Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / Naruto Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Anime-niacs ❯ Who Dun It?!?!?!? ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

From The Last Chapter:
Suddenly sand swirled around Inuyasha covering him completely. Gaara lifted him up off the ground and was about to crush him when a sound came from the river…..
“It's time to D-D-D-Duel!”
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“What the hell?” shouted Naruto.
Sailing over the river with a steam boat were three figures, one with exceptionally weird hair. Even though they were in a battle Hinata couldn't help but giggle slightly at the hair. Wait did I say giggle slightly? What I really meant was she threw herself down on the ground laughing hysterically gasping for breath.
The kid with the weird hair jumped off the boat and said “what business do you six have with the pharaoh?”
Hinata's eyes were bulging with her trying to contain her laughter.
The kid with the weird hair narrowed his eyes.
“Yu-gi don't take it personally but you do have some crazy hair” said one of the kids from the boat.
You're not helping Joey!” said ``the pharaoh'', “So which one of you sent for me?”
Inuyasha was struggling against the sand. Gaara ignoring the kid with the crazy hair went back to dealing with Inuyasha when an arrow pierced the sand. Inuyasha plummeted to the ground.
“oof! You couldn't give me a softer landing could you Kagome? Figures for a human” Inuyasha chuckled “now you're going down Sand Jerk!!!”
“Is that the best insult you could come up with?” said Gaara flatly
“Yu-gi” said the other guy from the boat.
“Yeah Seto?” said Yu-gi
“I set it up so our duel monsters can work in this enviorment and attack physical beings” said Seto Kaiba
“Yeah now were in the game!!!” shouted Joey, “Go Red Eyes Black Dragon! We'll show them to ignore the pharaoh”
A giant black dragon with red eyes (duh!) appeared.
“Attack that sand kid, he gives me the creeps!”
A huge black blast flew toward Gaara and wrapped itself around him. It hit before his sand shield could go up. Naruto must have seen it hit him before he could protect himself because he yelled
When the smoke cleared there was Gaara hit smoking and obviously dead. Naruto ran to his friend.
Naruto put his hand down to check his pulse when Gaara started cracking and falling apart. Naruto smiled inwardly `that's right no one can beat Gaara that easily' once the body of the kaze-kage turned into a pile of sand.
“what” Joey yelled.
Joey gasped and fell over, behind him stood Gaara without a scratch on him. Gaara had hit his back in the right place making Joey fall unconscious.
Kagome knew she had to stop this before one of her friends got hurt. That sand kid was no one to mess with. “No one sent for you Pharaoh”
“What do you mean by that” said ``Pharaoh'' boy.
“We were sent a letter telling us to meet here as well” said Kagome.
“So were we” said Naruto
Suddenly a sound from behind them made them all turn. Standing amused was….OROCHIMARU?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?