Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ This is Gonna Be Fun ❯ Heeeeeeeeeerrrrrrre's Harpy! ( Chapter 14 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I own Angel and me. And if you wanna use Angel, you have to ask me first.
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Angel: ^__^
Sora: Bum Bum Bum.
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Angel: ^__^
Shadow: Who is it this time?
Angel: Allow me to introduce our guest for this and some other chapters, Harpy Link!
Harpy: Yo.
Sonic: Dude is she that lady who loves Nintendo and stuff?
Harpy: Yup.
Sonic: Thought so.
Harpy: * sees Sora* Soooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! * lunges at him but stops as Kairi and Angel hold her back* But I wanna marry Sora!
Angel: I thought so.
Kairi: * blushes*
Everyone bounds and gags Harpy.
Harpy: Mmmmmmmmmphhffffffffff!!!! * translation: Untie me now!*
Angel: No.
Harpy: O.O
Amy: O.O You can understand her?
Angel: ^__^ Actually I looked up at the translation thing.
Harpy: -_-()
Angel: Ok. Amy I now pronounce you and Sonic, hedgehog and hedgehog. So see ya!
Amy and Sonic: * disappear*
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Angel: While we are waiting for the pizza guy, lets play a cursing game to see who knows the most curse words. Shadow will be the only player.
Shadow: $#%^ !
Angel: It started.
Shadow: $#%^@ !
Angel: -_-
Shadow: $#%^@& !
Angel: -_-()
Shadow: $#%% !
Angel: -_-()
Shadow: $#%^@&^ !
Angel: >.< That's it! * takes Amy's Piko Piko Hammer and knocks him out*
Shadow: @.@
Amy: ^__^
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Harpy: That was fun!
Sora: Especially when Angel knocked Shadow out with Amy's Piko Piko Hammer!
Namine: R&R please!
Riku, Kairi, Harpy, Sora and Angel: It's PLZ!
Namine: All right PLZ!
All except Namine: -_-() She's hopeless.
Namine: ^__^