Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Awaken The Light ❯ My Father Is A Pharoah ( Chapter 5 )
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A white light appeared as she saw a figure of her late mother , Queen Selenity , the goddess Selene . Serenity then finally noticed that she was in her princess dress and curtisied then embrace her late mother .
Serenity : Mother !
Selenity : I am here because I want to introduce you to you new guardians . There powers come from the planets and moon’s core . I just wanted you to meet them .
Serenity : But mother , I don’t want any more guardians for it will cause death and destrustion like last time .
Selenity smiled mysteriously , like she have something or did something .
Selenity : But my darling , they are not human .
Two white flashes , two red flashes , two light blue flashes , two green mix with yellow flashes , two deep aqua blue , sky red light blue , a garnet , two golden orange flashes , and two deep purple flashes . These falshes became the legendary pokemon in the pokemoon world . They are Celebi , Jirachi , Moltrese , Entei , Articuno , Suicune , Zapdos , Raikou , Lugia , Kyogre , Ho-Oh , Growldon , Lotios , Lotias , and Mew and Mewtwo .
Selenity : They are your new protectors . They are supposedly inside these Lunar Balls , for when they are inside , they can see your every movement and can come out any time they want so they could help you when you are in trouble . It is also time to give you your old memories .
Selenity put two hands on Serenity’s forehead and chanted a incanation . Serenity had flashbacks of when she was small , and a man with tri colored hair and deep crimson eyes was bouncing her slightly on his leg an kidded her forehead and he also called her star , because she is the brightest star in the universe . Serenity sttagered a bit but was able to stand .
Selenity : It’s time you know who your father is , he is Pharoah Atemu of Ancient Egypt . Your real name is really Princess Hikari Serenity , for you have dark powers of the shadow realm from your father . You are the balace in then universe . I need you to go to your father’s demension now because they are facing a enemy that only you could beat , Berly , for she is somehow revived when you and Chaos challenged , but you could beat her easily for she don’t know that you became Cosmos . You will be cousin to Seto Kaiba , a high priest in Ancient Egypt for you were his cousin before I told Pluto to bring you away for you have a place in the other demension . When you get there , you will receive the memories of it . Be careful , my little moonstar .
Serenity disappeared into another silver portal as Selenity handed her the Lunar Balls filled with the legendary pokemon as Serenity left . The Lunar Balls are silver with the planet’s symbol for the pressing it open thing .
A white light appeared as she saw a figure of her late mother , Queen Selenity , the goddess Selene . Serenity then finally noticed that she was in her princess dress and curtisied then embrace her late mother .
Serenity : Mother !
Selenity : I am here because I want to introduce you to you new guardians . There powers come from the planets and moon’s core . I just wanted you to meet them .
Serenity : But mother , I don’t want any more guardians for it will cause death and destrustion like last time .
Selenity smiled mysteriously , like she have something or did something .
Selenity : But my darling , they are not human .
Two white flashes , two red flashes , two light blue flashes , two green mix with yellow flashes , two deep aqua blue , sky red light blue , a garnet , two golden orange flashes , and two deep purple flashes . These falshes became the legendary pokemon in the pokemoon world . They are Celebi , Jirachi , Moltrese , Entei , Articuno , Suicune , Zapdos , Raikou , Lugia , Kyogre , Ho-Oh , Growldon , Lotios , Lotias , and Mew and Mewtwo .
Selenity : They are your new protectors . They are supposedly inside these Lunar Balls , for when they are inside , they can see your every movement and can come out any time they want so they could help you when you are in trouble . It is also time to give you your old memories .
Selenity put two hands on Serenity’s forehead and chanted a incanation . Serenity had flashbacks of when she was small , and a man with tri colored hair and deep crimson eyes was bouncing her slightly on his leg an kidded her forehead and he also called her star , because she is the brightest star in the universe . Serenity sttagered a bit but was able to stand .
Selenity : It’s time you know who your father is , he is Pharoah Atemu of Ancient Egypt . Your real name is really Princess Hikari Serenity , for you have dark powers of the shadow realm from your father . You are the balace in then universe . I need you to go to your father’s demension now because they are facing a enemy that only you could beat , Berly , for she is somehow revived when you and Chaos challenged , but you could beat her easily for she don’t know that you became Cosmos . You will be cousin to Seto Kaiba , a high priest in Ancient Egypt for you were his cousin before I told Pluto to bring you away for you have a place in the other demension . When you get there , you will receive the memories of it . Be careful , my little moonstar .
Serenity disappeared into another silver portal as Selenity handed her the Lunar Balls filled with the legendary pokemon as Serenity left . The Lunar Balls are silver with the planet’s symbol for the pressing it open thing .