Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Wild Senshi ❯ the $10 million dollar testie ( Prologue )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Scene: A fight in Juban

A young man was fighting something that looked like a harpy. "Come on, bitch!" he said. The young man was in all black. He wore a muscle shirt, slacks, fighting gloves, boots and a trench coat.

`Hi, I'm Ranma Saotome.'

The harpy started to take off, "Oh no you don't! Venus!" Ranma said as his hands glowed orange. "Love me chain encircle!" A chain of orange hearts wrapped around its ankle it lifted off with him.

`I know this is going to sound crazy but I'm the leader of the Sailor Senshi.'

He started to climb up to the harpy and got on her back. "Mercury!" the martial artist said as his hands started to glow ice blue and he formed blocks of ice around them. "Multi arctic punch!" screamed the youth as he rained down punches on the harpy's body.

`I know what you're thinking, *how can a guy lead an all-girl team?* Well, I'll tell you.'

The harpy started to fall so it was time to finish her off. He got off of her; flip kicked her down on to a roof of a building. Then he rained down blasts on her, "Multi roaring lion's bullet!"

After the harpy was turned to dust, the Senshi came running over to congratulate him. "Nice going Silver!" said Moon, and he made a face.

"You know I hate that name!" Ranma said with a grimace on his face.

`It all started one day.'

Prologue: The ten million dollar teste.

Scene: Saotome Manor

It had been ten and a half months since the manor was rebuilt and Ranma was helping his mother move her things back in. "Well, that's the last box," he said while setting it down.

"Thank you dear. Why don't you stay with me this weekend?" Nodoka asked. Therefore he agreed and called Kasumi about what was going on.

Nodoka went into her purse and pulls out some money. "Here, why don't you go and get some lunch?" she asked him while handing the money to him. Leaving the house, he went to get some lunch at a local restaurant. Not knowing what fate has in store for him this time.

Scene: Yoma Park

The Sailor Senshi were fighting a group of monsters using teamwork like they should. One of the monsters decided to find a weakness in the team. Therefore the yoma decided to rip off Sailor Moon's eternal broach. "Oh no you don't!" exclaimed Uranus as she kicked it out of the yoma's hand.

It flew across the street to a restaurant with a patio; it landed into a bowl of ramen. A young man came back out and sat down at the table that had the ramen on it. The young man ate the ramen without noticing the broach, eating the broach and all. He then looked over at the battle and sighed as a yoma was about to attack him.

Scene: Restaurant

Ranma had just returned from the restroom, getting some hot water to change back. He sat down and finished up his ramen lunch. As he swallowed, he looked over and saw a yoma running over to him.

Scene: With the Senshi.

"We got to get the broach back!" proclaimed Mars, while Mercury was searching for it. She found it and they started to head over to where the broach was and the yoma followed trying to stop them. That was when they saw the young man finish the bowl of ramen and the yoma started its attack.

Ranma finished his lunch and paid for it but when he stood up he saw a yoma making its attack. He smirked, "Well I guess I should work off this food. Come on!" the martial artist said with confidence in his voice. As the yoma attacked, Ranma fought back in self defense, and then started to treat the yoma like a tennis ball. Beating the living daylights out of the creature and barely breaking a sweat.

He then slammed it against a wall and started to fire ki blasts against it and the last one turned it into dust. Ranma was a little miffed over the whole ordeal, "I tell you… Can't even eat lunch in peace," the youth said, just as he looked over and saw the Senshi.

The young man was stunned from the sight, "Whoa…" was all he could say. It seemed the one in ice blue was looking at him through a visor and was shocked.

She then walked over to him, "Excuse me, but would you mind helping us for a minute?" Mercury asked politely.

"I'll do what I can. What do you need?" he replied as Mercury led him to their leader. The pony tailed blond was pale and was in nothing but ribbons. She was also breathing hard.

"I'm looking at you right now and you have the eternal broach in your system." Mercury informed the young man. Ranma himself was a little confused. "Eternal broach? What's that?" he queried. Mercury then showed him on her computer what she was talking about. However, not being too familiar with computers, he just sweat dropped and blinked a bit.

"Whoa, how'd the hell did that get into my system?" Ranma asked irritatedly not liking that he had some freaky magical item inside of him at the moment.

"We don't know and what's surprising is I can't find the crystal," she explained.

The others were shocked and looked at the brainy Senshi. "Can't find the crystal?" they all asked.

Ranma was confused, "Crystal?" Mercury showed him a part of the broach that was missing. "I see, look I said that I would help and I will," he said, "Just tell what I have to do."

Therefore Mercury explained that he had to use his life energy and connect it to the broach. After he got that she then told him to place his hand where the ribbons were all connected to on Sailor Moon's chest. Finally she explained to him to concentrate and will the broach back to where it was supposed to be. Doing as he was told, Ranma willed the broach back onto Sailor Moon and therefore caused her to transform back into her senshi uniform. Albeit that she was now a bit weak and feeling light headed with the sudden loss of the Ginzuisho.

`How did that happen?' thought the others, while unknown to them, Ranma's subconscious gave Sailor Moon enough power to stay in her eternal form until she and the senshi were able to get away from the public eye and transform back into their street clothing. The senshi of the Moon had finally started to come around, once her eyes opened she saw Ranma looking down at her.

"Are you alright?" he asked in a concerned tone of voice. Usagi couldn't believe it, it was one of the premier martial artists that she had read about in the Nerima weekly. Copy writed by Nabiki Tendo. Not trusting her voice, she gently nodded; he smiled and helped her up. "Well I better go," he said as he gave a two-finger salute and left.

Everyone of the Senshi started talking as soon as Ranma had left. "That was him!" exclaimed Venus, "That was Ranma Saotome!"

"Yeah, it sure was," said Jupiter dreamily, thinking he looked like her old sempai, scratch that better than her old sempai.

However, it was then Mercury got a reading on the crystal and she spoke up. "What's really amazing is that he has the crystal still in him," Mercury stated in a hushed tone of voice.

The others looked over to her in shock. "THE CRYSTAL'S STILL IN HIM!?!?" they all screamed.

"We need to get it back and fast! There is no telling what will happen with it gone, especially to Sailor Moon!" Mars said heatedly. Knowing it was bad to leave the Ginzuisho inside Ranma.

Scene: Saotome Manor

Ranma and Nodoka settled in and started talking about what had happened during the day. After their talk, he helped her with dinner. During dinner talked about where he was thinking about going to college. "Aw mom… I don't need school. I'm jus' gonna be a martial artist and teach the art," he explained to his mother.

"Son now listen here," she said to him in a tone that brook no arguments, "you are going to college. Even the best martial artists have a degree and know how to run their own school, keep their own books and promote the art but also the use of one's mind," she finished off. "Besides I have a doctorate in Physical education."

This left Ranma stunned at her revelation. Knowing she was right, he decided not to argue and sat there for a few moments before speaking again. "Well… I was thinking about going to Tokyo University…" he said hesitantly.

"Ah, my old school," Nodoka said thinking about what it was like going there.

"You went to `Toky U'?" Ranma asked in surprise. She nodded and sat silent while he digested all of this new information. Ranma was impressed, "Wow..." he said in a hushed tone of voice.

"Ranma dear, you know that getting into Tokyo University will be hard. You will need to bring your grades up in High school before you can even get into Tokyo University. It is a very prestigious college…" she said, hoping to get him to finally buckle down and work on his grades.

Nodding at the information, he smiled and got up with a yawn. "I think I will go to bed, got an early day tomorrow with `ugh' school…" he said with a shudder. Ranma made a vow to do better, but he still didn't have to like it.


During the night, his body was surrounded by a light blue glow. Just then something started to pull out of his body and it was the curse. Ranma had a handful of them already; he wasn't so strong, tough, or fast. That's why he had trained hard everyday.

Ranma had the Chinese curse of Spring of Drowned Girl, a curse from his fathers side `May you lead an interesting life', the curse of the Neko-ken, and finally the curse of servitude and utter stupidity. All thanks to Genma Saotome, his panda of a father. Now thanks to the magic of the Ginzuisho, they were finally being removed. Ranma's female form looked down on her previous vessel of two years and wanted to say goodbye to him. However being unable to, she just gave him a soft ghostly kissed on the lips and disappeared.

Then he started to get hit with all of these lights one of every color of the Senshi. It was if each one of them were gently caressing him and kissing him. That was when he had the dream.

Scene: Ruins of the Moon palace.

Ranma was standing in the middle of the ruins and started to look around. He was dressed like a prince and was a little upset about it. Therefore he changed his outfit to a muscle shirt, jeans and hiking boots. Just then he met up with a young woman, she was very beautiful. She looked like an older Sailor Moon; she had long white hair and crystal blue eyes. The woman was tall and was dressed in a painted on white gown, also she had a crescent moon on her forehead.

Looking at her suspiciously, he spoke, "Who are you?" he asked the woman.

"I am Queen Serenity, Sailor Moon's mother," she stated calmly and with a smile on her face. Sitting down, she patted the space next to her, motioning Ranma to sit with her. "I am here to ask a favor of you."

"What kind of favor? Every time someone asks me a favor it blows up in my face…" he said irritably, while sitting down next to the woman.

"I want you to lead the Sailor Senshi. You see, my daughter was never supposed to lead them," Serenity explained her request to him.

"I see and what do I get out of all of this?" Ranma asked as he crossed his legs, "And even if I agree, just how am I going to do that?"

"You've already have," she said as she pulled out a huge diamond in between them both.

"That's that crystal that the one Senshi in blue was looking for," he said trying to remember her name.

"Mercury?" she queried. Ranma just nodded his response to her. "This is the Silver Imperial Crystal; this will be the way you will get your power. As a matter of fact, you ate it."

"Excuse me, did you say…?" he started in shock.

"Ate it? Yes I did, remember the ramen?" Serenity questioned him. Ranma went back through the events of the day and remembered that he had finished the ramen and it must have been in it.

He sighed and nodded his head, "Alright… I will help but I don't like free power ups, but still I don't know what I am getting out of this." he said still being suspicious of the woman.

"Thank you Ranma, now as for what you will be getting… All of your curses have been removed, and your body is being given what it should have been given while growing up. All the proper nourishment it should have had, and also your hormones are being fixed as well. Did you know that you had a repressed sex drive due to your father?" she explained and questioned him at the same time.

"I knew it! That damned bastard! He did this to me, no wonder I always felt embarrassed and could fight off any physical attraction I had to any female I have met so far…" he ranted and raved a bit.

"Well now you know, just be careful. You might be stronger, faster and more durable due to the magic fixing your body, but you aren't invincible…" she explained.

Ranma nodded as she left him to dream and sleep on everything revealed to him thus far.

Scene: Usagi's bedroom

Usagi was asleep peacefully and in her dream she had seen her mother, Queen Serenity. "Princess Serenity," she called. Usagi started to look around and found her mother.

"Mother, what is it?" the young girl asked as she went over to her.

"My daughter, I have something to tell you," said the queen, "you weren't suppose to be the leader of the Senshi." Usagi was shocked beyond belief.

"But, if I wasn't supposed to then who is?" the girl trembled and asked softly. It was then she saw the picture of Ranma, and immediately knew who he was.

"He has agreed to take over for you and I will also give you a bond with each other," the queen said, "It will be stronger than your bond with Endymion."

"B… But Mamoru…" Usagi whimpered as she really did love him. However, Serenity shook her head and sighed a bit.

"No Usagi, he is unworthy of you or any woman, he constantly dumps you and only takes you back when it is convenient. Ranma is much better and will not do that to you. Do you understand dear daughter?" Nodding sadly, she accepted what her mother told her, but she really still loved Mamoru. However she could come to love Ranma if given enough time.

Scene: Ranma's bedroom

Meanwhile, Ranma's body started to get buffed and cut. He didn't know that his body would turn out like this, nor did he know that his body was becoming as perfect as it could get. It was morning and he got up and started to take his shower, he went into the bathroom and brushed his teeth. Ranma then decided to take a bath and got undressed, and started to clean up. However, looking down between his legs he got the shock of his life.

Scene: High above the house.

"AHHHHHH! I HAVE THREE TESTICALS!" Ranma screamed in horror.

Scene: Bathroom

The martial artist was majorly freaking out, that was when his mom came running to the door and she knocked on it. "Ranma, are you alright?" Nodoka asked.

"Uh mom? Could you take me to the hospital? I don't think I'm going to be okay," Ranma asked as he fainted and hit the floor with a crash. Nodoka had heard a crash and opened the door to see that her son was injured.

There were cuts and blood everywhere. He had hit the mirror as he had fainted before hitting the ground. She ran to the phone and called an ambulance, needing to get him to the hospital fast. When they got there, the paramedics got him onto a stretcher and out into the ambulance. Nodoka mean while had grabbed some clothes for him and followed them out to the ambulance to ride with them to the hospital.

Scene: Hospital

Ranma was taken to the emergency room and they started to wrap up his wounds. However when they tried to get and entire x-ray of his body, they saw something that shouldn't be there, that and the machine couldn't get a proper x-ray of his groin region. "Take him in for a CAT scan," said the doctor.

"Carbon? In his crotch?" said a technician, "a diamond?"

Looking down at it, the doctor saw it too. "As big as the Hope Diamondâ"¢?" the doctor asked.

"That's what I'm thinking," said the techie, later the doctor came out and saw Nodoka and Genma. Nodoka had called Genma to the hospital due to her son being in the hospital. Genma didn't really care as long as Ranma would be alright and able to carry on the two school. That and Ranma was his meal ticket to an early retirement with Soun.

"How is Ranma?" a worried Nodoka asked.

"He's fine you can take him home. But there is something I want to show you," said Doctor Mizuno. Taking them into another room she showed them the CAT scan and what it revealed.

"A diamond in his crotch?" asked Nodoka in surprise. The doctor only nodded in response.

"Well, take it out!" Genma said angrily wanting the diamond for himself. `With that I can retire without the dojo or Soun. The boy be damned…' he thought to his greedy self.

"Sure that is if you want your meal ticket punched," said a voice coming behind them. It was of a young woman, with a light tan, crimson eyes, green hair and dressed in a red dress suit. "You remove the diamond from him, you'll kill him," the woman explained.

"I don't care, take it OUT!!!" Genma bellowed, his greed over riding his sense of self preservation. Wanting that Diamond more than anything else.

"Genma!!!" Nodoka said a bit loudly, her hand inching towards her katana. Getting very angry at her husbands lack of concern for their son.

"Uh… yes No-chan?" he asked shakily, starting to get very afraid of her and the katana again.

"Don't you No-chan me. Don't you care about Ranma's well being?" she asked dangerously.

Snorting at the question, his greed over rode his common sense and sense of self preservation. "We don't need the boy now, just get the diamond out of him and we can live on easy street forever. We can even have another child, better than that dishonorable son of ours!" he stated stupidly.

"GENMA!!!" she screamed, and then started to chase him around with the katana. Intending to cleave him in two.

However, Genma being who he was, decided to get the hell out of the hospital and find a place to hide out for a while. That and to figure out a way to get the diamond out of Ranma's crotch.

After Genma had escaped, Nodoka returned to the room where Setsuna was waiting

"Hello Setsuna, sorry about all that..." Nodoka apologized softly.

"Oh it's quite alright, your husband is nothing but a fat fucking fool. He doesn't deserve to be Ranma's father. I don't know why you even stay with someone like him…" she said with utter contempt for Genma in her voice.


Meanwhile Ranma was taking a little catnap and was talking to Serenity. All the while, Nodoka and Setsuna were talking about Genma and about old times.

Scene: Moon Palace ruins.

"What do you mean it's in your crotch?" Serenity asked, utterly in shock.

"Yeah… it's inside the skin where my testicles are located. Not sure if it's connected to anything important or not..." Ranma explained embarrassingly.

"Hmm, this might work. Ranma, there's going to be one of many ways to empower the Senshi. I'm going to have to activate them in you," the ghost of Queen Serenity said with a sultry smile.

"Really how?" Ranma asked completely oblivious to the sultry smile. Although, he got the idea when she started to unfasten his jeans. "H…H…Hey, what are you doing?" the martial artist asked in a panic, trying to keep his pants on. It was then that the crystal calmed him down as she laid him down on to the marble floor.

Then she reached up and removed her dress, letting it fall to the floor. Serenity was completely naked with the exception of her panties. Finally she pulled those off leaving her completely nude. Pulling out his penis and settled herself on top of him, allowing him to enter her nether regions. Ranma groaned at how tight she was, `hell this is my dream might as well go along with it,' he thought she started to hump away at him. This started the empowering process. Also this allowed her to make him as powerful as Sailor Moon in her eternal form but he would need to work to control the powers. Plus he also had all of the other Senshi powers as well. Although he still would have to learn to control those as well and incorporate them into his fighting style. Ranma finally came inside of Serenity and was fully powered up by the end of that little tryst.

Cuddling up with him, she started to enjoy the afterglow. "You'll have to do this with each Senshi if you want them to get a power up. However Sailor Saturn, Neptune and Uranus might need another way. You will know the way when it is needed. You now have every magical power the senshi have. Although yours are chaotic and not as controlled as theirs. You will need to practice to get full control and to incorporate them into your fighting style," Serenity explained while purring.

"Y… You mean I have to have s… sex with all of them?" he asked, very afraid that the Nerima crew would try and kill the girls out right. That and they would try to kill him for that matter as well.

"Yes with them but not all of them. Three of them might not take to the idea, that and maybe the other Inner Scouts might not want to get their power boos that way," she explained to him.

"A…A…Alright Serenity, but what about the people from Nerima?" he asked nervously.

"Don't worry about them, with their power ups, and also you teaching them how to fight properly. They should be able to defend themselves against those from your past," she said to assuage his fears.

Finally with that said, she noticed that he was inflating inside of her and was ready for another round with her. The queen smiled and started to have sex with him again.


Later Ranma was awoken to the sight of his mother Nodoka. "Are you ready to go son?" she asked as Ranma nodded and stretched. Leaving the hospital room, Nodoka was checking her son out, and noticed the changes. She noticed that her son was more filled out and much nicer looking than before.

"Hey mom?" Ranma started off, startling Nodoka out of her examination of Ranma.

"Yes son?" she replied.

"Can we go do a little shopping? I have a taste for some black colored clothing..." he said with a smile.

End for now.