Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Millennia Sands ❯ F. Searching for the Heart... ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]




Guards at the cities gates seemed to be checking everyone as Kourage frowned. They dismounted as she handed him her cloak. "Act like an old man, I’ll deal with the rest." she replied as he pulled the cloak on and mounted as she was behind him. "Pull your feet up." she hissed as he did so, hunching over and making sure the hood hid everything. She urged the horse into a trot as they approached the check point. He tucked his hands behind his back as they stopped.

"What is your business?" one asked, he knew they were eying her.

"My grandfather is homesick and wishes to visit his grandchildren before he passes away." she stated as one went to touch the hood, only to have his hand smacked away. "He is very vain about people seeing him like this, plus he’s really sick with a illness that makes him say things that usually make no sense."

"My wife!" he croaked out, clasping her hands and kissing them, as she sighed in defeat.

"I am your daughter, not your wife." she replied as the guards looked at one another. "He’s gotten a touch of the memory loss, too. Rambles on and tries to crawl in my bed, the old leech. I’m hoping his wife will take him back." she told them in a whisper as they laughed.

"You may pass, only--"

"I’m set to be married, guard." she growled as he shut up and they went past them.

"Could always kill her lover." one stated as the other glared.

"You’re sick like that old man."


They dismounted in one of the alleyways as Bakura glared at her and she grinned. "Where?" she asked as he led her off. The horse knew what to do, he knew the way his mistress was and knew what was going on. Now what to do in that time...

Many in the slums of the city stared at the two as they went past. None approached because of the aura that hung around both, one that surrounded the Shadow Gamers and a few that they didn’t know. Yep, only a complete and utter idiot would try to mug those two...

That idiot found himself with a broken shoulder and a knife wound as the two walked past him towards the brothel...

"By Isis and Bastet." Nepha whispered as he nodded. Kourage couldn’t describe it and he didn’t want to try... he liked the boy too much and it tore at his usually black heart to see what happened to him. He couldn’t even begin to prepare his long time friend for what was in there.

"Nepha, before we enter... please help him." he stated as she nodded, pulling her cloak closer around her and the hood up as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders.


The cloak helped disguise Nepha as Kourage told his lies and got them into the disgusting place. He knew she was fearing the worst and felt the fact this place was not the best thing. He knew she was going to be pissed, knew the fight that would start, and knew that if he abandoned her she’d torture him and let the desert hide the body.

He was screwed either way, but he wanted his punches in against the bastard that did this to him.

They came to the door where whimpers and pleas to quit echoed, making both feel cold. He bowed his head as her eyes hardened, making the infamous thief cringe but return the serious look. She gave the door a swift kick as the man snarled and pulled away from the weeping boy on the bed, looking broken.

No words had been exchanged as the man was swiftly killed by Kourage as Nepha approached the bed. She reached out and touched his bruised face as brown eyes slowly opened and stared up at her. "Please..." he whispered as a few tears escaped her eyes.

Even in battle she never seen this much pain!

"Ryou?" she whispered as he blinked a few times and broke down crying. She carefully lifted his shoulders and pulled him into an embrace.

"Nepha, gods it is you... be praised above." he sobbed as she didn’t say a thing. Kourage felt a twinge in his heart as he watched the Amazon lay him down and pull her robe off. He approached the bed and lifted the boy up, nearly growling at how light he felt. He handed him to her as she covered him in the robe, trying not to jar any of Ryou’s major injuries with his movements.

"You’ll be safe, my kin, I promise." she whispered with a grin towards her friend. "Let’s leave before something happens to others while we are here."

"Escaping is my specialty." he stated as they exited the damned room.

Scaring the keeper of the bordello into submission and stealing a nearby horse, Kourage mounted the horse as Nepha watched him. "I’ll create a diversion at the gates and you slip past. I’ll catch up." he stated as she nodded in agreement.

"Thank you."


Later, at the Oasis...

Ishizu was rather pissed about what Nepha did, Lyrel was still mad about Igoto, Igoto was talking to the sand, and the three men present seemed a little uneasy. Kourage came streaking in, dismounting as one of the younger Amazons found herself handling the horse. “Lyrel!” he stated as the red head was on her feet. “Get Malik and some of the healers.”

“Why?” she pressed as he glared, which said much.

“Just do it!” he snarled as she went to do so.

“See here, you annoying Thief!” Ishizu snarled as she faced him just as the guards in the trees let out whistles, signaling the approach of someone.

“Shut up, you annoying bitch!” Kourage snarled as she looked surprised.

It was then the second rider came into camp, Lyrel gently taking the bundle she carried as the group of Healers gathered around and then scattered to get what was needed. Yugi followed the girl to one of the huts as the rest looked shocked or confused. Said thief had already sat down by the passed out Igoto and looked rather… mad and concerned at the same time.

Yami watched him as the hours passed, most of the healers leaving the hut as Yugi approached him.

She had patted his hsoulder as he jumped. “I need your help.” She stated as he stood up and followed her into the hut, ignoring looks of concern and glares of envy.


Kourage winced at the strong smell of the cleansing incenses, but didn’t complain as he seen Ryou on the hammock bed of sorts looking rather relaxed and comfortable. She waved for the thief to take a seat on one of the few things that was in the hut as she checked Ryou over again. “What do you need me to do?” he asked as Yugi made sure Ryou was awake.

“Stay with Ryou till I return in a few hours.” She stated as he frowned. “To get him some better clothes and to prepare a healing potion.”

“Okay.” He agreed as she ducked out of the hut.

After some silence Ryou watched the doozing Kourage and felt something push his fear of people back. Right now he wanted to feel safe and he knew that the feared Thief King wouldn’t resist his innocent pleading look. “Kourage?” he asked in a whisper as the other man jumped, uncrossing his arms and looking down at him.

It was going to be one of those nights. They both thought.


Yugi had everything ready in about fifteen minutes, but she was sitting by the fire. At the moment she was watching the facial expressions of Malik and Marik, both of which were playing the music seat game. One got closer, the other shifted farther away, one got closer, the other got farther away… Speaking of looks, she felt disturbed by Ishizu as she seemed to always touch her whenever she got the chance. Lyrel and Igoto seemed to have been alright for the time… Seto and Mokuba seemed to be ignoring the world around them, and the last person (who she didn’t remember) seemed to be just staring at her.

Standing up she picked up the things she needed and headed to check on the two white haired boys.

Stepping into the safety of the hut, she seen that Kourage had managed to fit into the hammock and was presently holding a clinging Ryou. Sitting the things down she found the only blanket in the place and threw it over them and left with a smile. ‘Those two need each other more then anybody would care to admit.’ She thought and went to find Lyrel.

Soon their true adventures would start…
