will be my six gaurds for the party, the only thing you get is a break every two hours and a bag of chips, and a six pack of soda each every two hours. the other time, you cannot come in until the party is over." explained shane.
"and why should we listen o you?" asked jidarus.
"because i beat all of you in a fair fight,dont you all remember that?" asked shane.
"fin then, but just because i feel like it." said jidarus who left for outside, followed by his five other brothers.
a few minutes later, another guest had arrived.
a girl around sixteen, who was in a fallen angel costume had arrived,she had blue eyes,chin length curly dark brown hair which was parted to one side, and she wore a weird type of necklace, which probally hid her demon features. she also stood about five foot six.
standing beside the girl was a wolf demon,named koga with her. (sorry but someone else has inuyasha and i dont know who is who from YYH)
"hello, varan, glad you could make it to the party." greeted shane.
"hi." greetd back varan.
"yes, what is it?"
"could you please take your neckalce off, i know you are trying to hide the fact that your a wolf hanyou." replied shane.
"h....how did you know?" asked varan.
"because im a wolf youkai." replied shane as he took off his count dracula medallion.
as soon as shane took off the medallion, shane had black inu type ears on his head with black streaks to match his hair and his silvery blue eyes, his wolf tail was also visible,the tail was as well black and had blue streaks in it.
varan noticed this, and decided to do as told.
when her necklace was off, varan had blue eyes with cat slitted pupils,brown wolf ears, a brown wolf tail, fangs and claws.
"varan, you may go and make yourself comfortable over there by the couch that jidus is sitting beside." explained shane.
"oh, and you can put the tv on as well if you want." added in shane.
"where is the tv.?" asked a curious varan.
shane then walks over to a blank wall and pushes a hidden stone switch and out, popped a movie theatre sized plasma tv with 2000 channels.
shan then handed the remote to varan and as soon as she turned the tv on, out popped a huge stereo system from under the floor and on the current channel was YYH. ( i have heard about the show, but have never seen it before)
not even five minutes later,jidarus's voice came from a hidden speaker.
"shane,we have two guests out here,should we let them in?" asked jidarus over the intercom.
"what are they're names?" asked shane.
there was a brief pause before jidarus spoke again.
"they are riana and creciall." replied jidarus.
"and riana has a boy named seto kaiba with her, while creciall has a hanyou named inuyasha." added in majora.
"let them in, i invited them." replied shane.
as soon as creciall and riana entered this is what they wore:
riana wore a cat girl costume, with orangey red fur,orangey red cat ears with white tips, sky blue eyes, red hair that goes down to her waist,she stood five foot four.
creciall was wearing a sexy witch costume which included the fishnet stockings for the legs, the pointy hat, a broomstick, she also had milky white skin,slim,she was about five foot six, copper red hair that stop at her calves and aqua blue eyes,she had fuzzy silver cat ears on her head, a long cat tail. beside her was inuyasha.
inuyasha wasnt dressed up and seto was dressed up as a male devil to go with riana's costume.
the next person to enter was another of shane's friends.
this girl was wearing a sexy devil costume as well,just like kaguras,but she had the pitchfork instead of her fan,the girl was about sixteen,she had blue green eyes with black hair with golden brown highlights that went to her waist,she was about five foot one,had curves and beside her was yami who was wearing a pharoah costume.
"SHANE!" yelled the girl.
shane turns around and notices his friend standing there.
"JACQUELYN! good to see you again." replied shane.
the two friends then give eachother a quick hug. (little note: me and jacquelyn are the best of friends,everyone else are good friends.)
shane then walks over to the stereo system and turns on some halloween music.
after putting the music on,shane then goes into the kitchen and asks riana and jacquelyn to come with him.
after spending five minutes in there, the three friends come out with two bowls in each hand full of chips and on their fingers was a six pack of pop.
this party had just begun and would end in three days (party starts oct 29 and ends nov 1)
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end chapter one.
note to arashi: im sorry, but i can only put you into this story if you can think of other ppl besides inuyasha and koga seeing as inuyasha and koga are taken.
note to riana: i forgive you for not letting me in your halloween party, but if you just asked, i could have thought of a different pairing besides serenity.
latecomers are accepted.
i hope i update soon ^__^