Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ My Angel: Hear me ❯ My Angel: Hear me ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Hear me Sailor Ra: Yami's POV! Don't own anything
My Angel: Hear me
Yami's POV
I have never felt this bad before. Pain is sweeping over my body as I watch her run away from me. I feel stinging of tears in my eyes as I watch you runaway because of my stupidity. I wanted to tell you that Tea did that just to tick you off, but by the way you were running I knew that you wouldn't believe me.
Hear me, hear me,
You got to be out there
You got to be some where
Where ever you are I'm waiting
All I want now is to talk to you, but I know you don't want me too.
I want to tell you what my heart feels right now to you and only you. I want you to know that I want you to light me up and I want you to know that I love you and only you. Please, I just want you to listen for once.
Cuz there are these nights where I sing myself to sleep
And I'm hoping that my dreams are bring you closer to me
Are you listening?
I see Yugi and the others waiting for me with a smile. There so happy that I'm home, but I can't say I feel the same way. It's weird not seeing Hotaru there.
They are all so happy to see me. I know that I'd miss them, but I still don't feel happy. Something just isn't right.
Hear me now
I'm crying out
I'm ready now
Turn my world up side down
Find me
I'm lost inside the crowd
It's getting loud
I need you to see that I'm screaming for you
Please, hear me
Hear me
Hear me
Can you hear me? Hear me
Hotaru, I know you won't listen me, but will you at least try!? I'm sick of hiding it! I'm sick of hiding! I'm scared and your not listening to me!
Yugi and the others are so happy. I wish I could be as happy, but I can't it's just not possible. I can't feel it. I can't hear them!
I use to be scared of letting someone in
But it gets so lonely being on my own
No one to talk to
And no one to hold me
I'm not always strong
All I need to hear
Are you listening?
What will it take for you to hear me? I know I've never let anyone in, but I'll try if you listen to me! I need you to see me! What will it take?!
Can you hear me scream!? Can you!? Well, can you?!
Hear me
I think I know what to do, but will you listen?
Hear me
I hope this works!
Hear me!
Sailor Ra: The next songfic will be the last of the `My Angel' series. I'll probably do something like it with Seto and Hotaru if you want me to.