Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / Sonic X Fan Fiction ❯ Sonic Duals ❯ Gate Guardian! ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 2: Gate Guardian
Everyone looked in awe at Sanga in all its glory.
“That…I've not seen that monster before.” Said Tails.
“I thought you saw the whole database.” Shadow questioned her.
“I had it, but most of the cards input into the device automatically, I didn't need to look at most of them.”
Silver drew his card. `I need to find a way to defeat that monster…or I am done for.' He thought. `Gemini Elf…' Silver looked up at the hooded girl, `Gate Guardian'.
Gate Guardian smiled under the hood, it was a little eerie from her golden fur, darkened by the shadow.
“I summon the Gemini Elf to do battle.” And as said, out came the twin elves, laughing toward Gate Guardian, but silenced up at the sight of Sanga. (1900/900)
“Isn't my Sanga just a shocking sight? I mean, isn't she lovely?” Gate Guardian teased. “Please, continue…end your turn so I can beat the crap out of you.” Silver looked over his hand, field and his opponent. A sweat clearly appearing on his head.
“My turn is over.”
“And so are you shortly.” Gate Guardian drew her card and as soon as she looked at it, Sanga threw thunder at Gemini Elf, destroying them completely. <2600>
“What the hell, you didn't even give it a command!” Silver barked as he saw his monster explode.
“I don't need to, Sanga knows what's best for me.” Gate guardian said, not lifting her head from her hand. “Your go.” And Silver drew his card.
“This will cost me greatly, but it will also hinder you! I activate Dark Hole!”
“Silver!” Amy called out.
“Dark hole?” Cream questioned.
“Dark hole removes all monsters on the field.” Shadow explained. “Think of it as monster cleanup.”
And as said, the card removed every monster on the field, getting Gate Guardians attention from her hand. Silver seemed a little more relaxed.
“Now move.” Gate guardian frowned and looked at Silver through her hood.
“You shouldn't disrespect the gods…” She said as she drew her card. “I summon The Six Samurai - Yariza. (1000/500) And attack you directly.” Yariza ran in for the attack, knocking Silver to his behind. Something about Gate Guardians new adopted tone scared him a little. <5200>
“It's your turn.” Silver drew his next card.
“I summon Breaker The Magical Warrior, and by his effect, I place one magic counter on him.” And he did. “Attack the Samurai!” And with one fell swing of his sword, the Samurai fell. <3200> “I now use my spell counter to rid you of your magic card!” Silver said.
“That a boy Silver!” Knuckles cheered.
“He's gonna win after all!” Amy cheered along.
“A Flash of Magic Sealing…Yet I wait to use its power.” Gate Guardian said as she placed the card in the grave.
“You were so confident about defeating me… `Gate Guardian!' Well, look what's happened, because you underestimated the power of a wizard!” Silver bellowed. “Take your last go, I don't expect to see you living much longer on the battlefield.” And Gate Guardian drew her card, smiling as she looks at it.
“To think, I was about to remove this card from the deck just this morning, glad I didn't.” She said. “Lets let her say hello, shall we? Cyber Dragon, come forth.” Everyone in the crowd gasped as Cyber Dragon hit the stage. (2100/1600)
“No! How!” Silver roared. Gate guardian pet her metallic dragon a little, then looked at Silver.
“This…might hurt you. Attack!” and Cyber flew forwards toward Silver's monster taking it out in a single blow. <5000>
“It wasn't so bad, I am still in the lead.” Silver said. “I will win and I will get that ticket of Tails's.
“Hey, you gotta beat us first.” Sonic said, shrugging.
“Yeah!” Cream added.
“Stop talking like you've one, you've still got a few thousand pounds worth of steal to defeat first and another 3700 life points to deplete as well.” Gate Guardian said.
“Well, I guess we will do that now, won't we?” Silver drew his card. “I set this down, your go.” Gate Guardian drew her card. “I use tribute doll on my Cyber Dragon and bring out my Great Shogun Shien. (2500/2400) and I'll have him take down Breaker.” And that's what happened. <4900>
“You suck at attacking my life points, you're just scratching them away, and you nearly have none left.”
“You'll regret that, I promise.”
“Just finish your go.” And Gate Guardian yawned a little.
“Okay, go.” Silver drew his card.
“I put Gemini Elf in defence. And end my go.” (900 Def) Gate Guardian drew her card.
“I use Tribute doll and replace Great Shogun Shien with Suijin.” And Suijin burst to the field, replacing the Shogun. (2500/2100) “I then destroy Gemini.” Suijin powered up the water in his palms and blasted the elves into nothing. “Draw.” Silver drew his card. `This is badI've nothing left…I need something…something to come back with.'
“My turn is over.”
“And this is where you begin to crumble.” Gate Guardian said as she drew her card. “Suijin…attack.” Silver felt the water blast at full force, knocking him away. <2400>
“Gaaah!” Silver yelped as he fell.
“Silver!” Knuckles called.
“Get up!” Tikal called too.
“You can still do this!” Blaze added her comment.
Silver stood and looked toward Gate Guardian.
“I…” He started, getting his breath. “…Will not lose here!”
“Take your move…it will be your last…I guarantee it.” Gate Guardian smirked. And Silver drew his card, his eyes widening, and he sets it on the field.
“Your turn.” He said. Gate Guardian drew her card.
“I summon The Six Samurai - Nisan (1400/700) and attack your face down with Suijin.” And as the card flipped, Suijin vanished, the card flipping down.
“Due to the flip effect of Tsukuyomi, Suijin is lowered into face down state…I am saved.” Silver smirked, but the smirk was soon to be wiped off his face.
“Yes, but…now that I have ended my turn…” And Tsukuyomi vanished. Silver was unbelieving of what he saw.
“What happened!”
“I would like to know too.” Amy said.
“Upon the end phase of the turn the card is summoned, special summoned or flip summoned…it returns to its owners hand! It's your go again.” Silver drew his card.
“I set this again and end my go.”
“At least I know what you did, and I'm going to pass my turn.” Gate Guardian said, drawing her card. Silver drew his next card.
“I'll set this and back to you.” Gate guardian drew.
“I'll set this, and flip my Suijin back up. At this point, I would destroy your Apprentice Magician, but I feel it's best to let you summon Dark Magician.”
“That does it!” Silver roared. “How do you know what is on my field and in my hand?”
“I'm good at guessing.” Gate guardian replied. “You're go.”
“What I want to know is why you're letting him summon Dark Magician.”
“Because I'm bored.” Silver drew another card.
“Fine then!” Silver said. “As you wish! I use my face downs as tributes for the Dark Magician, my most faithful companion! And now I will take the risk and we lose our monsters! Attack, Dark Magician!” And the Dark Magician fired at Suijin, only for his attack to be blocked by a wall of water and swallowed like it was nothing, then the wall of water boomed toward them, going past Dark Magician, slaughtering him like nothing and then hitting Silver hard, knocking him to the floor. Gate Guardian start laughing, then cackling madly. Silver struggled to stand.
“I win.” Gate Guardian said. “With that last foolish attack, you defeated yourself.” Silver looked toward her, collapsing to a knee. <0>
“But…but why?”
“Suijin, Kazejin and the Sanga all have one thing in common…they all make your attacks nothing and then hit you with their own. It doesn't matter if you are Kuriboh or blue-eyes, one wrong move and you're gone.” Gate Guardian explained. “You mentioned a “home tournament” to those who win. I want to take part.” Gate Guardian said. “Bring what you need tomorrow back to this park…you may begin the tournament then, see you there.” And Gate Guardian collected her deck up and began to walk away, as all the clan ran over to injured Silver. Shadow ran after Gate Guardian.
“Wait! At least name yourself.” He ordered.
“Why of course…” She turned around, looking up at Shadow.
“My name…is the Gate Guardian.” Upon this, she turned and walked away.