Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ My Boyfriend's Back ❯ 1. ( One-Shot )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Hello again, peoples. I was inspired once again -.-. Stupid rabid plot bunnies refuse to leave me alone.

Aerix: What's wrong with plot bunnies? They're cute ^.^

Maybe to you, oh mighty one who claims that she will take over the world someday.

Aerix: I'm half cat. Cats can do anything, including getting home when your owner is half a continent away, and taking over the world.

That's nice. Before anymore delayment (is that a word? If not, I own it now ^.^), I'll just say that I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh! Or this song. My Boyfriend's Back belongs to the Angels, and I definitely ain't no angel.

Aerix: *sarcastically* Such nice grammar…




He went away and you hung around and bothered me every night

When I wouldn't go out with you said things that weren't very nice


"No Mamoru, I will not go out with you. There never was, and never will be, anything between us." Usagi calmly continued her walk down the street, with the prince of Earth following after her like a dog.

"What's that supposed to mean? You and I are destined to be together!" Usagi sighed with irritation.

"How low. I already have a boyfriend, and he really won't like the fact that you're hitting on me." Mamoru scowled.

"Am I supposed to care? You will be mine, no matter what."


My boyfriend's back and you're gonna be in trouble

(Hey la, hey la, my boyfriend's back)

When you see him comin' you better cut out on the double

(Hey la, hey la, my boyfriend's back)


"Usa-chan! Wait up!" Usagi paused, and turned around. She smiled brightly at Minako, who had stopped running and was panting for air.

"Hey Minako! Are you alright?" She straightened, looking a bit upset.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a bit oxygen-deprived."

"I can tell."

"…Have you heard the rumors going around?" Usagi dropped her smile.

"Rumors? They aren't about me, are they?" Minako looked away.


"Please tell me!" She sighed.

"People are saying that you've been cheating on your boyfriend with other men." Usagi's eyes widened.

"They're what?!"


You've been spreadin' lies that I was untrue

(Hey la, hey la, my boyfriend's back)

So look out now 'cause he's comin' after you

(Hey la, hey la, my boyfriend's back)


Usagi's eyes were filled with anger as she marched up to Mamoru's apartment. She pounded on the door, which was opened a few moments later. Mamoru smirked upon seeing her.

"To what do I owe this visit?"

"You're a lying bastard! I know it was you who was spreading those lies about me!" He leaned against the door.

"And what if I did?"


Hey he knows what you've been tryin'

And he knows that you've been lyin'


"Everyone at school now thinks I'm a cheating whore!"

"Just come to me, and the rumors will disappear like nothing ever happened." His eyes widened as she socked him in the face.

"You wish! I do hope you know that he's coming here in a few days, and you're gonna pay." She turned to leave, a sly grin crossing her features. "I also hope you know that he's a little scary at times, especially when dealing with lying scumbags like you."


He's been gone for such a long time

(Hey la, hey la, my boyfriend's back)

Now he's back and things will be fine

(Hey la, hey la, my boyfriend's back)

You're gonna be sorry you were ever born

(Hey la, hey la, my boyfriend's back)

'Cause he's kinda big and he's awful strong

(Hey la, hey la, my boyfriend's back)


"Usagi! Get down here!" Usagi looked up from her manga, a little worried at her fathers' tone of voice.

"Coming, 'tou-san!" She bounced down the stairs, but her worrying increased ten-fold when she saw his face.

"What's this about you cheating on your boyfriend? Since when did you even have a boyfriend?!" Her insides turned to ice.

"Was that Mamoru (she's referring to the phone call that I didn't mention)?"

"Yes. Now explain!" The ice seemed to melt away, and she gave her father a sort of half smile.


My boyfriend's back, he's gonna save my reputation

(Hey la, hey la, my boyfriend's back)

If I were you, I'd take a permanent vacation

(Hey la, hey la, my boyfriend's back)


"Remember when you took me to Domino City a few months ago because of the photography assignment you were given (I believe Kenji is a photographer, and I couldn't think of anything else to call it ^^;;)?" He nodded, and she continued. "And that scary guy decided I was a good target?" She tried to ignore the purpleness of Kenji's face. "Well, anyway, Malik was the one who sorta kicked his butt, and after that, well…"

"Ah, yes, the psychotic Egyptian (I have nothing against him! I think I'm talking too much, so I'll just shut up and explain everything at the end)." Usagi scowled.

"He's not psychotic! Just a little scary at times. But anyway, Mamoru, the guy I mistakenly dated in eighth grade, decided he wanted me to come back to him, and spread rumors that I was cheating. I'm not in trouble, am I?" Kenji smiled at her.

"No, you're not. I know you aren't lying, because that Malik guy is decent, even if he's psychotic…er…forget I said that. Now, if you don't mind, I'm going to go castrate Mamoru."

"Don't, 'Tou-san."


"That's for Malik to do."


Hey I can see him comin'

Now you better start a-runnin'

(wah-ooo, wah-oo)

Wait and see!


"So, Usa, what's going on with those rumors?" Usagi shrugged nonchalantly.

"Mamoru came up with them, so I'm not worried. Malik will be coming tomorrow." Rei raised an eyebrow.

"Mamoru was able to come up with something like that? So, what did you do to him?" Usagi shrugged again.

"I just gave him a black eye." Makoto grinned and leaned forward.

"You did? I'm proud. So…you wouldn't happen to have a picture of this Malik guy, would you? He sounds like an absolute bishie." Usagi pulled a picture out of her wallet (that magically appeared out of this air) that showed a tanned Egyptian with bleached blond hair and violet eyes. The brunette's eyes widened, and she whistled.

"He looks way better than my old boyfriend!" Minako looked shocked.

"He does? I hafta see this guy!" Usagi sat back, inwardly grinning as she watched the two senshi fight over the picture.

"I'm sorry gals, but he's mine." Ami ignored the two, and looked at Usagi.

"So you're not at all worried about those idiotic rumors? I'm surprised." She blew a raspberry at the senshi of ice.

"I'm not that immature anymore."


Hey, he knows I wasn't cheatin'

Now you're gonna get a beatin'

What made you think he'd believe all your lies

(Wah-ooo, wah-ooo)

You're a big man now but he'll cut you down to size


Wait and see


"Mamoru, damn you! Leave me alone! For the last time, I'm not interested in you!" Usagi wrenched her arm from his grip. 'I'm going to have to get a thirty foot restraining order.'

"I just want to make everything up to you!" Now Mamoru was trying to pretend that he actually cared…how pathetic (^.^;;).

"Yeah, you wanna make everything up. Now go away! Shoo!" Usagi motioned him away with a frown, but saw someone behind him and smiled.

"I won't leave you alone until you come back to me." He saw the smile on her face, and misinterpreted it. "So you'll be mine?" He leaned down to kiss her.

Usagi shoved him away. "As if!" Suddenly, an arm belonging to the man who just walked by wrapped around her waist, a golden object in his other hand.

"Problems, koi?" Violet eyes were filled with anticipated revenge.

"Hai." The Egyptian extended the blade of the Millennium Rod with a malicious smirk.


My boyfriend's back he's gonna save my reputation

(Hey la, hey la my boyfriend's back)

Yeah my boyfriend's back, well he's back now

My boyfriend's back

Well I can see he's comin', so you better get a runnin' alright now



I hate this fic! It's terrible! *hides under a conveniently placed rock*

Aerix: Aw, come on. It's not bad. I like it!

…Thanks…*stays under rock*

Aerix: You're welcome. Pizza's done!

About time! Well peoples, read and review!