Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ PokePower Rangers ❯ Epilogue ( Epilogue )

[ A - All Readers ]

Once upon a time when pokemon did not exist yet, there was a continent of
intelligent dinosaurs with the powers to control the elements. To the north, the T. Rex
controlled fire. To the south lived the Triceratops, who controlled water. To the East, the
Brachiosaur controlled the wind. To the East, the Stegosaur controlled earth. Surrounding
the center of the island was the Dragons. They were really not dinosaurs because they evolved faster than the others. They controlled the electricity and were the honor guards of the leader. The leader was wise and knew how to control all the powers. His name was Velociraptor as was his species named after him. V.R. (you spell that name over and over) was the one who held the main stones that allowed the dinosaurs to control their powers. But, one day, a human had washed up on the shore. His name was Bakura and he had brought with him scroll and the Millennium Ring. Using the two, he conjured up monsters from the Shadow realm that obeyed him loyally. V.R. knew at once that war was inevitable. So the two leaders sent out their armies, each side equally matched. Finally, it was down to V.R. and Bakura making one last strike. But, V.R. had other plans. He sealed himself into a diamond and hid the jewels of the dinosaurs. These were what Bakura were after. So he also sealed himself placing a spell that would wake him up when someone would discover the stones and take them for himself.