Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / Sonic X Fan Fiction ❯ Sonic Duals ❯ Let the Eliminations Begin ( Chapter 8 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 8: Let the eliminations begin.
Again, the group had gone around and smashed into opponents, they won some, they lost some. They all regrouped to meet their progress.
“Alright, lets check this out, how are we doing?” Sonic asked.
“I found the door to the finals.” Tails said. “Basically, you insert the rings and you get a finals key card, that you sign with both your name and any Title to wish to give yourself.”
“Cool.” Sonic said.
“Thanks…Shadow. You can put me down now.” Hitomi said. Shadow looked over his shoulder and gently let Hitomi off his back.
“You are a strong one, I'll give you that.” Shadow said.
“How so, Shad? Hasn't she been on your back the duration of the day?” Sonic asked.
“No, she got off my back once before for a duel.” Shadow said, his usually dark tone in his voice.
“She put on the line her rarest card and duelled a guy of all his rings. He thought she'd be an easy win, seeing as she wasn't in the best shape.” Shadow said. “Not only that, but she didn't use many monsters other than the Hero Kids.”
“That's impressive, wish I was there to see it.” Sonic said.
“I'm not doing so good…” Knuckles said. “I got one ring to last me the remainder of the tournament. Sorry, but I don't think I can help you in the finals against that Eggman.”
“Just one ring? Can I have it if you're going to give up?” Asked a voice. Everyone turned to see a white and brown female fox, smiling happily. “I only need one anyway.”
“Heh, I'm not giving it up, you'll have to duel me for it, however I'm not duelling for just one ring, I want more than that, but since that won't be the case, I guess it won't happen.” Knuckles said as he turned to walk away.
“Winner takes all then.” The girl replied, this caught Knuckles attention as he stopped.
“You are willing to give up all of your rings for a duel.” Knuckles questioned.
“Well, I decided my next duel would be my last anyhow, if I get in I get in, if not then I give up.” The girl replied.
“Foolish mistake.” Knuckles said turning around. “I accept you challenge.” The arena appeared both players made there way onto it.
“Since I am putting a lot more on the line, I'll go first.” The girl said, drawing her card. “I'll set this down and summon Dunames Witch.” She said as the Dunames appeared in a flash of light. (1800/1050) “That ends my turn.” Knuckles drew his card.
“Heh, this will be done shortly.” He said. “Your not very good at opening moves are you?” He asked.
“If you can do better, I'm waiting.”
“Right, first I'll use Reinforcement of The Army, and bring my Marauding Captain from my deck to my hand.” Knuckles said as he resolved his cards. “Then I'll summon Marauding Captain (1200/400) to the field and bring his buddy Mataza the Zapper (1300/800) with him with his effect.” Knuckles monsters appeared on the field. “Now I'll use Fusion Sword Murasame Blade on Mataza the Zapper, increasing his attack by 800. (2100) Now, he'll attack your Witch.” Mataza took a hold of his new Murasame and charged Dunames Witch, slicing her in half. <7700> “Now attack her my captain!” The captain then charged in and sliced the girl, who was not phased. <6500> “and attack her again, Mataza.” The girl's eyes widened as she felt a blow from the Mataza, despite him attacking once already. <4400>
“How come he attacked again?” Amy asked.
“It's his special ability, he can attack twice in the same battle phase.” Sonic explained.
“I see. That's pretty neat.”
“Especially with that power boost, nice going, knucklehead.” Rouge said.
“Look's like Knuckles is going to the finals.” Silver cheered.
“Don't get your hopes up, I was going easy.” The girl said, recovering from the attack.
“You don't need to bluff, dear girl. You were a fool to risk ALL your rings. Now I'll take them from you in my next turn, make your move.” Knuckles said, pointing at her.
“Do you have a reason to win?” The girl asked.
“I win to increase my power and duel ability.” Knuckles replied, folding his arms. “Stop trying to delay the end of this duel and your demise.”
“I'm sorry, but I am NOT the one to lose today, I have no choice but to win, you have no idea what the stakes are on this duel…” The girl countered. “I will beat you…” The girl held up her palm. “Within five of my turns…and you will be powerless to stop me.” She said.
“Show and tell, girl, show and tell.” Knuckles taunted, giving a grin.
“I will do.” The girl drew her card. “First, I'll summon Mythical Beast Cerberus.” The blue wolf like creature appeared in a flash of light and let out a howl. (1400/1400)
“Too weak girl, I'll slaughter that monster in my next turn.” Knuckles said.
“Not exactly. By using a spell card, I give my Cerberus 500 attack points, thus raising it to 1900.” The girl explained. “So, I'll activate none other than Swords of Revealing Light.” As the swords fell over Knuckles side of the field, the Cerberus appeared to grow. (1900/1400)
“Meh, it's still too weak to take me on.” Knuckles said, frowning and crossing his arms.
“In due time, I'll pass my turn without attacking.” The girl said. Knuckles drew his card and smirked. “First, I'll also activate Swords of Revealing light, and then my equip card Lightning Blade, giving it to my Mataza the Zapper.” Knuckles said, the swords fell and landed on the girls side of the field, and Mataza took a hold of his new blade, along with his previous one. (2900/800) He started to cockily laugh aloud, but changed his tone when the girl laughed like he did. He looked and her Cerberus was even bigger. “What the…?” The Cerberus roared at Knuckles. (2900/1400)
“Oh, did I forget to mention, for every spell card that is played, be it mine or yours, my Cerberus increases it's attack by 500 points.” The girl smiled cockily. “Our monsters are equal.”
“That is one useful card.” Sonic said.
“I need to get that card, it would make a perfect addition to my Spellcaster army.” Silver said.
“I hope Knuckles isn't in trouble.” Amy said worriedly.
“No sweat, he'll win and he'll be in the finals.” Rouge said, confidently.
“I don't think so…he still has my swords to contend with.” The girl countered.
“I'll end my turn here.” (Girls SORL = 1) The girl drew her card.
“I'll activate Terraforming, thus allowing me to bring forth a field card from my deck, which I will gladly take and use Sanctuary of the Sky.” The girl said as the field changed to a sky sanctuary, the clouds slowly moving around everyone.
“Oh wow…it's pretty…” Cream said.
“It's in your deck somewhere Cream.” Hitomi said. “I put it there.”
“Thank you, it's so pretty.” Cream said.
“But, it's useless to your Spellcaster card Cerberus.” Knuckles said.
“On the contrary…” The girl countered. “Its effect might not be in effect, however, this allows me to put two more counters on my Cerberus, thus increasing his attack by another thousand.” And the Cerberus grew some more. (3900/1400) “And with that I end my turn.” The girl said, passing it on. (Knuckles SORL = 1) Knuckles drew his card.
“I'll use my second Lightning Blade on Mataza. (3800/800)” Knuckles smirked.
“Idiot…No wonder you didn't succeed this tournament with amateur moves like that.” The girl mocked, but her voice sounded disappointed.
“What do you mean?” Knuckles questioned.
“Did you forget? For every spell card you activate, I get stronger, so increase the attack of Mataza all you want…I will ALWAYS be ahead of you. Now my Cerberus is a giant.” The girl said, and her gigantic Cerberus grew even more. (4400/1400)
“Knuckles made a bad play, he needs to get rid of that card, not increase it's attack…” Sonic said.
“Well, what about traps.” Tikal questioned.
“I'm not sure Knuckles quite knows good trap combos.” Sonic answered.
“This is getting easy.” The girl said, folding her arms.
“I'll end my turn.” Knuckles said. (Girls SORL = 2) The Girl drew her card.
“I'll activate my Magical Mallet.” She said. The Cerberus grew once more. (4900/1400) The girl put two cards into her deck and shuffled it, then drew two more. “Oh, that's a shame…only spell cards…” She said. “Well, might as well use what I have. First, I'll use Lightning Vortex.” The Cerberus grew as lightning struck all Knuckles monsters, taking them out of the duel and into the graveyard. (5400/1400)
“Oh Noooo!” Knuckles screamed as he grabbed his head.
“Oh yes.” The girl smiled. “Now I'll activate Premature Burial and bring my Dunames Witch back.” <3600> And the Cerberus grew more as the witch returned to the field. (5900/1400) Dunames Witch opened her eyes looking at Knuckles. (1800/1050) “And finally, my last card. A spell by the name of Cestus of Dagla and I'll equip it to my Dunames Dark Witch.” (2300/1050) And Cerberus grew once more. (6900/1400) “And that ends my turn.” (Knuckles SORL = 2) Knuckles drew his next card, and had a large sweat drop on his head. Give me a monster… He thought. As he looked at his card he seemed uneasy. A trap…mirror force…this will come in handy.
“I'll set this card and monster down and end my turn.” Knuckles said, as he placed his monster and spell/trap card down and passed the turn over. (Girls SORL = 3) The Swords of revealing light on Knuckles side vanished. At least I can attack now, but next turn…it's her who can attack as well… and when she does, she's in for a surprise and a shock to the system. And once my Mirror Force destroys her monsters, I'll summon her end. Knuckles put on a brave face. The girl drew her next card.
“This duel is over…you lose.” She said.
“It's far from over.” Knuckles said. “I still have all of my life points, you've not attempted to attack me!” he roared. “I'll beat you and make my way to the finals.”
“Sorry, but you've nothing to stop me from attacking you directly this turn.” She said.
“What are you talking about, first of all I have the swords of revealing light, which is active for one more turn and I still have these face down cards.” Knuckles countered.
“You stand corrected. Mystical Space Typhoon and Heavy Storm takes care of everything and you lose.” She said.
“But…doesn't MST remove one spell or trap and Heavy Storm remove all spell and trap cards on the field?” Cream asked.
“They do, why?” Sonic answered, asking his own question.
“Why use them both when she only needs to use one?” Cream asked.
“For the power to her Cerberus.” Shadow answered, with his usual `I'm disgusted' tone of voice.
“But she's miscalculated something.” Hitomi said. “If she removes all spells and traps, she removes Premature Burial, taking Dunames with it. And the two spells will only take the monster up to 7900, and Knuckles has a set monster still to defend his life points. Also, if Cerberus attacks, the spell counters from all the spells will be removed and it shall return to its original strength.” She explained. “This duel is far from over.”
“That is where you are wrong. First I'll use my face down Mystical Space Typhoon and remove your Swords of Revealing light.” And the swords were shattered, Cerberus grew (7400 ATK) “Then my Heavy Storm.” And all spell and trap cards were destroyed, Cerberus grew again. (7900 ATK) “Finally, the final card in my hand, I use Nobleman of Crossout and take out your face down monster, leaving you with nothing and me with 400 points more than your total life.” The girl said and as she said it, the Cerberus grew even more. (8400) By this time it's so huge that everyone in the room and even some from other rooms couldn't help but see it. “And pathetic as this duel was, it was worthwhile, I taught you the value of the duel, and the fact that I didn't tribute for a higher monster, nor attack you with anything but a single monster. You yourself were unfortunate to not last long enough to bring out anything worthwhile, all you did was hinder your cause and help me out. Maybe you will learn in defeat that it's not about increasing your monster with as many equip cards as you can, it's about strategising your way in any situation. And don't use that “you're a hypocrite” seeing as how my monster was only increased in power by his own effect and all I did was wait long enough to be able to One Hit K.O you and you fell right into your own demise. You thought you had what it takes for the finals, but you did not and I proved it today, of all the duels I've had, you're by far the easiest, and trust me, some duels were pretty easy.” The girl then sighed. “My Cerberus, end this pathetic duel and let me into the finals.” The girl the scratched her head as the Mythical Beast Cerberus powered up and shot down a defeated Knuckles, ending the duel on the girls first attack. <0> Knuckles fell to a knee and his ring bounced to the floor. The girl walked up to it and picked it up.
“My…my ring…” Knuckles said as he watched his elimination from the tournament.
“Have fun with the rest of the tournament, I might see you in the finals.” The girl the walked off, whilst Sonic and Silver helped Knuckles to his feet.
“Man…what an embarrassing defeat…” Knuckles said to himself.
“Don't worry about it, dude…” Sonic said reassuringly.
“But I let you all down.” Knuckles said, kicking himself.
“Bah, you would have been booted from the tournament anyway.” Shadow shot at him, with his calm `I don't care' attitude.
“Shadow, you don't have to be mean about it.” Sonic defended Knuckles.
“This is a waist of my time, now if you'll excuse me, I have some finals to get into.” And Shadow walked off.
“Shadow, wait up.” Hitomi said, running after him. Hermana was hesitant, but stayed with the group.
“I have a good idea, it's getting late, they might call it quits for the day soon, so lets rest up, shall we?” She suggested.
“Sorry kiddo, but I've got some finals to get into, and some Eggman butt to kick.” Rouge said.
“Yeah, we all have to work hard.” Amy added.
“Then lets get moving, Knuckles, you might be out of the tournament, but that doesn't mean you can't support us.” Sonic said, reassuring the defeated echidna.
“Yeah, thanks Sonic.” The group walked off.
“Duellists of the arena, those who are still around, we will be closing for the night within the hour, please wrap up your last duels for the night, there are spaces in the finals still, so there is time. Please take your time, rest up and we will see you tomorrow, you have approximately one hour before security escorts you off the premises.” Pegasus spoke from the intercom.
“Damn zat Pegasus…” Vincent said, standing on one of the higher barriers. “Zis unworthy competition eez pathetic. I hope zat more challenging opponents are found in zee finals, because all eet has done so far is bore me…” Thanks to zat fool, Sasuke, I have got all zee rings for zee finals, but zat door ees giving me a lot of trouble, where could eet be?
Shadow and Hitomi were in the centre of the building.
“So, your able to walk at least.” Shadow said.
“Only a little. Moving on, who is the next victim?” Hitomi asked.
“I will gladly take you on!” Called a voice, the two shot their heads up and saw a green hedgehog fall from the roof and landed on one knee in front of them, he lifted his head, revealing his face, with sunglasses, and he stood and adjusted his leather gloves.
“And you are?” Shadow questioned, folding his arms.
“My name is Scourge, and I will defeat you today, Shadow the Hedgehog!” Scourge shouted as he pointed fiercely at an unfazed Shadow.
“Heh…fool.” Hitomi smiled.
“I'll take you both on, you on me! Bring it on!” Scourge said as he seemingly got into a fighting stance, suddenly a duel disk burst from his leather jacket and folded around his body, connecting to his arm, a belt like machine went over his shoulder and the deck was within the centre, the duel disk almost resembled a guitar.
“You? Take us on?” Shadow questioned, then laughed aloud maniacally. “You must be stupider than you look.”
“Says the Hedgehog who's only a fake to Sonic!” Scourge snapped back.
“How dare you call me fake to that hedgehog!” Shadow barked back, activating his duel disk. “You're on!!” Hitomi activated hers as well.
“You said both of us.” She said. “You know how stupid your mistake was?”
“I'll take you both down and you will be humiliated, and just so you know, I've rigged this duel so that is shown on the big screen.” Scourge said, pointing to the screens, all cameras on them. Sonic looked at the screen and jumped in surprise.
“Scourge! Oh you son of a-…”
“Sonic!” Amy called as she pointed to the screen. “That's Shadow and Hitomi!”
“Is he taking them both on?” Knuckles asked.
“It looks like it.” Rouge answered. Meanwhile, back at the duel.
“Now, here's how it works…” Scourge started.
“Scourge, don't be a fool.” Called a voice as a fox walked up. “If you're going to take them on, at least make it fare odds. My name is Fiona Fox! And I will be duelling on the side of Scourge today.” She said as she activated her duel disk.
“It doesn't matter who you are, you're still going to lose.” Shadow said, smirking.
“We will have to work as a team Shadow.” Hitomi said.
“Screw being a team, I can take these jokers alone.” Shadow barked, still grinning.
“But…Shadow…?” Hitomi started, seeming surprised at his outburst.
“I still don't trust you, Hitomi…you might be one of us now, but as far as I'm concerned, you have too many secrets to be trusted at all.” Shadow said, as he slotted his deck. Hitomi didn't say a work, she just frowned, narrowed her eyes and slotted her deck as well.
“Fine! Be a jerk! But when I win, the glory is mine, you got that, faker?” Hitomi insulted.
“How dare you!” Shadow snapped at her.
“Heh, check these two out.” Scourge grinned.
“It's like two assholes on their first date.”
“Shut up! Lets duel!” Shadow snapped. And the duel began.
“Now, let me explain how this works. Each duellist must take a turn each in order for an official turn to pass, so once all four of us have made a move each, a turn has passed. On an example, the beginning of the duel, no one can make an attack until we have all made one official draw phase. Another example is the Swords of Revealing lights, first of all, the swords affect two people, being you two if one of us uses them. Then say Scourge took the first move, and Shadow took the last, the swords would spin one turn when he has finished his move. You cannot protect each other with you monsters, but traps and spells are another story. We will have the usual amount of life points, 8000 per player.”
“8000? That'll take forever.” Hitomi said.
“Cry me a river. Also, traps can work with each other, you are sharing 16000 life points, so if a trap states `you' take no effect slash damage, it works for both of you and if the cards states turn, that means it is only active for that players move. Also, say you fuse the monsters together, such as the fox fuses something with Shadow's Dragon, the person whose turn fused the monster owns the monster, understand?” Fiona explained.
“Yes, now lets get on with this already!” Shadow said. Each player drew 5 cards, Scourge instantly drew a 6th.
“I will take my turn first, because of this, it goes Me, Shadow, Fiona and that brat.” He said, nastily.
“The name is Hitomi, jerk!” Hitomi barked at Scourge.
“Whatever.” Scourge said. “Lets make this interesting, how about the losing team gives up enough rings to allow their opponents into the finals, or as close to it as the amount of rings they have?” he suggested.
“Sounds good to me.”
“Yeah, whatever.” Shadow said. Fiona sighed.
“I'll set this down and summon Archfiend Soldier.” Scourge said as the Archfiend rose from the darkness and drew his weapon. (1900/1500) “I'll activate Yami and that ends my move.” Shadow drew his card.
“Heh…What a wonderful hand. I'll summon to the field none other than the Red-Eyes Black Chick.” And the egg appeared, braking into the cute little version of Red Eyes.
“Awww…isn't that cute.” Fiona said, half lovingly, half sarcastically.
“It won't be cute for much longer, as I will use its effect to age it, transforming it into the Red Eyes Black Dragon!” Shadow said, as the dragon exploded from it's shell into the wonderful dragon it is. “It doesn't stop here, I'll now activate a dragon effect from my hand, making it grow further, creating the ultimate, the true dark dragon, Red Eyes Darkness Dragon!!!” Shadow roared, as his Dragon grew further and gathered a dark aura. “Because of its effect, it gains 300 attack for each dragon in my graveyard, since I just discarded 2, that's 3000 Attack!” (3000/2000)
“Bah.” Scourge spat.
“It gets better. I'll now use Ancient Rules and summon my next Red Eyes Black Dragon!” And the second dragon appeared. (2400/2000)
What a move…he really is a decent duellist to pull that in the first move. Hitomi thought.
“I'll set this down. My hand may be empty, but this handout is well worth it.” Shadow grinned. “I'll end my move.” So Fiona drew her card, seemingly unaffected by the dragons.
“I'll set this down, activate The A. Forces and bring out the Amazoness Paladin, because of the A. Forces, my warrior gets 200 points for every other warrior or Spellcaster on the field, since she is my only warrior, that's just 200…for now.” (1900/300) “That's my move over.” Hitomi drew her card. Shadow said he isn't on my side, or is he just not going to help me? “I'll set these down and end the turn.” Hitomi said, as she placed a monster and a spell/trap card.
Scourge drew his card.
“Right, lets see here.” Scourge said, adjusting his cards. “I'll set this down and have my Archfiend Soldier attack the fox's face down monster!” The Soldier prepped his sword, charged and sliced Hitomi's monster.
“Oh dear, my poor Giant Rat…” Hitomi said, seemingly sad as her rat died. “Oh well, it's ability allows me to special summon an earth monster from my deck with 1500 attack or less. So, I'll bring out my Hero Kid.” And the Hero Kid leaped from the sky and stood in a `hero' stance. “And thanks to HIS ability, I can special summon any number of Hero kids I want to the field. So, say hello to his little friends.” And two more Hero Kids appeared. (300/600) x3
“Bah, my move is over.” Shadow drew his card.
“Hmm…” This is pathetic, if that girl can't come up with a better plan than summoning 3 pathetic monsters to the field, she will only hold me back.
I heard that you cocky son of a bitch, hedgehog. Hitomi thought to herself.
“I summon Luster Dragon!” Shadow roared as his Dragon flew from the roof and hit the ground. (1900/1600) “Now, I'll use my red eyes black dragon to attack Scourges Archfiend Soldier!” Red Eyes Black Dragon belched a dark flame at Scourges Archfiend.
I'm not using my trap on that… Fiona thought. And Scourge's monster was vanquished as he blocked himself. <7700>
“Curse you, faker!” Scourge barked.
“Shut up, now my Luster Dragon will attack Fiona's Amazoness Paladin!” The Luster Dragon powered up his attack and blasted toward Fiona's monster, and she let it be destroyed. I'll use my trap on the Darkness Dragon, removing it to the graveyard. Fiona thought as the monsters were both removed to the grave. “Here I will end my turn.” Shadow said.
“What?” Hitomi questioned.
“I don't trust that card Fiona has face down, so I will end my turn, got a problem with that?!” Shadow barked.
“Shut up, already, jeez.” Hitomi narrowed her eyes.
“Those two will be in trouble if they don't work together.” Amy said.
“Yeah…” Cream added.
“They will be fine, we all know Shadow and Hitomi a great duellists on their own.” Silver said, confidently.
Fiona drew her card.
“I'll summon Amazoness Chain Master.” She said, and the Amazon rose, swinging her chain around. “And equip her with Fusion Sword Murasame Blade.” (2500/1300) “Now, attack Hitomi's Hero Kid!” Hitomi lifted her card.
“I activate Sakuretsu Armor.” As the Amazon attacked the poor Hero Kid, it leaped above her attack, and upon so, the other two strapped the Armor on her and all three fled watching her explode.
“Darn you!” Fiona clenched her fists. “You'll pay! I end my turn here.” Hitomi drew her card.
“I'll tribute two of my sweet Hero Kids for Kazejin, God of the Wind.” And with a giant gust of wind, Kazejin appeared. (2600/2000) “Now, attack Scourges face down card.” Hitomi said, pointing to the card. As Kazejin powered up to fire, Scourge grinned.
“Sorry, you've activated my flip effect. Brain Jacker! Attach yourself to the Darkness Dragon!” And the monster burst from its cover and leaped on Red Eyes Darkness Dragon's face. Upon taking control, the dragon moved to the other side of the field.
“Kazejin, withdraw your attack.” And Kazejin powered down.
“What's wrong, did my strategy scare you?” Scourge laughed manically.
“How dare you disrespect my dragon!” Shadow roared.
“I didn't disrespect it, I just gave it a better master, me!” Scourge continued to laugh maniacally.
“I'll end this turn.” Hitomi said.
Scourge drew his next card.
“Right, since the dragon is weak now, I'll sacrifice it for my Dark Ruler Ha Des.” And the Darkness Dragon was gone, from it's ashes rose the Dark Ruler. (2450/2000)
“Damn it…” Shadow grumbled. Hitomi sighed.
“It's better, since I have my Yami on the field, it increases it's attack by 200.” Scourge said. (2650) “That's 50 more than the Kazejin, attack her!” Ha Des powered up and fired at Kazejin, who lifted a wall of wind. A huge explosion blew over the duel, and everyone was covered in the dust, not being visible to anyone. As the smoke cleared, Kazejin was intact on the field, as Ha Des was gone. “What?!” <5100> “What happened!” Scourge barked.
“Kazejin's effect states that during the damage step, if attacking Kazejin, you're monsters attack reduces to nothing, and since that's 0 attacking 2600, you lose not only your monster, but the rebound difference in the attack points is almost like a direct swipe at your life points.” Hitomi explained. Scourge growled angrily.
“I'll end my move.” He said. Shadow drew his card.
A direct attack on either one of those two, but I don't trust that face down of Fiona's…Oh well.
“Red Eye's Black Dragon! Take down Fiona's life points!” And the Red eyes powered up to attack.
“Not so fast, activate Sakuretsu Armor! Goodbye, Red Eyes!” Fiona said, as the armour appeared and destroyed the Dragon.
“Damn it!” Shadow barked. Hitomi sighed. “I'll end my turn by setting the card in my hand.” Shadow stated, folding his arms. Fiona drew her card.
“I'll set this down and end my turn.” Fiona said, Hitomi drew her card.
“I'll use card destruction.” She said.
“What?! Damn it!” Scourge barked.
“I'm sorry, did I ruin your strategy, you loser.” Everyone but Shadow, who didn't have a hand, place all the cards they had into the graveyard and drew the amount they had discarded. “I'll summon Warrior Lady of the Wasteland to the field. But, before she does anything, I'll use Tribute Doll and tribute her for Suijin.” (2500/2400) “Kazejin can now attack Scourge Directly.” Kazejin blew a large gust of wind, taking Scourge off his feet and onto his back with a thump. (2500) “You're lucky that my Suijin cannot attack this turn or you'd be gone, green boy.” Scourge staggered to his feet. “I'll end this turn.”
Scourge drew his card. As he looked at it, he began laughing.
“This will be interesting.” He said. “I'll activate the effect of my card I just drew. By removing 3 fiends from my graveyard, those three being my Archfiend Soldier, my Dark Ruler Ha Des and the Goblin Elite Attack Force that was removed from my hand with Card Destruction, I'll summon my Dark Necrofear!!!” A dark hole appeared above Scourges side of the field, emitting a dark mist. Dark Necrofear slowly lowered from this dark portal and looked toward the opposition. (2200/2800) “And Yami is still on the field, but before I mention his attack points, I'm going to use The Puppet Magic of Dark Ruler! This card allows me to select one monster from my graveyard, tribute enough monsters on the field whose total level equals the level of my selected monster, so I can special summon it to the field. In this case, I choose the second monster you destroyed from my hand with Card Destruction. Come forth! Invader of Darkness!” The Dark Necrofear exploded in a ball of darkness, and once it faded, the Invader of darkness stood ready for battle. (2900/2500) “And Yami increase the attack by 200!” (3100) “Now my invader! Attack the Kazejin!” This made Shadow Laugh.
“Fool, do you forget Kazejin's effect already?” He asked, cockily. Scourge then remembered.
“Withdraw the attack!!!” He bellowed, but it was too late. Invader of darkness attacked Kazejin…and won. Kazejin was destroyed as Hitomi sighed. Shadow's eyes widened.
“What happened?” He asked.
“Kazejin's effect happens only once whilst it's on the field during the duel. Meaning I can only use it if I resummon him somehow.” She said. <7500>
“Damn it! That's useless.” Shadow barked at her.
“Every powerful card has a weakness, Shadass. This is mine!” Hitomi snapped back.
“Moving on.” Scourge said, wiping his forehead. “I'll end my move here.” Shadow drew his card.
“I'll set this monster and end my move.” He said. Fiona picked up.
“I'll also set a monster and end my move.” Hitomi drew her card.
“I'll set this card down and end the turn.”
Scourge drew once again.
“I'll set this monster down and attack Shadow's face down!!” He said. The Invader charged and attack the face down, destroying Spear Dragon. “That ends my move.” Shadow picked up.
“I'll summon Mirage Dragon to the field, and attack Fiona's left face down monster.” Shadow said. The Mirage Dragon rose (1600/600) and attacked, destroying Amazoness Blowpiper. “That ends my move.” Fiona picked up.
“You're quiet Fiona.” Hitomi said, slyly.
“Thinking up a strategy.” She said.
“A strategy? All you keep doing it putting face downs!” Scourge yelled at her. “At least I'm doing most of the work!”
“I'm not the one who will be destroyed if I attack the Suijin!” Fiona yelled back.
“What do you mean?” He yelled in question.
“Kazejin, Sanga of the Thunder and Suijin are rumoured to share something in common! I reckon it's the effect!” The two continued to bicker as Shadow peered over to Hitomi, who didn't seem bothered.
“Get on with your move or forfeit!” Hitomi yelled. Fiona sighed and looked at her hand.
“I'll set this down and end my move.” Hitomi picked up.
“I'll switch my Hero Kid from defence to attack and use Suijin to attack Fiona's face down, any will do.” She said. Suijin made its choice and destroyed the one on the right, taking out Amazoness Fighter. “That ends this turn.” Hitomi said. Scourge drew his card.
Hitomi switched her monster from defence to attack, but the attack on the kid is 300… She must have set a trap, but will scourge take the bait? Shadow thought.
That stupid girl must have another Sakuretsu Armour up…heh, well I can't miss the opportunity to dish out life points, so I'll use this.
“I'll summon Goblin Elite Attack Force.” (2200/1500) “and attack Hero Kid!” The attack force charged.
“At least our biggest threat is gone now.” Hitomi said.
“What?!” Scourge bellowed.
“I activate Widespread Ruin, taking out the monster with the highest attack on the field out.” Scourge gripped his head.
“Noooooo!!!!” He screamed out as the Invader was obliterated. The Hero Kid then was struck, and the force threw him at Hitomi, who caught him with a hit, before he exploded on her. <5600> “How dare you!! Fine! I'll flip summon my second Brain Jacker and equip him to Suijin!” And again, the Brain Jacker popped from the shadows onto Suijin, who tried to resist, but was taken under control. “Usually I'd have him attack you! But since I'm in a REALLY foul mood and the fact my battle phase is over, I'll come up with something worse! I'll tribute it and my Elite attack force using my SECOND Puppet Magic of Dark Ruler!” Scourge said. Man, was he pissed. “With that Return my Invader of Darkness!!!” And the Invader rose once more as the two monsters were obliterated. (3100/2700) “This ends my move.” Scourge was now grinning evily. Shadow drew his card.
“I'll set this down and end my turn.”
“This is bad, guys. Hitomi is completely wide open, and Shadow only has Marage Dragon up.” Amy said.
“I hope big sis will be okay.” Hermana said worriedly.
“Don't worry, Shad may be a bit cold hearted on the outside, on the inside, he'd never let anything happen to Hitomi, even if he says he doesn't trust her.” Sonic reassured her. “She's in good hands, and Shadow is a very good duellist.”
“I hope you're right.”
With that, the duel continues………
Oooohhhh…my first cliffhanger of the story. (bout time) Well, enjoy this for the moment, I'll update shortly.