Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ The Plotless Story ❯ Chapter 2
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
A/N: So, my brother watches other anime besides DBZ and Yugioh, but I don't really, so it is still going to be basically a story of only DBZ, Yugioh, and Pokemon. Yeah, and we'll add in some other shows later on if you suggest it in a review. And if you don't want to read this you don't have to, but you'll all go to hell! Ahahahahaha...well not really, yeah, if anyone even reads the authors note. Grrr... Anyway, please review.
Disclaimer: We don't own nothing and never will.
The Plotless Story
Yugi: I'm 14 and in high school, is this strange or something because some person, in a review, put this many question marks '?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????' Thats 90 question marks, just in case you were wondering... anyway thanks for the review.
Ash: You counted the question marks?
Yugi: Yeah, is there something wrong with that?
Goten: Yes.
Chibi Gohan: Hmm, someone can't believe that Yugi is 14 and in High school, yet it's believable that he's like 2 feet tall and in High school?
Gohan: Yes it is belivable so shut up you little scardy cat!
Chibi Gohan: Well, why don't you shut you nerd! Why are you wearing those glasses again?
Piccolo: What the hell?! Why are there two Gohan's?!
DB Chibi Goku: It's pretty simple.
GT Chibi Goku: You see, there are some of us from the future...
Mirai Trunks: Yes, such as me, which is Mirai Trunks, which means future Trunks, which obviously means that I am from the future.
Bakura: Oookay.
DB Chibi Goku: And some of us are from different series...
GT Chibi Goku: Like me.
Seto: Wait, Wait,WAIT!! We already went over this.
Piccolo: Yeah, and it doesn't answer my question, why is there two Gohan's?
Everyone shrugs their shoulders, which so far includes two chibi Goku's, two Gohan's, Yugi, Goten, Bakura, Mirai Trunks...*about 10 other characters fall from the sky* uhh, and a lot of other characters who shrug their shoulders for no reason.
Krillin: How did I get here?
Mai: Where exactly is here? And why am I talking to a bald midget who has no life?
Mirai Trunks: I don't know, but don't you think I'm so cute?
Gohan: No, she thinks I'm cute don't you?
Mai: Actually I always liked Joey.
Mokuba: Man you got to stop that.
Krillin: Hey, are you a guy or a girl?
Mokuba: Geez, I'm a guy!
Krillin: It's an honest mistake, you know, with your long hair and you wearing a dress.
Mirai Trunks: Yeah, and a pink one at that. Hey, Dad, we should get one for you seeing as how you love pink.
Vegeta: I do not like pink! Bulma made me wear it!
Mirai Trunks: You didn't have to keep wearing it. In fact why do you have it on now?
Vegeta: Well... *goes SSJ4 and attacks Mirai Trunks*
Goku: That wasn't nice. You shouldn't do that to your son... from the future. Okay never mind he's not really your son.
Tea: Uhhhh?..........
Goku: What are you waiting for?
Chibi Gohan: Ahhhh, a monster!
Goku: Son, are you okay?
Seto: No actualy he's right, she is a monster. Someone should kill it.
Goku goes SSJ4 and kills Tea.
Mirai Trunks: Hey, you guys do know that Vegeta is kicking my ass right in front of you guys right?
Piccolo: Ohh so he is. Come on everyone grab something to eat and lets watch Vegeta kill Trunks.
Chibi Gohan: Wait, I thought Nameks only drink water.
Piccolo: Hmm, interesting. Anyway, wasn't DB Chibi Goku supposed to tell us what he thought of the Nappa Saga of The Fusions? As in, read the fic called THE FUSIONS?
DB Chibi Goku: Yes, it was very good?
Mirai Trunks: Why isn't anyone helping me?!
Krillin: What, you're not dead yet? Hey, how do Vegeta and Goku know how to go SSJ4, and aren't they supposed to turn into giant golden Oozaru first? I would think that would have destroyed the place that we are.
Goku: Wait a second. Where are we?
Chibi Gohan: Wow, Dad actually asked an intellectual question. That's scary.
Trunks: You're right he actually said something smart. Somethings gone terribly wrong.
Mirai Trunks: Yes it has, and I'm STILL getting KILLED BY VEGETA!
Gohan: Then why don't you just die already? Then all the girls will love me.
Goten: No then they will love me cause I'm cuter, and I don't have glasses.
Bakura: Hey, since there's people from three anime, what place are we at?
So you guys get to choose where they are. Should they be in:
1.) Pokemon World
2.) Dragonball Z World
3.) Yugioh World
4.) Some Happy Place that will Instantly Kill Tea
Anyway, what will the characters do in the next chapter? Is Goku actually becoming smart? And why the hell won't anyone help Mirai Trunks, who I think would have been killed by now. Oh well, R&R, and don't mind flames. Also, tell us who else you want in this random fiction.
Disclaimer: We don't own nothing and never will.
The Plotless Story
Yugi: I'm 14 and in high school, is this strange or something because some person, in a review, put this many question marks '?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????' Thats 90 question marks, just in case you were wondering... anyway thanks for the review.
Ash: You counted the question marks?
Yugi: Yeah, is there something wrong with that?
Goten: Yes.
Chibi Gohan: Hmm, someone can't believe that Yugi is 14 and in High school, yet it's believable that he's like 2 feet tall and in High school?
Gohan: Yes it is belivable so shut up you little scardy cat!
Chibi Gohan: Well, why don't you shut you nerd! Why are you wearing those glasses again?
Piccolo: What the hell?! Why are there two Gohan's?!
DB Chibi Goku: It's pretty simple.
GT Chibi Goku: You see, there are some of us from the future...
Mirai Trunks: Yes, such as me, which is Mirai Trunks, which means future Trunks, which obviously means that I am from the future.
Bakura: Oookay.
DB Chibi Goku: And some of us are from different series...
GT Chibi Goku: Like me.
Seto: Wait, Wait,WAIT!! We already went over this.
Piccolo: Yeah, and it doesn't answer my question, why is there two Gohan's?
Everyone shrugs their shoulders, which so far includes two chibi Goku's, two Gohan's, Yugi, Goten, Bakura, Mirai Trunks...*about 10 other characters fall from the sky* uhh, and a lot of other characters who shrug their shoulders for no reason.
Krillin: How did I get here?
Mai: Where exactly is here? And why am I talking to a bald midget who has no life?
Mirai Trunks: I don't know, but don't you think I'm so cute?
Gohan: No, she thinks I'm cute don't you?
Mai: Actually I always liked Joey.
Mokuba: Man you got to stop that.
Krillin: Hey, are you a guy or a girl?
Mokuba: Geez, I'm a guy!
Krillin: It's an honest mistake, you know, with your long hair and you wearing a dress.
Mirai Trunks: Yeah, and a pink one at that. Hey, Dad, we should get one for you seeing as how you love pink.
Vegeta: I do not like pink! Bulma made me wear it!
Mirai Trunks: You didn't have to keep wearing it. In fact why do you have it on now?
Vegeta: Well... *goes SSJ4 and attacks Mirai Trunks*
Goku: That wasn't nice. You shouldn't do that to your son... from the future. Okay never mind he's not really your son.
Tea: Uhhhh?..........
Goku: What are you waiting for?
Chibi Gohan: Ahhhh, a monster!
Goku: Son, are you okay?
Seto: No actualy he's right, she is a monster. Someone should kill it.
Goku goes SSJ4 and kills Tea.
Mirai Trunks: Hey, you guys do know that Vegeta is kicking my ass right in front of you guys right?
Piccolo: Ohh so he is. Come on everyone grab something to eat and lets watch Vegeta kill Trunks.
Chibi Gohan: Wait, I thought Nameks only drink water.
Piccolo: Hmm, interesting. Anyway, wasn't DB Chibi Goku supposed to tell us what he thought of the Nappa Saga of The Fusions? As in, read the fic called THE FUSIONS?
DB Chibi Goku: Yes, it was very good?
Mirai Trunks: Why isn't anyone helping me?!
Krillin: What, you're not dead yet? Hey, how do Vegeta and Goku know how to go SSJ4, and aren't they supposed to turn into giant golden Oozaru first? I would think that would have destroyed the place that we are.
Goku: Wait a second. Where are we?
Chibi Gohan: Wow, Dad actually asked an intellectual question. That's scary.
Trunks: You're right he actually said something smart. Somethings gone terribly wrong.
Mirai Trunks: Yes it has, and I'm STILL getting KILLED BY VEGETA!
Gohan: Then why don't you just die already? Then all the girls will love me.
Goten: No then they will love me cause I'm cuter, and I don't have glasses.
Bakura: Hey, since there's people from three anime, what place are we at?
So you guys get to choose where they are. Should they be in:
1.) Pokemon World
2.) Dragonball Z World
3.) Yugioh World
4.) Some Happy Place that will Instantly Kill Tea
Anyway, what will the characters do in the next chapter? Is Goku actually becoming smart? And why the hell won't anyone help Mirai Trunks, who I think would have been killed by now. Oh well, R&R, and don't mind flames. Also, tell us who else you want in this random fiction.