Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Inu and YGO Stuff! Anzu and Kag torture! ❯ OMG! STOP THE TERROR!....NOT =D ( Chapter 3 )

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Inu and YGO Fan Fic Torture Anzu and Kag! Part 2- ONG! O-o;
Whoo! ^^ don't for get to review/comment! =D And also check out my art work! ^-^ I'll be adding up some Inu and YGO art soon ^^
Bakura: -sigh- I'm getting bored of these two >.>
Anzu and Kag: YAY! ^-^
Me: How can you get BORED of torturing these two?!
Bakura: o-o; you're right! =D -goes to torture some more-
Anzu and Kag: NO! D=
Me: YAY! =D
Back to Inu's world o-o
Inu: you're back? -.-
Me: yes. If I weren't, you wouldn't be here :3
Inu: true >_>
Jonouchi: -yawns- So….when do we get into some action? <_<
Me: When I'm not to lazy to type it up ^-^
Back to the shadow realm
Bakura: Bwahahaha! ^-^
Anzu: Look, Bakura, why don't we all just be friends! Friends who don't torture each other? Because friends are the most important thing there is! Friendship matter the most! =D FRIENDSHIP—
Bakura: sucks -.-; -zaps her with ray thingy-
Anzu: -turns black- ;-;
Kag: haha! ^_^
Anzu: You're supposed to be on MY side, here! -__-;
Kag: >_> I don't have to.
Bakura: -zaps her too- will you both SHUT. UP?! -____________-*
Kag and Anzu: Dx
Kag: but— but….o-o Do you wanna see me take a bath? =DDD
Bakura: o-o; uhm….no. >_> I can see why Cat-Ears thinks your obscure….
Kag: ._.
Anzu: why don't we all just be good friends? What's wrong with that?!
Me: -pops in- SHUT UP WITH YOUR STUPID SPEECHES! -_-; oh, btw, o-o atem hates you!
Anzu: D= NOOOO!
I'm done for the day. >_> give me some comments and ideas ^_^ I'll make sure to credit you =D
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