Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Wild Senshi ❯ Mercury's new power ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

It's been a long time but now for all of my fans that wanted more, guess what? You shall have more. This time it will introduce a new person on the side of the Senshi, I hope you like it and enjoy.
Chapter 4: Mercury's new power
It was a normal day and the Senshi, in their civilian modes, were going to a water park. Ranma was carrying a bag and Hotaru on his shoulders, “whew!” he said as he wiped sweat off of his brow. “It sure is unseasonably warm today.” He was in an opened shirt, black and silver bike shorts and sandals. His passenger was in a long T-shirt, a sun hat and a purple swimsuit.
Usagi grabbed on to his arm and leaned her head on his shoulder she was in a T-shirt, shorts and a white bikini. Now that she was taller and has a really good body with a large d-cup bust line she wanted to be a little daring. She also had on a pair of sandals, “so Ran-kun. How did you get these tickets?” She asked, so he told her.
<Flash Back (with Bill St. James LOL! Anyone who listens to classic rock and roll will get the joke.)>
Ranma was headed home when someone caught his attention, “excuse me sir.” He said he was a balding man dressed in a T-shirt, jeans and an apron. He was behind a table with a game on it. “Try your luck and win a prize.”
“I'll bite how much?”
“$1 for 3 darts, hit the bull's eye to win.” So Ranma gave the man a dollar and was handed 3 darts. They were your basic darts and he looked ahead to see a target that was around a 100 yards away. `He'll never hit it, another sucker.' Thought the man, but what he didn't know was that he was Ranma Saotome. Ranma pulled back and threw all three of the darts at once and turned his back.
The man's jaw hit the ground as he stared at the impossible, three bull's eyes in one throw. “I guess I win,” said Ranma.
“Uh yeah, here congratulations.” He said as he handed Ranma an envelope inside were 10 passes to a water park.
<End of Flash Back (echo)>
“…and that's how I got the passes.” He finished.
“Are the rest of the outers coming?” Asked Ami, she was in a T-shirt, a light blue swimsuit and slippers she was also reading a book.
“Setsuna-mama, Michiru-mama and Haruka-papa are coming. They said they'll meet us there.” Said Hotaru they walked up to the cashier.
“Hello, welcome to Juubahn Water park.” Said the cashier then she had seen the male who was standing in front of the others with a little girl on his shoulders. “OH MY GOD! YOU'RE RANMA SAOTOME!” Just then the other park goers had looked over to see the `Kami-killer' standing in front of the ticket booth. People started to surround them and asking for autographs from him, he sighed as the girls giggled.
Later Ranma, Hotaru and Usagi were sliding down a water slide he had promised that he would slide with everybody. They were having a ball and everything was going well until something strange happened.
Just then something was in the water of the giant wave pool Ranma was feeling a little uneasy. He looked right at the wave pool and saw a huge shape coming out of it. “EVERYONE GET OUT OF THE WAVE POOL NOW!” He yelled, just then everyone screamed and started to get out of the pool. He started to run towards the pool to fight what ever it was coming out. Usagi and the others saw him running there.
“RANMA!” they said as he dove in to the pool.
“Come on, to quote Ranma. `Its time to get to work'!” Said Usagi and they ran to the women's changing room. They all started to transform in to the senshi except for Usagi.
She lifted her hand with her broach in it, “SILVER MOON POWER! MAKE UP!!” She started to transform all the senshi could see was a silver pillar and her silhouette inside of it. She stepped out, revealing herself in an all white sailor fuku and silver streaked blonde hair. “Let's go,” she said and they took off.
Meanwhile Ranma was fighting a huge water monster in the wave pool. It started to pull him under to drown him but he wasn't going without a fight.
`SHIRUBA KENPEI HENSHIN!' He started to transform a ring of silver started at his feet and went up his body. It formed his boots and started to form his leather pants, then it went up some more forming his t-shirt and went out his arms forming his gauntlets, then continued it journey up his body forming his `Zorro' mask. Then a beam of light wrapped around his waist and a golden crescent moon formed at the fastener of his pants and formed his belt. Then he threw up his arms and a black leather trench coat slipped on to his torso. Then he opened his eyes and was in full uniform.
The monster held him tightly as he was struggling to break free from its grip. `If I don't break free soon, I'll drown.' He thought, and then something came to him. `Of course! Why didn't I think of that?' then he concentrated. `Mercury!'
Meanwhile as the senshi were running to the wave pool, the senshi of ice and fog had felt her powers increase. `What it going on?' she was glowing and charged up. Her fists were covered in ice ready to attack and attacked she did. With a new power, “ARCTIC LAZER BLAST!”
Ranma's hands were now glowing blue, `ARCTIC FROST BITE!' With that, the monster was frozen solid. `ATTACK IT NOW SAILOR MOON!'
Moon suddenly felt her love telling her to attack; she pulled out a 3 foot long staff. She started to twirl it over her head and as it was, it started to charge until a silver ring was over her head, “SILVER MOON SLASH!” a huge silver crescent slash shot at the monster shattering it and turning it to dust. Then Ranma slowly started to get out of the wave pool and collapsed in to her arms.
He looked at his team and smiled slightly, “great work guys. I'd kiss you if I wasn't so tired.” With that he fell asleep in Moon's arms.
Meanwhile at Marik's hide out, he had seen what and scoffed. “Amateurs,” he said. Just then he heard a soft voice.
“Like you've done any better,” she said. Marik looked over and saw a beautiful woman with long violet hair and violet eyes. She was dressed in a long black gown and jewelry.
“Who are you and how did you get in my sanctum?” He said she smirked.
“As to who I am,” she said. “I'm the best ally you could ever have.”
End for now.
Oh hell, look's like Ranma and the girls have to deal with a blast from the past and what's this? A Lunar General, I thought they were all dead.
Tune in next time for: Police captain or Lunar General?