Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Wild Senshi ❯ Sex, Thugs and Rock-n-Roll ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Standard Disclaimer: I don't own Ranma ½ nor do I own Sailor Moon or anyone from the Yu-Gi-Oh! series. I do however own all original monsters and attacks that I create. So don't Sue me.

Credit goes to my pre-reader Nameless Author. For without her this fic would look worse than a car wreck!


Scene: Marik's Headquarters

Marik saw what had happened to Queen's Knight and was not happy. "That bumbling idiot! JACK'S KNIGHT COME FORTH!" he screamed. Jack's Knight appeared out of nowhere bowing before Marik.

"Yes, great pharaoh?" he queried. The demonic male had dirty blond hair, and wore black armor similar looking to Queen's Knight's own.

"I want you to go out and find this new ally of the Senshi and destroy him!" Marik growled out angrily.

"By your command," the warrior left.


(Cue theme)

Wild Senshi

Chapter 2: Sex, Thugs and Rock -n- Roll

Scene: Tendo Dojo

Ranma and Nodoka stopped by to tell the Nerima Crew that he was done playing with them and that he was moving on. This however didn't settle too well with them, "WHAT?" everyone present screamed out.

"Look dipsticks!" Ranma insulted, "I have had it with you people! You drive me crazy and it's a short trip!" he explained then tried to calm down relax.

"NO!!! I own you! You were promised to me before you were born! You're MINE!!!" Akane exclaimed rather violently, her blazing red battle aura getting stronger by the moment as she stood there.

"You own me?" Ranma snorted out and then laughed, "How can you own me, when it is illegal to own slaves?" he said derisively.

"B… B… But… what about us? I thought you loved me?" she deflated a little.

"Us? Us?" There is NO us," the martial artist growled out. "How can there be an `us' when there is only `a you'?" he asked then started to point to the others present.

"A him?" pointing to Ryoga. "A them?" pointing to the other fiancée's.

"A her?" he snorted with utter distain as he pointed to Nabiki.

"Finally a them?" Ranma finished off with pointing to the fathers while growling softly.

"So tell me how is there and `us'? Because I really want to know," he demanded, upsetting Akane, as she started to get angry with him again. No she was beyond angry, she was pissed and livid. How dare he say all those things, he belonged to her, HER the best martial artist in Nerima.

As Ranma headed for the stairs to get his things, Akane followed while pulling out her mallet. "RANMA NO BAKA!!! YOU BELONG TO ME!!!" she screamed as she swung it down towards Ranma's head. However he dodged it, moving so fast that she could not hit him. "Wha…?" she blinked in confusion as she lost her balance and fell face first into the floor.

"I belong to NO ONE, do I make myself clear?" he stated angrily, showing his very very powerful battle aura.

However, Genma not wanting his meal ticket to get away stepped in front of Ranma. "Where do you think you are going boy?" Genma sternly questioned Ranma in his most authoritive tone of voice.

"Home!" Ranma forcefully stated while adding a bit of ki to his voice. Thus scaring Genma enough to piss his pants and back off. "Let me tell you why you want me to stay," Ranma stated as he grabbed his crotch, "Ten million dollars US currency, is right here and either you or Nabiki are going to try to give me a vasectomy in my sleep! I don't trust either of you here!" he stated even more forcefully.

Nabiki, upon hearing that, just couldn't let her biggest money generator walk out of her life like that. "Oh no you don't Saotome, you still have a debt and I expect full payment. And it seems that jewel in your crotch will pay it off nicely…" she said with a snarl. Knowing he didn't have enough of a back bone to hit a woman, let alone stand up to her.

However, Nabiki didn't know that Ranma had grown quite a back bone since his encounter with the Sailor Senshi. "Oh and how do you plan to stop me Nabiki? I don't owe you jack shit! As I see it, your blackmail, betting pools, and extortion has more than paid you off. If you don't like it then try and get me, I will gladly put you into prison," he snarled out before storming upstairs and grabbing his stuff.

Finally after getting back down stairs, he stormed to the front door with his mother following behind. "Ranma if you walk out that door. You will be disowned from the family!" Genma yelled.

Ranma just dropped to his knees and pretended to plead with Genma. "Oh please don't throw me out of a family that you're NOT the head of," Ranma stated in a very sarcastic tone of voice, then got up to leave.

"Boy! Come back here!" screamed Genma. However it fell onto deaf ears as both Ranma and Nodoka walked away.


"Mom, I suggest that you divorce pops… he ain't no good for ya. All he's gonna do is drag the Saotome name through the mud…" he said to his mother, knowing full well Genma had married into the Saotome clan as he was ronin before that. Genma's own family disowning him for training with Happosai.

Scene: Saotome manor

Later after Ranma got settled in, the Senshi came over. "Ranma," called Nodoka. "Some friends are here," she finished.

Upon getting down the stairs, spotted the Senshi and smiled at them. "Hey guys," the martial artist greeted they went into the living room. "Are you all alright?" he asked in a concerned tone of voice.

As Nodoka came in with some juice for them, they nodded and smiled, thanking the Saotome Patriarch for the refreshments. "Thanks for saving our asses out there the other day," Said Minako.

"Hey, could you introduce yourselves to me?" he asked politely, "Also tell me how you found this place?"

"I'm Usagi Tsukino."

"I'm Ami Mizuno."

"I'm Rei Hino."

"I'm Makoto Kino."

"And I'm Minako Aino."

"We found you by following the energy signature of the Ginzuisho," said Usagi.

"Oh... that… yeah I guess you would find me that way," Ranma chuckled nervously, just then a video of the Three Lights came on. He laughed and started singing. "We like `Gatchamen', Sentai too. Sailor Moon is kinda cute, we watch TRL on Asian MTV everybody Three count… One, Two, Three! One...two...threeeeee!!!" Ranma laughed again. Usagi and Minako were mad and they got into his face because of how he insulted their singing.

"THEY ARE NOT LIKE THAT!" both screamed in unison as Ranma raised his hands in defense. Just then there was announcement that they were coming back to Juuban. "YES!" Usagi and Minako both screamed excitedly.

Ranma got up and looked at them, "Who are these guys anyway?" the pigtailed martial artist asked.

"They are just some friends," Minako replied in a off-handed manner.

"Must be more than friends if you two snapped like that," the young Saotome grumbled. "Tell you what I'm going to do. I'll make up for my little joke by seeing if I can get some tickets to the show."

They looked at him, "You'd do that for us?" both asked excitedly and he nodded in response.

"So hows about it?" he asked the Senshi. The only response was enthusiastic nodding. "KICK ASS, Mom!"

Nodoka heard the commotion and walked in to the room, "You bellowed my son?" she chuckled jokingly.

"Sorry about that, I need a small favor," Ranma stated. Later he was on the phone smiling while talking to someone on the other end. "Okay thank you, back stage passes too right? Kick ass, thanks we'll pick them up tonight. Alright, bai," he hung up the phone, "Okay ladies. Thanks to mom, I got us tickets to see them and back stage passes. Now am I forgiven?"

"You already were, we knew you were playing," said Usagi. "Okay, the concert's at Eight in the evening so let's all meet back here at Six," Usagi said, the others agreeing immediately.


Scene: With Jack's Knight

The concert was getting ready and set up, everything was prepared as this was going to be a Three Lights concert no one would ever forget. "Now my little minions, we are going to have some fun," he said. Jack was dressed like a roadie, and stood there waiting. Pulling out a deck of possessed playing cards, he set them on a speaker and left them there. Just then he was called to help out with setting up the speakers and amps.


Scene: the Three Lights dressing room.

The Three Lights were getting ready for the concert, one had on a red suit with a black shirt, yellow tie and a red rose. He has black hair in a long ponytail, blue eyes and was wearing platinum crescent shaped earrings. Another was in a yellow suit with a gray shirt and a blue tie. He had a white rose was in his lapel, also he had brown hair in a long ponytail like the first and violet eyes. The last one was very cute, he was dressed in a gray suit with a blue shirt and a red tie. He had platinum blond hair in a long ponytail like the others and light green eyes.

"Well, I'm ready for this concert," he said to the others, as they nodded. Quiet as it was, they loved the roar of the crowd and the girls screaming their names.

"Let's give them a show, they'll never forget," said the black haired one.

Scene: Saotome manor.

Ranma was dressed in a sleeveless, silk shirt, black slacks and black hiking boots. His hair was tied up into a ponytail, which went down past his shoulders. The martial artist then slipped on one of his golden bracers and as he was about to slip on the left one, when he saw something that wasn't there before. A tattooed forearm band almost to the middle of it. It was the Queen of all suits, `how did I get this?' the martial artist thought. Just then there was a knock on his bedroom door.

"Ranma, Usagi and the others are here," Nodoka said. Walking out of his room, he then went down to see them.

The girls were dressed nicely, but there was one extra it was Setsuna. "I didn't know you liked this kind of music," he joked with a smirk on his face.

"Well I do a little," the Senshi of Pluto said with a blush on her face. They laughed and got into the car to ride down to the concert.

Scene: Inside of the car.

"Ranma, do it please?" begged Usagi. Setsuna was a little confused.

"Do what?" she queried. Then she was told Ranma wrote a song about the Three Lights and that he was kidding about them. "Oh, sing it Ranma," Sestuna requested softly with a smile.

He sighed and smiled, "Alright."

Get up on your feet Put your hands together.
Sing along with Three count we'll party up forever.

We like `Gatchamen', Sentai too. Sailor Moon is kinda cute, we watch TRL on Asian MTV everybody Three count One, Two, Three! One...two...threeeeee!!!
Put your hands together. Get up on your feet Sing along with Three count.

They laughed and enjoyed the ride to the concert. Everyone was having a good time and Ranma and the girls were in the front row.

Search for your love...
Search for your love, search for your love...

You have always been shining so brightly
Your smiling face is just like a tiny star
I have been treasuring it (Eternal starlight)
On that day I could not come and protect you
I just held my tears of regret inside
I am still feeling the pain (I won't forget you, sweetheart)

Search for your love, the crystals of the heavens
Search for your love, please don't start to cry
Search for your love, I really
Want to hold you close to me now

Your strong scent, I'm always (searching for it)
Can you hear my voice calling out? (I love you so)
Where are you now? (Moonlight Princess)
My lovely princess

Answer me, answer for me
Right away, answer for me
Answer me, answer for me
So gently, answer for me

Running through the distant night sky
Now I make a wish on a shooting star
Whispering I want to be with you (Please tell this to her, starlight)
As time passes by, we become adults
I have finally realized that
The broken pieces are not enough (Please stay by my side, sweetheart)

Search for your love, on the silver ocean
Search for your love, the ship floats adrift
Search for your love, in this madness
It will be swept out to you

Your strong scent, I'm always (searching for it)
Can you hear my voice calling out? (I love you so)
Where are you now? (Moonlight Princess)
My lovely princess

Answer me, answer for me
Right away, answer for me
Answer me, answer for me
So gently, answer for me

Answer me, answer for me
Right away, answer for me
Answer me, answer for me
So gently, answer for me

The black haired light saw Usagi as they sung their trademark song. He saw her sitting with a young man with black hair and a great body. Smiling, he was enjoying their music.

Ranma bent over to whisper something in Usagi's ear. "Those the guys you were telling me about?" he whispered and she nodded. He smiled, just then he felt that something was wrong. Ranma looked up and saw a card yoma push the black haired singer off of the stage. "SHIT!" Ranma exclaimed as he shot up, jumping over the guardrail and making a diving catch. The martial artist slid with the pop star in his arms and then rolled up, the singer looked up at him amazed by his strength and speed. His heart was beating so fast as Ranma held the singer against himself.

The martial artist looked up and saw the card yoma he cursed because it was a spade yoma. He put the singer down and told him to get everyone out of the area. Then he leapt on to the stage, somehow transforming into a black trench coat, black shirt, kung-fu pants, black hiking boots, and black gloves all inside a column of silver light. Completing the ensemble was a black mask covering the upper portion of his head. [1] Then he started fighting off yomas that were attacking the other two. "Earthquake punch!" he said as he hit the stage with his fist. It shook under the yomas and knocked them up in to the air. Ranma made like he had a bow and started to fire arrows. "Ki arrows!" he yelled as he fired quickly taking the yomas out.

Stepping back stage, the Three Lights started their own transformations.




"MAKE UP!" they said in unison. With the transformations complete, the Three Lights transformed into the Sailor Starlights. Their tiara's were beaded, and featured a five-pointed gold star resting on the forehead. All three Starlights wore star earrings, one in each ear: a golden, five-pointed star, which matched the stars on their foreheads. The breasts were covered with a black leather halter top. Around the neck was a black sailor collar. On the center of their chest was a centerpiece like the other Senshi's but different, it was a star brooch with wings. The midriff was exposed, but two beaded belts were twisted around the waist, fastened by a five-pointed star on the stomach. Finishing up their costumes, were short leather hot pants instead of a skirt, and then leather gloves and boots which extended above their knees.

Upon stepping out to help in the battle, they were attacked by a yoma that looked like a one-eyed Jack in a deck of cards. "Hello girls!" it said, catching them by surprise. Then the creature hit them with beams and turned them into playing cards.


Scene: with Ranma.

Ranma and the Senshi where kicking ass and taking names. Then someone came out, it was the Jack yoma and he showed that he had the Starlights as playing cards. Ranma was mad, "Alright who are you joker?" he asked angrily.

That kind of pissed the yoma was mad, "How dare you consider me as that clown?" he demanded, wondering what fried human tasted like. "I am Jack's Knight," introducing himself, as he pulled out his sword and begun to attack. "JACK'S SLICER!" crescents beams of energy were thrown at Ranma and the rest of the remaining Senshi. Everyone one of them missed however due to the Senshi and Ranma dodging frantically.

"ROARING LION'S BEAM!" screamed Ranma, as a huge blast of magical energy flowed out of his hands. It hit Jack's Knight knocking him back in to a drum kit, causing the drum set to fall on top of the enraged yoma. "Usagi, come with me! You too, Pluto! Everyone else buy us some time!" Ranma ordered, leaving the others to deal with Jack's Knight.


Scene: With Ranma, Pluto and Mercury.

Getting away from the battle, Ranma lead both Pluto and Usagi into the Lights dressing room. "Okay off with you panties, Usagi," he ordered with a blush.

"WHAT?" Usagi screamed and blushed profusely. Therefore Pluto, knowing that Usagi needed her power back, explained it to her that Ranma was going to give her the power to transform back and also give her a boost as well. However to do that he had to have sex with her. "Be lucky, I was his first," Pluto said with a deep crimson blush on her face, "he is very good, although a bit inexperienced..."

Gasping in shock, she took off her panties a bit slowly, but before Ranma did anything, she had to ask him one thing. "Would you love me?" Usagi asked, fearful that she would be unloved. Even though her mother had said they would be bonded, she still was afraid. Looking at her, Ranma raised an eyebrow in questioning. "I don't know if I could have sex with anyone that doesn't love me," Usagi said seriously.

Ranma's look softened and he nodded his head. "I think I can love you," the martial artist said and gave her a kiss. Then Ranma gently took Usagi to the floor and pulled her skirt off, placing soft and gentle kisses on her lips. It was far different from what he had done with Pluto. He wanted to make Usagi feel loved and needed, not like some cheap two cent whore.

Usagi on the other hand was moaning softly from the kisses. She then started to return the kisses as Ranma placed himself inside her gently. As she got closer to climax, she was almost screaming `more' and `deeper', as she was really enjoying him. "Please give it to me, onegai…" [2] Usagi begged softly and lovingly into Ranma's ear.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you Usagi," said Pluto after she bit her ear.

"Doesn't she make the cutest little sounds Plu?" Ranma asked, Pluto just nodded.

"GIVE IT TO ME! PLEASE GIVE IT TO ME!" Usagi screamed as she climaxed.

"Do it Ranma. Give it to her," Pluto said softly. Therefore after a couple of more thrusts Ranma came inside of her.

After they finished, the both of them got up and ready to fight. Usagi pulled up her panties and then put back on her skirt.

"MOON ETERNAL POWER MAKEUP!!" she yelled out, and her transformation took place. However it was different this time around. Instead of just the bows wrapping around her body, she had a silver column of energy surround her as well, which identified her new powered up state. She still looked the same, but there was an aura of power that wasn't there before.

"Ok… let's go…" Eternal Moon said with a bright smile on her face.

Walking out of the dressing room, they headed for the stage. On the way, Ranma had seen a guitar and grabbed it.


Scene: with Jack's Knight

Jack's Knight was having fun trying to take out the Senshi with card minions. Spades were being tossed everywhere and exploding on contact with whatever they hit. He started to laugh manically, "RUN SAILOR FAILURES! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!"

As he was about to attack again, he heard a voice coming from behind him.

"That's quite enough!" the voice said. This caused everyone present to look over in the direction it came from. What they saw was Pluto, Ranma and… "ETERNAL SAILOR MOON!" said the Senshi in relief, knowing that their `leader' was back. "Now it's time for round two..." Ranma stated as he cracked his knuckles. Energy started to gather around his fists as he prepared to attack. The energy, silver in color, started to flow around his arms and fists. "ROARING LION'S BEAM!" Ranma yelled said as Moon performed her attack also, "SILVER MOON HEART BEAM!"

As their attacks left their hands, they then combined into one massive beam of energy and slammed in to Jack's Knight. At the moment the attack hit Jack's Knight, a black curtain dropped down, covering them.

It was like a concert, it was the Senshi Realm. Ranma's voice could be heard. "One, Two… One two three four!" he said as the curtains opened. There on a stage was a full band with two huge speakers behind him. Jack's Knight was in the middle of them, standing there dumbfounded. Taking this chance to their advantage, the Senshi started to play `Step up' by Drowning Poolâ"¢.

One, Two, Three - Go!

Yeah, you've been living on the edge of a broken dream.
Yeah, that's the only thing you'll ever take away from me.

I'm never gonna stop,
I'm never gonna drop,
Ain't no different than it was before.

So take some good advice,
You better stop and think twice,
Before you take your first step,
Out that door.

If you wanna step up (step up),
You're gonna get knocked down (knocked down).
If you wanna step up (step up),
You're gonna get knocked down.

You had your chance to walk away.
Live to see another day.

If you wanna step up (step up),
You're gonna get knocked down (knocked down).
You're gonna get knocked down...


Yeah, that's the only thing here that's left for you.
Yeah, that's the only thing you're ever gonna -- do.

I'm never gonna stop,
I'm never gonna drop,
Ain't no different than it was before.

So take some good advice,
You better stop and think twice,
Before you take your first step,
Out that door.

So if you wanna step up (step up),
You're gonna get knocked down (knocked down).
If you wanna step up (step up),
You're gonna get knocked down.

You had your chance to walk away.
Live to see another day.

If you wanna step up (step up),
You're gonna get knocked down (knocked down).
You're gonna get knocked down...

You're gonna get knocked down...

And now you've crossed that line...
You must be out your mind.


If you wanna step up (step up),
You're gonna get knocked down (knocked down).
If you wanna step up (step up),
You're gonna get knocked down.

You had your chance to walk away.
Live to see another day.

If you wanna step up (step up),
You're gonna get knocked down (knocked down).
You're gonna get knocked down...

You're gonna get knocked down (step up).

You're gonna get knocked down...

You're gonna get knocked down (step up).

You're gonna get knocked... down!

Jack's Knight, during all of this, was being tossed in between to speakers. Finally after a lot of punishment, the evil card came out of his body and Ranma leapt up, guitar and all, and destroyed it. Doing this turned Jack's Knight in to Moon dust. Just then something was burning on his right middle finger and his left forearm. He looked at his right hand and saw a ring on his middle finger. It was platinum with a diamond in it.

Ranma, upon seeing this, was stunned, "What the…?" he questioned in surprise, as he looked at the ring.

Still staring at the ring, a note appeared in his hand in a puff of smoke.

To: The man in the mask.

I thank you for freeing me from that evil man; I am forever in your debt. As payment take my ring, it will not only help you get into security locked doors but if you press the diamond it will activate the laser eye. A.K.A. `One eyed Jack'. Once again, thank you for freeing me.

Sincerely: Jack's Knight.

`I'll use it with honor,' Ranma thought, meanwhile the others were looking at their princess in awe. "Wow, you look awesome!" Venus gushed. Moon's outfit was the same from before she lost the Ginzuisho, however the person in it was different. Sailor Moon sprouted about a foot gained some muscle tone and her bust size was a little bigger. [3] Looking over at Ranma, after complimenting Sailor Moon, they saw Ranma was about to use the ring to free the Starlight's from their card prisons.

Concentrating a little bit, Ranma focused on the Starlight's and released them from their prison. Once they were freed, Ranma went over and stuck his hand out and helped them up. "Are you alright?" the masked martial artist asked concernedly. "Yes," said one of them she had long black hair and blue eyes. The Starlight was staring at Ranma's own blue eyes and tried to figure out who this new person was. "Who are you?" asked the platinum blond. "I'm uh," said Ranma thinking of a good name. "I'm…a friend..." he finished lamely as he took off as fast as could, invoking one of the Umi-sen-ken techniques. This left the Starlight's trying to figure out where he went but couldn't find him.


Scene: the side of stage.

However, after making his escape, Ranma fell to his knees. The martial artist was feeling drained and couldn't understand why. It was like someone was trying to tell him to sleep. This didn't settle well with him, as it seemed his power started to leave him and caused him to transform back into the clothing he had worn to the concert. Luckily the audience had left earlier during the battle, thus not seeing him transform back into civilian clothing. Thus, Ranma just fell forward as his eyes rolled into the back of his head.

Ranma had forgotten one important piece of information. He had been told he would need to practice with the power and gain control over it. Ranma had been using the power with wanton abandon in his fights and now it was taking its toll on his body. Therefore, he passed out and hit the ground face first with a loud `THUMP!'


Scene: Front of the Stage

The Starlight's still looking around, were approached by the other Senshi. Greeting long time friends, Sailor Moon and the Inner Senshi gave the Starlight's a warm welcome.

"Hey long time no see!" Moon said happily to Seiya with a soft smile. Then she proceeded to greet the other two Starlight's.

"What brings you back to earth?" Venus asked Yaten, smiling a genuine friendly smile.

"Oh we missed you guys, that and we kind of felt a new evil presence here on earth. Something stronger than Chaos and Galaxia… We thought you could use some help," Taiki said.

It was then that Pluto heard the `THUMP!' and blinked a bit. Heading off towards the sound, she let the other Senshi take care of the Starlight's for the moment.


Scene: Side of the Stage

Pluto walked around looking for the sound of the noise from earlier. It was then that she tripped over Ranma's unconscious form. Gasping loudly, she tried to wake him up, but failed miserably.

Ranma for his part looked a bit pale and his skin felt clammy. Almost as if he had a fever of some sorts, although he didn't seem to have one. Therefore, being concerned with their new leader, Pluto went to ask for some help.


Scene: Front of Stage

Walking over to Moon, who had at this point gone to look for Ranma, was stopped by Pluto. "Come with me… Ranma is unconscious…" she said in a worried tone of voice. Relaying to Moon that they needed to attend to him immediately.

Moon, walking off with Pluto, gave the others a cursory glance and then hastened her pace towards where Ranma was unconscious.


Scene: Side of Stage

Pluto hurried Moon along towards where Ranma was. Once there she showed Moon how bad of shape Ranma was currently in. Frowning, a tear slipped down the side of her cheek as she knelt by him. Even in such a short time, she had started to fall in love with Ranma.

"Hold on… I will help him…" she said softly, before raising the locket off of her chest and started the healing spell. "Moon Healing Exhalation…" she whispered softly as the healing magic took effect. Hoping it would revive Ranma from unconsciousness.

It was working, slowly but surely his skin color returned to its normal sheen, and his breathing evened out. After the spell was completed, Moon bent down and kissed Ranma on the lips softly. This gently woke him up to a smiling Sailor Moon.

"Morning sleepy head, nice place to fall asleep…" she joked, giggling at his expense. Ranma just groaned and slowly sat up, idly wondering how he had gotten onto the floor.

"Ugh… my head… Who hit me with the damned mallet?" he joked a bit, even though he had a small headache from the severe power drain and the falling face first into the floor earlier.

"Don't know, but it would be bad if someone found you here like this. I will walk out with you…" she said softly, before de-transforming back into her own street clothing.

Pluto had just left the two lovebirds be, as she herself went back out to talk to the others.


Scene: Front of the Stage

Walking towards the entire group, Pluto smiled at them and nodded to the Senshi, motioning them off to the side for a moment.

"I don't suppose they know of Ranma yet do they?" Pluto asked Mercury. The Senshi in question just shook her head and smiled slightly.

"No they don't…" she said trailing off, before getting what Pluto meant. They would have to de-transform to keep the Sailor Starlight's identities a secret.

"I see you understand. Tell the Lights we have to return to civilian garb now…" she ordered, before walking off and de-transforming herself.

Mercury, walking over to the Lights, told them to de-transform as there would be non-combatants around. Thus they might question as to why the Senshi were still around, that and it would protect their identities.


Usagi helped Ranma to his feet after a bit of resting. Gently, she guided him out to the front of the stage where everyone else was. Walking out hand-in-hand with Usagi, they made their way back to his seat. However before they could sit down the lead singer of the Three Lights said something. "I heard, that someone made a song for us would you mind coming up and singing it with us?" Seiya Requested. Ranma blinked, then blushed as he looked at Usagi. She was smirking and making a shooing motion with her hands, all the while giggling, knowing full well the others had probably informed the Lights about his impromptu song.

Sighing softly, he went up on the stage and slipped on a headset. "Ready?" Ranma asked


Get up on your feet Put your hands together.
Sing along with the Three lights we'll party up forever.

We like `Gatchamen', Sentai too. Sailor Moon is kinda cute, we watch TRL on Asian MTV everybody Three count One, Two, Three! One...two...threeeeee!!!
Put your hands together. Get up on your feet Sing along with the Three lights.

They were really having fun and jamming, then the girls started to scream when Ranma got on his knee and sang tenderly:

"We like `Gatchamen', Sentai too. Sailor Moon is kinda cute..."

Then they got in to it with loud voices: "we watch TRL on Asian MTV everybody Three count One, Two, Three! One...two...threeeeee!!!"


Scene: Three Lights dressing room.

There was a knock on the door and the platinum blond opened it up. On the other side of the door he saw Ranma and the Senshi standing there. "Hey guys," said Usagi as she went over and hugged them. "Hey Odango-atama," Seiya said with affection in his voice. "I want you to meet my new beau," said Usagi. "This is Ranma Saotome."

"Hi, how ya doin'?" Ranma said with his hand out to shake theirs, a bit embarrassed.

"New beau?" Seiya questioned Usagi, before looking at Ranma and smiling a bit. "I'm Seiya Kou," he introduced himself, while wondering why Ranma reminded him of someone he knew.

Usagi just nodded and smiled softly, "Yes," she stated simply.

"Oh… what happened to that Mamoru guy…?" queried Seiya as he stood there, trying to figure out what this feeling of familiarity was

"I'm Taiki Kou," the brown haired bassist said, as he shook Ranma's hand.

"I broke up with him again… fortunately though I met Ranma!" she said with a bright and cheery smile.

"And I'm Yaten Kou," the platinum blond keyboardist said, as he also shook Ranma's hand with his slim one.

"It's nice to meet you all." Ranma stated, sweat dropping at Usagi's statement about being her new beau among other things. Sitting down, they started to talk and catch up on old times. For Ranma, this was a first for him, just sitting down and getting to know people without them wanting to kill him.

About an hour later, the Lights asked if Ranma and the others wanted to go with them to the after party. Usagi and the Inners as well as Setsuna nodded enthusiastically. Ranma just nodded and groaned internally. He wasn't much of a party person, mainly because all the parties he had ever been to, turned out into a brawl of some sort. Although this party turned out different and he had a great time.


Scene: Saotome Manor.

Ranma came in with Usagi, taking off their shoes upon entering the house, Ranma leaned over and kissed Usagi on the lips and blushed profusely. The martial artist was still trying to get used to showing affection like this. Still it was nice that Usagi wouldn't hit him and openly returned the affection as well. Upon entering the living room, he noticed that Elizabeth was awake, that and was looking at Ranma with a bit of lust in her eyes. "Is Usagi-san staying tonight?" she queried. Ranma just nodded and told her to get Usagi some pajamas. Pouting softly, she went to get the clothing for the blond girl. Really wanting to have Ranma all to herself tonight. Meanwhile Usagi called her parents and told them that she was staying with a friend and that she was alright. Wishing them good night, Usagi went to take a bath.


Scene: the bath.

Ranma was in the bath relaxing and looking at his left forearm. There was a new tattoo; it was the Jack of suits. It was above the Queen of suits, he looked at them and softly rubbed them. `What's with these tatts?' Ranma thought idly to himself. However he was interrupted when Usagi came into the bath. She was in a demi bra and bikini style panties. Taking them off, she then let her hair down and got in with him, "Uh hi..." he said nervously, looking at her and gulping.

"I hope you don't mind me bathing with you?" Usagi questioned softly. A slight blush crossed her features as she remembered what she and Ranma had done earlier that day. He had taken her virginity and made her feel so loved, she hoped he would do more of that tonight. Ranma shook his head she smiled and snuggled against him.

After their bath, they got dressed in their bedclothes. Ranma in a pair of kick boxing pants and Usagi in one of his T-shirts and a pair of panties. Both of them went to bed and she snuggled against him lovingly, before the two of them gently started kissing each other and made love for a couple of hours that night.

End for now.


A/N: [1] Ok Ranma needs a transformation to hide his identity. Especially from the minions of the Dark Kingdom and also his enemies from Nerima. They won't give up on him, and if they knew who he was then they would use it against him. Oh and if anyone wants to know about the mask Think Zorro. It goes over the hair and ties in the back. Kind of like a bandana or something.

[2] Onegai is Japanese for please. Just a word that sounded better than the actual English word.

[3] Think Gina Diggers from the Gold Diggers Series.

[4] Parody of Three-Count's ring music by 3-Count. `Duh'